Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 467 - Ferocious Lair

Except for the chaotic spirit that was initially tested, the pet was heavier and the other four were lighter. After being subdued by Ling Xiao, they took Ling Xiao to the nest in turn, and the others were taken to Lingzang Palace by Ling Xiao. Inner rest recovered his injuries.

Three days later, Ling Xiao quietly came to a chaotic continent with the cover of chaotic spirit pets. The area was only a few thousand square kilometers, but tens of thousands of chaotic beasts were distributed in the surrounding chaotic space.

On the Chaos Continent, there are thousands of chaotic beasts, and all of them are more powerful chaotic beasts. There are three demigod realm beasts sensed by Ling Xiao, and the number of beasts at the level of the peak emperor. Ten, thousands of beasts of senior emperor level.

“Damn, you can’t expose your feet, otherwise I may not even have bones.” Ling Xiao sensed the spirit of the fierce beast on the Chaos Continent, and released all five subdued Chaos Spirit pets, letting the other four surround Around the ride, prevent other chaotic beasts from approaching you.

Fortunately, he understood the rules of chaos. The surrounding chaotic energy was as comfortable as amniotic fluid for him, and his breath did not leak. Under the cover of a group of spiritual pets, he quietly came to a mountain west of the chaotic continent. .

The three chaos beasts that Ling Xiao sensed were distributed in the east, south and north of the mainland, so he chose to come to the west to prepare for a temporary stop here.

Ling Xiao let a group of chaotic spirits drove away other chaotic beasts around. A few fierce chaotic beasts were unwilling to leave, and were killed by a group of spirits.

“I don’t know how long this chaotic continent has existed. There are so many chaotic materials on it, and there are many chaotic magic drugs and chaotic **** crystals. If they are all stolen, then I will be rich.”

When landing on the Chaos Continent, Ling Xiao was shocked after sensing the situation within a thousand miles of the surrounding area, but for the Chaos beasts, those Chaos magic drugs are their food, so the number is not much.

However, Chaos Divine Material and Divine Crystal are useless to them, so the Chaos Continent is almost everywhere, and many are directly exposed on the ground, which excites him.

“For the time being, retreat here, use the chaotic beast corpse, chaotic magic medicine, and chaotic **** crystal here to upgrade to cultivation first, and at the same time mourn the chaotic magic material to upgrade several magic items, at least to break through to the senior emperor and then go out.”

Immediately, Ling Xiao made up his mind to stay first. It is unrealistic for other powerful gods to want to live on this chaotic continent for a period of time, but Ling Xiao can, because he understands the rules of chaos.

As for the return to the newspaper, after Ling Xiao settled down, he sent a chaotic spirit pet to go out and let it go to the chaotic crack to wait for the emergence of the strong human race.

Before being subdued by Ling Xiao, the consciousness of those chaotic beasts was chaotic, and there was no higher wisdom, but after obtaining the purple energy in Zizhu, they all recovered their consciousness and possessed not low wisdom.

Half a month later, the chaotic spirit pet sent out by Ling Xiao returned, and it met Zhang Cheng, who entered the chaotic crack, and handed him the jade slip of Ling Xiao, which had the location of this chaotic continent. There is also information on the number and scale of the chaotic beasts. Finally, Ling Xiao said that he would practice in the chaotic beasts’ nest for a while before returning.

However, after spending some time on the Chaos Continent, Ling Xiao found that the Chaos Continent was moving slowly, moving away from the chaotic crack, but he didn’t care.

Ling Xiao let several chaotic spirits go out from time to time to collect various chaotic materials, magic medicines and **** crystals, and he opened a training place in the mountain, not only to practice himself, but also the original eleven Venerable spirits are summoned to practice.

The original spirit pets are already close to the chaotic spirit beasts, and they can basically adapt to the living environment on the chaotic continent, but Ling Xiao did not let them leave the mountain, but hide and practice inside the mountain.

Time slowly passed, and soon after ten years, Ling Xiao’s cultivation practice finally broke through to the level of the senior emperor, and the Dantian world inside turned into a chaotic world, with an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers.

At this time, Ling Xiao’s flesh also transformed into a chaotic body. The flesh and Shennian reached the semi-god realm at the same time, allowing his comprehensive combat power to reach the level of primary **** realm. In addition, the wind thunder sword was first promoted to the chaos artifact, so that he could Keep junior divine power for dozens of breaths.

“Okay, not only has your cultivation strength improved, but also eleven spirit pets have all evolved into chaotic spirit beasts, all reaching the peak emperor level, and all of them have semi-god level strength.”

Later, Ling Xiao let the chaotic spirits of the sixteen peak emperor realms form two gossip arrays, and they can also be combined to form positive and negative gossip arrays, which possess the power of elementary divine realm.

Moreover, the spiritual pets of the five chaotic beasts that were subdued later, after the injury was restored, the cultivation practice has made rapid progress. Now it is not far from the demigod realm, and it is expected to have five demigod realms in the near future. Chaos Spirit Pet.

“Although I already have a junior divine power, I can’t protect myself. If I meet a mid-level or higher divine power, there is still no hope of escape, so I still need to stay in the chaotic battlefield.” Soon, but Ling Xiao was not excited, but thought calmly.

Today, the various chaotic materials, magic medicines and **** crystals on the west side of the chaotic continent have been collected by Ling Xiao, but the chaos leader of the chaotic beasts in the other three directions has a semi-god realm.

However, after Ling Xiaoxiu’s strength has been improved, coupled with a group of chaotic spirit pets, it may be considered to go deep into the other three areas to collect some chaotic treasures.

“I’m going to lead the guy in the north, you quickly go to collect the chaotic treasure on its site.” Ling Xiao directly spread the wind and thunder wings and rushed into a valley to the north. The wind thunder sword made a roaring sound and slashed the sword into the valley. That chaotic beast.


In the huge roar, a golden light rose into the sky, which came out of the eye of the chaotic beast, and even wore a chaotic space directly, rolling up the huge chaotic energy and rushing to Ling Xiao.


Immediately, the chaotic beasts in the valley gave a roaring roar, a huge body rushed out of the valley like a hill, and rushed towards Ling Xiao’s position. There was a sacred breath in his body, making the surrounding chaotic space all Shivering.

“I rely on, it really is a metamorphosis with divine power, this momentum is not weaker than Zhang Cheng’s Great God.” Ling Xiao was awe-inspiring, and immediately fled to the distance, Feng Leiyi was about to be promoted to Chaos Artifact, so the speed Not slower than the chaotic beasts behind.


While running, Xiao Xiao did not forget to send a sword gas to the rear from time to time, making the chaotic beast angry, chasing up closely, and did not think of other aspects at all.

Just after the chaotic beast chased Ling Xiao away, a large group of chaotic spirits rushed in, like a locust crossing, sweeping away all kinds of chaotic treasures in this area, and then quickly retreated.


Ling Xiao has always been in contact with his chaotic spirit pet, and after learning that they have gained a lot, he immediately headed towards the east, directly leading the chaotic beasts in the rear to the chaotic beast territory in the east, and it really caused a roar. .

Immediately, Ling Xiao concealed his breath, while the two chaotic beasts confronted each other in midair, and then a fierce battle broke out, and gradually went over the mainland.

“A good chance, you can take the opportunity to sweep the chaotic treasures in the east area.” Ling Xiao Daxi immediately started sweeping the chaotic treasures around, and a large group of spiritual pets came quickly to help him sweep and collect various treasures.

Ling Xiao has raised so many pets, and consumes a lot of chaotic treasures every day, so he has more chaotic materials and less chaotic magic drugs and divine crystals. Fortunately, he swept two areas today. Enough to maintain for quite some time.

“Would you like to lead away the guy from the south? If you can sweep the south again, it would be perfect.” Ling Xiao looked at the direction of the south and thought secretly.

But at this moment, there was a roar outside the Chaos Continent, a powerful and terrifying breath swept across the Chaos Continent, and even a powerful human race **** realm arrived.


Immediately, the two chaotic beasts that were fighting outside the chaotic continent, and the chaotic beast of the demigod realm to the south, roared at the same time, and then rushed from different directions.

“This is the breath of Great God Zhang Cheng. How could he come here?” Ling Xiao hurried to the south, thinking while hiding his breath.


At this time, fierce fighting broke out outside the Chaos Continent. Zhang Cheng was besieged by three Chaos beasts and fought against them in the Chaos space.

Ling Xiao was quiet and rushed to the south with a large group of chaotic spirit pets. At this time, a large number of chaotic beasts on the chaotic continent were alarmed. It happened to cover their movements.

“Hurry up and sweep the chaotic treasures in the southern area first, and then leave this place.” Ling Xiao quietly notified all spirit pets, and then began to sweep the chaotic treasures in the southern area.


The entire chaotic continent is shaking. The aftermath of the battle of the four powerful gods has caused the chaotic energy in the surrounding thousands of miles to roll over, and Ling Xiao found that the great **** Zhang Cheng is already the pinnacle of the primary **** realm. The person.


The great **** Zhang Cheng alone fights the chaotic beasts of the three semi-god realms. Every time the chaotic beasts have the strength of the primary divine realm, so the battle is difficult to solve, and it is dim and dark, making the entire chaotic continent constantly shaking, attracting a large group of fierce on the chaotic continent The beasts flew out one after another.

Ling Xiao took the opportunity to sweep the chaotic treasures in the southern area with a group of spirit pets, and then put away 15 spirit pets, leaving the fastest one, hiding in its huge body, and quickly heading out of the chaotic continent .

After leaving the Chaos Continent, Ling Xiao deliberately leaked some of his own breath, which suddenly caused the chaotic beasts in the surrounding thousands of miles to roar, and Zhang Cheng Great God naturally sensed it.

But Ling Xiao’s breath was only exposed for an instant, and then he converged, allowing Ling Chong to quickly go away. He did not go in the direction of the crack, but continued to move toward the depths of chaotic space.

A large group of chaotic beasts searched around Ling Xiao’s exposed position for a long time, but did not find it, and then slowly dispersed, and after sensing the breath of Ling Xiao, Great God Zhang Cheng also quickly got rid of the three half gods. The battle of the beast chased up in the direction of Ling Xiao’s departure.


As long as the three half-gods beasts returned to the Chaos Continent, they found that all the Chaos magic materials, magic medicines, and Divine Crystals on their site had disappeared, and they all burst into roar and spread far into the chaotic space.

Ling Xiao found that the deeper the chaotic space is, the stronger the chaotic energy is, and the more severe the suppression of Shennian, even if he is not weaker than the primary **** realm peak strongman, the scanning range is gradually reduced to Five hundred miles.

And four hundred miles behind him, Great God Zhang Cheng was able to catch up slowly at the beginning, but the more he chased, the more he deviated from the direction. Ling Xiao didn’t know why he was chasing himself, so he didn’t talk to him. Meet.

However, he sent a chaotic spirit pet to the crack location of the human race chaos battlefield, to convey his message, and at the same time to inquire about some human race information, he has not yet fully believed in Zhang Cheng.

In the chaotic space, not only there is no direction and no reference, but there is nothing else except chaotic energy around, and only occasionally encounter some chaotic beasts.

However, the deeper into the chaotic space, the more chance to find some chaotic treasures, all kinds of chaotic materials, magic medicines and **** crystals have been found, which made Ling Xiao overjoyed.

While riding on the spirit pet, he continued to practice, and continued to improve the remaining three chaotic semi-artifacts, and the cultivation of the chaotic spirit pet to strength, at least have a certain self-protection ability~www.mtlnovel.com ~ Ling Xiao will return to the chaotic battlefield.

After more than 100,000 kilometers of chaotic space in the depths, Ling Xiao discovered another chaotic continent, which is larger than the previous chaotic continent. There are tens of thousands of various chaotic beasts living on it, and there is more breath of terror in the core of the continent. ‘S chaotic fierce beast preoccupied, he guessed that it must be a real **** beast.

Ling Xiao ordered Ling Chong to enter the Chaos Continent, stopped at the edge of the safest edge in the induction, occupied the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles, and began to retreat in silence, while other Chaos Chong Chongs came out in activities.

Half a month later, the Chaos Spirit Pet sent by Ling Xiao also returned safely, and the Spirit Pet he sent to monitor outside the Chaos Continent did not find the tracked Ten Thousand Clan Powerhouses, so he was relieved.

On this chaotic continent, there are more chaotic materials, magic medicines, and divine crystals. Ling Xiao only occasionally sent Ling Chong out to collect some. The number of various chaotic treasures collected in the past year is no less than his previous Obtained by sweeping the mainland.

Of course, after a year of consumption, Ling Xiao and the 16 spiritual pets also used a considerable part, and finally conquered the five chaotic fierce beasts, all of them were raised to the semi-divine state, and other spiritual pets also have their own. Promote.

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