Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 54 - Top secret information

   “Well, the bright people don’t tell secret words, these fruits are good for practice, you give it to me, we won’t say anything else.” The middle-aged warrior snorted coldly.

  Ling Weiyuan knew that the other party was greedy for these wild fruits, but he was unwilling to let him surrender all the wild fruits in this way, so he smiled and asked, “What do you mean, brother?”

   “Huh, you two are only level 4 warriors, what qualifications do you want to fight with me. I have all these fruits, do you have any opinions?” The other side said with a strong attitude.

   “Oh, our couple has no opinion, but our companions will certainly have an opinion.” Ling Weiyuan said with no concession.

   “Hahaha, there are no other people around this valley at all. What kind of companions are just your excuses. Now I want to order these fruits, you must leave.” The middle-aged warrior laughed and walked over.

  However, Ling Weiyuan and his wife did not retreat at all, but stood on the left and right sides of those pockets without saying anything, but proved by action that they would not give in.

   “Since you don’t know what to do, then I will make you convinced.” The other party sneered and suddenly flashed forward, attacking the decorative Weiyuan couple.

   It was just that, to the surprise, Ling Weiyuan and his wife simultaneously evaded his attack and counterattacked from the left and right sides, and their footwork was very delicate.

   So, for a time, Ling Weiyuan and his wife cooperated with each other, and even competed with the 7th-level warrior, making the other side depressed. They thought they could easily clean up the two weak people, but they did not expect that they could not win each other.

At this moment, Ling Xiao waved a torch and quickly rushed out of a crack in the ground. Numerous bats around him rushed up. Many were squeaked by the torch sweep, and many bats were shocked by Ling Xiao’s hand. Fly over.

   Soon, the light appeared in front, and the exit of the underground fissure was in front of me. Ling Xiao screamed and rushed past with lightning, leaping out of the fissure.


   However, behind him, there was still a group of bats chasing out of the cracks in the ground, hula la chasing, Ling Xiao quickly rushed forward, and soon found that the anomaly in front, even a warrior was fighting with his parents.


   Ling Xiao was furious, and made a roar that frightened the warrior. Then he jumped out of the battle group and looked over. He saw a figure flying quickly, followed by a mass of black pressure.

   “Who is he?” The man asked Ling Weiyuan subconsciously, he could feel the strength of the other party.

   “That’s my son.” Ling Weiyuan said proudly, and the man was stunned.

However, at this moment, Ling Xiao had rushed to his eyes, attacking the man without saying a word, scaring the man to retreat while resisting, but was he an opponent of Ling Xiao, and was instantly blown away by Ling Xiao, Fly upside down five or six meters, and a breath of blood spewed out in the air.

Ling Xiao didn’t spare him, and the figure chased past as soon as the figure flashed, and the bats also followed the past. The man screamed, and Ling Xiao was kicked off several ribs with one foot, and then was killed by a group of bats. Throw past to attack.

There are parents in front of him, Ling Xiao is not ready to kill, but he will never let go of those who attack his parents, so he has already hit the man hard, and then took the opportunity of the bat pounced on the man to return to his parents With the wild fruits, the family rushed towards the upper valley.

  After the earthquake, the cliff that was originally a waterfall had collapsed, so the originally difficult road became easier. The family stepped on some rocks and quickly returned to the valley below the tiankeng.

   After that, they did not stop and returned directly to the ground, rented a car nearby, went straight to WL County, then boarded the high-speed rail, and returned directly to Hanhai City that night.

   came back home at three o’clock in the morning. Everyone relaxed and rested without practice, but Ling Xiao got up again and started running early the next morning.

Today is February 15th, and the school will start tomorrow, so Ling Xiao can arrange free time. After breakfast, he sent ten pounds of wild fruit to Mrs. Ling and checked the progress of Ling Yuer’s training. , And found that her practice speed was not slow.

   In the evening, Ling Xiao began to pay attention to the relevant information of the breakthrough to the martial arts master. He spent some battles on the martial arts practice website to query various relevant information to prepare for his breakthrough to the martial arts master.

   After all, he is only a personal practice, no master guide, no one to guide, everything depends on the martial arts training net, so he must first understand everything before he seeks a breakthrough.

“Breakthrough the secret message of the master of martial arts.” Soon, he searched for a piece of information, but it took 1,000 battles to read it, and many people left a message to satirize this landlord. Few people believed it~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ling Xiao After thinking about it for a thousand battles, I opened this article and found out that it contained a big secret, that is, something about God’s thoughts.

Originally, the warrior could only awaken the mind when he broke through to the martial venerable master, but if he cooperated with the awakening potion, he could awaken the mind when he was the master of the martial arts, thus becoming the supreme strongman of the guru realm. Shennian will also be exceptionally powerful, and can also become a supreme powerhouse.

   “This is the so-called step by step, step by step.” Ling Xiao nodded, and then began to inquire about things about Shennian. Since there was such an opportunity, he didn’t want to miss it.

Inadvertently, Ling Xiao discovered a method of practicing the mind, called neuropathy, which reminded him of the golden account strong man called neuropathy, and then at a glance, this method was actually created by neuropathy and needed Only 50,000 military credits can be exchanged.

“At the beginning, the neuropathy once made me practice the basic martial arts to perfection, saying that there will be a miracle, and then you can find him or something, maybe his spiritual practice is good?” Ling Xiao is not sure, But he dared to take risks, so he spent 50,000 battles to change his nerves.

   However, what is still lacking is the awakening agent. Ling Xiao has studied it for more than ten times, but he has not succeeded, so he put the next important work on studying the awakening agent.

  After starting school, Ling Xiao’s life returned to normal again. He paid special attention to the news. During the Spring Festival, the public order in Hanhai City was normal, and there were no vicious events.

   But Ling Xiao knew that there was still a dark force in Hanhai City. They were the people behind the trade with those gangsters. Maybe they had converged because of the martial law during the Spring Festival.

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