Gate of God

Chapter 209-211

Chapter 209: Rising Sword and Shattered Rock


Nobody could guess.

However, the truth revealed itself.

Fang Zhengzhi channeled all his energy into this plunge. In addition to the fact that Mountain Waterfall Cascade was a technique with very high penetrating power, all the power was concentrated at the tip of the spear, which happened to be at the same spot at which the True Blood of the Blazing Qilin Spear was located.

This jab seemed very ordinary. However, its true power was extraordinary.

However, Ying Shan defended against it with a fake. Then, the results of what happened next could be predicted.

In an instant, the illusion was pierced through, turning into bits of black light. After which, the posture of the Blazing Qilin Spear remained the same, plunging directly towards Ying Shan while bringing along a spot of golden light.


The spear contacted with the blade.

The blazing Qilin Spear’s bizzare technique at this moment was executed brilliantly. Upon contact, Ying Shan instantly felt trouble. Because, Fang Zhengzhi’s strange technique, which he thought was a fake, was a real one.

A intensely sharp and oppressive air channeled itself from the tip of the Blazing Qilin Spear into the blade in Ying Shan’s hand.

Leaving a hole with the size of a speartip in the jet-black blade.

This wasn’t over yet. Because, at this moment, Yan Xiu’s cut had arrived. Asura embodied killing. Even though it was a righteous Dao, the air of killing definitely inspired reverence.

After Ying Shan’s blade was penetrated by the Blazing Qilin Spear, it was already a little futile to block off Yan Xiu’s Asura Cut.

As the saying went, a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow. During a battle, a single mistake and the loss of a key moment would cause one to be defeated. That was the meaning behind this.

However, Ying San was still Ying Shan.

The Vice Domain Chief of the Ten Devilish Domains. His vast combat experience and decisiveness at key moments were definitely not something any average person could compare to.

After losing a move, he changed from advancement to retreat. At the same time, the blade in his hand slashed upwards. That was one of the hardest techniques to master for the blade, with the intent of the technique Water Cutting Blade.

Water Cutting Blade. Even water could be cut. The speed, agility and deadliness of the blade was evident.


The second clash rang out once again.

Right at the moment this sound rang out, Ying Shan vanished.

His body had completely immersed into the shadow territory.

Not only could the blade be shadowless. Ying Shan himself could turn shadowless as well.

However, immersing into the shadow territory during a battle meant that the injury suffered by Ying Shan during the clash caused him to have no choice but to hide.

This outcome undoubtedly caused great shock to the surrounding examinees.

They really couldn’t understand how did this nonsensical technique injure Ying Shan once again?

Then, they thought of something which Fang Zhengzhi had previously said.

“When you meet with a problem, you must face it head-on!”

At that moment, almost everybody believed that Fang Zhengzhi had said this grudgingly. It was only a form of reassuring himself after falling into impasse.

However, the facts were that once Fang Zhengzhi faced it head-on, Ying Shan was defeated.

A very strange defeat.

Fang Zhengzhi actually had the advantage in a head-on combat?

The examinees couldn’t understand the meaning behind this. Ying Shan himself couldn’t understand it as well. He really couldn’t understand, why was Fang Zhengzhi’s technique not a fake?

Don’t tell me he really doesn’t know spear technique?!


Ying Shan really didn’t want to admit this. This was due to his experience, as well as his self-respect and self-confidence. He didn’t believe that his judgement would be incorrect. At the very least, he wouldn’t go against the judgement of his many years of experience due to one failure alone.

However, his blade had already been damaged. Even though it wasn’t broken, the initially advantageous situation he used to have had now suffered a sudden, devastating decline.

Another combat?

That was something only an idiot would do.

Moreover, on the rock, NAngong Mu’s sword had already landed once again.

The third chain had been sliced into two by the Green and Blue Dual Blade.


The cry of the sword was like that of a dragon. The golden glow expanded greatly and the rock seemed to be on the verge of exploding. It was as if the sword was struggling to release itself from the rock by itself.

The surrounding examinees looked at the scene unfolding before them.

Each of them revealed a delighted expression. It was as if they had seen a tiny glow of light in the pitch-black darkness. That, was the hope of life. How could it not bring delight?

Yan Xiu held the Mountain and River, Heaven and Earth Fan in his hand with a calm expression. He stood under the rock and guarded it tightly.

On the other hand, Fang Zhengzhi felt somewhat flabbergasted.

He was astonished as to why would Ying Shan’s power be so weak? What happened to Supernatural?

Before engaging with Ying Shan, he had even prepared to suffer injuries. However, why did Ying Shan escape so quickly after just one contact?

Or, could it be said that I am really a talent? The technique I created at the last minute had actually brought out three hundred percent of the power of the Blazing Qilin Spear?

Fang Zhengzhi was a little confused. However, all along, he wasn’t someone who advanced prematurely.

After winning a move, it was better to stand guard below the rock.

As long as Nangong Mu broke off the four chains, the World of the Sage would return to the control of the Imperial Academy once again. When a few imperial messengers or similar people arrive, the rest of this wouldn’t be much of his problem anymore.


Was always the utmost priority.

That was similar to the value that Fang Zhengzhi scrupulously abided by all along. He had always despised things such as challenging higher levels, leveling up during times of great danger and enlightenment while at the doors of death.

Not too long ago, he had just gained enlightenment about the territory of the Heavenly Reflection State. As to the feeling of pacing around the doors of death in the Supernatural State, he didn’t even have the slightest bit of knowledge. Charging in to fight just like that?

That was undoubtedly an act of suicide.

Within the shadow territory, Ying Shan’s figure danced around. However, no matter how he danced, Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu continued to remain unmoving under the rock.

Without the slightest bit of hurry and worry.

This way, Ying Shan became worried.

Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu could afford to wait slowly. However, he couldn’t.

He needed to prevent Nangong Mu from pulling out the sword as fast as possible. However, under current circumstances, the probability of charging up the rock before Nangong Mu broke off the fourth chain wasn’t too great.

Hence, he had to change his strategy.

Ying Shan’s eyes narrowed slightly. In an instant, he spotted Ping Yang.

Ping Yang was standing by the side, pouting her mouth. She was bored stiff and was in a bad mood. Her clear eyes were fixated on Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu, and even seemed to be saying something with her mouth.

Ying Shan’s eyes lit up.

However, they quickly darkened again. Because, he saw the Red Flame Flower Armor on Ping Yang’s body.

Hence, he could only shift his gaze away with great difficulty onto those heavily injured examinees that lay on the ground.

In an instant, his eyes lit up with the brightest possible glow.

The examinees on the ground might not match up to Nangong Mu of the Heavenly Reflection Peak State, nor could they match up to the crafty and shameless Fang Zhengzhi, nor the heavily gifted Yan Xiu.

However, to be able to enter the third round of the Imperial Combat Examination, which of them wasn’t the creme of the human race?

Most importantly, all of these people were heavily injured. Any blow could take their life easy. This way, what was the point of giving up something so easy to attain for something much harder?

When he thought of this, the edges of Ying Shan’s mouth curved into a slight smile.

Hence, the shadow territory slowly expanded. His body had also gradually broken out from the shadow territory. This was something very natural. A condensed territory could concentrate its powers, causing it to become as dense as ink. As it widened, it naturally couldn’t maintain its shadowless state.

In an instant, everybody’s gaze was fixated on Ying Shan.

They were all guessing that this would be the Ten Devilish Domains vice domain chief’s last struggle. Hence, it would be impossible for Fang Zhengzhi to become as lucky as before.

Would Fang Zhengzhi die?

This thought flashed across their mind, bringing along a few dilemmas.

In the end, they all reached one conclusion.

If Fang Zhengzhi’s death could exchange for the reopening of the World of the Sage, saving them from the abyss of suffering, then, that was worth the death.

For an ordinary mountain villager.

Wasn’t this the greatest honour and glory one could attain? His name would be forever recorded in the books of the Imperial Academy, and remembered by future participants of the Imperial Examination.

How great was that!

Among them, the majority were descendents of nobles. Ever since birth, they were treated highly and with nobility. The death of an ordinary villager could exchange for their lives. How great was that?

As they thought, their faces were filled with calm. Or, it could be said, it was peacefulness.


This peaceful expression didn’t last for very long. Because, they all felt as if there was something very hard, and somewhat cold, near their necks.

As such, all the examinees instinctively lowered their heads.

As they looked down, the peaceful looks on the faces of the examinees finally couldn’t be maintained anymore. Instead, it turned into absolute horror.


Dozens of swords floating in mid-air.

This was a horrifying scene. Even more horrifying was that these swords floated frightfully close to their necks. The slightest movement was sufficient for blood to be drawn.

These swords were naturally the swords on the ground. However, these swords were controlled by black shadows that reached out from beneath the ground.

Around the hilt of each sword wrapped a black shadow.

They were just like hands.

“Ah!” A blood-curdling cry rang out. An examinee grabbed his neck with both hands as his eyes widened and rolled about. His mouth was wide open. He wanted to breathe, but that felt like something that was absolutely impossible.


The examinee’s head tilted to one side, and crashed to the ground. Bright red blood flowed out from the chink between his fingers, dripping on and staining the rock-filled ground.

Very powerless, and very helpless.

When the examinees each witnessed this scene, they had no way of concealing the terror in their eyes anymore.


“Don’t kill me!”

“I still have a great future ahead, Vice … Vice Domain Chief Ying Shan, please don’t kill me!”

Even though begging to be spared in front of the demon race wasn’t a very glorifying thing for humans, there were still many among them who had never entered the battlefield.

They hadn’t yet passed the imperial examination, and hadn’t yet served their country.

Hence, in the true face of death, the human attribute of horror naturally greatly surpassed their rationality.

“Why are you all making noise! Ying Shan’s actions are naturally meant to threaten them with our lives. Don’t tell me you want to be a burden to them?” A voice rang out among the clamorous and horrified shouts.

It was Xing Qingsui.

The “them” Xing Qingsui referred to was naturally Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu and Nangong Mu.

There was also a sword that pressed against his neck. He was powerless to defend against this.

However, he didn’t cry out. Ever since that sword pressed against his neck, he didn’t make a single sound. Only until cries of horror sounded out from around him was he finally enraged enough to speak.

The gazes of the examinees instantly focused onto Xing Qingsui.

They really wanted to say something. However, when they had clearly seen the sword at Xing Qingsui’s neck, they forcefully swallowed back the words that reached their mouths.

As the direct descendant of the Stablisation Constabulary, he grew up in the battlefield ever since young. What he saw was blood, what he drank was rain. As they charged and broke through enemy lines, since when was there even a single time they didn’t discard their notion of life and death?

This was the Stabilisation Constabulary. The head of the thirteen constabularies, the Stabilisation Constabulary!

“Well said! Today, I will meet death together with Young Master Xing!” Another voice sounded out at this moment.

“I am willing to die as well!” A third voice closely followed.

Very unfortunately, there wasn’t a fourth. Because, not everybody was able to see past life and death like Xing Qingsui did. Even though at a certain moment, one or two certain people burned with righteousness, it was always impossible for everybody to be the same.

“I don’t want to die!”

“I don’t want to die either…”


A third cry sounded out. The person who fell was the exact same examinee who shouted “I don’t want to die”. This caused his eyes to be filled with disbelief.

He was clearly begging for forgiveness, yet, Xing Qingsui and the rest were begging to die.

Why was he the second person to die?

He couldn’t understand, and didn’t have time to try and understand. Because, his mind had already blurred, and his body and turned powerless…

This sudden turn in events instantly caused the rest of the examinees who were preparing to beg for mercy to close their mouths shut.

Each of them stared with their eyes wide open at Ying Shan.


A clear sound rang out in the quiet space. Nangon Mu’s sword had finally landed on the fourth chain. This time, he had used every bit of energy he had. Blood spurted out wildly from his chest.

However, the chain broke with one slash.

“Boom boom boom!”

An immensely powerful tremor spread out from the rock as lines of cracks began to form on the rock, covering the entire rock like a huge spider web.

Nangong Mu’s looked at the rock beneath his feet with a calm expression in his eyes.

The entire time, he only focused on doing what he was tasked to do. No matter what happened below, no matter whether Fang Zhengzhi won or lost.

Even if blood-curdling cries rang out, even if he could clearly hear cries of mercy.

He only focused on what he was supposed to do.

There wasn’t the slightest bit of hesitation, nor the slightest bit of pause.

It was somewhat apathetic.

However, it embodied a determined perseverance.

The cracks of the rock widened even greater. There was even a faint glow that seemed to be about to explode from within the rock. If it was not too long ago, this scene.

Was undoubtedly a moment filled with hope and survival.

However, after a sword placed itself beside the neck, the mood and attitude of one looking at this scene would evidently change.

The World of the Sage was out of control.

There was still some value to their existence.

However, once the World of the Sage was reopened, the imperial messengers of the Imperial Academy would charge into the world. When that time came, nobody knew whether Ying Shan, forced into an impasse, would take a risk out of desperation and kill them all in one move.


Finally, the rock completely shattered. A beam of golden light rushed out from the rock towards the sky, turning into a golden light pillar that connected with the sky.

Chapter 210: Real Versus Fake


At this moment, the only thing left in the World of the Sage was a patch of golden light.

There was no more darkness. The golden light lighted up the entire ground, illuminating the sword-filled ground, as well as people’s eyes.

However, everybody’s mood and thoughts were completely different.

Nangong Mu stood beside the light pillar, his eyes tightly fixated onto the sword that radiated with a golden light.

Xing Qingsui’s gaze was filled with a preparedness for death. From the moment the golden light glowed up, the only thing on his mind was that his death was finally worth it.

Ping Yang’s eyes on the other hand was filled with an intense joy. She gripped her two fists tightly in an emotionally moved manner.

Ying Shan looked at the golden light with a somewhat cold look in his eyes. His expression seemed somewhat malevolent. However, he didn’t rush towards the golden light immediately. Instead, he stood still on the spot.

As for Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu, they, on the other hand, were fixated upon Ying Shan, as if they had completely missed the golden light.

The expressions of the other examinees at this moment also became immensely complicated. Some were happy, some were devastated. Some cried, while some stood stunned.

Finally, the golden light dissipated.

The entire World of the Sage returned back to its initial calm.

The only thing left was a sword. A sword impaled into the ground that glowed with a faint golden light. The body of the sword shuddered slightly, and the low cry of a dragon seemed to emerge from the blade of the sword.

“Pull the sword!” Xing Qingsui’s voice rang out at this moment.

However, Nangong Mu didn’t move.

He only gazed silently at that sword, standing completely still on the exact same spot. He seemed to be waiting, and also seemed to be admiring. Nobody knew what he was thinking.

But, he indeed didn’t move.

Surprisingly, Ying Shan didn’t move as well.

A strange calmness settled over the entire place. Time, on the other hand, continued to flow by.

Nobody knew how long had passed before Nangong Mu finally moved. He didn’t pull out the sword. Instead, he slowly turned around and looked at Fang Zhengzhi, who was standing not too far away. He seemed to be asking something.

At this moment, Ying Shan also looked towards Fang Zhengzhi. His eyes seemed to be waiting for something.

Fang Zhengzhi could feel the gaze coming from the two of them. He obviously knew the meaning behind Nangong Mu and Yingshan’s gaze.

Now, the seal of the sword had been broken.

However, what was unexpected was that the examinees in the World of the Sage didn’t disappear immediately. Then, that also meant that the World of the Sage was still out of control.

The reason Nangong Mu persisted in slashing open the sealing chains was naturally to reopen the World of the Sage. As long as the World of the Sage was under control, those swords held against the examinees’ necks wouldn’t pose a danger anymore.

However, reality was that those swords were still against the necks of the examinees.

The examinees, on the other hand, were still lying on their exact same spots.

Then, the moment Nangong Mu pulled out the sword would be the moment Xing Qingsui and the rest of the examinees perished.

Nangong Mu didn’t pull out the sword.

Ying Shan could continue to wait indefinitely.

Fang Zhengzhi definitely could choose to wait as well. However, no matter how long they waited, there was always a limit.

The scene in front of him was undoubtedly a stalemate. Nangong Mu and Ying Shan, on the other hand, had tossed the key to resolving this stalemate to Fang Zhengzhi at the same time. It seemed somewhat unthinkable.

However, both Nangong Mu and Ying Shan didn’t think that there was any problem with this decision.

At this moment, the other examinees had also finally understood the intentions of Nangong Mu and Ying Shan. However, the feeling of having their fates held in Fang Zhengzhi’s hands was definitely not a very good one.

“Pull out the sword!” Xing Qingsui’s hurried voice rang out again. There was a trace of resolution in his voice. Of course, he knew what everybody was waiting for. However, in his mind.

There was only one way, forward.

Then, he would naturally pin his last hopes on pulling out the sword.

Fang Zhengzhi twitched his mouth. He actually didn’t really like making such a decision. Because, this required quite a lot of brain cells. However, he had no other choice.

After all, not only did this choice determine the life and death of the few examinees, it similarly also determined the life and death of himself, Yan Xiu and the rest.

It seemed as if pulling out the sword wasn’t related to Fang Zhengzhi’s life at all. What was reality like?

Now, the last hope of reopening the World of the Sage was pulling out the sword. However, who dared to say for sure that once the sword was pulled out…

The World of the Sage would definitely reopen?

The sword was impaled into the ground. That was a bargaining chip. However, once the sword was pulled out, this represented that the last bargaining chip would be used up. Success and failure depended on this one move.

Nangong Mu had thought of this. Ying Shan had also thought of this.

Hence, the two of them didn’t move.

“If I add this sword to the Blazing Qilin Spear, I wonder whether they can defeat you?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at the sword and finally spoke.

“Maybe.” Ying Shan didn’t deny nor confirm.

“If I ask you to let them all go, is there a possibility?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at the surrounding examinees. He didn’t really like these people. However, at the very least, at this moment, he was in the same camp as these people. Or, it could be said, they were of the same race.

“There is.”

“Then, what are the terms of this exchange?”

“A sword.”

“So, I’ll have to pull out the sword first. Is that right?”

“There is no need.”

“Looks like you don’t wish for this sword to be pulled out?”

“Of course.”

“However, if the sword isn’t pulled out, how can we guarantee our lives?” Fang Zhengzhi tossed the problem over to Ying Shan.

“This is your problem.”

“You are really naive. Do you really think I care about their lives and deaths?” As he spoke, Fang Zhengzhi walked towards the sword impaled on the ground.

Step by step, Fang Zhengzhi neared the sword.

Ying Shan didn’t speak, neither did he move. However, the other examinees on the other hand were on the verge of tears. Because, they could clearly feel that as Fang Zhengzhi neared the sword, the swords on their necks turned a little bit colder.

Nangong Mu looked at Fang Zhengzhi. His expression was calm. All along, he didn’t speak.

Fang Zhengzhi walked up to the sword.

Then, his hand grabbed onto the hilt of the sword.

Every movement he made was completely without hesitation. It was as if he was grabbing a very ordinary sword. He didn’t even bother to take a single glance at the surrounding examinees.

This caused a sense of despair to fill the hearts of the surrounding examinees.

Only Xing Qingsui’s gaze seemed extremely calm, as if in approval of Fang Zhengzhi’s actions.

Fang Zhengzhi’s hand held onto the sword hilt.

He could clearly feel the intricacies of the carvings into the sword hilt. Moreover, he could even feel the tremendous power that this sword contained within. That, was power as dazzling as the sun.

At this moment, Yan Xiu had also walked to Fang Zhengzhi’s side. He looked at Fang Zhengzhi’s movements and remained silent.

On the other hand, Ping Yang pouted her tiny mouth.

“Fang Zhengzhi, are you really going to pull out the sword?” Inside her heart, Ping Yang was hoping that Fang Zhengzhi would pull out the sword without hesitation. However, as the princess of the Great Xia Dynasty, she suddenly felt that this seemed somewhat inappropriate.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t reply Ping Yang’s question. Instead, he gripped the sword in his hand tightly.

Then, he let go of his hand slowly.

“I believe this sword is fake!” Fang Zhengzhi suddenly turned around and looked at Ying Shan with an extremely serious expression on his face.

“Fake?” Ying Shan was slightly taken aback.

He had thought that Fang Zhengzhi only had two choices, either pull out the sword, or don’t. However, he never expected that Fang Zhengzhi would say such a thing at such a time.

Was the sword real or fake?

Ying Shan had no way to determine the answer to this problem.

In the entire World of the Sage, the only person who might be able to answer this question was Fang Zhengzhi alone.

Because, Fang Zhengzhi was the one who defeated the Broken Bridge, the Twin Stone Tablets and the stone house.


Could Ying Shan trust Fang Zhengzhi?

Of course not. Hence, he had no way of determining the authenticity of Fang Zhengzhi’s words.

At this moment, Nangong Mu also looked towards Fang Zhengzhi. Similarly, he didn’t know whether Fang Zhengzhi’s words were true. Fang Zhengzhi might be using this method to trick Ying Shan.

However, what trick could he employ based on the legitimacy of the sword?

When Yan Xiu heard Fang Zhengzhi’s words, a slight pondering look appeared on his face. However, he didn’t speak.

“Real or fake, you would know once you pull it out. Isn’t that right?” When Ping Yang heard Fang Zhengzhi’s words, she seemed to have suddenly understood something. Then, she suggested aloud very cooperatively.

“Since it is fake, why is there a need to pull it out?” Fang Zhengzhi shot a disdainful look towards Ping Yang. He didn’t even need to wait for Ying Shan to speak.

“You…” Ping Yang was enraged.

She felt as if she was extremely smart. She was able to instantly understand the intentions behind Fang Zhengzhi’s words, and act it out with him in such a cooperative manner. However, Fang Zhengzhi seemed to not have accepted this kindness.

This caused her to become somewhat angered.

“If you don’t pull out the sword, how do you know whether it is real or fake?” After Ying Shan heard the conversation between the two people, he finally spoke again.

“What is the reason the World of the Sage went out of control?” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t directly answer Ying Shan’s question. Instead, he asked a question back at him.

“That is naturally due to the consciousness of this sword controlling the World of the Sage. Hence, as long as one possesses this sword, he possesses the ability to control the World of the Sage.” Ying Shan replied.

Fang Zhengzhi nodded lightly. When the World of the Sage crumbled and they appeared in his sea of swords, he was naturally filled with doubt. Hence, at first, he had directed this question towards Yan Xiu.

“You are right. However, this sword has no consciousness. Hence, it is naturally a fake.” Fang Zhengzhi was very confident of his reply.

“Ha ha ha… Fang Zhengzhi, if this sword was fake, will you be so nice as to tell it to em? Don’t tell me you don’t know what this represents?” Ying Shan suddenly laughed.

Just as he said, if this sword was fake, that meant that Fang Zhengzhi had lost his last bargaining chip.

“I said just now that their lives and deaths don’t matter to me.” Fang Zhengzhi smiled lightly.

When the other examinees heard this, they glared at Fang Zhengzhi with menace in their eyes. Even if you don’t care about our lives and deaths, you don’t have to say it out like that!

That is too insulting.

However, Ying Shan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Fang Zhengzhi’s behaviour was too abnormal.

He had no choice but to doubt. If Fang Zhengzhi really didn’t care about the lives and deaths of these examinees, it would be impossible for the current situation to be as calm.

However, if Fang Zhengzhi cared about their lives.

Then, it was simply impossible for him to say something such as “the sword is fake”.

What is…

His intention?

All of a sudden, Ying Shan’s eyes lit up.

He understood.

Fang Zhengzhi was lending him a knife to kill.

First, ensure that these examinees lost all their value to him. Then, using his blade to kill off these examinees.

When that time came, he would pull out the sword and still be able to bear a righteous name.

However, if he pulled out the sword now, even if he lived, he would be hated upon by millions of people.

This was a very perfect plan.

At the same time, it meant that the sword in front of Fang Zhengzhi, was real!

If it was said that Ying Shan had been somewhat confused by Fang Zhengzhi’s words previously, now, after having understood everything, Ying Shan’s mind was as clear as snow.

“Since you claimed that the sword is fake, why would you continue to hold on to it?” Ying Shan was now very sure of himself. Hence, he obviously wouldn’t fall for Fang Zhengzhi’s trap as easily.

As long as these examinees were in his hands, Fang Zhengzhi wouldn’t pull out the sword.

“You don’t me you are willing to use their lives to exchange for this fake sword?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Ying Shan with some shock.

“I only wish for this sword not to be pulled out.” Ying Shan nodded.

“Make sure you don’t regret, this is really a fake sword.” Fang Zhengzhi urged very persistently.

A slight smile formed on the edges of Ying Shan’s smile. Once he determined that the sword was a real one, Fang Zhengzhi’s actions undoubtedly became nothing but a joke.

“Leave that sword and I will let them go!” Ying Shan said directly.

“Alright, however, there are currently three people standing beside this sword. Hence, you have to let go of people in an order. For each of us that leaves, you must let go of a portion of them. How about that?” Fang Zhengzhi laid out his terms.

“Alright!” Ying Shan nodded.

Ping Yang looked towards Fang Zhengzhi. She really couldn’t quite understand what Fang Zhengzhi was thinking. Don’t tell me Fang Zhengzhi is really willing to give the sword to Ying Shan?

“Since when did this shameless guy become so righteous?” Ping Yang mumbled.

Of course, Ping Yang wanted to rescue the people.

However, she understood that using the sword to exchange for the people was ultimately only a temporarily relief. Once Ying Shan regained the advantage, whether their people would be worthy of fighting against Ying Shan would remain an unknown variable.

This didn’t suit Fang Zhengzhi’s usual actions.

If the person who did this was Xing Qingsui, then, Ping Yang wouldn’t speak.

However, this was Fang Zhengzhi?

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t notice Ping Yang’s strange expression. Instead, he only took one look at Yan Xiu, then nodded slightly towards him.

Yan Xiu understood Fang Zhengzhi’s intentions. He walked away slowly until he reached Ping Yang’s side.

“That sword is real, am I right?” Ping Yang looked at Yan Xiu coming over and asked very softly.

“It is fake.” Yan Xiu took one look at Ping Yang and spoke calmly.

“Who is going to believe that? The light is so bright. What kind of fake sword would have such a power?” Ping Yang twitched her mouth. She naturally wouldn’t believe Yan Xiu’s words.

Ying Shan didn’t bother paying any attention to Ping Yang and Yan Xiu.

Instead, his finger moved slightly. The swords against the necks of five examinees dropped to the ground.

As they felt the God of Death leave them, the five examinees breathed out heavily. Then, they hurriedly crawled to Ping Yang and Yan Xiu’s side, as if they had long forgotten the heavy injuries on their bodies.

Fang Zhengzhi once again shot his gaze towards Nangong Mu.

Nangong Mu similarly left without the slightest bit of hesitation. However, he didn’t walk towards Ping Yang and Yan Xiu. Instead, he walked very quietly to the side.

This scene appeared somewhat strange. After all, it was understandable if Yan Xiu left. However, why would Nangong Mu leave?

Could it be that Nangong Mu had also believed Fang Zhengzhi that the sword was fake?

How could it be fake?

Chapter 211: Pulling out the sword


The golden pillar that reached the sky a moment ago was something everybody had seen with their own eyes.

The sealed stone had also completely exploded and shattered on the ground. On top of that, the material of the four chains that sealed the sword was definitely not ordinary as well.

If it was said that the sword was fake, there was simply nobody that would believe.

Furthermore, this was said by Fang Zhengzhi. Hence, the more reason why people wouldn’t believe it.

“Don’t tell me Fang Zhengzhi is really going to use that sword to exchange for our lives?”

“Can he be so good?”

“No matter how hard I try, I still can’t understand. I feel that the probability of this is rather low!”

One by one, doubts rose within the hearts of the people.

Some of them were still filled with hatred from things Fang Zhengzhi had said previously. Another portion of the people were filled with astonishment from the words he was saying at this moment.

However, these thoughts didn’t persist for very long. The joy of freedom made them forget all the misgivings they had.

Was there anything that could be more important than escaping with their lives from the blade on the neck?

The situation entered a stalemate once again.

Because, there was still one person left beside the sword. Ying Shan’s hand similarly still held the lives of the last five people.

No matter what kind of exchange it was, only at the last moment would one be able to tell whether it was successful. For example, at this moment, Fang Zhengzhi stood beside the sword, while Ying Shan still controlled the life and death of the five examinees.

Xing Qingsui was naturally among these five examinees.

At this moment, Nangong Mu gripped the Green and Blue Dual Blade tightly in his hand, as if preparing to do something.

There was a saying that went, the onlooker sees more of the game. Nangong Mu believed greatly in this saying. As such, all along, he had used the perspective of an onlooker to view this exchange.

That was the reason he was willing to listen to Fang Zhengzhi and leave the sword.

Of course, he didn’t believe that the sword was fake.

However, he had to leave.

Because, only by leaving could he then rescue the lives of the next five examinees.

The person involved in the situation would have to guess whether the sword was real or fake. However, an onlooker wouldn’t have to. All he had to do was to take one look to know that the situation was obvious at a glance.

Ying Shan had spared the lives of ten examinees.

However, Fang Zhengzhi continued to stand beside the sword.

It seemed like a fair exchange. However, it actually wasn’t fair. Because, only one person was needed to pull out the sword!

This was a very cruel reality. Fang Zhengzhi had made the wisest possible choice. Exchanging for the lives of ten examinees by asking two people to leave.

As for the lives of the last five examinees, they naturally couldn’t be saved anymore.

Then next…

Fang Zhengzhi should be pulling out the sword.

Nangong Mu had thought of this a long time ago. At this moment, Xing Qingsui had also suddenly thought of this. After the state of the situation had advanced until this step, it actually wasn’t too difficult to understand it now.

When he understood this, he bit his lips tightly and prepared himself mentally.

A gust of wind lightly blew past. Fang Zhengzhi’s blue robe billowed in the wind. The situation had suddenly turned somewhat quiet. Everybody was waiting, waiting for Fang Zhengzhi to pull out the sword.

Fang Zhengzhi stood beside the sword and gazed towards Ying Shan.

Ying Shan was also looking at Fang Zhengzhi.

His eyes narrowed slightly. Previously, he had been confused by Fang Zhengzhi’s words, hence didn’t manage to guess this immediately. However, at this moment, he understood.

So that is the reason!

Ying Shan was somewhat regretful. However, if he had another chance to choose, he would still make the same choice. It was a very worthwhile exchange to use the lives of ten ordinary examinees to bet for a chance. Most importantly, he still held the most important person in his hands – Xing Qingsui.

“Are you going to pull out the sword?” The edges of Ying Shan’s mouth curved into a smile.

“This sword is fake, why will I pull it out?” Fang Zhengzhi lightly shook his head.

“Are you going to say this even now?”

“I am just speaking the truth.”

“Then, what are you going to do next? If you want me to let go of the people first, I can tell you immediately. That is impossible.” Ying Shan’s face carried a firm expression.

“No, I only need you to make an oath to the Demon God. After I leave, you will let go of the people!” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head once again.

“You are going to leave?” A glimmer of shock flashed across Ying Shan’s eyes.

“Since you said that it was impossible for you to let go of the people first, then, it would definitely have to be me who leaves.” Fang Zhengzhi said this as if it was somewhat obvious.

“Alright!” Ying Shan nodded.

If the exchange was really smoothly completed, then, the person with the advantage would naturally be him. Because, as long as the exchange was completed, the sword would return back under his control. He would also regain active control the situation. Then, there was no purpose in any further trickery.

The remaining examinees were somewhat confused. What was the point of making such a request? Because, they all believed that Fang Zhengzhi would definitely pull out the sword.

Don’t tell me it is to enrage Ying Shan again?

If that was really the case, they could only conclude that Fang Zhengzhi really had nothing better to do.

Nangong Mu’s expression also seemed somewhat shocked.

He felt that his judgement couldn’t be wrong. Then, what was the point of Fang Zhengzhi doing such a thing? For the first time, he felt as if he couldn’t really understand what Fang Zhengzhi was thinking.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t speak further. Instead, he quietly stood on the spot, waiting for Ying Shan to make the oath.

“I, Ying Shan, swear to the Demon God that as long as Fang Zhengzhi abides by the agreement and leaves, I will also abide by the agreement and temporarily free the remaining five examinees!” Ying shan used the word, “temporarily”. The meaning behind it was even more obvious.

Yet, Fang Zhengzhi nodded. He didn’t voice out any objections.

Ever since Ying Shan’s voice landed, he had begun to leave slowly. It was as if he was doing something that was only to be expected. He walked very indifferently, and very calmly.

However, this movement caused the rest of the people to stare with their eyes wide with shock.

Ying Shan indeed used the lives of the ten examinees to bet for this chance.

However since when did he believe that this chance would be fulfilled? However, now it seemed like he had won the bet. Fang Zhengzhi had really left. He left that sword.

Each of the examinees looked at Fang Zhengzhi with their faces filled with disbelief. All of them felt that Fang Zhengzhi should have pulled out the sword. However, the reality was that Fang Zhengzhi didn’t do so. Instead, he had really left.

“What is Fang Zhengzhi even doing?”

“Don’t tell me he doesn’t know that once the sword ends up in Ying Shan’s hand, that means that we would all die?”

“I… I can’t comprehend this!”

The examinees were completely stunned. They really didn’t know what Fang Zhengzhi was trying to do.

The swords at the necks of Xing Qingsui and the other four examinees fell to the ground.

Ying Shan had fulfilled his part of the oath.

Fang Zhengzhi had also fulfilled his promise.

Hence, the two of them, just like two righteous men who valued trust very highly, exchanged places. Ying Shan stood beside the sword, while Fang Zhengzhi returned back to Yan Xiu’s side.

This seemed to be an extremely peaceful and harmonious exchange.

However, when it was a human and a demon who were in such harmony, it seemed more or less somewhat strange.

Most importantly, this wasn’t an exchange everybody wished to see. At least, among the examinees who were still alive, none of them were willing to witness such a conclusion.

Xing Qingsui had been carried to the crowd by a few examinees whose injuries were relatively lighter. His gaze was fixated upon Fang Zhengzhi. It was filled with a deep sense of dissatisfaction. He really couldn’t understand, why Fang Zhengzhi would give up that sword at the last and most critical moment?

“Why didn’t you pull out that sword?” Xing Qingsui asked with great difficulty.

“If I said that I gave up my own chance to live so that you can live temporarily, would you believe?” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t reply his question directly. Instead, he directed a question back at Xing Qingsui.

“I don’t believe!” Xing Qingsui replied without even thinking.

“How about the rest of you?”

“We don’t believe either!”

“Then, what do you think is the remaining possibility?” Fang Zhengzhi smiled lightly.

Xing Qingsui grew silent. The rest of the examinees also looked at one another, not knowing what to say.

“The sword is fake?” An examinee asked probingly.

“That’s right. Don’t tell me you people aren’t able to understand such a simple thing?” Fang Zhengzhi seemed to reply this question with great despise.


“How can that sword be fake?”

The examinees were somewhat speechless. However, an even greater majority of them were in disbelief.

On the other hand, Fang Zhengzhi didn’t even bother replying anymore. Instead, he lightly waved his hand and looked at the crowd with a disdainful gaze.

Among the crowd, there was only one person who was calm.

That was Yan Xiu.

Nangong Mu stood beside the crowd, seeming somewhat lonely. However, his gaze had all along been fixated on Fang Zhengzhi’s face. He wished to infer something from his expression.

However, what disappointed him was that when Fang Zhengzhi mentioned that sword, his expression was calm the entire time.

Ying Shan stood beside the sword. His gaze slowly began to sharpen. No matter what Fang Zhengzhi was thinking, it was him who had regained the advantage in the current situation.

As long as the sword was in the ground.

Then, the World of the Sage would be sealed.

With the power of the Supernatural State, killing off Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu would only be a matter of time.

At this moment, the situation seemed to have returned back to its starting point.

However, it was more serious than its initial state.

Xing Qingsui and the rest of the examinees had already completely lost their strength. The only people at the scene with energy left to fight were Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu, as well as the injured Nangong Mu.

As for Ping Yang?

She was completely ignored by Fang Zhengzhi.

“How are you so sure that the sword is fake?” Ping Yang looked at Fang Zhengzhi. She didn’t really wish to ask Fang Zhengzhi this question. Because, she would definitely be despised by Fang Zhengzhi once she asked this. However, she was really too curious.

“Do you want to try?” Fang Zhengzhi turned towards Ping Yang.

“Try? How?” Ping Yang was somewhat taken aback.

“Try to pull it out of course…” Fang Zhengzhi said in a very straightforward manner.

“Pull…” Just as Ping Yang was prepared to ask how he was going to pull it out, her eyes turned round.

Or, it could be said, not only Ping Yang, but everybody’s eyes had turned round.

Ying Shan’s expression turned somewhat distorted for the first time. That was a distortion caused by being intensely shaken from deep within his heart. He had thought of countless possibilities, but he had never thought of this.

Nangong Mu’s calm was finally broken.

All along, he felt as if he understood Fang Zhengzhi. However, in the end, he suddenly felt as if he couldn’t really understand. And now, he had a thought.

He seemed to have been overthinking all along.

He didn’t know how Fang Zhengzhi did this. However, if Fang Zhengzhi was really able to achieve this, then, the advantage had all along been with him.

The sword…

Had been pulled out.

Without a single sound.

It floated in mid-air and gave off a faint, golden glow.

That was an extremely mysterious scene.

However, that was reality.

“You… don’t tell me you…” Ying Shan would have never even dreamt that Fang Zhengzhi could be able to achieve this. Because, this was his ability. Shadow control.

“You have a problem?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Ying Shan with an innocent expression.

In this pocket dimension, there were a few hundred types of Dao. He had conglomerated seven years of stars. Shadow? Shouldn’t he at least conglomerate something like that?

The first time he witnessed Ying Shan controlling the shadow on the ground to pull out the sword.

He had already felt that this move didn’t seem too bad at all.

Hence, he began to try it. However, thinking and doing ultimately required some trial and error. This trial and error required some time.

Hence, the entire time, he was dragging time. At the same time, he had been trying non-stop to control the swords on the ground with shadow.

Until the moment he held that sword with his hand.

He could finally ascertain that he was already capable of achieving this.

Then, he evidently didn’t have to pull out the sword immediately.

Would Ying Shan pull it out?

Of course not.

Hence, Fang Zhengzhi wasn’t in a rush at all. At the very least, he wasn’t rushed enough to pull out the sword while Ying Shan still controlled the lives of over ten examinees. He had sufficient time to wait.

As for whether that sword was real or fake?

Fang Zhengzhi naturally didn’t know.

What he needed to do was to let Ying Shan feel that he wouldn’t pull out the sword.

Hence, he kept telling everybody. That sword is fake, it is fake, it is fake…

Furthermore, he had even used his own actions to tell Ying Shan and the rest of the examinees.

He had the opportunity to pull out the sword.

But, he didn’t pull it out. The entire time, he didn’t pull it out.

Even if he had the sword hilt in his hand, he wouldn’t pull it out either.

This way, Ying Shan would definitely not have expected Fang Zhengzhi to attempt pull it out once again.

Even more importantly, even if Ying Shan strongly believed that the sword was real, he would still grow doubts due to Fang Zhengzhi’s consistent actions. Was there a possibility that the sword would be fake?

Even though it was only a guess.


Sometimes grew within the span of just one thought.

Fang Zhengzhi’s thinking was very simple. All he wanted to do was to ensure other people wouldn’t expect him to pull out the sword. As for how they thought? He didn’t know, and didn’t have to know.

And now…

At the moment when everybody felt that the sword might really be fake.

He pulled out the sword.

When Ying Shan stood beside the sword with unparalleled self-confidence, he had effortlessly sent a shadow through the ground towards the sword hilt, then, rapidly pulled it out.

Ping Yang wouldn’t be able to think of such a turn of events. Hence, her tiny mouth grew wide with shock.

Nangong Mu similarly didn’t think of this. Because, he remembered very clearly the people who were able to control shadow.

Hence, the calm on his face was broken, turning into shock.

Ying Shan had even more reason to not have thought of this. Because, this was his technique. Just as Nangong Mu said, the people within the human race who knew how to use this technique were few. Fang Zhengzhi’s name wasn’t among them.

Yan Xiu, on the other hand, was able to think of this. However, he wasn’t sure that Fang Zhengzhi could achieve it.

However, why did that even matter?

No matter whether Fang Zhengzhi was able to achieve this or not, he would definitely have a way to pull out the sword. This, was how Yan Xiu thought in his heart all along.

The situation…

At this moment, entered a short state of calm.

The sword floated in mid-air, glowing with a faint golden light. Everybody’s gaze was fixated upon that sword, the sword that Fang Zhengzhi pulled out from the ground.

The trace of a smile appeared on the edges of Fang Zhengzhi’s mouth.

“Pull out the sword? What a simple thing to do!”

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