Gate of God

Chapter 216-220

Chapter 216: Confession


Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes lit up once again.

On the other hand, Ying Shan’s face was a deathly shade of white. He could naturally feel the powerful and continuous energy coming from within Fang Zhengzhi’s body, clashing together with his force over and over again.

However, he couldn’t understand why would a person of the Heavenly Reflection State possess such vast and endless power?


Even if he was a genius, how could such an unconventional thing happen?

Ying Shan was filled with immense shock.

What caused him even more shock was that an immense power began to press towards him. That was naturally Fang Zhengzhi’s power. Because, he held the blade of the sword in his hands.

The boundless power crashed down upon him like the sea.

Ying Shan’s hand that grasped the sword actually became somewhat unstable.


The sword and the palm separated.

The rock on the ground turned into powder, as if it had been struck by a waterfall that descended from the sky. A deep crater appeared. Within the deep crater, there were even countless sword marks etched clearly within.

Ying Shan’s body was forced back exactly five steps before he managed to stand still.

On the other hand, Fang Zhengzhi stood on the spot holding the sword in his hand.

He didn’t take a single step back.

This scene, without a doubt, caused everybody to fill with shock.

From the moment Fang Zhengzhi attacked, to the moment Ying Shan retreated, the amount of time that passed seemed very long. However, in reality, the amount of time that passed between the connection of the sword and the palm to their separation was only the blink of an eye.

“Ying Shan… was forced to retreat?!”

“How is this possible?!”

“A person of the Heavenly Reflection State had actually forced a person of the Supernatural Intermediate State to retreat?”

Everybody stared at Fang Zhengzhi, their faces filled with shock.

Even Yan Xiu, despite his unwavering trust for Fang Zhengzhi, was still in somewhat of a disbelief. He trusted Fang Zhengzhi, however, that didn’t mean that he believed Fang Zhengzhi could win.

But now…

Fang Zhengzhi had won. He forced Ying Shan to retreat within one move, while standing still without moving.

Nangong Mu’s eyes flashed with light. His calm expression was shattered. He had pinned all his hopes upon Fang Zhengzhi. However, that hope was due to intelligence.

It wasn’t due to power.

However, Fang Zhengzhi had once again gained the advantage in a battle of power. How could he not be shocked?

Xing Qingsui held the sword in his hand, his body already completely stained with blood. However, he didn’t even notice it one bit. Instead, what he was more concerned about was, how could Fang Zhengzhi win in one move?

Ping Yang’s tiny mouth opened slightly. She had already collapsed from exhaustion, however, she wasn’t yet unconscious.

After experiencing Ying Shan’s power personally, she evidently knew how much power Ying Shan’s fully-powered palm strike contained. Despite wearing the Red Flame Flower Armour, she was still unable to defend against it.

Yet, Fang Zhengzhi was actually able to force Ying Shan to retreat?

“How did he…” Ping Yang wanted to ask, how did he do it, why could he do it. However, when the words reached her mouth, she didn’t speak.

For some unknown reason, after experiencing the Broken Bridge, the Twin Stone Tablets and the stone house, she always had this feeling in her heart. As long as Fang Zhengzhi wanted to do something, he seemed to definitely be able to achieve it.

There wasn’t a reason.

It seemed very unreasonable. However, Fang Zhengzhi was such an unreasonable person.

Fang Zhengzhi held the sword in his hand.

Naturally, he knew why. If it was a battle of enlightenment states, Ying Shan definitely overpowered him. However, if it was a battle of strength, he didn’t believe that he would lose to Ying Shan.

This was a sense of confidence that came from within his bones.


This sense of confidence met with a problem.

He certainly didn’t intend to stop. After winning a move, he should leverage on his advantage to give chase. However, he couldn’t do so. Because, a tiny problem appeared with the sword in his hand.

It broke.


In an instant, the golden sword, from the sword hilt to the blade of the sword, was filled with web-like cracks. Then, piece by piece, fell to the ground.

The sword…

Was it real?

This question appeared in Fang Zhengzhi’s mind again.

He had no way of ascertaining whether this sword was real. Then, why would his sword appear here? And what was the power contained in the sword all about?

If this sword was real.

Why would it break? Or, it could be said, from the start to the end, this had always been a broken sword?

Fang Zhengzhi looked at the broken sword in his hand and began to think.

On the other hand, when the examinees behind him saw the sword in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand break…

They didn’t think this way.

They didn’t consider whether this sword was real or fake. What they were more concerned about was, what to do with a broken sword?

This feeling was very hard to describe. It was as if the hope that had just started burning within them was suddenly extinguished by a pail of cold water. Their hearts were filled with a chilling sense of coldness from their heads to their toes.

Ying Shan’s thoughts were the complete opposite of the examinees.

The sense of coldness in his heart began to burn with hope once again after seeing the sword in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand break.

“How can one fight… with a broken sword?” Ying Shan looked at Fang Zhengzhi.

Everybody else looked at Fang Zhengzhi as well.

Then, gritting their teeth, they held out the swords in their hands.

One following another, swords appeared in front of Fang Zhengzhi. Within them, there was a completely black sword. That was Xing Qingsui’s Black Meteor Sword.

“My sword can hold a fight!” Xing Qingsui’s tone seemed somewhat weak. However, his expression was very determined. For a sword user, the sword was his life.

Xing Qingsui offered his sword to Fang Zhengzhi. This was equivalent to offering his life to Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t receive the sword.

He was thinking. From the Broken Bridge to the Twin Stone Tablets to the illusion within the stone house, scenes flashed within his mind.


Yet not broken!

One in the light, one in the dark. The Twin Stone Tablets.

Advance, yet there was no path. Retreat, and one could exit.

“I understand!” Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes instantly lit up. He finally understood what the levels in the World of the Sage represented.

“Come out, if you still wish to leave!” Fang Zhengzhi suddenly shouted out loudly.

His voice reverberated in the air.

This caused the other examinees to feel somewhat shocked. They couldn’t really understand what Fang Zhengzhi was shouting. Come out? Leave? Could it be that Fang Zhengzhi had suffered some brain damage after clashing with Ying Shan?

Within the World of the Sage, don’t tell me that other than themselves, there were still other people?

The wind blew lightly…

Other than that, there were no other movements.

Fang Zhengzhi’s face reddened slightly.

Don’t tell me I guessed wrongly?

That’s not very possible…

“The world is so big, don’t you wish to go out and explore it?” Fang Zhengzhi shouted again, unsatisfied.

The wind continued to blow. Other than that, there were still no other movements.

On the other hand, the rest of the examinees looked at Fang Zhengzhi as if they were staring at an idiot.

Don’t tell me he had really turned dumb?

“It is so lonely to stay here alone. There is nobody to talk to you, or bring you to see the beautiful sceneries. Such loneliness, don’t you feel cold?” Fang Zhengzhi’s voice sounded out once again.

However, other than his own voice, there weren’t any other replies.

“There are other people here?”

“Is he crazy? How can there be other people in the World of the Sage?”

“How is he talking to?”

Each of the examinees were filled with disbelief. The World of the Sage was a pocket dimension, controlled by the royal family. How could nobody know if there was somebody inside?

Yiong Shan looked at Fang Zhengzhi, somewhat confused. He didn’t know what Fang Zhengzhi was doing. However, there was one point he knew very clearly. He had to kill Fang Zhengzhi as fast as possible.

Time was running out, he didn’t have any more time to waste.

Even though he suffered injuries in that previous attack.


So what?

This was his task. This was also his last task before his death. Then, he had to complete this task, no matter what he had to sacrifice.

Hence, Ying Shan moved again.

His figure bent slightly like a bow as the black light in his palms began to flow. This strike was his last strike.

Win, and he would be king.

Lose, and he would fail.

However, Fang Zhengzhi continued to shout out. “Come out please, as long as you are willing to come out, I will definitely treat you well. I will pamper you, love you, care about you, hold you in my hands…”

When Ping Yang heard this, she almost couldn’t lie still anymore. Her small face reddened slightly, spitting out lightly towards Fang Zhengzhi. “Shameless!”

Yan Xiu’s expression changed slightly, seeming somewhat helpless.

On the other hand, Nangong Mu’s expression became rather strange. He thought, could it be a female?

The sword that Xing Qingsui held trembled slightly. It wasn’t because he lacked strength. Instead, he suddenly regretted. Why did he take the initiative to offer his own sword to such a person?

Ying Shan’s bent body suddenly paused.

A powerful feeling of shame suddenly rose up inside him. He couldn’t understand. As the great Vice Domain Chief of the Ten Devilish Domains, why would he lose to such a person?

This was evidently a lecher without the slightest bit of doubt.

Furthermore, his lecherous personality was so obvious.




Words bounced themselves continuously within Ying Shan’s mind. They were almost impossible to get rid of. However, he still moved in the end. His body was as fast as lightning. Because, no matter how much he couldn’t stand his lecher in front of him.

That was still his target. A target he had to kill.

“Come, come into my embrace. I will bring you to review the huge world, explore the countless mountains and rivers. Only I can give you happiness!” Fang Zhengzhi continued to drone on.

Yet, at this moment, Ying Shan attacked.

His speed was blazing fast, so much so that nobody would be able to react in time. His body was like a mist. There was still a shadow that hadn’t disappeared at the spot he initially stood.

This was his last attack. How could Ying Shan hold back?


A figure was even faster than him.

That figure came out from below the shattered rock. It turned into a faint ray of light and soared into the sky. Then, it descended down from the sky, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky.

Finally, it landed into Fang Zhengzhi’s hand.

Ying Shan’s charging body stopped. His eyes were filled with disbelief. That was a true sense of shock that came from the heart. Anybody who witnessed such a scene would definitely be filled with shock.

At this moment, all of the examinees also stared with their eyes widened.

Even somebody as calm as Nangong Mu dropped his jaws.

Xing Qingsui’s body trembled. The Black Meteor Sword in his hand actually left his hand and fell to the ground with a clang.

Only Yan Xiu’s eyes still maintained the final trace of calm. However, within that trace of calm, there was still a faint glow. That was a sense of happiness that truly came from the heart.

Ping Yang’s eyes that were as clear as water looked at Fang Zhengzhi. Her face was flushed with red. She really couldn’t believe such a mysterious thing had happened. “Dont… don’t tell me he was previously… talking to… talking to the sword?!”

Chapter 217: Pride


Everybody’s gaze was drawn towards Fang Zhengzhi. Or, it could be said that everybody’s gaze was fixated upon Fang Zhengzhi’s right hand.

Because, at this moment, Fang Zhengzhi held a sword in his right hand.

A sword that appeared extremely ordinary, yet, wasn’t ordinary at all. There were no decorations on the hilt of the sword, nor were there any exquisite carvings.

From the hilt of the sword up to the bright and clean blade of the sword, it turned from jet-black to glowing bright. It seemed to be of the highest quality. However, this feeling of quality was broken at the tip of the sword.

Because, at the tip of the sword, there was a purple scar. It was an extremely evil purple…

Just one look was enough to deduce that this purple scar didn’t belong to this sword.

It was like a bloodstain on the blade of the sword, giving people the urge to wipe it off immediately. However, this sword had been buried under the rock for nobody knew how long.

How could a bloodstain exist?

When everybody saw the sword in Fang Zhengzhi’s hands, there were filled with various complicated expressions. Envy, jealousy, shock, lament and disbelief…

As for the purple scar at the tip of the blade, it was neglected by majority of the people.

Except for Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi knew what this purple scar was. It was the blood essence of the Demon Lord Si Kong. Because, at the instant he held that sword in his hand, an image flashed across his mind.

A slash that shocked the world.

Leaving a sword scar within the Blood Shadow City. A sword scar that split the Blood Shadow City into two.

Causing the fall of Demon Lord Si Kong.

However, the fall of Demon Lord Si Kong left a drop of blood on the sword. This drop of blood also represented a curse. A curse through the blood, ensuring that it would remain forever on the sword.

The curse was actually very simple. Meng Tian would never be able to use a sword for the rest of his life.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t quite understand. Why would the Demon Lord Si Hou leave this curse? Cursing a person to never use a sword again? Why couldn’t he just curse him to death? Or curse him to be unable to fight again?

That seemed to be more direct.

Fang Zhengzhi couldn’t understand the reason behind this, hence didn’t bother to think further. However, it was because of this curse that led to Sagely Battle God Meng Tian never using a sword ever again, changing to the blade.

Because, he couldn’t use a sword anymore.

“How about I call you Purple Scar?” Fang Zhengzhi asked softly. He wasn’t a person who judged a book by the cover. However, he felt that his name seemed rather suitable for this sword.

The sword in his hand let out a low cry, as if replying Fang Zhengzhi’s words. This caused the surrounding examinees to reveal a shocked expression once again.

Don’t tell me this sword really has consciousness?!

“I understand, seems like you don’t really like this name. Then, let me change it. How about I call you… Traceless?” Fang Zhengzhi nodded, as if being able to sense the dissatisfaction in the sword.

Very quickly, the sword let out a clear cry, just like that of a dragon.

“Alright, I will call you Traceless!” The edges of Fang Zhengzhi’s mouth curled into a slight smile.

“Traceless?!” When the surrounding examinees heard Fang Zhengzhi’s words, they were completely speechless. This sword is named Traceless? Can’t you see that huge purple scar at the tip of the sword?

Don’t tell me this was the legendary tale of covering one’s ears whilst stealing a bell?

A person could be shameless…

Who knew that the sword would be just as shameless!

Fang Zhengzhi looked at the surrounding examinees with a disdainful expression. He naturally knew what these people were thinking. However, he knew the thoughts of “Traceless Sword” even more clearly.

It felt as if there was a scar on a person’s face.

Wouldn’t he never wish for others to call him scar face?

If there were really people who did this, they were definitely itching to be punched.

Man had pride.

As for a sword…

How could it not have pride?

Fang Zhengzhi held the sword, pointing the tip of the sword at Ying Shan. An evil purple flashed at the tip of the sword.

“Looks like this is the real sword!” Ying Shan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Didn’t I already tell you earlier that the sword just now was fake?” Fang Zhengzhi spoke without a single trace of red on his face.

“…” Ying Shan’s lips quivered.

He had no way of arguing. Because, Fang Zhengzhi had indeed said that the golden sword was fake. However, under those circumstances, there were simply nobody who would believe that.

Don’t tell me that he really knew the sword was fake?

Then why would he pull out the sword?

Ying Shan felt that his mind was in a mess. He couldn’t really understand. However, very quickly, his mind cleared up again. Because, no matter what the truth of the matter was.

He only had one task. That was to kill Fang Zhengzhi.

Hence, Ying Shan moved. A shadow flashed across until it neared Fang Zhengzhi. The black light flowed about his two palms as a cold glint filled his eyes.

This seemed to be a deadly blow that would definitely kill.


This deadly blow was blocked by a sword.

That sword came from the ground. It was a very ordinary sword. However, that sword blocked in front of Ying Shan. Furthermore, the tip of the sword pointed at Ying Shan’s throat.

Ying Shan definitely wouldn’t let an ordinary sword block his way. Instead, he lightly pushed the sword. Instantly, the sword was reduced to powder.

However, this didn’t mean that Ying Shan could go nearer to Fang Zhengzhi.

Because, a second sword, a third sword, a fourth sword… all the swords impaled onto the ground began to move at this moment. One by one, they were pulled out from the ground and flew into the air, blocking Ying Shan’s advance.

“How… is this possible?!” Ying Shan looked at the numerous swords floating in the sky. He couldn’t understand the logic behind this.

Controlling swords with shadow?

Ying Shan definitely could achieve this. Furthermore, he also knew that Fang Zhengzhi would be able to achieve this.

Hence, when the first sword blocked his path, he wasn’t taken aback at all. Because, with Fang Zhengzhi’s abilities, he could easily use shadow to pull out swords.


This didn’t mean that Fang Zhengzhi would be able to pull out all of the swords in the sea of swords.

Not even mentioning that Fang Zhengzhi didn’t have this ability.

Even Ying Shan himself didn’t believe that he could achieve this.

Even though the sea of swords wasn’t vast, it still covered a few miles of area. Using the shadow territory to cover the area of a few miles, and still having to control it to pull out he swords.

It was simply impossible.

The surrounding examinees also looked at this scene with an expression of shock.

In the sky, one by one, the swords spun rapidly. It was just as if they were being moved by a tremendous tornado. The infinite number of swords formed a huge sword tornado with Fang Zhengzhi at the center.

“What is this all about?”

“So many swords… how can he control all of them?”

Each of the examinees was filled with disbelief. Not even mentioning that Fang Zhengzhi was only of the Heavenly Reflection State, even a person of the Supernatural State wouldn’t be able to achieve this and control as many swords.

What level of mental power and control must one achieve in order to achieve this?

This was something that was simply impossible.

“Don’t tell me…”

A thought rose within the minds of the examinees.

Then, an expression of pure joy appeared on all of their faces. That was a joy that came from deep within their hearts, as if they had been given a new life.

Nangong Mu lowered the Green and Blue Dual Blades in his hands. Because, there was no more need for him to fight.

Yan Xiu similarly kept the Mountain and River, Heaven and Earth Fan. His expression seemed somewhat cold, however, he couldn’t conceal the bright glow in his eyes.

Xing Qingsui fell to the ground. He picked up the sword from the ground and kept it again. His face seemed somewhat pale, however, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Ping Yang’s tiny mouth formed an O shape. Her large, clear eyes was also in the shape of an O. She looked at the sword tornado that circled Fang Zhengzhi’s head with an expression of unparalleled happiness.

However, when she recalled Fang Zhengzhi’s shameless words a moment ago.

She still felt somewhat unsatisfied.

“Hmph!” Ping Yang cocked her head to one side and pouted her tiny lips. However, her eyes were still fixated upon Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi silently held on to the sword.

He stood unmoving in the middle of the sword tornado with a smile on his face. He looked at Ying Shan.

“I am not satisfied!” Ying Shan had certainly already understood what had transpired by now. However, he wasn’t satisfied. He truly wasn’t satisfied.

“So what whether or not you are satisfied?” Fang Zhengzhi’s expression was filled with calm.

Ying Shan was silent. He didn’t speak anymore. Because, just as Fang Zhengzhi said, why did it matter whether or not he was satisfied?

From the moment Fang Zhengzhi held the Traceless Sword…

The outcome had already been determined.

Even if he was of the Supernatural Intermediate State, he didn’t have the slightest glimmer of hope of harming Fang Zhengzhi. This wasn’t related to his powers. This was because Fang Zhengzhi controlled that sword.

When Fang Zhengzhi held that sword, it was equivalent to controlling the entire World of the Sage.

Then, what other chances did Ying Shan have?

Not even mentioning killing Fang Zhengzhi, even his own life and death was determined by a single thought from Fang Zhengzhi.

“I lost!” Ying Shan gradually raised his head and looked into the sky. He didn’t know which direction was that. Instead, he could only take that direction as the direction in his heart.

A direction towards the Ten Mile Lake at the outskirt of the Yan Capital.

He knew that at the riverside of the Ten Mile Lake stood a woman. A woman that waited in the torrential rain.

What the woman was waiting for was naturally not he himself.

Instead, it was an answer sheet. An answer sheet that could make her smile.

Ying Shan bit down hard upon his lips. He had never seen the woman smile before. That might be because he had only seen her three times, or it might be because women didn’t really like to smile.

He didn’t know these. However, he only knew that as a demon, he couldn’t disappoint the woman.

In reality, regardless of whether it was on the battlefield or when he was planted in the Yan Capital, he had smoothly completed each of his tasks every single time.

How many times could one be recognised in his life as a demon.

He used to be confident and felt that he would be able to repay this recognition.

Yet now…

Was the last day he would be living in this world. He had failed his last task. He had no way of presenting a satisfactory answer sheet to the woman.

He didn’t know what the woman’s expression would be like when she heard of this. He only knew that he would be a demon who let a woman down.


Ying Shan’s eyes gazed quietly at the direction in his heart. He didn’t cry. Because, he was a demon. A demon who was the vice domain chief of the Ten Devilish Domains.

He couldn’t bring himself to cry in front of humans.

Even if he died.

He had to become a demon with his own pride and dignity.

Hence, he moved.

Step by step, he walked towards Fang Zhengzhi, and walked towards that sword tornado formed by an infinite number of swords, allowing the swords to stab through his body one by one.

There wasn’t the slightest flash of black light on his body.

He didn’t resist.

Instead, he looked silently at Fang Zhengzhi and walked, one step at a time, into the sword tornado…

Chapter 218: Heaven Dao Sage Tablet


The storm in the Yan Capital didn’t seem to have any intention of stopping. Instantly, it grew stronger and stronger.

This caused the air in the Imperial ACademy to seem somewhat stressful. Especially after “All hail the emperor!” sounded out from outside the door, everybody felt as if there was a huge stone in their hearts.

From the time the World of the Sage had went out of control till now, a very long time had passed.

However, it still didn’t seem to have any intent of recovering.

One must know that the people within the World of the Sage were all the future creme of the Great Xia Dynasty. It was like the foundation of a dynasty.

They represented the future of the Great Xia Dynasty.

If there was no future, how could a dynasty survive for long?

Especially when the Xing Qingsui of the Stabilisation Constabulary was also trapped within. That was the son of the first wife of the Stabilisation Constabulary’s Xing Hou, the assigned successor of the Stabilisation Constabulary.

Most importantly was Ping Yang.

The Princess Ping Yang who was favored the most by the Emperor, a person whom no accidents must occur to.

King Duan Lin Xinjue didn’t personally report this to Emperor Lin Mubai. He knew very well Emperor Lin Mubai’s reaction after hearing this piece of news.

Furthermore, there still wasn’t a confirmed answer to the incident occurring inside the World of the Sage.

Under such circumstances…

Why would he be willing to take responsibility for this unknown storm? However, this was an imminent storm. Even if he wanted to avoid it, there was no way to do so.

Hence, he could only accept it.

King Duan Lin Xinjue stood up from his chair. Han Changfeng naturally stood up as well. However, once the two of them stood up, they knelt down on the floor together.

Other than King Duan Lin Xinjue and Han Changfeng, all the Imperial Messengers in the Imperial Academy also knelt down on the ground.

Nobody dared to raise their heads.

The footsteps outside the door grew nearer and nearer, then it stopped.

Lin Mubai wore a golden dragon robe and stood with his hands behind his back. His eyes carried an expression that was completely out of harmony with his appearance. He didn’t look at the people kneeling down onto the ground. Instead, he only gazed at the somewhat empty room.

Behind him, stood Ninth Prince Lin Yun dressed in a brocade robe, Crown Prince Lin Tianrong dressed in a white dragon robe, Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping drssed in a white official robe, and the Six Council Officials of the dynasty.

By right, Crown Prince Lin Tianrong could avoid this matter altogether. However, he still came. Because, he was the crown prince, the crown prince that controlled the imperial government.

He simply had no way of shirking this responsibility.

Hence, Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping naturally came as well.

If the Emperor, the crown prince, and the left prime minister were all present, how would the Six Council Officials dare not to come?

“Your imperial examination was indeed held very well. I remember when we were choosing the chief examiner of the imperial examination, each of you fought so hard for this, promising to do it very well. But now?” Emperor Lin Mubai spoke.

The emptiness of the room reflected that the World of the Sage was still out of control. Then, things wouldn’t be solved very easily.

King Duan Lin Xinjue lowered his head. The other imperial messengers also kowtowed on the floor.

Nobody dared to reply. Because, everybody could hear the anger that Emperor Lin Mubai attempted to conceal in his tone. Once the Son of Heaven raged, no matter how high you stood, you could still fall a thousand yards.

“Speak!” Emperor Lin Mubai spoke again. A powerful aura expanded outwards.

This caused King Duan Lin Xinjue’s back to instantly become soaked with sweat. He wanted to speak, but his throat felt unnaturally dry. He couldn’t produce a single sound.

Han Changfeng’s forehead was also beaded with sweat. However, he couldn’t follow King Duan Lin Xinjue and remain silent. Because, he was the chief examiner of the imperial examination.

Hence, no matter what happened, he couldn’t remain silent.

“I feel that the World of the Sage being out of control, might be… a good thing!” Han Changfeng lowered his head. Even a man as calm as him felt an immense pressure when faced with the air of a dragon that Emperor Lin Mubai gave off.

“A good thing? Mister Han please continue.” Emperor Lin Mubai didn’t sit down. Instead, he stood on the spot without a change in his expression.

“Replying Your Majesty, ever since I became the imperial messenger of the Imperial Academy, and held the role as chief examiner for the imperial examinations for so many years, I had always been cautious and conscientious, and displayed utter loyalty and responsibility. I had never made any mistakes. I don’t believe that this imperial examination is affected by external powers. The reason might be because related to the fact that Fang Zhengzhi had broken the Broken Bridge, the Twin Stone Tablets and the stone house.” Han Changfeng gritted his teeth.


“I believe that the World of the Sage being out of control seems very dangerous, but, it might be a test. A test given by the World of the Sage to the examinees. The World of the Sage is a world created by Sagely Battle God Meng Tian. Hence, no matter how dangerous the test would be, there wouldn’t be any threats to their lives. The longer it dragged meant that the examinees went through more tests. Could… this be a form of opportunity?” When Han Changfeng finished his sentence, his heart tightened.

This was the best way of putting things. It was equivalent to pushing himself towards the place where the wind and the waves were the fiercest. If his guess was correct, he could naturally avoid a disaster being pinned onto his head.

However, if a real problem occurred…

The charge of hosting the examination inappropriately would be worsened.

However, Han Changfeng didn’t have any other choices. Because, if there was really something bad occuring in the World of the Sage, there was simply no way he could avoid the charges. Since he would be in trouble either way, what harm would there be in adding another charge to this?

“Oh?” When Emperor Lin Mubai heard this, his brows clearly relaxed.

He naturally understood the World of the Sage very well. There was only one reason why the World of the Sage went out of control. That was a piece of consciousness Sagely Battle God Meng Tian had left in the World of the Sage.

That consciousness temporarily controlled the World of the Sage.

Just as Han Changfeng said, that consciousness originated from Sagely Battle God Meng Tian. Hence, there was a huge possibility that no true harm would come to the examinees involved in the imperial examinations.

But what if it wasn’t a test?

Emperor Lin Mubai now had two choices. One was to forcefully open the World of the Sage. However, that could possibility disturb the consciousness within the World of the Sage, and might even destroy the World of the Sage.

Even though there was a chance to save the people, there was also a chance to kill them…

The other possibility was to wait.

Just as Han Changfeng guessed, wait for the test of the World of the Sage to end.

These were two very difficult choices. If there was something bad occurring within the World of the Sage, further waiting would definitely aggravate it. However, if the World of the Sage was completely fine, what would they do if a problem suddenly occurred?

Emperor Lin Mubai gazed at the empty room, weighing the benefits and losses.

Nobody spoke at this moment, and nobody helped Han Changfeng to beg for forgiveness at this moment.

Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping frowned slightly. His thin face seemed somewhat dark. Han Changfeng was a good ally of the Crown Prince, hence he evidently didn’t wish to lose Han Changfeng due to such an incident.

However, acting before there was a clear resolution to the incident…

Was undoubtedly causing them to fall into the trap of becoming the passive party.

Hence, he waited.

Similarly, none of the Six Council Officials spoke. There might be some logic behind what Han Changfeng was saying. However, before things were truly resolved and understood, who would dare to stand out blindly?

As for Crown Prince Lin Tianrong, he naturally wouldn’t speak. Han Changfeng was the Crown Prince’s teacher. This was something that every knew. As the Crown Prince of the dynasty, he had his own stance.

This stance was fairness and justice.

The atmosphere in the Imperial Academy returned to its initial state of silence.


A scene suddenly appeared in mid-air inside the room.

In that scene stood a youth wearing a blue robe. He held a sword in his hand. A sword that had a purple scar at the tip of the blade.

And around the youth.

Countless swords were whirling around him with blazing speed.

This was a shocking scene. What was even more shocking was that in front of the youth, there was a weakly middle-aged man. That man was tolerating countless swords stabbing through his body.

The middle-aged man didn’t produce a single sound. Instead, he bit down hard onto his lips.

Blood, stained the earth.

Outside the Yan Capital, within the Ten Mile Lake, a boat sailed slowly into the distance. The torrential rain battered the boat, causing the flag on it to dance in mid-air.

Yun Qingwu, wearing a white robe, stood quietly at the head of the boat. She held a green umbrella in her hand and gazed in the direction of the Yan Capital.

“It should have ended about now.”

“Young lord, we need a minimum of one month to get from the Yan Capital to the Huai An County… please remember to rest.” The lady in the green dress looked at the back of Yun Qingwu. She didn’t inquire further about the results of the imperial examination. Because, Yun Qingwu had never been wrong about what she said.

Then, Ying Shan’s task should have failed.

Or, it could be said that ever since the very start, this was a task doomed for failure. However, she didn’t express any suspicion. Just as Yun Qingwu said, if a failed task could lead to victory of the overall situation, was it still a failure?

“Yes, the Huai An County…” Yun Qingwu nodded. Her eyes were slightly hazy. A picture suddenly flashed across her mind. That was the Hundred Flower Gathering held a few months ago at the Huai An County. It was that very moment which she had been unveiled.

Huai An County, Cang Ling Mountain.

Didn’t Fang Zhengzhi grow up from the Northern Mountain Village below the Cang Ling Mountain?

As she thought, Yun Qingwu instantly shook her head. Very quickly, her gaze turned brighter.

“A demon appeared in the imperial examination. The combat examination would be forced to stop. Han Changfeng’s position as the Chief Imperial Messenger would definitely be hard t o hold onto. The human race would have lost a great talent leading the Imperial Academy. The Crown Prince controlled the government, hence he wouldn’t be able to escape censure. King Duan has failed in his responsibilities of supervising the imperial examination. Hence, the Cang Ling Mountain situation wouldn’t concern the two of them anymore.”

“Stabilisation Constabulary, the head of the thirteen constabularies. I am really excited to see how you would foil the plans I had set in the Cang Ling Mountain? The ‘Heaven Dao Sage Tablet’ is mine, “The Vast World” is also mine. This is a deadlock!”

Inside the Imperial Academy, everybody stared silently at the scene that appeared in mid-air.

That was naturally the scene depicting the World of the Sage.

The scene depicting the World of the Sage had appeared in the Imperial Academy. This seemed to be a happy occasion, representing the fact that the World of the Sage had returned to the control of the Imperial Academy.

However, when this scene appeared in the middle of the Imperial Academy, nobody could feel happy. Because, everybody’s gaze was fixed upon the youth inside the scene.

Even Emperor Lin Mubai’s eyes flashed with light. Because, this was a scene that nobody would be able to imagine, and a scene that simply nobody would be have to predict…

Chapter 219: Owner of the Sword


“It’s… Fang Zhengzhi?!”

Staring at the youth in the scene, almost nobody wished to believe what they had just seen. In their hearts, no matter how talented Fang Zhengzhi was, he was only somebody who had just entered the Heavenly Reflection State.

Killing an enemy with a sword?

Or was it killing an enemy with a ten thousand swords? No matter how they looked at the situation, it didn’t make any sense. How could a person who just entered the Heavenly Reflection State have the power to use ten thousand swords?

One by one, doubts arose in their hearts.

Then, their gazes were drawn to the sword in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand. That sword seemed extremely ordinary. However, the purple scar at the tip of the sword was extremely evil.

“Could it be… that sword?!”

There was a sword in the World of the Sage. That was the sword of Sagely Battle God Meng Tian. This was a legend, yet, it was a legend that everybody knew.

“Fang Zhengzhi had retrieved Meng Tian’s sword?” When this thought rose in their minds, everybody was filled with an unparalleled sense of shock.

Next, what caused even greater shock was that the middle-aged man in the middle of the sword tornado had a black gem-like object on his forehead.

It seemed somewhat faint and dark. However, there wasn’t a single person who didn’t know what it represented.

The demon eye!

The demon race. That man was a demon?!

Fang Zhengzhi was using the sword of Meng Tian to kill a demon.

Most importantly, behind Fang Zhengzhi stood over ten examinees. Among them was the severely injured Xing Qingsui, and Nangong Mu whose chest was stained with blood.

There was also…

Ping Yang, lying on the ground with blood dripping down her lips.

“What actually happened in the World of the Sage?!”

“Ping Yang is injured?!”

“Fang Zhengzhi had obtained the sword of Meng Tian and is using it to kill the enemy?”

One by one, questions that caused great shock arose in everybody’s hearts.

Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping’s lips moved, but remained silent in the end. Instead, he let out a long drawn out sigh. He knew that the situation was already out of his control.

The Six Council Officials instinctively gazed towards Han Changfeng. No matter what happened in the World of the Sage, just the fact that a demon had snuck into the combat examination was enough to give Han Changfeng no way of escape.

Moreover, Ping Yang lay on the ground, and the direct descendant of the Stabilisation Constabulary, Xing Qingsui, had a sword stabbed through his body. All of these meant that whatever happened in the World of the Sage, it definitely couldn’t be explained by something as simple as a test.

King Duan Lin Xinjue’s expression was somewhat pale. As the supervisor of the imperial examination, he had the responsibility of monitoring and supervising it. However, this current outcome was something he would never have thought of, and would never wish to think of.

However, this was reality.


Next up was finding out how to resolve this problem.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s expression was similarly somewhat dark. As the Crown Prince in charge of the government, mishaps in the imperial examination were something he couldn’t shirk any responsibility in. Moreover, what grieved him the most was Han Changfeng.

Han Changfeng was his teacher, and his biggest ally and supporter as he attracted talents into the government.

As an elderly official who had organised the imperial examinations for many years, how many disciples did he have below him? It was an extremely horrifying number. It was these disciples who had been the greatest supporter of the Crown Prince.

Now, this huge tree seemed to be on the verge of falling. How could Crown Prince Lin Tianrong be satisfied with this outcome?

Among the people in the crowd, the only person with a different emotional state was Ninth Prince Lin Yun. Political matters were completely irrelevant to him. As the supervisor of the imperial examination, he had to take responsibility for this as well.

However, these weren’t the things he was most concerned about. What he was most concerned about was the fact that Ping Yang was still alive, Xing Qingsui was still alive. Even though Nangong Mu was injured, he was still alive. As well as Fang Zhengzhi, and Yan Xiu…

At least half of the the future creme of the Great Xia Dynasty were still alive.


That was enough.

“I want to enter!” After a temporary shock, Emperor Lin Mubai regained his composure. However, a painful look remained in his eyes.

His gaze was fixed upon Ping Yang’s body. That was his daughter, his blood daughter. The daughter he loved the most. As long as he saw Ping Yang, he would be able to think of a woman.

That was a woman he thought of every single moment of his life.

But now, the daughter of that woman and himself was lying on the ground, with blood dripping from the edge of her mouth. How could he not feel pained? How could he still have the audacity to meet that woman again?

“Emperor, you cannot! Even though the World of the Sage is reopened, but, nobody can ensure that this isn’t a trap. If it was purposely set by the demon race…” When Yu Yiping heard Emperor Lin Mubai’s words, he instantly knelt down onto the ground.

“Trap? I am the true dragon son of Heaven, why would I be scared of a trap?” Emperor Lin Mubai’s tone turned cold and directly walked past the crowd towards the scene projection.

Nobody dared to stop him. Instead, a stone door in the projection rapidly opened.

The first person who followed behind Emperor Lin Mubai was naturally Crown Prince Lin Tianrong. Even though the person who moved first was Ninth Prince Lin Yun, Crown Prince Lin Tianrong still managed to win based on speed.

Next was Ninth Prince Lin Yun, Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping and the Six Council Officials.

Since Emperor Lin Mubai had entered, how would they dare to not enter?

As he looked at the people entering, King Duan Lin Xinjue finally gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground. Then, following behind the crowd, he entered.

Han Changfeng didn’t follow. Instead, he sat down on the floor with a rather blank expression on his face. He didn’t speak. All he did was sit in silence.

Around him, the imperial messengers of the Imperial Academy were just as silent. Their eyes looked towards Han Changfeng silently. Nobody spoke…

Within the World of the Sage.

Fang Zhengzhi stood with the sword in his hand. Around him, the countless swords had already fallen to the ground. Because, Ying Shan had given up struggling. Since Ying Shan had given up, the swords had lost their purpose.

Ying Shan was dead…

This was definitely a shocking and joyful thing for the people within the World of the Sage.

A smile formed at the edges of Yan Xiu’s mouth. This was the happiest kind of smile for a friend. Fang Zhengzhi had done it. Hence, he was happy for Fang Zhengzhi.

As for Nangong Mu and Xing Qingsui, they each began to tend to their own injuries.

The other examinees looked at Fang Zhengzhi, then looked at the Traceless Sword in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand. Their gazes were filled with a complicated expression. There was envy, and a few unknown emotions…

However, these emotions were quickly replaced by shock.


Emperor Lin Mubai had appeared in front of them.

Not just Emperor Lin Mubai. There were still Crown Prince Lin Tianrong, Ninth Prince Lin Yun, Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping, the Six Council Officials, King Duan Lin Xinjue. All of them appeared in the World of the Sage.

Emperor Lin Mubai and Ninth Prince Lin Yun looked at Ping Yang.

While Crown Prince Lin Tianrong, Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping, King Duan Lin Xinjue and the Six Council Officials were permanently fixed upon the Traceless Sword in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand.

“This is the sword of Sagely Battle God Meng Tian?”

“One that can control the World of the Sage, a sword that contained consciousness?”

Everybody’s emotions were more or less stirred up. Crown Prince Lin Tianrong and King Duan Lin Xinjue’s gazes were somewhat fiery. Even as princes, this sword still stirred up excitement within them.

After all, the Sagely Battle God represented a legend in the Great Xia Dynasty. A legend that had never been surpassed by any second person after so many years.

“Hail Emperor!” The examinees looked at the people who entered. Their bodies suddenly trembled and knelt on the ground.

“Rise.” After Emperor Lin Mubai responded, he directly made his way beside Ping Yang. He reached out his hand and pressed it onto Ping Yang’s arm as his body glowed with golden light.

It was as bright as the sun.

“Father?! I… I am fine…” Ping Yang had never thought that the first person who entered the World of the Sage would be Emperor Lin Mubai. Hence, she was naturally somewhat stunned.

As she felt the heat coming from Emperor Lin Mubai’s hands, her heart grew warmer inside.

Emperor Lin Mubai nodded. After channeling Qi into Ping Yang’s body, all he felt were blast injuries. There wasn’t any serious injury.

“First, send the injured out. The Law Council will be in charge of investigating whatever happened in the imperial examination. As the chief examiner of the imperial examination, Han Changfeng will be temporarily confined in the Law Council prison. His crimes will be settled after everything becomes clear!”


The Imperial Academy organized the combat examination. Hence, there were naturally doctors specialised in treating the injured.After the injured examinees were sent out, they could receive treatment immediately. Hence, there wouldn’t be any threats to their lives.

The torrential rain in the Yan Capital caused puddles of rainwater to congregate on the streets. However, the restaurants and residences all around the Yan Capital was bustling with activity.

Because, today was the day the combat examination roll would be released. It also represented the announcement of the imperial examination’s final results.


The door to the Imperial Academy was fully shut.

This caused the people of the Yan Capital to guess wildly. Countless rumours began to spread.

As the saying went, paper cannot wrap a fire. There were no such things as perfectly sealed walls in the world. The things that happened within the World of the Sage were personally witnessed by all of the imperial messengers. Furthermore, there were many injured casualties and within the Imperial Academy, there were families and relatives of the examinees walking about to see how they were doing. Hence, things naturally began to spread rapidly.

“Did you hear? A demon had entered the combat examination. I think it was even a Vice Domain Chief!”

“Vice Domain Chief? How is that possible?”

“How can it not be possible? My cousin witnessed it personally with his own eyes. He had participated in the combat examination this time and said that the demon was named Ying Shan. He was even of the Supernatural Intermediate State!”

“Supernatural Intermediate State? Oh my God… then, how are they still alive?”

“I seems that Fang Zhengzhi had obtained a sword. That was the sword of Sagely Battle God Meng Tian. Then, he killed that demon called Ying Shan.”

“Fang Zhengzhi killed Ying Shan?! Didn’t he just enter the Heavenly Reflection State? What is this all about? Not mentioning that he killed Ying Shan, I wouldn’t even believe if he managed to block one attack!”

Within the restaurant, youths in brocade robes discussed. There were also busybodies shouting out at one side. However, most of them were half in disbelief.

However, the door of the Imperial Academy was shut tightly. This was an undebatable reality. This also meant that a problem had definitely occurred during this combat examination.

In the military tent of the Patrol Guards.

King Duan Lin Xinjue’s expression was somewhat ugly. As the imperial prince of the Great Xia Dynasty, he naturally didn’t worry about losing his life because of this. However, he still felt somewhat uncomfortable about the investigations of the Law Council.

This was because the Law Council had always been under the control of Crown Prince Lin Tianrong. If the Law Council leveraged upon this opportunity to pin crimes, even he himself wouldn’t be able to avoid being punished.

And below King Duan Lin Xinjue, Elder Wen who was dressed in a black and white Dao robe also frowned tightly.

In comparison, Mister Hua who was dressed in a scholarly attire had a rather calm and indifferent expression. He only sat quietly on the chair, as if waiting for King Duan Lin Xinjue to speak.

“Mister hua, you seem like you have an idea?” King Duan Lin Xinjue looked at Mister Hua’s calm expression with some confusion.

“Replying Your Majesty, I wouldn’t claim that it is as great as an idea. However, I believe that the person who should be worried is the Crown Prince. Your Highness, on the other hand, wouldn’t need to worry too much.” Mister Hua smiled lightly.

“Why is this so Mister Hua?”

“The greatest criminal charge this time will naturally be upon Han Changfeng. Even though the Law Council is controlled by the Crown Prince, if they really conducted thorough investigations, there wouldn’t be any benefits to the Crown Prince.”

“What do you mean?”

“If Your Highness wants to gain the advantage in this, you only need to do one thing!”

“What is that?”

“Help Han Changfeng to plea for leniency in front of the Emperor.”

“You want me to help Han Changfeng to plea for leniency? My father is currently furious. I didn’t fulfill my responsibility in the supervision, how can I still help others to plea for leniency?” King Duan Lin Xinjue couldn’t understand.

“Your Highness please recall, what was the reason you requested to conduct the imperial examination?”

“That is naturally to form ties and recruit talen… Wait a minute. You mean?” When King Duan Lin Xinjue heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up as if he had somewhat understood.

“Han Changfeng had conducted the imperial examination for so many years. Even though he had made mistakes, he still maintains the heart of the Emperor. If Your Highness helps Han Changfeng to plea for leniency, the Emperor would naturally infer that you prioritize protecting the creme of the dynasty. Why would he blame you?”

“However, the heart of the Emperor is hard to guess. What is the point of me taking such a risk?”

“Two benefits. Firstly, gain the reputation of prioritising talents. Even if the Emperor blames you, he wouldn’t truly punish you. Secondly, if Your Highness helps Han Changfeng to plea for leniency, how do you think the Crown Prince would think?”

“It would naturally be…” When King Duan Lin Xinjue said this, his eyes finally lit up. “I understand, Mister Hua your plan is killing two birds with one stone?”

“Your Highness is smart and wise. As long as Your Highness helps Han Changfeng to beg for forgiveness, then, not only would your mistakes in the imperial examination not be made more severe, the Emperor would also regard you highly. Han Changfeng is the teacher of the Crown Prince, yet the Crown Prince wouldn’t help him to plea for leniency. However, Your Highness is willing to do so, implying that you prioritise talents. Other than that, Your Highness can leverage on this opportunity to spread the incident about Han Changfeng’s son. Even if the Crown Prince still trusts Han Changfeng, Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping had always been overconfident about his own decisions and thoughts. Hence, he might not hold back just because of Han Changfeng’s reputation as the teacher of the Crown Prince. Then, there would be two outcomes. The first would be that the Crown Prince and Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping would part ways, the second would be that one party will give in. As for Han Changfeng, no matter whether he would be spared, it would still be impossible to be as powerful as before.”

“Mister Hua’s plan is indeed wise! There is one more thing I wish to consult Mister Hua about. Fang Zhengzhi had obtained Meng Tian’s sword in the World of the Sage…”

“That sword is Sagely Battle God Meng Tian’s sword. Fang Zhengzhi is just an ordinary citizen. Your Highness wouldn’t have to worry about this.”

“Alright, then I will act according to Mister Hua’s plans. I will enter the palace to meet the Emperor right now!” After King Duan Lin Xinjue finished speaking, he immediately walked out of the military tent. There was no more worry left on his face.

Chapter 220: Movement of the Undercurrent


In the imperial palace of the Yan Capital, in front of the door to the Advanced Academy, dozens of members of the Dragon Protection Squad continued to wait outside, allowing the torrential rain to fall upon them, yet remaining as still as a mountain.

When a middle-aged man around the age of forty, wearing a purple official robe, whose phoenix eyes were long and narrow walked over from afar, the dozens of members of the Dragon Protection Squad suddenly turned respectful. When the middle-aged nearer, they neatly bowed towards the middle-aged man.

“Lord Hou!”

The Dragon Protection Squad only took orders from the current Emperor. However, in front of the middle-aged man, they were still extremely respectful. This wasn’t very much related to his order of feudal nobility.

Because, even if a prince was in front of them, they still dared to hold their swords.

However, the middle-aged man was different. He was the lord of the Great Xia Dynasty’s Stabilisation Constabulary, the head of the thirteen constabularies, the most stable pillar of the dynasty, and the sworn brother of the current Emperor.

The Stabilisation Constabulary’s Xing Hou, Xing Yuanguo.

Xing Yuanguo looked towards the dozens of members of the Dragon Protection Squad. A faint glimmer of light shone in his long and narrow phoenix eyes. He naturally knew about the Dragon Protection Squad returning to the Yan Capital. However, he didn’t ask further.

He was a general, and a military lord. His responsibility was to protect the country. Hence, he only protected the country.

As for what he shouldn’t know, he never inquired further. This was the teachings passed down in the Stabilisation Constabulary ever since it was founded.

“Yes.” Xing Yuanguo lightly nodded his head. He didn’t speak a further word with the Dragon Protection Squad, and walked in immediately after Eunuch Pan pushed open the door.

Once he walked into the Advanced Academy, Xing Yuanguo saw the dead body covered by the flag. Beside the dead body stood another two armoured members of the Dragon Protection Squad.

His expression changed slightly. However, he didn’t ask further. Instead, he walked quietly to one side and knelt down.

“Hail Emperor.”

“Official Xing get up quickly, how is the kid Qingsui’s injuries?” As Emperor Lin Mubai spoke, he stood up from his dragon chair and personally went in front of Xing Yuanguo to support him up.

“Bleeding isn’t of any much significance to a man. He can only blame his own weakness. This incident has been caused by Qingsui, accidentally bringing in the demon into the combat examination and causing injuries to the princess. I am responsible for my failed supervision, and hope that I will be punished as due!” Xing Yuanguo didn’t stand up immediately and instead insisted on kneeling onto the ground.

“The spy of the demon race is hard to guard against, Official Xing need not blame yourself. The reason why I called you here today is to discuss about matters of the country.” Emperor Lin Mubai reached out to pull him up again.

This time, Xing Yuanguo didn’t insist in kneeling further. Instead, he stood up very quickly.

“Emperor please tell me more!”

“There are three thousand volumes of the Law of Dao, while there are thirty-six types of Heaven Dao. Ever since the Great Xia Dynasty was founded, we had been collecting the thirty-six Heaven Dao Sage Tablets. There are currently thirteen in the Sage Land, nine in the Heaven Dao Pavilion, while the rest of the Heaven Dao Sage Tablets are spread in various places. I’m sure that you know the importance of this Heaven Dao Sage Tablet.”

“Your meaning is?”

“The Stabilisation Constabulary had always maintained close ties with the Divine Constabulary. Now that the Sagely Relic had descended in the Cang Ling Mountain of the Northern Desert River of Trust Capital’s Huai An County, I wish that you can go there personally.”

“Why not ask the Divine Constabulary to obtain it directly?”

“I fear that the power of the Divine Constabulary alone isn’t enough to guarantee success. I’m sure you know the geography of the Cang Ling Mountain, despite hundred of years it still hadn’t been explored fully. If an army recklessly enters the mountain, they might face losses. Furthermore, after the Sagely Relic had appeared, the Dragon Protection Squad had been attacked along the way, causing them to lose a Dragon Envoy…”

“Is it the demon race?”


“I understood. I will move out now!”

“Orders for the Dragon Protection Squad. Your task for this journey to the Cang Ling Mountain is to ensure the safety of Xing Hou. If there are any accidents, all of the Dragon Protection Squad will face death as the heaviest punishment!” When Emperor Lin Mubai heard Xing Yuanguo agree to this, his gaze turned towards the two members of the Dragon Protection Squad beside him.

“Roger!” When the two of them heard this, they instantly knelt down.

“Official Xing, you must remember that safety is always the first priority. No matter how important the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet is, it cannot compare to the Stabilisation Constabulary. You must take care!”

“Thank you for your concern!” Xing Yuanguo nodded, then immediately bowed and left.

On the other hand, the two members of the Dragon Protection Squad beside the dead body instantly stood up and followed behind Xing Yuanguo.

Within the Ping Yang Residence, a faint medical aroma came from within the exquisitely designed room. Ping Yang lay grudgingly on the bed. There seemed to be tears in her clear, big eyes while her tiny mouth pouted.

Beside her, a lady in a pink dress sat. Wearing a snow-white fur belt, the lady’s elegant body was brought out perfectly.

Her large jet-black eyes were extremely bright, as if spots of stars were glowing within them. Her silky hair fell to her waist like a waterfall, and a jade-green pearl flower was horizontally inserted on her hair. There was pureness within her tender beauty.

“Sister Yan, I don’t want to lie down, I want to ride a horse…” Ping Yang looked towards Chi Guyan who sat beside her and spoke with a begging tone.

“Sure, do you want to ride your Snow Jade, or the Ninth Prince’s Purple Lightning Dragon Stallion?” Chi Guyan smiled lightly and revealed a youthful look of pure beauty.

“Sister Yan, you have a way to let me ride the Purple Lightning Dragon Stallion? Brother Jiu is very stingy. No matter how many times I asked him, he didn’t lend it to me. Does Sister Yan really have an idea?”

“Yes, but we must wait until your injury is recovered.”

“Oh… alright!” Ping Yang stuck out her tongue and gave a pained look. Then, tucked her tiny head into the blanket. However, right before her head went in, the edges of her mouth curved into a crafty look of somebody getting away with her evil scheme.

Chi Guyan looked at Ping Yang hidden inside the blanket and the edges of her eyes revealed a trace of fondness. Then, she stood up softly from the chair and walked slowly towards the window, staring out at the fresh flowers dancing in the torrential rain outside the room.

“Passing the Broken Bridge, the Twin Stone Tablets and the stone house? And even obtaining Meng Tian’s sword… I fear King Duan and the Crown Prince are going to start acting.”

“A Vice Domain Chief entering the combat examination? The first person he attacked was Xing Qingsui, yet, his target afterwards was Fang Zhengzhi? Hm…”

“Supernatural Intermediate State? Paying such a big price to attack one person? If it is just to strangle the baby in the cradle, isn’t the chance of success greater on the road?”

“Such a big sacrifice just to delay the advancement of the imperial examination. No! Looks like there are other plots at play. The Dragon Protection Squad had lost a Dragon Envoy. The city gates had been attacked by unknown people. Looks like… they want to lure the snake out of its hole! But, which snake are they trying to lure?”

“King Duan? The Crown Prince? They have all been affected by the imperial examination. Then, it is… the Stabilisation Constabulary! In order to lure the Stabilisation Constabulary… it is going to cost the demon race something. What is it going to be?”

Light flashed in Chi Guyan’s eyes. However, the expression on her face remained calm. Instead, she continued to stand quietly in front of the window, staring at the torrential rain that still hadn’t stopped.

It was night. However, there was still a fire light glowing in the Eastern Palace.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong still wore the same white dragon brocade robe that he wore outside the palace today. However, his expression seemed extremely dark. Yet, he remained silent.

Because, the person sitting below him was Yu Yiping.

If Yu Yiping didn’t speak, he could remain silent.

“Give it up!” After a long time, Yu Yiping finally gritted his teeth. A Chief Imperial Messenger of the Imperial Academy was very important. However, it was exactly because he was too important that Yu Yiping had to give him up.

Because, this was a Chief Imperial Messenger who had lost the people’s trust. Then, he might become a hidden chess piece who could affect the overall situation.

“My teacher… would never do anything that went against me.” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong didn’t retort. Instead, he mumbled softly.

“Crown Prince, if you wish for your position in the Eastern Palace to be stable, you must consider the worst case scenario. Even if there was the slightest bit of chance, you still have to nip it in the bud. Crown Prince, you must understand the principle behind affecting the overall situation just by pulling a single strand of hair.”

“What do you plan to do?”

“King Duan plead leniency for Han Changfeng. Hence, he had naturally gained a good reputation of treasuring talents. Then, let us push the boat with the current and make the incident about Han Changfeng intending to falsify the theory examination paper known. This way, the Emperor would definitely becoming suspicious about King Duan pleading leniency for Han Changfeng. If Han Changfeng would truly consider the overall situation for Crown Prince, he would definitely accuse King Duan of having insufficient information!”

“But this way, my teacher would definitely die without a doubt. Furthermore, I fear that the members of the Han Residence might…”

“My teacher’s years of teaching and achievement…” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong couldn’t bear to do so.

He had been taught by Han Changfeng ever since he was young. Even though Han Changfeng had just committed a serious offence, if he was willing to help Han Changfeng to plea for leniency with King Duan, when things settle down, not only would Han Changfeng be spared from death, he might only be demoted by one level and could remain in the government.

“We have to proceed with this quickly! Else, when the Emperor starts to question, the pressure on the law council will become even greater. Crown Prince, you mustn’t lose the advantage just because of one moment of kindness!” Yu Yiping’s eyes flashed with light.

“But…” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong was somewhat hesitant.

“Crown Prince!”

“Why must you… sigh… alright, let’s go according to what you said!”

“Crown Prince is firm and decisive in handling affairs. I will definitely follow you till death!” Yu Yiping stood up at this moment and actually knelt down directly in front of Lin Tianrong.

“Get up quick!” When Crown Prince Lin Tianrong saw this, he instantly stood up from his chair. However, a faint glint flashed at the sides of his eyes.

Two days later, the rain stopped. However, the wind persisted. It continued to wreak havoc within the Yan Capital, invoking surging waves of wind, causing the sky above the Yan Capital to be filled with darkness.

In the early morning within the Imperial Hall, numerous officials stood in silence. Emperor Lin Mubai sat straightly on the dragon chair. However, his expression didn’t seem too happy. This was because the law council had finalised the case of the Imperial Examination.

As the law official of the Great Xia Dynasty, even though ‘Wan Chong’ was almost fifty years of age and his hair was already beginning to turn white, he had always been swift and decisive in his actions. Furthermore, this case concerned the most important Imperial Examination with the Emperor personally supervising it and the Crown Prince’s secretive manipulations. Naturally, he dealt with this case very swiftly.

The few of Han Changfeng’s most serious crimes were quickly laid out. Among them, there was a statement of confession which Han Changfeng had signed himself, proving that he had the intention of tampering with Fang Zhengzhi’s theory examination paper, as well as pointing out King Duan Lin Xinjue’s various failings of his responsibilities to investigate this incident.

Why it was a failure to investigate and not conspiring with Han Changfeng?

The reason was very simple. The entire government knew that Han Changfeng was the teacher of the Crown Prince. If it was said that he received orders from King Duan Lin Xinjue, who would believe that?

“Han Changfeng intended to tamper the theory examination paper?!”

Such a crime was a bolt from the blue, shocking the entire Imperial Government. However, this had been confessed and signed by Han Changfeng personally. The evidence was irrefutable.

The officials were filled with shock. However, nobody stood out to object this.

King Duan Lin Xinjue’s expression turned ashen. He gazed at Crown Prince Lin Tianrong who stood within the Imperial Hall. He would never have thought that his brother would be as heartless.

This had also strengthened the belief in his heart to fight for the great position.

Because, he knew that if he admitted defeat in this fight, his situation in the future would be worse than that of Han Changfeng.

As the Duan King, he controlled the military.

This was his first time participating in the Imperial Examination, hence he definitely could bear the consequences of failing in his supervision. However, this also meant that he had no way of being involved in the Imperial Examination in the future.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s expression was calm. After sacrificing Han Changfeng, the position of Chief Imperial Messenger was now empty. However, he didn’t reckon that King Duan Lin Xinjue would be able to take advantage of this position.


The Imperial Academy was still under his control.

The case of the Imperial Examination had temporarily assumed a state of calm due to Han Changfeng’s personal confession of the crime. Next up would naturally be to settle the rest of the matters related to the Imperial Examination. For example, the arrangements of the post-examinations.

How could it not have a result?

Hence, there was the suggestion of a rematch. However, a rematch of the entire examination wasn’t an option. After all, that was equivalent to announcing to the entire dynasty that the Imperial Academy was incapable.

Furthermore, due to the attack by the demon race, the majority of examinees suffered heavy injuries. An immediate rematch would indeed seem unfair.

The final verdict was that a preliminary examination would be added before the court examination. This way, not only would it not affect the conduct of the court examination, but it could also give the injured examinees sufficient time to recover.

After the matters of the Imperial Examination had been completely settled, the hearts of the officials finally united. Because, they all knew that there was a very important matter that was finally about to be raised.

That was the sword left by the Sagely Battle God Meng Tian!

“Emperor, the identity of the demon that appeared in the World of the Sage had been confirmed to be the Vice Domain Chief of the Ten Devilish Domains’ Ying Domain, Ying Shan!” Law official Wan Chong would naturally not mention the sword directly.

Because, that was the dumbest possible action. Under circumstances when the intentions of the Emperor was still unclear, the thing he had to do most was to make sure the officials of the Imperial Government knew the power of the sword.

“He really is Ying Shan?!”

“I heard that Ying Shan is of the Supernatural Intermediate State. Fang Zhengzhi had only just entered the Heavenly Reflection State, how could he kill Ying Shan?”

“Seems that he had obtained the sword of Sagely Battle God Meng Tian.”

“Who would have thought that one sword would be able to kill Ying Shan. This is indeed terrifying.”

When they heard the words of the law official, the numerous officials began to discuss spiritedly. Shocked expressions appeared on each of their faces, while Crown Prince Lin Tianrong and King Duan Lin Xinjue quietly stood on top of the Imperial Court.

They were naturally waiting, waiting for the most suitable moment to give the most suitable reason. Then, the sword would land in the hands of the most suitable person.

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