Global Gaowu

Chapter 14 - Step by step, one step to hell

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Say, he said, Fang Ping finally sent away the little girl.

To this end, Fang Ping once again owed a lot of debts, and he himself did not remember how much benefit he promised.


The next day, April 8.

Fang Ping fired, at least in the third (4) class fire.

When he had not come, Wu Zhihao arrived first.

When Wu Zhihao arrived, Zhang Hao and Yang Jian, who were in the heart of the Eight Diagrams, rushed to find out.

Lao Wu probably was not willing to be shocked by the last night. When the two asked, Lao Wu immediately said mysteriously: “113 cards!”

He didn’t say the 108 cards tested for the second time. In fact, the second time because of physical decline, there was no first time accuracy.

As a result, the 113 cards came out and the whole class was shocked!

Fang Ping, one of the members of the “Ordinary Duo” group, is extraordinary?

Just yesterday, everyone was still the same people, they were all struggling for the liberal arts examinations, and even the liberal arts scores were not too top-notch.

But now?

113 cards!

Students in the class who only study liberal arts are not necessarily aware of the situation of other Wu Ke candidates.

There is one point that everyone knows.

Last year, Nanjiang Wuda, the minimum standard for enrollment was 112 cards.

Doesn’t this mean that Fang Ping’s blood standard has reached the standard of Nanjiang Wuda?

This time, can you not fire?

The future bearded Yang Jian, full of despair, muttered: “Unscientific, absolutely unscientific, just his small body, higher than me?”

Even if you are a warrior, you must be scientific!

Can be square, it is really unscientific!

This guy, should you punch eight in your own?

Yang Jian is yelling unscientific, and Zhang Hao on the side is that the sheep epilepsy has recurred, and he trembles and says: “No reason!”

“113 cards!”

“I only got 108 cards…”

Sitting in the distance of Zhang Nan, who is not far away, he said: “108 card is me, I remember you 107 cards…”

Zhang Hao was annoyed and said: “That was half a month ago, now I am 108 cards!”

Zhang Nan is not angry, faintly said: “Well, you have 108 cards, and Fang Ping is only 113 cards…”


Zhang Hao was so sad that he turned his head and stared at Wu Zhihao: “Old Wu, you tell me, are you lying to us?”

While reading a book, Wu Zhihao was careless: “Cheat what you do? Anyway, I am not tall, and have little to do with me.”

“How can you say this?” Zhang Hao said with a heartache: “You think about it, a few sad reminders.”

While attending classes, while attending remedial classes, I have to exercise every day.

You can’t eat fried food, you can’t eat skewers, you can’t drink any beverages, and you can’t eat even the big summer ice cream popsicles.

Fang Ping that kid, inhuman!

Lao Wu, are you not envious of hatred? ”

When this is said, Wu Zhihao is not calm.

Ordinary students envy them, but they do not know that they also envy these people.

In order to prepare for the cadet, they paid more, and this kind of effort did not necessarily have a result.

As Zhang Hao said, when they are eating delicious, they are eating tonic.

Do you think the supplements are delicious?

Eat every day, eat your spit, eat kebabs that see the roadside, you can drool.

In order to keep fit, in order not to have an accident, for Wu Ke, they bite their teeth and sigh with tears.

Usually everyone is like this, then it will be recognized, for the future.

Can Fang Ping that kid, it seems that the vegetarians are not jealous, there is no such jealousy.

This person is really mad at people.

Wu Zhihao is not calm, and smiles bitterly: “There is no way, who makes people feel different, and does not recognize it.”


Zhang Hao gnashed his teeth and said: “Is this kid not exercising?

There is no way to blame, and I recognize it.

In the evening, he will go to the gym to exercise together. When he will discuss with him, he will be able to get out of this breath! ”

Zhang Hao is talking about this side. The opposite Wu Zhihao’s eyes are stunned and he smiles. “It’s all classmates, there is no need to do this.”

“No, otherwise it will be blocked, uncomfortable!”

Wu Zhihao persuaded: “Forget it, people’s Fang Ping is not just a little higher than you, culture class is better than you, is people handsome?”

There is no need to be angry, the classmates have been admitted, and there is light on our faces. ”

“Old Wu, which side are you on?” Zhang Hao was annoyed.

Wu Zhihao began to look down at the book and did not lift his head: “I am reviewing it, neither side is.”

Zhang Haozheng wants to continue, the shoulders are taken by people, and then there is a happy voice from Fang Ping: “Zhang Hao, if you want me to say that you should have a meal, or else it will not cost you a good body.”

Zhang Hao’s mouth twitched and turned his head and said: “Just kidding, how can you?

We are good brothers, can we do this kind of thing? ”

Speaking on the mouth, Zhang Hao is full of bitterness, yes, don’t say swearing, this day, if Fang Ping is really admitted to Wu Ke, he will not be shackled by the military?

Fang Ping is too lazy to be true, smiles and said: “Don’t listen to Wu Zhihao, I have 113 cards, at most…”

“At most, it is about 115 cards.”

Zhang Hao turned a blind eye, this guy, deliberately stimulate himself.

Sighed, Zhang Hao did not take it seriously. At this time, I was really curious: “Fang Ping, do you have any enthusiasm for exercising blood?”

“Crap, there is such awkwardness, I have already become a warrior!” Fang Ping did not dare to admit this, he waved his hand: “I really want to have a flaw, the streets are still not armed, and we get the test?”

“This is also true.” Zhang Hao sighed again, and some resentful words: “Now, Lao Wu, you, Yang Jian, Liu Ruoqi, you have the greatest hope in the class.”

The probability of running with us is 99%!

Three of them used to be enough. You are coming, God is killing me.”

Wu Zhihao, who had just pretended to read the book, looked up at this time: “Hanging, this year everyone’s blood is higher than last year. I really don’t stabilize it now.”

Just say our class, if it is flat, more than 110 cards will be four.

Other ordinary classes, as far as I know, more than 110 cards are added together, I am afraid there are more than 60.

There are more key classes, not to mention fewer people, more than 110 cards, at least 40 or so.

Counting it down, there is one in the middle, and there are 100 students with more than 110 cards.

This is still our school. Although other schools in Yangcheng are no better than us, they are also good this year, even if they are together with us.

In a city in Yangcheng, 200 above 110 cards! ”

Counting the calculations, Wu Zhihao has some helplessness: “Yangcheng had a total of nine martial arts students last year. If this year, the ratio is at least 20 to one.”

A Wu Kebao candidate sitting on the other side of his body shook his head and said: “Zhihao, you are all 115 cards. There are few people in the regular class who are taller than you.

The same is true of other schools. Others say that stress can still be believed, what pressure do you have? ”

Although Wu Zhihao is only a regular class student, his 115-card qi value is top-notch in all ordinary classes.

I really want to follow the ratio of last year, the average class is two, Wu Zhihao hopes a lot.

Everyone chatted and talked, but did not put all their attention on Fang Ping.

Fang Ping is also happy, listening to their discussion, but also know a lot of gossip.

This year’s high school students in Yangcheng, there are more than 200 cards above 110 cards.

Of course, qi and blood are not the only ones. There are always people who can’t pass the checkpoints behind.

After the end of the physical examination, the major Wuke schools will disclose the lowest standard of blood and blood according to the results of the feedback. This is not the admission standard, but only the standard line for the third level.

The major colleges and universities are also to save more time for students who do not meet the standards to participate in the cultural examinations, or to delay the time.

In other words, if the blood is not up to standard, the second level will be eliminated.

The standard for this year’s finals is likely to be 110 cards. This is only the third level of standards. Even so, half of the martial arts exams in the class can’t enter.

For a time, even Zhang Hao, who was screaming, had no voice.

Prepared for many years, even the third level can not enter, for students, such a blow is heavy enough.

Every year because of this mentality difference, how many martial arts candidates, and finally the liberal arts examinations are extremely poor, on the ordinary university, the real step to heaven and one step to hell.

They didn’t talk, and Fang Ping didn’t interject. I thought about it. It seems that the 110 card is not safe.

There are so many Yangcheng. Who knows that Wu Zhihao’s news is accurate and inaccurate. If there are more points, the third level will not be able to enter, and that is worse.

It seems that I want to increase the blood value as soon as possible.


As everyone calmed down, the school’s curriculum began.

Fang Ping, as always, sometimes looks at cultural classes, sometimes sees professional examination materials, and no one bothers, except for Zhang Hao, who is next to Yang Jianhe in the front row, who is looking for him from time to time.

The same table Chen Fan, may have been stimulated, this time more serious questions, in addition to going to the toilet in the morning, almost always burying the head.

At the end of the morning class, Fang Ping was prepared to go to dinner, but Wu Zhihao was notified to go to the office of the old class.

Outside the classroom, Wu Zhihao, Yang Jian, plus the unfamiliar Liu Ruoqi and Fang Ping, a total of four people.

Wu Zhihao explained while walking: “The teacher said that tomorrow, Wang Xuechang will come to our school, and the school will arrange for people to pick up. The teacher will try to win us.

Although picking up people does not mean that there are any benefits, you can contact them in advance. When there are few people, Master Wang may say something useful.

You also know that the martial arts test in Yangcheng, the third test, is generally held jointly by several major martial arts schools and education halls in Nanjiang. Maybe Wang brothers also know what news.

The content of the annual exam is sometimes different…”

Wu Zhihao explained for a while, Fang Ping was puzzled: “That is not the time to pick us up?”

There are a lot of classes in the middle class, there are two key classes, and there is no special place in the high school (4) class.

Wu Zhihao heard the words but smiled and said: “You forgot, who is our old class? The director of the Academic Affairs Office is the student of our old class. Is this a small matter?”

When he said this, Fang Ping thought about it.

The class teacher of my class is very old at school. The director of the Academic Affairs Office is indeed a student of the old class, but it is not a high school or a junior high school.

Liu Anguo taught junior high school before, and teaching high school is still a matter of teaching.

However, because of this, although Liu Anguo is a long-time teacher, he can teach junior high school to start, but there is really no future for teachers who teach high school from the beginning.

Even his students have become directors of the Academic Affairs Office, and Liu Anguo is an ordinary high school class teacher.

Understand the meaning, Fang Ping also knows the purpose of the old class to let a few people go to the office.

However, looking at a few people around, Fang Ping still felt a little emotional, he did not know himself, because the old class of the test yesterday knows.

Or because the family is not good, the old class takes care of themselves.

There may be two reasons. Fang Ping is only feeling a bit. At least he thinks the class teacher is still good.

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