Global Gaowu

Chapter 3 - Poor Wenwu

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Outside the Internet cafe.

Fang Ping’s expression is firm and his eyes are persistent.

Not obsessive!

After more than an hour of browsing, Fang Ping finally figured out something.

For example, what is the warrior?

Modern warriors and predecessor martial arts novels, martial arts movies are not much different, but the background has been replaced by modern times. The profession of the martial arts has appeared in modern society.

If there is only a high-energy occupation of the warrior, Fang Ping is interested in Superman, and he does not have to be a warrior.

But in today’s society, the warrior is no longer a purely high-energy profession, but also means rights and status!

Weak meat and strong food, the unchanging truth.

In the past life, this difference is not too obvious. After all, everyone is an ordinary person who can be stumbled by a shot.

In this society full of martial arts strong, the gap is obviously no longer obvious.

For example, before Fang Ping said to Yang Jian that he was not in politics, but he did not understand the business, but now he understands it completely.

Ordinary people are the mainstream of this society. There are no restrictions on ordinary people working in any industry.

According to the law, yes, the law clearly stipulates!

A company that crosses the urban development and is a registered legal representative must be a warrior.

And if you want to develop across provinces, the company legal person has a level requirement, and can’t be lower than the martial arts four products!

According to the information found by Fang Ping on the Internet, today’s martial arts are divided into nine products, the lowest in one product and the highest in nine products.

The following four items are low-ranking warriors, and seven or more items include seven items, which are high-ranking warriors. These groups are also known as masters.

If you want to set up a company that develops across provinces, first of all, the company legal person must be a strong person with more than four martial arts.

However, if you want to become a transnational group, although the law does not stipulate, Fang Ping also simply checked on the Internet. There is no Qipinwudao, even if your company’s products are no better, there are more audiences, and rush to enter other countries, other regions. That is no different from sending money to death.

Even if the group has more than seven products, it must prove its strength.

For example, today’s little horse!

Penguin’s products are similar to previous life, and are mainly based on instant messaging. QQ is, as always, the main online chat tool in China.

Can also be limited to China!

Penguin is now unable to enter even in Asia, because the former Ma Huateng strength has reached seven products, as a world-wide group, Google has also developed instant messaging software, Google’s stronghold in Asia is the Eight martial arts.

Ma Huateng can’t prove his strength in one day. If you have this strength and Google compete for resources, then don’t want to expand.

Because you are not in the country, the people you send to expand are likely to disappear overnight without a trace.

Only by demonstrating to the outside world that you have the strength to expand, you can only make steady expansion. This is why Ma Huateng chose to challenge Tam immediately after breaking through eight products.

This challenge, the outcome is not important, it is important to prove that Ma Huateng is now the top of the eight products, qualified to split the cup.

This is the rule of the business community, and it is almost the same in other circles.

For example, the political circles are slightly different from the previous ones. The governor has the largest authority in one province, the governor of one province, and the lowest is the four-product martial arts.

In fact, the governors of the provinces today have almost no less than five products. In some strong provinces, the governors are all seven grades.

The current Governor of Nanjiang Province is still a six-product martial art. Although it is not the weakest among the governors of the provinces, it is not too strong. This has also caused it not to obtain more resources for Nanjiang.

The amount of resources determines the strength and input of the official training of the military.

There was a rumor that the Governor of Nanjiang was about to break through. Yang Jian said that this was quite exciting. The reason is this.

The governor-level governor can win more resources for Nanjiang.

This is true of the political and business circles, and even the entertainment industry and other industries are no exception.

The famous Tianwang Tianhou, not only must have talents, but also have to look good, but also have to have a good martial arts strength.

Because you have no strength, you earn more wealth, and you can’t keep it.

Unless you have strong and strong fathers support.

Today’s rich second generation official second generation, almost all have a unified name – Wu second generation!

Because they have the right to have money, they are all powerful warriors.

There are also very few ordinary people who can do high-level, but these people are all without exception. There are strong military supporters behind them, and they must also reflect absolute value. The contestants demand numerous times of value.

Can not become a warrior, destined to have nothing to do with the social elite, the right to power.

This extreme gap has also caused all ordinary people to aspire to become a warrior in modern society.

Even a weaker warrior does nothing, and hangs a name in some small companies, which is at least a million start-up income every year.

In fact, those who can truly become martial arts strong, without exception, are the elites of society. Unless they surrender to other stronger people, they will do very little to do so. .

Their advantage is too obvious compared to ordinary people.

“If you don’t become a warrior, there are more gold ideas, and that is to give food to others.”

Fang Ping said to himself, this is also a **** fact.

Just checking the information on the Internet, except for matters related to the military, the other is similar to the previous life.

In other words, if Fang Ping wants to start a business, products and ideas are still not bad.

The key point is that Fang Ping does not have the ability to protect himself. It is not a big deal to make a small profit. If you want to be bigger and stronger, it is an idiotic dream.

A little cross-border, the biggest possibility is that the industry is taken away, because the legal mechanism of China is still perfect, the official has countless strong people sitting in the town, others want you to live a life, the family business that can be earned, the biggest possibility is still cheap others .

For example, at this moment, there is no existence of WeChat in society.

If Fang Ping got it out, there were only two results, first, becoming someone else’s.

Second, in the city, as a small entertainment, more than the city, sorry, make more money, it is not yours, as to who, to see the parties.

Ordinary people, you have to work hard to work, can not afford to open some small company workshops, slosh in the city.

Even in this city, it is not necessarily safe.

This precarious, treacherous life is more restrictive than the ordinary people of the past.

If Fang Ping does not want to be a salted fish, it becomes a must.

Even if he wants to become a salted fish, at least it is a salted fish that is safe and secure.

Fortunately, the world is still a lot of ordinary people, and the society has not really abandoned these ordinary people, breaking their hope of rising.

The college entrance examination is the hope of countless ordinary people to go to the sky and squid to the dragon gate.

Nowadays, some famous schools have established the Department of Military Science, which is specially used to train military personnel, and will not break the hope of ordinary people.

There are also some full-time martial arts schools that will also enroll students during the college entrance examination.

However, as the saying goes, poor and rich.

The military has a strong strength, and the resources it consumes far exceed the average person. It cultivates a warrior and consumes a lot of money.

Under this circumstance, it is not possible to obtain Wushu and obtain the resources of the country.

Therefore, the annual college entrance examination, Wu Kesheng is more difficult than the previous exams!

In 2007, the total number of students enrolled in the college entrance examination in China was 9 million. The total number of martial arts students admitted to universities across the country was less than 20,000. This is the total number of all schools.

In the past, some colleges and universities in Tsinghua University, although there were only a few thousand students enrolled each year, there are not a few famous schools. The 985 colleges and universities are added together, and the number of students enrolled each year is more than 100,000.

Nowadays, there are more than 100 universities and full-time military schools in the country, and 100 universities have enrolled 20,000 students, and the average is too little and too little.

The ratio of admission to nearly one-fifth is not low. In fact, it is a metropolis. The proportion of small cities is ten times larger!

This is also the main reason why Chen Fan is desperate.

In addition, there are many thresholds for applying for Wu Ke.

Before Chen Fan said that the registration fee was 10,000, this is only the minimum threshold.

Nowadays, other conditions are not mentioned. It is enough to apply for the registration fee of Wu Ke, which is enough to make Fang Ping a headache.

The registration of Wu Ke will begin next week, and there are time limits for registration.

After the time, if you have money, you can’t apply for Wu Ke.

” Ten thousand registration fees…”

Fang Ping, who had just been ambitious, was a little embarrassed at this time. Just starting the conditions, the flames in his heart were extinguished by more than half.

Not to mention, there are a series of requirements later.


Fang Ping sighed and sighed, and the rebirth was born again to the modern society. The mixed is still so miserable, I am afraid there are not many.


When Fang Ping returned to school after dinner, there was only 15 yuan left in his pocket.

The afternoon class has not yet started. Some of the classmates in the class are preparing for the college entrance examination, and some of them are chatting. The more talks are the battle of the masters that Zhang Hao said in the morning.

Seeing that Fang Ping is back, Chen Fan, who is working on the topic, quickly put down the pen and asked: “Going to play the game?”

Fang Ping rolled his eyes and said nothing: “At this time, there is still a mood to play games. Are you stupid? Check the college entrance examination information.”

As he said, Fang Ping smashed his hand and smiled and said: “Xiao Fanfan, is there any money in his hand?”

Chen Fan slightly frowned, half a sigh: “There are still 10 dollars…”

“Cough, don’t be kidding. If you have money, borrow a thousand and eight thousand. I will develop back and repay 100 times!”

“Ha ha!”

Chen Fanpi laughed at the meat and didn’t smile. He helped the glasses to continue to bury his head and do the questions. Fang Ping was crazy!

Fang Ping sighed, this road is nowhere.

They are all students, let alone Chen Fan’s family, even if the classmates are in good condition, whoever stupid will borrow 10,000 for you.

Can you only talk to your parents?

Can be their own conditions in general, today’s 10,000 is not a small number, according to their own standards, apply for martial arts almost no hope, if it is open mouth, parents can agree?

Today is Saturday, only the third year students attend classes, saying that they will register next week. In fact, it will be less than two days from next Monday.

If the time is a little more, I can still find a way to see if I can get a registration fee. In less than two days, I can’t get 10,000 pieces of gold fingers.

This is the first step in applying for Wu Ke. Next, if you want to take the Wu Ke, you have to continue to spend money.

In this society, the strong are all relying on resources and relying on wealth to pile up.

Otherwise, why are the martial arts powerhouses operating enterprises, and they all want to make the enterprises bigger and stronger.

Most of them will enter official institutions even if they do not run businesses.

The strong people in the novel TV are so chic and self-sufficient, they can upgrade if they can easily understand it. If they don’t eat or drink, Fang Ping still feels nothing.

But now, Fang Ping knows that this is purely nonsense!

At noon, the Internet is a simple look. There are some explosive materials on the Internet. Even the weakest martial arts, such as the military, cultivate such a warrior, the resources consumed are converted into wealth, at least a million!

This is still a product, which is the weakest and least influential warrior in Fang Ping’s eyes.

In this way, you have to spend millions of dollars.

The more the military is going up, the more resources are spent, the money is astronomical, there is no industry support, and it is impossible to go farther!

If ordinary people can’t take the martial arts, how many of them can be self-taught outside the university and become warriors?

The reason why everyone is eager for the University of Wushu is that the Wushu in the university will provide students with more than half of the resources. This is the public money to cultivate.

Even if there are still some shortcomings, you will be admitted to Wu Ke, and the bank gate will be open to you. The loan is not a problem.

Or, in advance, signing contracts with some big companies, Wu Kesheng is very popular, and each group is happy to spend money to cultivate some preparatory seeds.

The premise of all this is that it is admitted to Wu Ke.

If you want to spend money without spending money, you will become a warrior.

Fang Ping sighed again. Today, I don’t know how much sigh I have sighed. How is this rebirth so reborn?

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