Global Gaowu

Chapter 56 - Self-help

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Just as Fang Ping people entered the medical examination center.

General control room of the medical examination center.

At this moment, the general control room half-sitting and half-station, gathered seven or eight people.

Among them are the inspection team members of the Ministry of Education, the members of the inspection team of Nanjiang, and the official representatives of Ruiyang.

See the students entering the scene, the deputy head of the Nanjiang patrol team, a nearly 60 years old, the old man with hair is still black and sideways: “Golden Secretary, this year Ruiyang has no military candidates?”

Jin Keming, the director of the Ruiyang Education Bureau standing on the side of the old man, was sweating on his forehead at this moment, and cautiously said: “Luo Hall, Ruiyang has no military candidates this year…”

“Plus this year, if I remember correctly, just ten years, for a full ten years, Ruiyang has not had a military candidate…”

The old man, known as the Luo Hall, said a touch.

Not waiting for Jin Keming to continue, the old man scorned: “A decade ago, in such a difficult time, the Wu Keke also had military candidates.

Unexpectedly, in the past ten years, the days have passed, and the educational environment has become better and better.

Can Ruiyang, but it is a tester who has not been out of the military for ten years!

I don’t know where to spend the annual education grant…”

“Loll Hall…”

Jin Keming has more sweat on his head.

The old man did not look at him. He glanced at the two inspectors and saw them staring at the surveillance. As if they had not heard him at all, the slightly gloomy face could not help but reveal a smile.

Did not care about the existence of these two people, the old man continued: “This year, the inspection team in the province, the specifications are much higher than before.

Director Chen personally led the team and inspected Jiangcheng.

I and Liu, deputy directors, each led the team and went to the cities to inspect.

Do you know why? ”

Jin Keming licked his dry lips and whispered: “Dr. Zhang broke through the seven-story masters and hearted to sweep away the Nanjiang martial arts.”

“I know you know?” The old man said faintly: “I thought you didn’t know it!”

Jin Keming did not dare to take the call, the old man did not care, and said: “Nanjiang has 15 prefecture-level cities under its jurisdiction. Ruiyang is not a top-notch, nor a crane tail.

Can Ruiyang martial arts education, but for many years in the last three countdown!

Every year, Ruiyang said that he wants to reform, and he must reform the system.

Last year, going to the province to report to the post, it is even more passionate, this year must remove the name of Ruiyang crane tail.

But now?

For ten consecutive years, candidates who did not appear in the military.

Not to mention the military candidates, even the limit of the martial arts have not appeared one person!

If not…”

The old man’s eyes were much colder, and he scorned: “If it wasn’t for Wang Jinyang’s outstanding performance in Nanjiang Wuda last year, the Ruiyang Education Bureau could be completely abolished!”

Jin Keming had more sweat on his head, but his heart was slightly relieved.

Even more fortunate, fortunately there is a Wang Jinyang, to keep the face of Ruiyang.

It is a pity that Wang Jinyang’s martial arts test was generally performed. If he became a warrior in the martial arts exam last year, he would not let Ruiyang face such great pressure.

Just as Jin Keming was suffocating, the old man suddenly said: “Although because of Wang Jinyang’s sake, the Ruiyang Education Bureau will not be moved. Before leaving, Governor Zhang personally went to the Education Department, saying that there is merit and reward. Must be punished!

Ruiyang martial arts education, many drawbacks!

There are no professional martial arts training classes in the high schools of the lower counties and cities!

Excellent students, the subsidy program is empty, but it has not been implemented…”

The old man said a lot of questions in a row, and Jin Keming’s face was pale.

After saying this, the old man slowly said: “Don’t blame the province for not giving you a chance!

This time I came over and talked with you calmly, instead of taking you on the spot in the name of dereliction of duty, indicating that you still have a chance.

And this opportunity is the result of this medical examination.

This year, the number of students with more than 120 cards in Ruiyang has reached more than 100. The province will give you time to reform and reform!

Or, if there are extreme standards for warriors and military candidates, you can also have the opportunity to make corrections.

If not, fail to meet the standards…”

The old man slowly said: “The Secretary of Jin, the next step is to go to the grotto…”


Jin Keming couldn’t restrain himself anymore, and the sweat on his forehead was dripping down.

I was not seen by the two inspectors who did not hear a few people talking.

Especially looking at Jin Keming’s eyes, it seems a bit pity.

This guy, sitting in the Ruiyang Education Bureau for 5 years, is also the top five giant in Ruiyang.

Can people who are used to this kind of enjoyment really want to be sent to the caves, can they survive?

Although this guy is already three quality.

The old man said faintly: “Enjoy and pay are equal, and the rights and obligations are the same. No one will be an exception!

If you want to cultivate a large number of Wushu seedlings, Jin Keming is also contributing to the country!

Then you can naturally enjoy everything you should enjoy in Ruiyang!

But you are in a high position, enjoy the light, don’t know how to pay, and do not understand the truth of each job!

It is not easy for the country to train you to three products. You naturally have to pay the price you should pay! ”

“Loll Hall, I…”

Jin Keming’s face was pale and scary, and even two of them trembled: “Luo Hall, you will give me another year!

I promise that next year, Ruiyang will not be like this next year…”

The situation this year has been fixed. More than 100 candidates with more than 120 cards?

is it hard?

It is difficult to say that it is not difficult to say it is not too difficult.

For large cities, 100 students with more than 120 cards are really not difficult. Some high schools can be reached in a high school.

For Ruiyang, that is really hard!

The first physical examination point has already gathered Ruiyang Yizhong, Xingxi Yizhong, Yangcheng No.1 Middle School… These high schools in Ruiyang are among the best.

Even so, there are no more than 30 students with more than 120 cards.

This time, there are a total of three physical examination points.

The other two places, a lot worse than this, not more than 120 cards.

Count it down, and at the end it will be a maximum of sixty or seventy people.

Although the old man said that he gave himself a chance, in fact, Jin Keming knew that there was no chance at all!

When I thought of letting myself be a civilian warrior who had not moved Wu for many years, Jin Keming was like a death test. This is to kill yourself!

The old man does not care for him at all, give you another year?

Every year, it is said that there are excuses every year!

Before Governor Zhang failed to break through the seven products, the six-category Governor Zhang failed to reach the peak of the following levels of prestige.

In view of the complexity of the local situation, the Governor has not made a big move.

But now, the Governor has broken through seven products and has already had the deterrent power of the suppression side.

In order to swept the stagnation of Nanjiang Wudao, killing chickens and monkeys is a must!

Not only Ruiyang, the chicken that was killed this time is not only Jin Keming.

He is the second deputy director of the Education Department, who came to Ruiyang personally. In fact, he is ready to take Jin Keming directly.

As for the admiral of Ruiyang, if you don’t intervene, you will dare to intervene, and don’t blame him for not giving face!

Killing chickens and monkeys, the admiral of Ruiyang, can also be in the scope of monkeys.

Seeing the old man indifferent, Jin Keming suddenly bit his teeth and said: “Luo Hall, I want to go down and see the situation.”

The old man glanced at him and said faintly: “You are free, there are people in the Detective Bureau in the qi and blood test area, and I will always be here. If you feel that it can disappear under my eyes, that is your skill…”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare!”

Jin Keming quickly shook his head. At this time, he fled, and that was a dead end.

Even if you go to the cave, you may not die, but now you are running, it is sure to die, he did not move this mind.


The old man naturally knows why he went down, but he has to do some hard work and save himself.

After all, Jin Keming is a three-product warrior, a mediocre officer, but it is not a sin.

Not being detained on the spot, in fact, is giving him a chance.

But how hopeful this is, they know it.


Jin Keming hurried away.

In the general control room.

One of the members of the inspector group who has not spoken yet, a young man in his thirties, said with a smile: “I have always heard that the Luo Hall has taken care of the subordinates. Today I really saw it.

It is the blessing of Director Jin who has a superior like you.

If there is a chance in the future, I can come to Nanjiang and I look forward to your appointment at the Luo Hall…”

The old man smiled and said: “I laughed, I also look forward to working with the young talents in the Ministry.

But Jin Keming can’t pass, hopes…”

The reason why he said this is that he guessed what Kim Keming will do next, or the only thing he can do.

However, if the number of students with more than 120 cards reaches 100, it is so easy to achieve.


Inside the medical examination center.

Along with the doctor’s “off”, the 10 people in Fang Ping’s inspections began to undress.

When Fang Ping took off only one pair of underwear, the action stopped.

The other 9 people and 7 people have stopped.

In the crowd, the other two are still taking off until the light is gone.

Watching Tan Yi and Yang Jian, the two idiots are clean, swaying the little brother Yaowu Yaowei, others are black and black, and some people are even more ridiculous.

The doctor in charge of the examination was also speechless, and he said: “Surgical surgery, only check for large scars.

Mainly to prevent the scars from being too heavy, when the breakthrough of the realm, blood burst, causing serious impact.

So, just look at it.

Also, I just said, leaving underwear…”

The middle-aged male doctor is a little bit dumbfounded. Isn’t it clear enough?

As for the place where your underwear is wrapped, even if it is a little scar, it doesn’t matter. Do you understand?

These two stupid big men, take off the light, is it showing off or doing?

The doctor said a few words, and they no longer care about them. For a brief review, they stamped the stamps on everyone’s medical examination form.

Fang Ping looked at the two goods without hearing the rules, but also a smug look, with a sense of shame and compassion.

Do you think your little brother is very majestic? quite splendid?

Fang Ping was too lazy to attack them. When he was dressed, he rushed out of the examination room. The next medical examination would never be with the two goods.

Fang Ping just came out of the examination room and saw Tan Zhenping.

When I saw Tan Zhenping, Fang Ping stunned. Are these team members not allowed to enter?

How is Tan Zhenping here?

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