Global Gaowu

Chapter 6 - Poverty limits my imagination

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Jinghu Garden.

6 rooms and 101 rooms.

When Fang Ping returned home, he shut himself into a small room of his own.

The square outside the door “砰砰” knocked on the door several times, and was rejected by Fang Ping. The square of the gas wanted to break into the door.

At the moment, Fang Ping, who is not worried about the square, is not angry.

At the moment of withdrawing money, if some places did not understand, Fang Ping had already found a place to start research.


Small room.

The 10,000 yuan that was taken back was placed on the left hand side by Fang Ping at the moment, and a 10 yuan banknote was placed on the right hand side. This is Fang Ping’s total wealth.

At the moment, Fang Ping’s face returned to normal, but the face still had some doubts.

At the moment when the ATM machine withdrew money, Fang Ping took the 2000 yuan for the hand. Suddenly, the flower was just like the mosquito, and there was something more sudden in the line of sight.

The reason why Fang Ping was at that time was here.

Unlike the blurring of the mosquitoes, this sudden appearance in his line of sight is a few lines of clear small characters.

Fang Ping still remembers that there were three lines of small words at the time:

Wealth: 2000

Qi and blood: 1

Spirit: 1

A few simple words, and a few words that are easy to understand, Fang Ping first thought of the system.

For these things, Fang Ping is not unfamiliar. He has seen pork running without eating pork.

But Fang Ping is discovering that what appears in front of his eyes is too rudimentary!

Just a few lines of words, no explanation, no explanation, this year, the system does not issue instructions?

Or, this stuff is a poor quality product produced on the assembly line?

And the appearance is too abrupt, and Fang Ping is also unprepared.

If you said that the thing that appeared yesterday in the classroom, this thing appeared, Fang Ping can still accept without doubt, but it has been a day, how suddenly appeared?

Reminiscent of the number of wealth 2000, Fang Ping probably figured out some conditions at the time.

In order to determine whether this number is related to money, Fang Ping did some experiments on the spot.

The result was not what he expected. As the money was taken out, the wealth value in his sight increased.

This time, Fang Ping is the meaning of understanding the representative of wealth.

It can be tested many times, and Fang Ping is still incomprehensible in some places.

For example, the first point, yesterday he also had 28 yuan, and now there are 10 yuan left.

But why didn’t this happen yesterday?

After considering it for a long time, plus 10 yuan left in his hand, he was not counted into the wealth. Fang Ping had a little understanding.

Simply put – he is too poor!

The system in its own definition may be a rich owner. It is less than 100 pieces. It does not do statistics at all. It is replaced by a rehabilitated person with more than 100 pieces. I am afraid I realized it yesterday.

Can be square and poor!

If it is not because of the application for Wu Ke to withdraw the money to sign up, in his current situation, the probability that the parents give 100 pieces at a time is not big, Fang Ping is likely to find this thing for a long time.

Yesterday, Fang Ping was still complaining that the old man was not long-sighted, and the one who was hurting himself was miserable.

It seems that now, the most important thing is that he is a poor B.

“Poverty is the original sin!”

In general, I want to understand this point. Fang Ping is very emotional. In this year, even the gods look down on the poor.

Have you considered your feelings?

If this has not been able to get 100 pieces, isn’t it the system?

Of course, this is not a big possibility.

This is still the first doubt.

Second, as Fang Ping took the money, he found some differences.

When his wealth value increased to 10,000, after that, Fang Ping took a little money in the card, but the wealth did not grow!

Tested many times, the value of wealth has not been moved at 10,000.

Because there are a few lines of words, there is no sudden voice in my mind to explain to myself, the manual is not, Fang Ping had to make some judgments.

According to Fang Ping’s understanding, the 10,000 pieces taken out today are used by parents for their own registration and should be regarded as their own money.

The money that was later taken out was the money of the parents.

The statistics of this wealth value are likely to be statistically based on their own wealth.

Otherwise, Fang Ping was thinking, if you touch the money, you can be counted in the wealth, then you should not do anything else, just go to work in the bank, find a job that can get in touch with cash.

Even if you don’t go to the bank, there are still many industries in the society that deal with money. Some industries do not require high standards. He can use these jobs to increase their wealth. Even though his effect on wealth has not been effective. Too clear.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, Fang Ping knows that it is definitely not a bad thing.

“Wealth, statistics are their own wealth, although the intelligence is a bit high, and this system is not very consistent, but barely accepted.”

Fang Ping snorted and then frowned slightly. He said: “Is it pure money, or can it include something of equal value? For example, gold jewelry?”

When the money is small, the cash statistics are okay. It can be more money, and it can’t be all cash.

Also, do you have to personally touch each time you increase your wealth?

But today’s society has stocks and virtual currency.

These things are intangible assets. Can you touch them?

It is a pity that Fang Ping, because of the limitations of poverty, has made him unable to make judgments at present.

If you have a little gold jewelry on your hand, a valuable stock, then you can do some experimentation. These can only be left to the condition and allowed to be tested.

“Sure enough, poverty limits my imagination…”

Slightly regrettable, Fang Ping is not in a hurry to prove these, sooner or later.

In addition to the doubts that he has made judgments on these two points, Fang Ping also considered a point.

That is the statistics of wealth, is it to calculate net assets, or to add liabilities?

It sounds a bit illegal, but it is related to some actions that Fang Ping might do next.

This time, this 10,000 yuan was given by the parents. It can be counted as a gift and will not be recovered.

After all, it is not his own earned. If his own money is counted, then if you borrow money, is this not your own money?

Also, after the 10,000-dollar payment of the registration fee, will the wealth value be deducted?

It is inevitable to have money to spend.

If the money is spent, the wealth value will be deducted. If Fang Ping wants to gather a large amount of wealth, then he can only be a miser.

All of the above, because of the conditions, Fang Ping can not get an accurate answer for the time being, can only be left for later.

And let Fang Ping focus on the two columns of blood and spirit.

In fact, Fang Ping has already guessed something.

The words of qi and blood, when he went online yesterday, did not see it twice.

Modern warriors, although not too many, are not too few.

Coupled with the development of information today, there are always things on the Internet.

Even the general public has some understanding, and the blood and spirit are the foundation of the military.

Low-quality warriors, speaking of less spirituality, are not too focused.

Some of the comments on the Internet are that the gap between the high-ranking warriors, especially the masters, and the low-ranking warriors is in the spirit.

However, this distance is a bit far, and for low-quality warriors, the main thing is to pay attention to blood.

Blood and blood, all diseases!

Even in the past life of Fangping, qi and blood are often used, and TCM health is to raise blood.

A person with a **** body will be healthier than others.

Some big supplements are also qi and blood.

For the warrior, or the person who is going to become a warrior, the person with blood and blood is not necessarily a warrior, but the warrior must have enough blood!

Practicing martial arts is not a meditation, and it is still very different from Taoism.

The warrior is actually the ordinary person to exercise to the extreme, breaking through the physical boundaries of ordinary people, this is the origin of the military.

With sufficient blood and blood support, good health and affordability, this is the foundation of the body.

“That is to say, increasing blood and blood can make me more likely to become a warrior.

After becoming a warrior, it is easier to adapt to the next exercise and step by step to break through…”

Fang Ping murmured and asked himself: “Since the wealth value has appeared, the blood and spirit have been quantified, does that mean that the wealth value can be used for conversion?

What is the proportion of this conversion? ”

One to one, Fang Ping did not think about it.

Today, his blood and mental values ​​are 1.

If you convert one to one, you can make your blood twice as high as the average person without a dollar. Fang Ping does not believe that it is so easy.

“How then should we convert?”

Fang Ping said, some helplessly said: “Well, give a manual, it is too much trouble to explore.”

At this moment, as long as you look at it, you can see a few lines of your own line of sight.

Looking at the numbers for a while, Fang Ping tried to say: “System system, give me some blood?”

No movement!

“System grandfather, I use the value of wealth to exchange blood?”


“Great God, Grandpa, alive? Give a word?”


“Sesame opens the door?”




“Sanqing is on the top? There is no Amitabha in the south? God bless…”

“Your grandfather!”

After trying for a while, the three lines of numbers did not move, Fang Ping completely died, it seems to have nothing to do with this.

After thinking about it, Fang Ping stared at these lines of numbers and wanted to see if there were any “+”s that were ignored by the numbers.

Unfortunately, still not.

This is a big flat under the head, it will not be used at all, it will not be broken, right?

Is this stuff unreliable?

I secretly blame myself, but you are in a good position at one time. Now you can’t get up, do you think about my feelings?

“Add some blood, don’t kill you!”

Fang Ping stared at the small lines in the line of sight, and said a word, but did not want the voice to just fall, the number in front of his eyes suddenly changed!

“Fortune: 0

Qi and blood: 1.1

Spirit: 1


“I go!”

Fang Ping is dumbfounded, and this operation?

This thing has to be threatened?

At the same time as the stunned, Fang Ping’s body also twisted uncomfortably.

But soon, this uncomfortable disappeared.

Fang Ping took a long breath and suddenly felt that the whole person was a lot easier.

To say that feeling is that asthma patients suddenly do not have asthma, anemia is not anemia.

It’s a bit bigger, it’s like the Earth’s gravity is a little smaller than before, although it’s awkward.


Just increased the blood value of 0.1, but Fang Ping feels more comfortable than the big sword.

However, this kind of refreshing is the same as that after a man’s completion. It lasted for a short time and soon faded.

If the regression subsides, Fang Ping or faintly can detect that his body is healthier than before. He is the one who knows his own best, and the body changes instantly, and he can definitely feel it.

But seeing that wealth has become zero, Fang Ping’s brow suddenly wrinkles!

I know that the conversion ratio is definitely not high, but 100000:1 is too pit!

The wealth value of 10000, with a change of qi and blood of 0.1, does not become a superman, at most, it is more abundant than ordinary human blood.

If you want to meet the blood standard of the military, how much wealth does it have to do?

Thinking of this, Fang Ping suddenly looked at the desk, and when he saw the red ticket above, Fang Ping suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, there was no worst case.

If the value of wealth is consumed and the money disappears, then it is really bad for him to explain to his parents.

The detective held the money on the table in his hand, and Fang Ping fell into contemplation again.

It seems that he has to work hard to earn money. Obviously, if he wants to be admitted to Wu Ke and become a warrior, the easiest way is to convert blood and blood through wealth.

And don’t mention this, even if you are admitted to the martial arts, you want to become a powerful warrior, you also need to spend countless funds to buy resources.

In other words, everything is inseparable from money.

“Sure enough, the poor are not qualified to become stronger, which is forcing me to find ways to make money!”

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