Global Gaowu

Chapter 62 - Two warriors

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When the students who had not passed the medical examination left, the hotel room had a lot of room.

Fang Ping, the students who passed the customs, finally got one person and didn’t have to squeeze together.


After splitting a room separately, Fang Ping finally had the opportunity to practice the Quenching Law.

In the room.

Fang Ping closed the door, while standing on the pile, while practicing the “quenching method.”

Along with the slight shaking of the body, Fang Ping’s whole body bones have a subtle crisp sound.

At this moment, if there is a warrior on the side, you can understand that this is the result of the initial quenching of the whole body bone.

The basis for becoming a warrior is the initial quenching of the whole body skeleton.

After the quenching is completed, the blood can be raised to more than 150 cards, and in turn, the body will be preserved, and soon the breakthrough can be chosen as a real warrior!


After half an hour.

The “Quenching Method” cultivation is over.

Fang Ping took the pile to stand, slightly moved his hands and feet, and the bones came again with a crisp sound.

At this time, Fang Ping felt very clearly that his bones seemed to be constantly absorbing blood.

“Is this the embodiment of the initial quenching of the bones?”

Fang Ping remembers that the basic practice method says that when the bones are initially quenched, the biggest manifestation is that the bones can accelerate the speed of internal and external interaction. Some people call it – the bones begin to breathe.

Usually, the human bones can also interact with the blood in the body, as if breathing.

This kind of feeling can not be felt by ordinary people.

However, as long as the initial quenching of the bone is completed, the characteristics of this “bone respiration” will become more apparent, and people will perceive this feature.

“Completing the bones of the bones, it shows that my body can withstand more powerful blood.”

Fang Pingka also has a few days in the 149 card. For others, this time is very short.

But the other side is flat, this time is not too short, before it is replaced, it is enough for him to improve the seven or eight card blood.

The last time I took the qi and blood Dan, the qi and blood Dan has the effect of condensing the power of blood. In the past few days, Fang Ping has felt that it can be improved.

At this point, the bones are hardened and the data in the horizon is also changed:

Wealth: 4895000

Blood: 146 cards (152 cards)

Spirit: 168 Hz (175 Hz)


Fang Ping was a little surprised. This time, the practice of qi and blood is not much, but the ceiling can be improved a lot.

He also thought that this time, as usual, it is very likely that only one card will be upgraded.

Unexpectedly, it has raised the upper limit of 3 cards.

The bones are initially tempered, and the power of the blood that he can hold is much higher than before.

“So, now I can choose to break through at any time?”

As long as the qi and blood reaches 150 calories and the bones are quenched, you can take the medicinal herbs and break the blood, allowing the blood to penetrate more meridians.

If a product chooses to quench the upper limbs, then pass through the meridians of both arms.

If the lower limbs are tempered, it is a meridian that penetrates the legs and feet.

Before the “quenching method” is only through the main vein for preliminary quenching, the breakthrough is to penetrate more branches.

In this way, the bone blood can be more carefully and thoroughly refined.

Similarly, the risk of penetrating the veins is relatively large.

This is why Wang Jinyang said that when they break through, it is best to have four warriors guarding the situation.

“I am tempering the lower extremity bones, that is to say, when breaking through, I have to penetrate more veins of the lower limbs.

I don’t know too well about the branch network.

A rush to break through, the risk is too big…”

Fang Ping’s understanding of himself is not deep enough. At this moment, if he breaks through, he is likely to make himself a disabled person.

What’s more, the notes in the book at the time he still remembered that the 150 card is only the limit of ordinary people.

His upper limit of blood, easily broke through 150 cards, and now has reached 152 cards, Fang Ping naturally will not choose this time to break through.

“I can continue to temper the whole body bones and enhance the blood and blood to feed back the body. It will be much easier after deep quenching…”

Fang Ping cleaned the smudges on his body while thinking about the next cultivation.

In addition, at this moment, he is strong and bloody, and his bones are tougher than ordinary people.

Is it possible to cultivate the basic moves?

The warrior is not purely powerful, including powerful.

Before becoming a military, few people would choose to practice their tactics, and to increase their blood and bones.

At this time, the non-martials, the time is very tight.

Increase blood, quench bones, preserve the body, practice piles, learn culture classes…

These things make them squandered, and few people have time to practice the martial arts during the non-martial arts.

Unlike Fang Ping, his qi and blood are improving fast, and he does not have to accumulate as slowly as other people.

Among the books that Wang Jinyang sent him last time, there are books on basic combat, basic leg exercises, and cold weapons summary.

However, these exercises are unsupervised and difficult to cultivate.

The reason why Fang Ping played the basic trick of cultivation at this time is actually related to Huang Bin.

For many students, the society is fairly stable and there is no opportunity for them to do so.

But Fang Ping is somewhat worried. What should I do if I meet someone like Huang Bin next time?

It is impossible to have blood and blood, no ability to fight actual combat, high blood and high blood pressure.

Now, he is very qi and blood. There are also some means to the enemy in the pile work. The pile work is not based on attacking and the means of enemy is limited.

Thinking about this in my heart, Fang Ping also knows that it is urgent, step by step.

Thinking about it, Fang Ping is ready to call Pharaoh.

He has a lot of things to prepare for consultation now. Without the guidance of Pharaoh, he himself does not dare to act rashly.


A few minutes later.

Fang Ping hung up the phone, and some said nothing: “Not in the service area, where did this guy go!”

Wang Jinyang’s cell phone didn’t work, which made Fang Ping somewhat helpless.

Shaking his head, Pharaoh is not here, can only go to Tan Zhenping to talk.


Third floor cafe.

When Tan Zhenping heard about Fang Ping’s question, he was a little surprised: “Are you prepared to surpass the 150-kilogram and then break through?”

Although Fang Ping did not say it, Tan Zhenping was not stupid, and he understood his mind as soon as he heard it.

After considering it, Tan Zhenping said: “The blood reaches 150 cards, and the initial quenching of the bones is completed. Many people will choose to make breakthroughs at this time.

In fact, this does not mean that these people can not continue to cultivate blood, but not cost-effective! ”

“Not worth it?” Fang Ping was slightly confused.

Tan Zhenping nodded: “Yes, it is not worthwhile.

Because the blood exceeds 150 calories, if you do not choose to deepen the bones, the blood is very slow and the waste is very serious.

For example, when you are at 140 calories, taking a qi and blood Dan may give you 1 card of blood.

Can be more than 150 cards, you also take a blood dan, may only play a blood-filling effect, but the upper limit of blood can not be upgraded,

At that time, you need to take a product of blood, Dan, this is too expensive!

In addition, at this time you have to continue to quench your bones to increase your upper body limit.

Do not open up the branch veins, rely on the main vein to quench the bone, the effect is not too good, the best way is to take quenching bone for quenching bone.

How much is a quenching bone?

Many times, people don’t want to go up, but not!

For the improvement of more than 150 cards, most of them need to use a product of blood and Dan and a product of quenching bone, both of which have a market price of 300,000 and a 500,000!

800,000 medicinal herbs to eat, you may only be able to increase 1-2 card qi and blood, more than 3-5 cards.

How many people dare to waste this?

Also wasted a lot of time! ”

Seeing Fang Ping still thinking, Tan Zhenping said: “Yes, during the non-martial arts, the higher the upper limit of blood, the easier it is to practice later, and the potential is bigger than others.

In comparison, more people are willing to break through the warriors first.

Because of the time and resources you waste during the non-martial arts, you can change to those who choose to break through to practice.

When you break through a situation, others may break through the second category.

Even if you have a strong blood in a product and a lasting battle, you can still be far worse than the second product.

So I said that it is not worthwhile…”

The party is flat, but he is different from others. Tan Zhenping’s concerns can be compensated by the wealth value.

“Tan Shu, if the non-martials continue to raise the ceiling, in general, what is the maximum?”

When Tan Zhenping saw him, he did not give up and no longer persuaded him.

Young people are like this, they feel that they are unique, make a deep statement, continue to persuade, maybe the other party thought you were harming him and marry him.

Moreover, Fang Ping can reach the limit at this time, indicating that Wang Jinyang is not very supportive of him, and his own talented efforts are enough.

Such people want to get a bigger future, and it is useless to rely on persuasion.

“It varies from person to person. I don’t know too much about this.”

At the beginning of my martial arts training class, some people raised the blood to the upper limit of 159 cards.

This is still a martial arts training class. In the case of Wu Da, some people have superior family status and sufficient talent, which may be higher.

However, every 9 must be, the more difficult it is to go up. ”

“How much is the blood of the warrior?”

“If a product enters the market first, it is actually not a high upgrade. It depends mainly on the progress of quenching the bones.

Like me, the bones of the lower limbs are finished, and the peak period of blood and blood can reach 250 calories!

The first-time entrants, one hundred and seventy-eight are all in the normal range, reaching more than 200 cards, which requires quenching bones to enter a certain stage. ”

Fang Ping nodded again and asked some common sense questions about cultivation.

Finally, Fang Ping also asked about the actual practice.

Some of Tan Zhenping shook his head and reminded: “I have not become a martial artist. I suggest that you still do not practice tactics.

It’s a waste of time!

And now is the age of peace, even if it becomes a warrior, in fact, some people simply do not practice the warfare, only quenching bones and cultivating blood. ”


Fang Ping stunned. What does this mean by Tan Zhenping is that many military people are looking like goods?

But this is not the same as what Wang Jinyang said.

He and Wang Jinyanggou passed several times. Wang Jinyang once said that “the warrior is mainly based on actual combat”, and the grade is the auxiliary.

If you look at the grades, when Xiaomao breaks through the eight products, it will only be a brighter grade, and there is no need to fight with Tam.

Is this the boundary caused by different eyes?

Tan Zhenping graduated from the martial arts training class and was a social warrior. Later, he relied on the identity of the military to mix an official position in Yangcheng.

For so many years, I have been waiting for a quality.

He is in Yangcheng, and there is really no chance to do it. Even if some military personnel commit crimes, it is also the mission of the Detective Bureau.

Tan Zhenping said that there is no need to learn the tactics. It is not necessarily a lie. Perhaps he really thinks so.

Although Fang Ping did not take it seriously, he didn’t want to be a good seller. Since he saw the battle scene left by the two masters, Fang Ping is still very interested in becoming a humanoid RPG.

However, looking at Tan Zhenping’s appearance, he is not interested in the warfare. Fang Ping does not ask. The deputy director may not understand the cultivation of the warfare.

Originally Fang Ping still thought, is it possible to get some advice from him, and now simply do not mention it.

“Look back and ask Pharaoh to see…”

In Fang Ping’s eyes, Wang Jinyang is much more reliable than Tan Zhenping. The guy doesn’t say anything about it. When he kills, he is also very indifferent.

Such a person, even if he does not see the actual combat ability, he should understand that it is definitely not weak.

Otherwise, when Lao Wang was at the peak of the product, he did not dare to pursue Huang Bin alone.

He talked with Tan Zhenping for a while, and Fang Ping thanked him for a while, and Tan Zhenping separately.

Seeing Fang Ping’s account, Tan Zhenping smiled and was not polite, but Fang Ping had just dismissed his words. He actually saw it.

“The heart is really high…”

With a soft feeling, Tan Zhenping did not have any indignation.

Change to yourself, if you have not yet entered Wuda, you will reach the standard of the limit of the warrior, I am afraid I will think more.


Back to the hotel room, Fang Ping called Wang Jinyang again.

Can still be out of service area!

Fang Ping is a little depressed, the old king has gone?

In fact, he still wants to ask, during the period when the veteran was a non-martial, the blood was so high that there was a reference standard.

But now Wang Jinyang can’t get through the phone. Fang Ping has no choice but to think about it in a few days. Anyway, he just broke through to 152 cards, and it is still very early.

Next, I am still prepared to prepare other projects in the martial arts test. After the test is finished, it is not too late.

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