Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 111 - Fire at Yaohua Palace (72.1)

Chapter 111: Fire at Yaohua Palace (72.1)

Translator: asassin

Standing in front of the majestic and lofty palace, Ye Li sighed slightly to herself, recalling that this was her third time to the palace. Given the fact that she didn’t quite enjoy her last two times here, this time being called to the palace by the emperor, she was more cautious and careful. As Princess Ding, she was a female after all. Normally if the emperor did want to see her, he would have called her to the palace by the name of the empress or Lady Ye of Bright Deportment.

“Princess Ding, His Majesty is inside. Please go in.” The eunuch who guided her way said with a little flatter in a small voice.

Ye Li tilted her head. Glancing at the eunuch, she had a slight impression that he was the eunuch who went to Ye Manor and announced the emperor’s sanction of her marriage.

She nodded. Qing Luan and Qing Yu were left outside and her secret guards couldn’t come and go as they liked in the palace. So, she went into that palace decorated by gold and jade in glorious splendor, the symbol of power and wealth, alone.

“Your Majesty, I’m Ye-shi, Princess Ding. Wish Your Majesty all the best.”

The spacious chamber was a little cold and empty because of a lack of people. Mo Jing Qi sat high in the chamber and looked down at the woman who was in curtsy. After a good while, he said: “Princess Ding, you may rise.”

Ye Li stood up and said: “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Pointing at a seat as a signal to let her sit, Mo Jing Qi asked with a smile: “Prince Ding has been ill after winter comes. Is he better now?”

Ye Li lowered her eyes and answered in a small voice: “Thank you for asking, Your Majesty. Though it’s getting warmer, His Highness hasn’t been well. But he feels better than he did during the coldest days.”

Mo Jing Qi narrowed his eyes and measured her. She was so quiet and peaceful, as if she was a normal young married woman. But such quietness and peacefulness didn’t look so innocent on a woman who was in front of the emperor of a nation. Besides, from what he had heard, Prince Ding cared a lot about this princess. Would a worthless girl concern Prince Ding? It seemed that… he did make a wrong choice back then. Even that proud brother of his had suffered several times because of her. Recalling how gloomy Mo Jing Li was every time he mentioned Ye Li in front of him, Mo Jing Qi started to wonder whether it was a disgrace or assistance that he had sanctioned such a girl to marry Prince Ding. But that didn’t matter anymore… Soon enough, he would have all these things sorted out.

“You have to manage Prince Ding’s Manor while taking care of Prince Ding. You must have been working hard.” Mo Jing Qi said with a smile.

“Your Majesty, you flatter me. I’m just doing my duty.” Ye Li said indifferently.

Having talked to her about unimportant matters and seeing how calm and collected she was, Mo Jing Qi felt more and more agitated. It seemed that everything started to take a wrong turn after he sanctioned this marriage for Prince Ding. Mo Jing Li and Empress dowager who only got up to little tricks in secret now were more and more brazen. They were one step away from fightiing him openly. Because of Empress dowager and Prince Li, the court was also in a state of anxiety. Guan Ting, his trusted subordinate, who was sent to guard Scattered Snow Pass broke his leg without a reason. So, he had to put someone else in his place. Sending his subordinate there was a precaution against both Mo Jing Li and Nan Zhao. Though Murong Shen, who took Guan Ting’s place was better at going to war, he didn’t trust him as much. Handing such a significant checkpoint as Scattered Snow Pass to someone other than his trusted subordinate unnerved him. But… with all these said, he had to admit that not many of his trusted subordinates were very capable. At least he couldn’t think of one who was convincing enough to replace Murong Shen.

Thinking of the news he had just received that Mo Jing Li dared to collude with the Holy Princess of Nan Zhao, he was burning with anger. But all he could do was to endure silently. Mo Jing Li was his blood brother, after all. Besides, he had no evidence that Mo Jing Li had colluded with the Holy Princess of Nan Zhao. Neither would Empress dowager nor would those ministers who were connected with Mo Jing Li agree to let him punish Prince Li. He was the emperor but he found that sometimes he couldn’t act as he pleased and would even be hindered while making a small decision.

“Princess Ding, do you have grudges when I sanctioned your marriage with Prince Ding?” After a moment of silence, Mo Jing Qi gazed at Ye Li and asked unexpectedly.

Ye Li was stunned. She turned his question over and over in her mind, wondering what he meant by asking that and answered calmly: “Your Majesty, the sanction of my marriage was a gift. How would I have any grudges?”

“Oh?” Mo Jing Qi looked down at her with deep interest and said with a smile: “You were to become Princess Li by the order of the late emperor himself. My brother is a man of striking appearance, who is versed in letters and martial arts. He is probably the best choice of husband in the capital. Instead, because of a mere order, you have become Princess Ding who everyone feels sorry for. Are you not resentful at all?”

Ye Li’s eyes glistened and she smiled slightly: “Prince Li broke off the engagement first and then you sanctioned me another, Your Majesty. You have saved me from a desperate situation. How could I bear you any resentment?”

“Not me… then, are you resentful of Prince Li? That makes sense. I’ve heard my brother has suffered several times because of you, My Lady.”

Ye Li’s heart fluttered. A faint smile brushed her lips. “Your Majesty, you are so humorous. Who am I to make Prince Li suffer? I wonder… if you want to tell me anything since you’ve called me here, Your Majesty?” She wouldn’t be able to leave the palace until noon talking to him in this way. It wasn’t a good thing for a noble lady to stay with the emperor without the company of any consort.

Mo Jing Qi looked at her and smiled: “Good. I like clever people, so I’ll come straight to the point. Princess Ding, does Prince Ding know that Mo Jing Li has colluded with the Holy Princess of Nan Zhao?”

Ye Li lowered her eyes and answered with respect: “Your Majesty, forgive me for being a fool…I don’t know anything about Prince Li or any Holy Princess of Nan Zhao.”

“Don’t know?” Mo Jing Qi raised his brows and looked at her with a smile yet not a smile: “Prince Ding trusts you very much. I’ve heard that many affairs of Prince Ding’s Manor are managed by you when he was seriously ill. Now you tell me you don’t know? Do you know… what crime it is to lie to your emperor, My Lady?”

A flash of coldness crossed Ye Li’s lowered eyes. She looked down at the floor and said: “Death penalty for those who lie to their emperor. But… if you are sure that Prince Ding’s Manor knows about what happens to Prince Li, why don’t you ask His Highness, Your Majesty? I’m only a woman. Even though I manage Prince Ding’s Manor, I don’t get to know state affairs.”

“How dare you!” Mo Jing Qi scolded her indignantly. A trace of ruthlessness and intent to kill came out of his eyes.

An ordinary noble lady might be frightened by his murderous look. But not Ye Li, that wasn’t enough to threaten her. Standing up, she curtsied slightly. “I’ve taken too much liberty. Please forgive me, Your Majesty.”

Mo Jing Qi snorted a little. He said while staring at her: “I know better than you do that Prince Ding’s Manor is well-informed. Ye Li, Mo Xiu Yao can’t protect you for the rest of your life. You might not know Jing Li well, but Mo Xiu Yao does. You might as well ask him before you reconsider my question.”

Ye Li was a little amused by that. Is the emperor threatening her?

“Thank you for reminding me, Your Majesty. I’ll think over it.” Ye Li answered.

That Ye Li was so insensible made Mo Jing Qi even angrier. But he knew he couldn’t do anything to her in the palace. After staring at her for a good while, he snorted and finally let someone show her out.

“Your Majesty.” Watching Ye Li leave, Mo Jing Qi’s eyes changed unpredictably. An unremarkable ordinary-looking young man walked out from the back chamber and looked at Mo Jing Qi respectfully.

Mo Jing Qi cooled his anger and said to the man: “It seemed that marrying Ye Li to Mo Xiu Yao was a mistake. What’s wrong with Ye Wen Hua? Ye Li is more difficult to deal with than his other four daughters combined! Xu Family might support Mo Xiu Yao for her sake.”

The young man said in a low voice: “Xu Family isn’t very close with Prince Ding’s Manor. Besides, it’s not a proper time to enrage Xu Family.” The man sighed to himself that His Majesty was good except he was too paranoid. It wasn’t a good time for them to make more enemies since they were facing off Prince Li and Empress dowager in secret. If the emperor’s suspicion pushed Xu Family towards Prince Li or Prince Ding, it would be their loss.

Mo Jing Qi understood what the man said but he was disquieted by not being able to take everything under control. Waving his hand, he asked with a frown: “At the morning court, Duke Hua reported that Great Chu has assisted the royal family of Nan Zhao to suppress rebellion. What do you think of that?”

The man thought for a while and nodded, saying: “Duke Hua serves our country heart and soul. His suggestion only does us good, not harm. I say, let’s not hurry to help Nan Zhao with the rebellion. We’ll leave the emperor of Nan Zhao and the Holy Princess to cause one another’s death and give them what they need at the right time. I believe the emperor of Nan Zhao will remember your kindness, Your Majesty.”

Mo Jing Qi thought with a frown then said: “That makes sense. I wonder what my dear brother wants to do. If he is going to help the Holy Princess then I’ll help the royal family of Nan Zhao. I want to see who wins in the end.”

The man frowned. Looking at Mo Jing Qi’s cold smile, he suppressed his anxiety, after all. Hope His Majesty doesn’t put too much energy into Nan Zhao.

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