Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 112 - Fire at Yaohua Palace (72.2)

Chapter 112: Fire at Yaohua Palace (72.2)
Translator: asassin
“Princess Ding, Lady Ye of Bright Deportment invites you over.”

As soon as Ye Li came out of the chamber, she bumped into the chief eunuch of Ye Yue’s palace. Ye Li frowned a little.

In October, Ye Yue gave birth to a prince, who was the sixth son of His Majesty. But her status didn’t rise as expected and she remained a Lady of Bright Deportment. Meanwhile, she became the only woman in the imperial harem who had given birth to a son and wasn’t promoted to the status of a consort which left her in an increasingly awkward place since she was at the peak of her power in the past half a year. Though she had two sisters who were legitimate princesses, her lack of power made her life in the palace a little difficult.

Ye Li knew that was Mo Jing Qi’s warning towards Ye Family.

Thinking about it, Ye Li said: “I don’t feel well right now and want to go back to have a rest. Please ask for Lady Ye of Bright Deportment’s forgiveness for me.”

“My Lady…” It didn’t occur to the chief eunuch that Ye Li would refuse him straightforwardly. He said in alarm helplessly: “My Lady, Lady Ye of Bright Deportment begs you to see her considering your sisterhood.”

Ye Li frowned. Since Mo Jing Qi had had his eyes on her, it wouldn’t be long before the Empress dowager noticed her. It wouldn’t do her nor Ye Yue any good meeting at the moment. Last year, she had told Ye Yue if she wanted to live safely in the palace, she had better stay out of those affairs. But it seemed Ye Yue had got herself involved, after all. Since Ye Family was involved in this confusion, Ye Yue could barely get away from it being in the palace.

“Well, show me the way.”

“Thank you, My Lady.” Getting her agreement, the chief eunuch thanked her joyfully and guided her to Yaohua Palace where Ye Yue lived.

Compared to the Ye Yue that Ye Li had seen last time in Yaohua Palace, who was glowing with health even she was pregnant, now she looked as if she had lost her splendor. With the infant prince in her arms, she sat on a couch, her beautiful face full of sadness and worry. Seeing Ye Li inside, she wanted to stand up. Ye Li shook her head and said: “Second sister, please remain seated.”

Ye Yue waved to those around her to leave. Looking at Ye Li, who was a little indifferent but more graceful and poised than a few months ago, she smiled a little bitterly: “I thought you wouldn’t be here anymore, third sister.”

Ye Li lowered her eyes and said in a small voice: “Second sister, I think you understand that meeting me now does no good to you nor the little prince.”

Ye Yue stopped for a second. Looking down at the innocent baby in her arms, she smiled bitterly and said: “I do. How will I not? But… you’ve seen what situation I’m in right now, third sister. What else could I do?”

Ye Li said with a frown: “Second sister, now that you’ve got the little prince, you might as well keep your mind on him. No matter how cruel His Majesty is, he won’t harm his own blood. As for father’s business… don’t get yourself involved anymore.” And leave everything behind. Even if Ye Yue wanted to, she didn’t have the ability to take part in. She was no help when it came to the fight between the emperor and Prince Li, the Empress dowager. On the contrary, she might get into trouble because Minister Ye had a foot in either camp. If Mo Jing Qi ended up the winner, with a prince, she wouldn’t get herself killed. If Mo Jing Li won, as a female, she wouldn’t have the power capable of saving a desperate situation, either.

With her arms around her baby, Ye Yue stared blankly at Ye Li for a good while before she said faintly: “Grandma was wrong. So was father. I know Ying-er. She is never able to achieve, always able to ruin. Whether Prince Li wins or loses, forth sister won’t bring any glory to our family. But His Majesty… when he is able to arrogate all powers to himself, what father has done would only see the end of our family.”

“So, His Majesty does know what father has done and hasn’t promoted you, has he?” Ye Li asked.

“Why else?” Ye Yue smiled and said, with bits of sadness in her smile. When she first entered the palace, she was full of mettle with high aspirations. However, slowly she found out that the palace wasn’t as good a place as she thought it was. Noble Consort Liu, with her exceeding beauty and outstanding talent was loved most dearly by His Majesty; the graceful and poised empress, who came from a distinguished family, was respected the most by His Majesty. She always took pride in her beauty and talent, however, she was nothing in this palace, crowded with beautiful women. The favor she received at first was due to her father’s loyalty. When her father was found not loyal, she was abandoned by the heartless emperor who didn’t even bother to save her face.

Emperors have always been ruthless. Ye Li wasn’t very sympathetic to Ye Yue no matter she was willing or forced to take this road. “Second sister, do you have anything you want to tell me since you’ve asked me here?”

Looking at Ye Li’s cold and detached expression, Ye Yue shook her head eventually and said: “Just my wishful thinking. Even if I beg for your help, you won’t give me any, will you, third sister?”

Ye Li answered: “I can’t, second sister. Now… I’m afraid nobody can help anybody. You’ve known what’s happening between His Majesty and Prince Li, then you must know what situation Prince Ding’s Manor is in. No better than you are, is it?”

Ye Yue sighed and said: “I used to take pride in my intelligence, now I come to realize you are the truly clever one among the sisters, third sister.”

Ye Li frowned a little and said: “If you don’t have anything else to say, I’ll head back, second sister.”

Ye Yue sat on the couch with her baby in her arms and looked at Ye Li with a slight apology. Ye Li suddenly became alarmed and stood up immediately but she felt dizzy. Then she lost her sight and fell directly onto the ground.

Ye Yue looked at Ye Li, who was on the ground and said softly: “Sorry, third sister. I’m a mother. I have to plan for my son.”

During the spring of the 12th year under Emperor Ping’s reign, a fire broke out in Yaohua Palace. Lady Ye of Bright Deportment and the sixth prince were lost to the fire. Princess Ding, Ye Li, who was visiting Yaohua Palace at that time went missing.

“Your Highness… Your Highness! Bad news…” In Prince Ding’s Manor, Chief Steward Mo, who was famous for being calm rushed frantically towards the study in side chamber.

Feng Zhi Yao was ready to watch the fun and leaned on a chair, smiling lazily: “Ah Yao, something that could frighten Chief Steward Mo so much must be really bad…”

Before Feng Zhi Yao finished his sentence, Chief Steward Mo had already arrived at the door. He looked deathly pale and he said to Mo Xiu Yao: “Your Highness, My Lady… My Lady went missing in the palace!”

Feng Zhi Yao was so stunned that he jumped off his feet immediately and shouted: “How is that possible? How would she go missing in the palace?”

Both men turned to Mo Xiu Yao who was sitting there. He seemed to stare blankly for a moment and only after putting down the book in his hand slowly did he looked at them. Then he asked solemnly: “What happened?”

Chief Steward Mo answered, his voice shaky: “After My Lady talked to His Majesty, she was invited to Yaohua Palace by someone sent by Lady Ye of Bright Deportment who wanted to speak to her about something. When secret guards in the palace reached Yaohua Palace, the fire was unstoppable. Lady Ye of Bright Deportment and the sixth prince died in the fire and My Lady… My Lady was missing.”

Mo Xiu Yao leaned on his wheelchair. He closed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: “Where are Qing Luan and Qing Yu?”

“They are nowhere to be found, either.” Chief Steward Mo said gravely: “Qing Luan and Qing Yu didn’t follow My Lady to Yaohua Palace but… the secret guards in the palace hasn’t found them.”

“Good.” Mo Xiu Yao’s voice was deep without a trace of anger but was freezing. The whole study seemed to turn into a freezer in an instant. “My princess is missing. So are her two maids. And the secret guards in the palace know nothing. Good… am I supposed to applaud them for fulfilling their duty all these years?”

“Please calm down, Your Highness.” Feng Zhi Yao and Chief Steward Mo’s expressions changed. Both men got down on their knees, admitting their error and asking for punishment.

Mo Xiu Yao didn’t look at them. Waving his hand, he said a little detached: “Get ready. I want to go to the palace right now. Feng Zhi Yao, seal all the way out of the capital in secret. I don’t want anyone suspicious to leave.”

Feng Zhi Yao stood up and answered: “Yes, Your Highness.”

Chief Steward Mo hesitated for a moment and said: “Your Highness, considering your health condition, now might not be a suitable time for you to…” Before he finished, he received an indifferent glance from Mo Xiu Yao, the sharpness of which shook him and he swallowed the rest of the sentence.

Quick of eye and deft of hand, Feng Zhi Yao held Chief Steward Mo by the hand and walked him outside.

Chief Steward Mo frowned anxiously and said: “His Highness isn’t strong enough to go anywhere…” He was worried about the missing princess as well. But if His Highness went down with illness, Prince Ding’s Manor would come to its end without being schemed by its enemies.

Feng Zhi Yao shook his head and said: “You know him well. We can’t change his mind no matter what we say at the moment. Invited Mr. Shen over and let him go to the palace with His Highness.”

Chief Steward Mo knew Feng Zhi Yao was right. He had no choice but to head quickly to the guest house where Shen Yang was with a deep sigh. Feng Zhi Yao looked back at the silent study in worry. He could only hope for Ye Li’s safety secretly.

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