Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 113 - Fire at Yaohua Palace (72.3)

Chapter 113: Fire at Yaohua Palace (72.3)

Translator: asassin

In the study, Mo Xiu Yao was looking down at his hands which were on the arms of his wheelchair. Not knowing when, a thin layer of frost had already covered the back of his hands, which were over pale because of illness. He looked at it expressionlessly as if he had not noticed how abnormal his hands were. Slowly, the frost started to melt and turned into tiny droplets which eventually evaporated and became light warm mist, disappearing in the air. A trace of dark blood dripped down from his lips. He looked down at his light blue robe as the blood dropped on it and took out a snow-white handkerchief from his sleeve slowly, wiping the bloodstain off the corner of his mouth. “Mo Jing Qi… you asked for it!”

Right now, the palace had descended into total chaos. Mo Jing Qi was in a bad mood. He looked at everyone present in a maddeningly suspicious and malevolent way. He didn’t mind that Ye Yue and the newly-born prince were dead because of this fire but he couldn’t not care if Princess Ding was involved. It never occurred to him that he would be taken advantage of in his palace. That was right. As soon as he got the news, he knew that it wasn’t an accident but a conspiracy against him. Princess Ding died in the palace and he was the one who summoned her… He could barely bring himself to think what a disaster it would be if the Army of Mo Family and Hidden Cloud Soldiers cause havoc over this. Though he had sent his trusted subordinates to check on the defense of the capital immediately after he received the news of the accident, he couldn’t set his mind at ease.

When he saw Empress dowager near him, his expression became more complex. If asked who he was most suspicious of, his answer would be this mother of his. Having grown up beside her, he knew well that his mother would stop at nothing to get what she wants. When he was little, he had admired her for that but now he found that characteristic of hers unbearable. He didn’t want to admit it but he had always been a little fearful of her.

Then looking at Mo Jing Li, who was unconcerned because it was none of his business, Mo Jing Qi slowly let go of his anger. He couldn’t be thrown into confusion since he had to deal with someone who was more difficult and as the emperor… he couldn’t back off.

“Prince Ding is here!”

The last time that those nobles had seen Mo Xiu Yao was last June. Back then, Mo Xiu Yao was perfectly healthy except not being able to walk which had many worried more or less. But a few months later, when the news that Prince Ding was seriously ill was out, Prince Ding’s Manor shut its door and received no visitor as usual which set the mind of many at ease again. Just at the beginning of spring, the weather of the capital of Chu was still cold. Mo Xiu Yao was wheeled inside by Ah Jin. He was wearing a light blue clock with sliver could patterns. Around his neck which wasn’t covered by the clock, one could see he was in the white court dress worn by princes when they attended court. Though half of his face was covered by a mask, he didn’t look well. His abnormally pale complexion showed that he was still ill.

“Your Majesty, Your Grace. ” Mo Xiu Yao said indifferently, sitting in his wheelchair.

The chamber grew solemn. Mo Jing Qi concentrated and said in a loud and clear voice: “Prince Ding, you may dispense with curtseying.”

Mo Xiu Yao answered: “Thank you, Your Majesty. Please forgive me if I’m being impolite. But where is my wife, Your Majesty?”

Those in the chamber looked at each other in blank dismay.

Glancing at the Empress dowager and Mo Jing Li who appeared unconcerned, Mo Jing Qi’s eyes turned dark then he looked at the empress.

The empress looked back drily. She sighed to herself and opened her mouth: “Prince Ding, Princess Ding was at Yaohua Palace at that time. I’m afraid… please restrain your grief.”

“Restraining my grief? ” Glancing over those in the chamber aloofly, Mo Xiu Yao asked solemnly: “My princess was summoned to the palace to see Your Majesty. Now that she is missing, all you could tell me is to restrain my grief?”

“A fire broke out in Yaohua Palace. Lady Ye of Bright Deportment, the sixth prince and other servants of Yaohua Palace were found except Princess Ding. You are probably right, Prince Ding. Perhaps Princess Ding has escaped death by luck.” The Empress dowager stood up and said seriously: “But now… whether she is alive or dead, we see no trace of her. The fire at Yaohua Palace… was indeed abnormal.”

Sitting beside Mo Jing Li, Ye Ying had already cried her eyes red. She was indeed jealous of Ye Yue and she did hate Ye Li. However, it was also true that she had lost two of her sisters all of a sudden. Besides, Ye Yue was a good sister to her before she married. And over the past half a year, she didn’t hate Ye Li as much. The life as Princess Li in Prince Li’s Manor had taught her a lot of things which she never learned from her mother, so she knew well the deaths of Ye Yue and Ye Li did her no good. “Your Grace, Your Majesty, why would a fire suddenly start in my second sister’s palace? Why was my third sister there coincidentally? Please give my sisters justice, Your Grace, Your Majesty.”

Glancing at Ye Ying, Mo Jing Li snorted slightly: “Well, clearly she was unlucky. Why didn’t she stay at her manor obediently? That is why she is dead alongside with Lady Ye of Bright Deportment and the sixth prince.”

Sitting next to Mo Jing Qi, Noble Consort Liu only lifted her head when she heard him speaking and she asked coldly: “Prince Li, do you mean Princess Ding was accidentally implicated since someone wanted to kill Lady Ye of Bright Deportment and the sixth prince?”

Mo Jing Li sneered: “Wasn’t it obvious? Who would be so bold as to start a fire and kill someone in the palace, with that someone being Lady Ye of Bright Deportment and the sixth prince? Perhaps Ye Li died because she had seen something she shouldn’t have. If she isn’t dead, she will be somewhere in the palace, won’t she?”

Mo Jing Qi narrowed his eyes. He gazed at Mo Jing Li and said: “What do you think, Prince Li?”

Mo Jing Li smiled: “I have no idea. But though we have no trace of Princess Ding right now, we have to give the ministers and people an explanation. We can’t tell them she went missing in the palace. If we do, no noble ladies would dare to come here anymore.” The empress said with a frown: “Then what do you think we should do, Prince Li?”

“Sister-in-law, I think it is better if the palace is searched. If Princess Ding is alive, she is definitely in the palace. Perhaps, we can find who has started the fire. He won’t come to us while we sitting here, will he? I think Prince Ding must have the same idea. Aren’t you, Mo Xiu Yao?”

Mo Jing Qi wouldn’t want to search his own imperial harem but he couldn’t refuse Prince Li who put forward the idea with all seriousness and Prince Ding who agreed indifferently. He was sure that what happened today would spread out to every corner of Great Chu as a joke before tomorrow came. Mo Jing Qi hated it when his little brother who he loved dearly since he was a kid would seize every opportunity to bring shame on him.

Mo Xiu Yao didn’t take part in the big search. He remained in the side chamber since he was not well. He knew the search Mo Jing Li proposed would yield no worthy evidence. On the contrary, it might dig up awful affairs of Mo Jing Qi’s imperial harem. During usual times, he wouldn’t mind joining them but now he was in such a bad mood that talking calmly to others in the chamber was his limit.

“Your Highness, your health…” Standing on his left and right side, Shen Yang and Chief Steward Mo asked worriedly.

Mo Xiu Yao lifted his hand to stop him. Shaking his head, he said: “I’m fine. Tell Feng Zhi Yao to leave the palace. Ah Li isn’t here.”

Shen Yang raised his brows and asked: “Your Highness, why are you so sure that My Lady is still alive?”

“Ah Li was there to visit Lady Ye of Bright Deportment. She should have been with her. Even the body of the sixth prince was found when Ah Li is nowhere to be seen… I’m sure with her skills, she would have been able to get out of Yaohua Palace safely, then…” Mo Xiu Yao considered with a frown. The fire at Yaohua Palace had burned everything and there was no clue to be found. The secret guards were outside Yaohua Palace as soon as the fire started but they never saw Ah Li get out. Besides, the fire had spread too fast.

“Come here.”

“Your Highness.” Out of a side door of the side chamber appeared an ordinary-looking elder eunuch who was waiting for Mo Xiu Yao’s instructions obediently.

Mo Xiu Yao said indifferently: “Go and check if there is any secret path or chamber in Yaohua Palace. Besides, find out who were close to Lady Ye of Bright Deportment when she was still alive. Finally… send a man who knows medicine to examine the body of Lady Ye of Bright Deportment and the sixth prince.”

The elder eunuch wasn’t surprised about Mo Xiu Yao’s instructions. He was still calm and answered respectfully: “Yes, Your Highness.”

Mo Xiu Yao snorted slightly and said with indifference: “I won’t hold you responsible for what happened but don’t come to me anymore if you can’t do what I’ve told you well.”

“Thank you, Your Highness. I’ll leave, then.”

Ah Li! I know you’ll be fine… You will!

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