Golden Fishery

Chapter 16

Chapter 12: .Hundreds of waste waiting for prosperity

Everything is done. Qin Shiou connected to the Internet and logged in to QQ. As a result, when he opened it, a group of small avatars began to jump.

He opened these avatars and found that they were all messages from college classmates, mostly asking about his trip to Canada.

After answering one by one, he opened the group of classmates, the discussion in the group was in full swing, and he was the protagonist:

Squad leader Zhong Dajun: Damn, birds and beasts are stupid. They won’t be sold to Canada as pigs, right?

Ma Jin: Is it really possible for him? I have calculated for the birds and beasts, but I have not counted that he has such awesome relatives abroad and left him a fishing ground?

Chen Lei: I also have a fishing ground. My family also has a fishing ground.

Song Junmei: Brother Lei, your house is a pond, and fishing grounds are two concepts!

Chen Jiannan: After being paralyzed, go to eat the big family, the boy and the beast are awesome now!

Yan Fei: Fishing in Newfoundland, drinking horse Baikal, birds and beasts are really models of our generation.

Qin Shiou looked at the news and knew that Mao Weilong had notified his classmates of his affairs. This is understandable. This guy’s big mouth is a must in the class.

At this time, Mao Weilong also sent a message: Wipe, the head of ** is bright!

Qin Shiou secretly scolded Mao Weilong, the bastard’s eyes are so sharp, he quickly showed his head: good brothers, good sisters, I am here, Qin Hansan.

Mao Weilong: Wow, birds and beasts, you are still alive, which is really great.

Chen Lei: Fuck off, of course Brother Bird and Beast is alive, he is still alive, isn’t he?

Zhao Heng: Kneel and lick the bird·Beast brother, the bird·Beast brother V587!

Chen Jiannan: Brother Beast, where are you in Canada? Can you go to the Raptors and get me a small steel gun for an autographed photo?

Qin Shiou found that he had become a topical figure now. As soon as he appeared in the group, he started to make various provocative replies. Even Ma Jin even expressed his affection and started to swipe the screen.

The computer was placed in Qin Shiou’s bedroom. Squirrel Xiaoming got in from the window, followed the chair and climbed onto Qin Shiou’s shoulder, playing with his own pink tongue licking his paw.

Qin Shiou was busy replying to the messages of his classmates, and was unable to accompany the little squirrel. As a result, a window popped up suddenly, and he opened it as soon as he saw Mao Weilong’s video request.

As soon as the video was opened, Mao Weilong’s broken gong voice came out first: “Birds and beasts, get out of the way, let me see what your ‘Don’t be wild’ looks like…”

His voice appeared abruptly, Xiao Ming concentrated his paws, and was startled by the sudden sound. He couldn’t stand firmly for a while, and fell from Qin Shiou’s shoulder like a hairy ball.

Qin Shiou hurried to pick it up, but where was it in time? Fortunately, the squirrel has a good balance. Xiao Ming stirred his big tail to the ground safely, and then ran outside while crawling, obviously frightened by Mao Weilong’s voice.

Mao Weilong let out a ‘huh’ and said, “What was on your shoulder just now?”

Qin Shiou rolled his eyes and said, “A squirrel.”

“Where did the squirrel come from?”

Qin Shiou had to explain the origins of Xiaoming and Xiaohong, and Mao Weilong was amazed at what he heard: “Your environment is so good. Outside the window is a big maple tree with squirrels living on the tree? Dig a slot, I will definitely have time. Go and have a look at you. By the way, how is your Van Gogh?”

Qin Shiou deliberately sighed and said, “Fake, it’s a fake.”

Mao Weilong comforted him: “It’s okay, just use it as an ornament for yourself. You should be mentally prepared? How can it be so easy to find Van Gogh’s real work?”

“Van Gogh’s painting is fake, but there was another painting by Picasso at that time, and that was true.”

“What is it?! Picasso?! Digging for fun, are you teasing me?!” Mao Weilong’s voice suddenly rose ten decibels.

Squirrel Xiaoming was lying outside the window and showing his head openly to see the situation. When he heard the sudden uplifting voice, his whole body exploded with fright, turned around and jumped on the maple tree and ran away.

Qin Shiou continued to tease Mao Weilong: “Hey, it’s nothing. That painting is worthless, at most one million eight hundred thousand. The auction house’s experts have seen it.”

Mao Weilong said angrily: “There is no reason, eight hundred and eight hundred thousand dollars are worthless?! Pretending to be struck by lightning! Birds and beasts, you will be condemned by heaven!”

Qin Shiou said faintly: “Along with these paintings, I also found a bronze statue, which is a Renaissance object. The experts of the auction house told me that it was worth more than 20 million…”


The screen suddenly went black, and Qin Shiou shook the mouse. It was not his business, but Mao Weilong’s connection.

Soon, Mao Weilong sent him a message: I will book a ticket and fly to you!

At night, Auerbach came to him. Qin Shiou made vinegared fish fillets and braised carp to entertain him. The two of them ate and talked about his immigration procedures.

Auerbach told him that the procedure is okay, and that it has been submitted to the immigration office today, it will be over as long as it is reviewed, and it will not take two days at most.

Qin Shiou was surprised by the efficiency of the Canadian government. Later, he learned that Auerbach had asked an old friend for help. He had a friend who was a senior official of the immigration bureau, and the procedures were naturally handled quickly.

After dinner, Auerbach left. Qin Shiou sent him out and said, “Daddy Auer, you are too polite. You can just call me for this kind of news in the future. You don’t need to come here.”

Auerbach shrugged and said: “That’s not good, I won’t come, who will prepare dinner for me?”

Laughing, Auerbach got into his BMW 750 and walked away.

Qin Shiou was stunned, looking at the beautiful figure of BMW, and suddenly thought that he needed to buy a car, now he has a lot of money, why do he drive that little broken car?

Back to the bed, Qin Shiou’s consciousness entered the ocean.

As soon as he entered the sea, he first went to look at the coral reefs, and found that the previously dead coral became full of vitality. When he left last time, the living coral was only about ten square meters, and now it has rapidly expanded to more than twenty square meters.

Obviously, his mysterious power has stamina. The coral insects maintain vitality and continue to divide and grow, making this sea area colorful again.

Beside the coral reef, there is a cup jellyfish that has completely returned to normal. With the surging of the undercurrent in the sea, this cup jellyfish is constantly twisting and seems to be dancing.

In addition, Qin Shiou clearly felt that when his consciousness appeared, the corals and cup jellyfish suddenly became more active. He could perceive that the coral insects and jellyfish were struggling in the direction of his consciousness, seeming to long for him. Caress.

Qin Shiou covered his consciousness, especially for coral insects. He once again injected mysterious energy into it, because he knew that for the offshore, only corals can grow aquatic insects and vegetation, and these are the basic food of fish.

Although his modification of the seabed is very small, it has already achieved initial results. Fish appeared on the gloomy seabed before. For example, soon after Qin Shiou realized that, two silvery-white fish swam over with their heads and tails wagging.

Qin Shiou looked at these two small fishes. They were about ten centimeters long and were covered with small thin round scales. In addition, their dorsal fin spines had developed scaly sheaths, extending back to the fin rays, and their bodies were short and thick. Powerful.

After swimming over, two small silver fish found some floating insects on the coral reef to eat, and then got into a cup of jellyfish. They seemed to know that this thing could protect them.

Qin Shiou watched the two white fishes while urging the coral polyps to split and grow. Based on the appearance of the two fishes, he judged that it should be a cold-water fish in China, named sea crucian carp.

The reason why he knew this kind of fish was because Qin Shiou was surprised to find out that some small marine fish were born viviparous, that is, sea crucian carp.

Feeling a little tired, Qin Shiou’s consciousness broke away from the coral worms and continued to march towards the depths of the ocean.

The Heart of the Ocean is a very powerful thing, as long as Qin Shiou’s consciousness opens up the ocean area, he can control it.

This is a very strange feeling, as if he has clairvoyance, the place opened up by his consciousness, even if his consciousness leaves, he can feel everything in that place.

As consciousness moved away from the coast, the quality of the sea water began to improve, and life in the water began to increase, but the colorful and colorful marine environment he expected still did not appear.

Happiness, Qin Shiou sighed as his consciousness wandered.

%%%% Thanks to the five five-star evaluation votes of the innocent Mocouli brothers! Thanks to every brother and sister who supported this book! Let our fishing grounds rush up!

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