Golden Fishery

Chapter 18

Chapter 14: .Boiled syrup

&Amp;&&& At the beginning, ask for collection, ask for recommendation, all kinds of requests, dear book friends, please help shells, help us still young and young fishery!

When someone introduced work, Shaq suddenly raised his head, his teeth and claws flared, like a lion waking up, Qin Shiou’s little heart missed two beats.

My day, if you hire this fisherman as a fisherman, you can save money for bodyguards, Qin Shiou exclaimed.

“You?” Shaq looked at Qin Shiou suspiciously.

Qin Shiou sat down and said, “You know, I have inherited the Daqin fishing ground now, and that fishing ground was disbanded ten years ago. I want to open it up, of course, I need manpower.”

After hearing what he said, Shaq was not happy and worried. He sighed and said: “Qin, you don’t know, it is not that simple to build a fishery, and to be honest, I have been favored by Lao Qin, and I must tell the truth. I am afraid there is no more fish in your fishing ground now.”

From these words, Qin Shiou can tell that this Shaq is a good guy. He did not fool Qin Shiou for his work. In addition, he also has some skills. Qin Shiou knew the depletion of fishery resources with the heart of the sea god, and Shaq clearly did not have the sea god’s heart. Heart.

Qin Shiou said: “It’s okay, man, I must restore my grandfather’s fishing grounds to glory. If there is no boat, then buy a boat. If there is no one, then recruit people. If there is no fish, I will buy fry breeding!”

He has the great cheating device of Seagod’s Heart. If he can’t even get a fishing ground, he might as well dive into the sea to commit suicide.

“But this requires a lot of money.” Shaq said honestly.

Qin Shiou patted the table and said boldly: “I’m not short of money!” He snapped his fingers, “Man, I will be responsible for your wine money tonight. You can do whatever you want!”

Seeing that Qin Shiou was so confident, Shaq’s eyes lit up, and the bartender brought a barrel of dark beer over and said, “Shaq, you are lucky.”

Qin Shiou asked Zhuang Han Shake, “Is this your favorite beer?”

Shaq grinned and said, “This is the most suitable.”

Qin Shiou patted the table again and said to the bartender: “Here is the best beer!”

He didn’t panic with the money, nor did he want to be taken advantage of, but now he is in the early stage of his business. Shaq is the first general he recruited. He must stabilize the mind of this Titan, so he must show himself. Financial resources.

The domestic business rule is not to talk about money at the wine table. On the contrary, Qin Shiou and Shaq decided on Shaq’s salary after drinking: a weekly salary of 2,000 Canadian dollars. According to the development of the fishery, there will be a bonus at the end of the year.

Qin Shiou’s salary to Shaq is not low. The combined monthly salary is 8,000 yuan, which is almost the same as the salary of cleaners-Canada is very strange. The salary of cleaners is relatively high because they belong to the same category as librarians and city government service personnel. The “Municipal Workers’ Association” is well paid. The hourly salary of a senior cleaner is around 30 Canadian dollars, and the annual salary is about 120,000 Canadian dollars.

While ordinary white-collar workers in first-tier cities in Canada have a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan to 4,000 yuan, blue-collar wages are almost the same, but fishermen, miners and other types of work can be paid higher because of the risk of work.

Farewell to the town’s current economic downturn. Generally, fishermen hired by fish farms are paid a monthly salary of up to 5,000 yuan. Qin Shiou gave such a high salary.

After discussing the salary, Qin Shiou listened to Shaq telling him some tips for managing the fishery. The latter explained with joy while sipping beer, but the former did not hear much. Qin Shiou was too much to drink, so he collapsed on the table behind him. .

When he woke up again, Qin Shiou found that he was sleeping on his own bed. He had a hangover all night, but he was refreshed. It may be related to the Seagod’s heart. This thing has been improving his physique.

After changing his old clothes full of alcohol, Qin Shiou opened the window, only to see an overly strong figure sitting under the maple tree next to the villa with a big pipe in his mouth. He was so happy that it was him. The newly recruited general Shaq-Sardinson.

“Man, I came early.” Qin Shiou smiled, “You must have sent me back last night.”

Shaq also laughed, and said, “Mr. Auerbach told me where you live, otherwise you will have to sleep in my fish cabin.”

Qin Shiou called Auerbach, and the latter came with the contract so that Shaq had seen it without any problems, and immediately began to work at the fishing ground after signing.

“A salary of eight thousand dollars, this is great, I think it will surprise the people in the town.” Shaq has been muttering excitedly when he signed the contract. In Newfoundland, where the economy is generally sluggish, his treatment is definitely a high salary. .

What really makes Shaq happy is that his salary has solved his urgent needs. He was completely desperate before. His daughter’s tuition, medical expenses and family living expenses were all overwhelmed by the money.

After signing the contract, Shaq rubbed his hands and asked: “BOSS, what are we doing now?”

Qin Shiou smiled and said, “Don’t worry, man, you know, our fishing ground is equal to rebuilding it from scratch, and now we can say that there is nothing.”

It is true that there is nothing. Some useful things in the fishing grounds, such as fishing boats, fishing nets, storage oil, etc., have been pulled away by the tax bureau and the bank.

“I have a certain amount of money that has not yet arrived. After that amount of money has arrived, we will start working again. What we need to do now is the preliminary work, buy some necessary items, and clean up the fishing ground.” Qin Shiou said.

Shake said: “No problem, I will sum up the necessities. As for cleaning the fishery, BOSS, you don’t have to do it, just look at me!”

Qin Shiou really didn’t want to do it. The fishing grounds were too big and there were too many houses—housing, warehouses, wharves, granaries, oil depots, ice warehouses, and so on. Lin Lin always had twenty or thirty houses, some of which he didn’t know what they were doing.

But Shaq didn’t let Qin Shiou be bored. He said, “Boss, if you’re fine, you can make some maple syrup. I’ve just seen these two maple trees with deep roots and must have stored a lot of maple syrup.”

“Boiled maple syrup?” Qin Shiou became a little interested.

As we all know, Canada is rich in maple leaves, and people have a deeper affection for maple leaves, and they regard it as a symbol of the country. From the flag, the national emblem, the national flower, to the daily necessities of the common people, the maple leaf pattern abounds and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Canadians especially like maple, not only because it has ornamental value, but also because it can be used to make syrup for people to enjoy.

Qin Shiou knows this and also knows that Canada has a Maple Sugar Festival, but he doesn’t know how this thing is made.

Shaq told him that the production of maple syrup is actually quite troublesome, but collecting syrup is very simple. The two big trees on both sides of the villa are both Tang maple trees, and the sugar content of the sap can reach 7% to 10%. Simply boil it to produce syrup.

“Maple syrup has lower calories than sucrose, fructose, corn sugar, etc., but it contains much higher calcium, magnesium and organic acids than other sugars. The calcium content in maple syrup is as high as 10%, which is equivalent to milk, so BOSS , It’s good to drink more maple syrup.” Shaq explained.

“Then teach me now, man, seriously, I can’t wait anymore.” Qin Shiou smiled.

It is not difficult to collect maple sap. Shake taught Qin Shiou to make a hole in the trunk of the maple, plug in a metal plug, connect a plastic tube, and connect the tube to the storage tank, and the sap will flow in.

While punching a hole, Shaq said, “Only maple trees over 50 years old can collect maple syrup, otherwise it will be detrimental to the growth of the tree. In addition, BOSS, you should pay attention that the depth of the hole should not exceed your index finger, and the diameter should be smaller. The index finger is wide and slightly tilted upward, and the sap collection from each tree hole must stop for ten minutes.”

Although Qin Shiou became interested in this activity, he felt a bit cruel when seeing the maple trees being plugged in. He couldn’t help but think of the process of taking bear bile live on the news.

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