Golden Fishery

Chapter 19

Chapter 15: .Making Coral Reefs

Qin Shiou expressed his worries, Shaq scratched his head and muttered: “It should be fine, because we have been doing this for decades, isn’t the maple tree growing well?”

Auerbach, who had been watching Qin Shiou’s busy schedule with a smile before, laughed. He explained: “Qin, come, I will tell you the answer. You know, Newfoundland is close to the North Pole. Summer is short and winter is long, but in summer At that time, maple trees use photosynthesis to produce starch, which will be converted into sugar before winter.”

“If the plant body fluid freezes in the winter, the cell membrane will rupture and the plant will die naturally. Maple tree sap is full of sugar, so it is not easy to freeze below the freezing point, so that they can survive in high latitudes and cold areas.”

“But when spring and summer come, and the temperature rises, maple trees begin to use water to grow, so that the sugar content in the sap will become higher and higher. Once the concentration is higher than the concentration of cell sap, cell water loss is also not conducive to their survival.”

“So, at this time, it is best to extract maple syrup so that the maple leaves can re-store starch under photosynthesis. In fact, even if we do not collect maple syrup, the maple tree will secrete these things.”

In contrast, Auerbach is obviously more literate, and Shaq nodded frantically, probably not understanding.

Qin Shiou is a person who has studied biology, so he understood this truth, and started collecting sap without any psychological pressure.

Both maple trees are more than 80 years old, with luxuriant roots and lush roots. The trunks are two shak thick and thick. The sap is very abundant. After plugging in the plug, the amber sap begins to flow out.

Qin Shiou stretched out his hand and dipped it and tasted it. The sticky sap was sweet with the fragrance of plants and trees, and it tasted lighter than sugar water, but it didn’t have a feeling.

When Shaq left, the squirrel Xiaoming got up from the tree, jumped on a storage tank and looked at the sap inside.

Qin Shiou dipped some tree sap with his fingers and handed it to Xiao Ming. It stretched out its pink tongue and licked it quickly, then flicked its big tail and jumped out of the jar.

It seems that squirrels are also eating sweets, and Qin Shiou laughed at Xiao Ming, who was shaking his head and waving his tail and seemed very happy.

In fact, there is no need to feed Qin Shiou. Xiao Ming observed for a while, and he climbed to a place where the sap branched, and a pipe head was inserted there. Xiao Ming stood tall and licked the water that dripped from the pipe head from time to time as if drinking water. Sap.

Sure enough, the two big trees stored a lot of sap. In just one morning, Qin Shiou collected more than 20 kilograms of sap.

The earthen way to make maple syrup is to cook it in a pot. As the water evaporates, the last thing left is syrup.

After    was burnt, Qin Shiou didn’t care about it. He stretched his mind into the ocean to check the changes on the bottom of the fishing ground.

The area of the coral reef is larger, and it spreads to more than 50 square meters, and the seabed finally has a bit of colorful flavor.

Qin Shiou’s mind spreads everywhere, and when he encounters fish, he leads to the location of the coral reef. After his efforts, the coral reef is already a lot of lively.

The colorful coral polyps spread out ciliated tentacles to prey, and some zooxanthellae are scattered around, absorbing the carbon dioxide released by the coral polyps and the phosphorus and nitrogen in the emissions.

At the same time, zooxanthellae release oxygen and carbohydrates, which are food that coral insects depend on for their livelihoods, and the two sides form a symbiotic relationship.

In addition to zooxanthellae, there are coral algae, cyanobacteria and brown algae on the corals. These are all recently grown. Previously, cyanobacteria and brown algae were almost extinct here. It is estimated that only some ‘seeds” are left. When energy breeds coral polyps, they also benefit.

It is also the existence of coral algae, cyanobacteria, and brown algae that attract fish such as crucian carp. They feed on these seaweeds.

He wandered around the sea for a while, mainly exploring areas in shallow waters, so it was impossible to find any sunken treasures or the like. It was meaningless, so he planned to take back his mind.

But when he took it back, he came across a strange little fish. This little fish was about slap length, green and red intersecting, and its body color was bright. It has small black spots on its body and a red band on its side, like a rainbow. Strong sex.

Qin Shiou is a little curious, he should know this fish, this is the famous rainbow trout.

Rainbow trout is a North American specialty fish. It is a treasure among cold-water fishes. The meat is delicious. In some places, its meat is even used to pretend to be salmon. It often appears in Hong Kong TV dramas.

However, as far as Qin Shiou knows, rainbow trout should be a freshwater fish. It generally lives in some rivers in North America, Alaska, Canada and other places. How could it be in the sea?

This little fish is very impatient and seems to have encountered something. It may have just escaped from the mouth of the natural enemy. Most fish in the ocean live in groups. When one is a lone ranger, it is usually washed away by the natural enemy. Schools of fish live outside.

Qin Shiou’s mind was enveloped, and the little fish suddenly became quiet, and followed Qin Shiou’s lead all the way, it also reached the coral reef, and then shook its head and tailed to search for food.

Nothing happened, Qin Shiou recovered his mind. He then checked it online, and then suddenly realized.

That little fish is indeed a kind of rainbow trout, called hardhead trout. This kind of fish is a rare stray fish in the trout. It grows in the river and grows in the sea.

Qin Shiou now understands that coral reefs are indispensable for the development of fishing grounds, which can provide food and shelter for fish.

Thinking about it, he went to Shaq and asked, “Man, do you know how to make corals grow faster?”

Shaq didn’t understand. So, Qin Shiou explained the relationship. After understanding it, he said embarrassedly: “BOSS, it’s not easy. We used to have a lot of octopus corals here, but the water quality got worse and worse. Can’t go down.”

Generally speaking, corals like to live in warm, transparent, and nutrient-poor tropical shallow waters, but they are diverse and widely distributed. In the shallow waters of temperate and frigid zones, there are also many coral species.

Even, they have been found in the deep waters of the frigid zone. For example, the Geographic Magazine in the United States reported that they once found a blackhorn coral at a depth of 8800 meters in the ocean.

But corals are very delicate creatures. They are very sensitive to the salinity, pH, transparency, oxygen content, and water pollution of seawater. Now, as the acidity of the seawater increases due to carbon dioxide pollution, corals are facing a huge survival crisis.

The reason why the corals in the waters around the Farewell Island died so badly should be related to water pollution. When Qin Shiou’s mind entered the ocean, he instinctively felt uncomfortable because of the pollution.

“What if the water quality improves?” Qin Shiou asked.

Shake said: “Then it will be easy. We can throw stones, wooden frames, etc. on the bottom of the sea. As long as the skeleton is constructed, the corals will cling to it. After a long time, it will extend into a coral reef.”

Qin Shiou nodded and understood that he began to plan how to artificially create coral reefs in the future.

The maple syrup was brewed until the afternoon. When Shaq went to town, he brought a few children back. These children were happy to see the maple syrup that was boiled into almost golden yellow. Children who like to eat sugar will always be children.

Several children are seven or eight years old. Shaq patted the biggest little guy and proudly introduced: “BOSS, this is my son, Shaq, the warrior and treasure of the Sardines family.”

Qin Shiou smiled bitterly, don’t Canadians bother to name their children? How come you have the same name as your father or your grandfather? This is the case with Robert Black IV, the young owner of the Ritchie auction house, and the same is true for Shaq’s son now.

Maple syrup is easy to eat. Use an ice machine to make some clean snow, pour the maple syrup on top one by one, and then you can eat it after cooling.

Qin Shiou ate a piece. The maple syrup dipped in snow was sweet but not greasy. Because of the snow, it was really cool and icy, much better than domestic lollipops.

Auerbach instructed Qin Shiou to use maple syrup to make maple syrup pudding. This is a specialty snack in Newfoundland, baked with fresh cream, maple syrup, egg yolk and some mint leaves as raw materials.

The process is not complicated. Stir the egg yolk with the cream and maple syrup, then filter the maple pudding liquid with a fine screen, then pour it into the model and use a spoon to crush the surface bubbles, and finally bake it in the oven. It is convenient to put it in the refrigerator to eat and heat at any time.

Nothing happened in the afternoon. Shaq was busy calculating what to buy, while Qin Shiou hugged a plate of fruit salad and maple pudding nestling on the sofa to watch TV series. He was directly connected to the North American cable station. Although it was a premium channel, the quality of the program was Quite high, at least no commercials.

One day passed. In the evening, Qin Shiou had nothing to do and was going to the bar to play, but the car couldn’t start. This made him quite depressed. He made up his mind to buy a car tomorrow!

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