Golden Fishery

Chapter 1989

Vol 2 Chapter 1884: .Submarine Coffin (2/4)

He wants revenge on the Morrie family, but this has to be done slowly and in a hurry. Because he lacks the means to deal with the Murray family, although this family cannot be said to be pivotal in the United States, it is also based on a solid foundation. The way Qin Shiou can think of revenge is nothing more than stealing all of their customers and eventually leading to the closure of their family industry.

As soon as he thought of it, Qin Shiou put the Seagod consciousness into the Moli family fishing ground, and attracted all the fish from the offshore to the far sea into the No. 3 fishing ground. At the same time, he summoned the great white shark black king sharks to come over. They are resident in the fisheries of the Murray family.

As long as the sharks stay here, the inability of the Murray family’s fishing grounds to produce catches can be well explained. So many sharks survive on the fishing grounds, how many catches have to be eaten? Also, even if there are too many fish in the fishing grounds, the sharks will definitely escape the fishing grounds.

This is the shortcoming of natural fishing grounds. If there is an accident in the fishing ground, the farmed fish will leave, which can seriously cause the fishery owner to lose his money.

Poseidon consciousness swims in the offshore waters of the fishing ground, and all the eight consciousnesses attacked. He began to plow the land to search for the catch. As long as the catch he encountered, whether it was a school of fish or an individual, he was attracted to his own fishing ground.

The sea pythons and sharks can’t come to the offshore, so he has to clean the offshore area by himself. As for the far sea, it doesn’t matter, the rest of the fish can be used to make food for the sharks.

The Seagod Consciousness drove against the bottom of the sea for a while, and Qin Shiou suddenly noticed that there was a strip of seabed that was different from the surroundings.

Generally speaking, the vast seabed is less affected by humans, and there are no marine organisms consciously destroying a piece of land, so it is on a large seabed with a similar environment. The types and numbers of growing seaweeds and water plants are similar.

But he noticed that a small area of the sea was growing with macroalgae. These macroalgae were not stimulated by the Poseidon’s energy, so they did not grow too much, but they were more than ten meters long. Floating scattered in the sea, it is very different from the surrounding environment.

The Carter Fisheries didn’t grow macroalgae much. He relied on fish feed to raise fish, although such a large investment. But the effect is quick.

The appearance of macroalgae is relatively abrupt. There are only small algae such as cyanobacteria and brown algae in the surrounding seabed, but a piece of macroalgae appears here. Obviously, these macroalgae are artificially planted.

But this sea area is already the junction of Mori’s fishing grounds and his own fishing grounds. Who would grow macroalgae here? Qin Shiou felt a little strange, so he checked with the Seagod consciousness.

There is no problem with the macroalgae, the root system is caught in the sea mud. The air sacs on the blades generate buoyancy and carry the dark green algae leaves floating in the water, but there seems to be a box buried in the sea mud under the macroalgae.

In addition to being a great fisherman, Daguan Qin is also a more powerful marine Shenbao salvager, so he became excited when he saw a corner of the caisson. Could there be any in Carter Fishery? What treasure? Then it’s good to catch it, and it can’t be left to the Morrie family.

The Seagod’s consciousness swept through the seabed storm, and the giant algae was swayed by the impact. The mud on the bottom of the sea was even more mixed up, and this sea area quickly became extremely chaotic.

But this cannot affect the vision of the Seagod’s consciousness. Qin Shiou looked at the snacks on the bottom of the sea and was surprised. It turned out that what was hidden in this piece of sea mud was not a caisson, but a pile of caissons, which looked like a dozen.

But if he looked closely, he was even more surprised, because when he washed away the mud on the boxes, he suddenly discovered that these boxes were nothing but coffins!

The material of these coffins is not known what kind of wood it is. Dark in color. I don’t know how long it has been soaked in the sea water, the wood has not rotted away, but the iron chains and ropes tied to the lid of the coffin are almost corroded by the sea water, and the Seagod’s consciousness shot upward. The chain broke.

Without the shackles of iron chains, a coffin lid floated…

The wooden coffin cover floated up. A human head was suddenly exposed. Fortunately, the official Qin was prepared. The coffin may contain a corpse, so he was not very scared.

But, looking down, he was a little scared. The coffin was poured with dry cement. No wonder the wooden coffin did not float in the water due to buoyancy, and the exposed parts of the human head and neck were imprisoned in the cement.

“What the **** is going on?” Qin Shiou lying on the chair scratched his head in confusion.

He opened the other coffins and found that all the coffins were filled with dry cement, and at the edges, traces of human body parts could be seen, such as human hands, such as human feet, and some were slanted sideways. Half of the body is exposed.

Qin Shiou looked at the exposed corpse. He couldn’t see anything, but he could see that these corpses might have died within twenty years, because one of the corpses was holding a small brick-like candy bar phone in his hand. The word NOKIA can barely be seen on the black shell.

He had a vague impression that the age of the candy bar phone launched by Nokia was in the 1990s.

This situation is a bit bad. These people obviously died unnaturally, and their bodies were poured into concrete and thrown into the bottom of the sea. This was the purpose of killing people to cover up their traces.

And he understands that American gangs like to use this method to dispose of corpses, pour the coffins into cement, dry them, and throw them into the sea. They have not been able to find these processed corpses for hundreds of years, which is unconscious.

Which gangster is responsible for these corpses? Qin Shiou was puzzled, and then he overturned this idea again. If the gang deals with corpses here, they won’t be in the mood to plant macroalgae at the processing location, right?

In addition, the gang must deal with the corpse in the deeper the water, the better. It is only forty meters deep, and you can reach this location in a diving suit. Moreover, it is only a few kilometers away from the shore. If the gangsters throw the dead bodies here, they are not afraid of being spotted by Carter and the fishermen living on the shore?

Thinking about it in this way, the answer is ready to come: Maybe it’s not a gangster who deals with these corpses, it’s Carter!

He thinks that this matter has to be called to the police. There are more than a dozen coffins. He doesn’t know if there are other coffins hidden deeper in the mud, and there is more than one corpse stuffed in each coffin. So many corpses appeared in one. The place is definitely a big case!

Telling the police how to find the corpse is another problem, but Qin Shiou has some ways to deal with this problem. He is already handy in dealing with this problem. Taking advantage of the opportunity of a helicopter to cruise the fishery, he can use the sea current to roll up these coffin covers and float out of the water.

It just so happened that the sea area where the coffin was located was at the junction of No. 3 Fishing Ground and Moli Fishing Ground. The helicopter noticed a floating coffin lid, and the fishermen sailed to retrieve it. As a result, when the lid of the coffin was fished, they saw a dry corpse. His head is hung on it by aquatic plants and seaweed.

Seeing this scene, the fishermen immediately notified Qin Shiou.

(To be continued ^ )

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