Golden Fishery

Chapter 1991

Vol 2 Chapter 1886: .Who has the sky let go (4/4)

Qin Shiou picked up Charles’ clothes, revealing the black pistol inside. The marine police saw this scene and pointed their guns at Charles.

It feels bad to be pointed at with a gun. It feels that the life is not owned by him but by the other party. Qin Shiou was afraid just now, it would be Charles’ turn, and he screamed again and again in fright.

At this time, someone pointed to the distance and shouted: “Look, another coffin board has floated.”

The marine police turned their heads to look, and Charles turned his head to look hard, and then an anxious expression appeared on his face.

Because he was wearing a weapon and had a weapon intimidating others, the maritime police tortured Charles. Qin Shiou would definitely sue him. He called Auerbach and asked clearly how to deal with this matter that would bring Charles the most serious punishment. .

The marine police inspected the heads on the coffin board, and then rushed to the position where the coffin lid floated. They were wearing diving suits. After wearing them, the two marine police jumped down with water crossbows and underwater searchlights.

The existence of macroalgae caused some difficulties for the maritime police to search for coffins on the seabed, but it was also an indicator light. Qin Shiou entangled a coffin cover with macroalgae. After discovering this coffin cover, the marine police continued to dive and saw a series of coffins.

Then the local mounted police arrived. The chief of the marine police and the chief of the mounted police negotiated. After they whispered a few words, a series of photos were printed out and sent to them.

Seeing the coffins and corpses on the bottom of the sea, the police looked serious. They called their superiors, and then a salvage ship came to this sea that day.

Qin Shiou wanted to trouble Charles, but there was no police paying attention to him, and he was anxious enough: “Hey. Guys, someone here is threatening me with a gun. Can you arrest him first?”

A mounted policeman said impatiently, “Aren’t the Americans in handcuffs? Go and wait, there are more important cases here!”

Night falls. Qin Shiou went back to the small building. Boats went to and fro on the sea, with salvage boats and patrol boats going back and forth, and there were more than 20 boats here. In addition, media reporters arrived. Throughout the night, the sea on the fishing ground was very lively.

The latter matter has nothing to do with Qin Shiou. The mounted police came to record him and the fisherman. The first recorded was Charles threatening him with a gun. Qin Shiou emphasized the fact that the other party had always wanted to obtain the coffin cover and head. The incident was reported, and the transcript for him was replaced by the head of the Mounted Police.

The sheriff knew Qin Shiou’s energy, and he was patient and impeccable when he was patient. When the transcript was almost in progress, he received a call.

Qin Shiou’s hearing is excellent, and the sheriff did not shy away from him, so he probably heard what the person opposite was saying.

There were so many coffins and corpses found in the fishing grounds, and they were still in offshore locations with macroalgae markings. Even he thought that this might have something to do with the fisherman Carter, let alone the police?

The police not only suspected Carter. He also suspected the former fisherman of the No. 3 fishery, but after someone interrogated Carter, the latter quickly pleaded guilty, saying that he had assisted in handling the corpses.

Qin Shiou heard the news. He didn’t expect that this incident was really related to Carter. Now it seems that this man has to sit in prison until his deathbed.

The next afternoon, Auerbach came to the fishing ground. Qin Shiou took him to the police station and said that he would prosecute Charles.

The sergeant who received him was the sheriff who gave him the transcript last night. He shook his head and said, “You don’t need to prosecute him. It’s useless. That guy has been sent back to the United States overnight.”

“Fak, you are dereliction of duty!” The official Qin suddenly became angry. He did not expect the Mori family to have such a great energy.

The sheriff shook his head and said, “Mr. Qin. After listening to what I said, we recovered a total of 16 coffins. There were a total of forty-five dead people in it. Some of these people were identified as missing American gangsters. Molecule.”

“Now, this case has become a major transnational case. The United States dispatched the FBI, the National Special Products Administration, and the State Criminal Police to form a task force to investigate this matter. Mr. Charles Morley is suspected of producing, transporting, selling and selling exclusive products. The murder has been taken away by their task force.”

Hearing this, Qin Shiou was surprised even though he was mentally prepared. He asked, “This matter is related to Charles Morley?”

At that time, Charles’ reaction when he saw the coffin cover and head proved that he could not get rid of the relationship, but he did not expect that it was related to the unique product.

“It has something to do with the entire Morrie family.” The sheriff leaned on the desk and said with his arms folded. “According to Carter’s confession, these corpses were smuggled by the Morrie family to his fishery when transporting seafood for him to help. Dealt with.”

“Why don’t the Morrie family handle it by themselves, but Carter helps to deal with it?” Qin Shiou asked strangely.

The sheriff shrugged and opened his hands helplessly: “Sorry, I was not in charge of his interrogation, so I don’t know the specific reason. But it is not easy for the Morrie family to deal with so many corpses in the United States, because the FBI and the Independent Product Administration have been Watching them.”

After chatting with the sheriff for a while, Qin Shiou realized that the Mori family was not as simple as he knew. For a long time, FIB and the Independent Product Administration had speculated that they might have participated in the transportation of the unique product along the Canadian-US border, but no evidence was found.

Now that there is finally evidence, they arrested the Morrie family.

In the next few days, the fishing ground was not quiet. This serious case caused a sensation in both Canada and the United States. Many reporters came to the fishing ground to interview Qin Shiou and the former fisherman of Carter Fishery.

Among them, Qin Shiou and Shake became the focus of the interview, because they discovered these coffin covers, and it can even be said that they captured Charles.

Qin Shiou threw the interview work to Shake and others. He hid in the villa in the national park, and no one was allowed to reveal his whereabouts.

However, he has been following this case, and there are many related reports. The Nova Scotia TV station even produced an album to track this case.

First of all, he understood why when Carter’s fishery was auctioned, the Morrie family had spent a lot of money to compete with him for the fishery, and he also understood why Carter didn’t care if his wife betrayed him and put the fishery on the market.

When he understood that he was going to jail, he knew what he would do with his unfeeling wife, so he negotiated with the Morrie family and asked the Morrie family to keep his fishing grounds and return the fishing grounds to him after he was released from prison. .

The bargaining chips in Carter’s hand are the corpses that the Morrie family transported to his fishery twice sixteen years ago.

As the sheriff said, the Murray family has been involved in the business of manufacturing and selling du. The FBI has been watching them very closely. They cannot deal with the large number of du products produced in the production process of du products and fighting with other independent vendors in the country. The corpse can only be sent to Canada through the procedures of exempting seafood and handed over to Carter for processing. (To be continued ^ )

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