Golden Fishery

Chapter 21

Chapter 17: .The true face of the fishery (seeking support)

Qin Shiou happily transferred the money, letting the manager of the 4S shop and Tiger see what it means to be a local tyrant.

This 6.2L top-fitted Presidential No. 1 naked car is priced at 280,000 Canadian dollars, which is equivalent to 1.4 million yuan. Qin Shiou made a phone call during the period and Mao Weilong told him that the domestic price of this car is 2.6 million. Yuan, nearly doubled!

Because Qin Shiou buys the car in full, the 4S shop also has a discount, giving him a full set of leather seat accessories and a low-guarantee insurance.

In addition, the manager told Qin Shiou that this car has an additional service, that is, no matter when and where, as long as it is in Canada, if the car breaks down or needs repair, just a phone call, and other 4S shops will go and fix it for him.

The rich is the uncle, and Qin Shiou had to sigh with emotion.

Actually, he didn’t feel anything about buying this car. It was like buying two sets of pancakes for 20 yuan when there were a thousand in his pocket. It was as simple as that.

Easily earned a commission from a luxury car, but he broke Tiger. He almost used Qin Shiou as his father. After busying himself, he added coffee and biscuits, only rubbing his shoulders and back.

Car license procedures do not need Qin Shiou trouble, the 4S shop is responsible for him, all he has to do is to go back, and then wait for the 4S shop to transport the car to his fishing ground.

Auerbach took Qin Shiou around in St. John’s. Although it is the largest city in Newfoundland, in Qin Shiou’s eyes, this is still a small town, deserted, with only 200,000 people. It is also called a city?

Although St. Johns has a small population and a small area, he is one of the few cities in Canada with a trading port, so the economy is developing very well, otherwise there will be no market for cars like President One.

Auerbach introduced Qin Shiou that the city was built by 4000 royalists and some Irish people who fled from starvation in the early 19th century, so there are many ancient buildings with Irish style.

St. John’s attaches great importance to the protection of these traditional buildings. There are many old and dilapidated buildings in the urban area, but they have not been demolished and have been well protected, telling tourists the not dazzling but wonderful history of this city.

Wandering around, the two went to the bay terminal in St. John’s, and took a passenger ship back to Farewell Town.

Seeing Qin Shiou’s return, Shake, who was cleaning, curiously asked him what car he had bought.

Qin Shiou pretended to say, “It’s a Cadillac Presidential One. If you use it in the future, Lao Sha, get the key from me and use it as you like.”

This dazzling and shining attitude reminded him of Mao Weilong, who was the first one in his dormitory to buy a computer when he was in college.

At that time, this guy also liked to act like this. He installed the password on his computer and could change it twelve times a day. It’s not that he is stingy and doesn’t want to let his roommates use it, but to enjoy the pleasure when the roommates ask for the password.

I didn’t know that Shaq couldn’t laugh or cry, and said: “You went to buy an SUV? God, I thought you read the list I gave you, you are going to buy a pickup truck!”

Qin Shiou touched his nose. He didn’t actually read the shopping list that Shaq gave him. Anyway, he didn’t plan to buy any belongings for the fishery in the near future.

“Do you want a pickup?”

“Of course, in the future, pickup trucks will be used to tow fishing boat maintenance tools, use it to pack fish boxes, use it to tug boats, and use it to deliver ice. Anyway, pickup trucks can play a big role in fishing grounds.”

“Then let’s talk about it next time, and see if there are any good pickups at that time. By the way, what are you doing?”

“Clean the fishery, BOSS, I have to clean it out before the fishery starts.”

Qin Shiou smiled and said, “When do you have to do it alone?”

Shaq also laughed and said, “Who said I did it alone? I’m just packing up the things that can be used. From tomorrow, someone will clean it up.”

At first Qin Shiou didn’t understand Shaq’s meaning. Early the next morning, one after another car engine roared. Qin Shiou got up and looked outside, and groups of people arrived one after another.

Shaq shook his beard to divide the labor between the people who came. Soon there were more than 20 houses to be cleaned.

Qin Shiou asked: “Did you hire a cleaner?”

The salary of cleaners in Canada is not low, but this is not the point. What he is not satisfied with is Shaq’s attitude of hiring someone to do the work without saying hello to him.

Shaq shook his head and smiled: “All the cleaners I use are my neighbors and friends. They have nothing to do, so they come to help me clean, as long as we take care of the last meal.”

Qin Shiou was a little touched. There is such a gentle side to the interpersonal relationship in this capitalist country. He thought that Canada is vast and sparsely populated, and people are very indifferent.

Because of Canada’s vast land and sparse population, people—especially their neighbors—have a good relationship, and distant relatives are not as good as their neighbors.

At this time, Qin Shiou knew how great Shake’s face and popularity were. He just made a few calls, and at least fifty people came to help with the cleaning!

Seeing that Shaq’s son Xiaosha also brought some friends to help, Qin Shiou drove them to buy a lot of snacks and drinks, and decided to open a PARTY at night.

All day long, the people coming and going in the fishing grounds, Xixi and fusion, are different from the previous situation of Men Keluoque.

Squirrel Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong squatted on the maple tree and watched this two-legged erect animal walking around under their nest, so scared that they dared not go down the tree.

With the sanitation and clean-up, the appearance of the fishery began to show up.

Qin Shiou finally knew why there are so many houses here. When a bar and billiard tables were cleared out, he discovered that there are bars and billiard halls in this fishery.

The neighbors who were not related to the fishing ground were all helping, and Qin Shiou was too embarrassed to be idle. He had to take the initiative to take the lead, so that the activities of exploring the seabed were put on hold.

However, when he was resting, he still went to the bottom of the sea to take a look. With the coral area as the core, the underwater world became much more vivid.

It’s a pity that the hard-headed trout he had attracted before has disappeared. It is estimated that he has eaten and drank enough to find the group.

Daqin Fishing Ground covers a large area. Qin Shiou felt that in the feudal era, the largest landlord in his hometown did not have as much land as his own.

He hadn’t visited the fishing grounds before. This time, taking advantage of the big cleaning, he looked at it from beginning to end. The fishing ground is located in the southeast of Farewell Island, about 20 kilometers away from the town center.

The farewell town is a little bit southeast of the center of the island. To the northeast of the town, there is a snow-capped mountain named ‘Kanbar Mountain’. Although the main peak of the snow-capped mountain is not high, it is not small in size and stretches across the entire island to the east and north.

Even Qin Shiou’s fishing ground is bordered by this small mountain range. The true north of the fishing ground is the starting point of the mountain range in the southeast of the island, and connecting the two is a continuous area of maple, pine, spruce, western red cedar, Douglas Pine and other messy numbers of forests.

Auerbach told Qin Shiou that in the past, the fishing grounds of this forest were covered with bauhinia, golden-leaf metasequoia, red-leaf plum, red maple, golden-leaf acacia, purple-leaf red cotinus, blue ice cypress and other trees. Covered with leaves, the woods are very beautiful, colorful, like a fairyland.

“Unfortunately, after Lao Qin passed away, these trees also withered.” Shake interrupted.

Accompanied by Auerbach, Qin Shiou walked towards the northern part of the fishing ground. Before, there were knee-high weeds everywhere. It looked messy and messy. He was too lazy to come here, and he was worried that there might be a poisonous snake hidden in the grass. Kind of stuff.

Now near the woods, he found that he was worried that it was a bit redundant. Although there was a lot of dead grass here, things like snakes and rats were rare. On the contrary, many birds flew down from time to time to look for grass seeds to eat.

On the road, he unexpectedly found a small river, which winded down from the snow-capped mountains on the back of the fishing ground and directly merged into the sea.

Under the guidance of Auerbach, Qin Shiou walked north along the small river, and finally made a new discovery. Through the woods, he saw a small waterfall at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

“Look, surprise?” Auerbach asked with a smile.

Qin Shiou said: “This fishing ground is amazing, it gave me too many surprises.”

The crystal snow water roared and flowed down from the mountain. When it entered the small river course, there was a drop of about five or six meters, so a small waterfall was formed.

The waterfall is not big, but because of the turbulent flow, the rushing water rushes down, and it is also quite imposing.

Just when Qin Shiou was fascinated by this landscape painting, suddenly, a scream of ‘woo woo’ rang.

“Shooting! Hoo! Hoo!! Hooing!” The low roar became louder and louder, and the distance to Qin Shiou’s position got closer and closer.

Hearing this voice, Auerbach’s face suddenly changed, and he said anxiously: “No, it’s a bear!”

&&&&Thank you book friend Xinghe for letting me go for another reward and becoming the first deacon of this book. I also thank every book friend who clicks to bookmark and recommend this book for helping this book soar in the urban newcomer list. But in other words, our recommendation ticket is indeed a bit slow. Can you give it a boost?

Explain, some book friends felt that the cartridge case update was too slow, mainly because the cartridge case was not in good health recently. After running four hospitals in Beijing, they were not registered! I’m really drunk too, so it’s so difficult to register an account! If the physical examination is okay, the update will be speeded up!

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