Golden Fishery

Chapter 22

Chapter 18: .Scream (Thanks to the book friends for their support)

Qin Shiou was delighted and surprised when he heard that there was a bear.

He has never seen a bear before, and now he can finally see the guy at the top of this legendary mammalian food chain. How could he not like it?

But it’s more of a surprise, grandma’s, now it’s a wild forest, it’s not a good thing to run into a bear here.

Qin Shiou reacted quickly. He knew that when facing a monster like the North American brown bear, if you don’t have a big killer like the Remington M870 shotgun in your hand, you are basically going to be fucked. If you want to survive, you just have to Evaded.

So, he grabbed Auerbach and said quickly and in a low voice: “Climb the tree! Let’s climb the tree!”

Auerbach stepped back cautiously and said: “Impossible, brown bears can climb trees, and if it is an adult male brown bear, they can break the tree here!”

Brown bears in spring are the most difficult to provoke, because they have just woke up from hibernation and have the most grumpy tempers. In addition, they have not eaten in a winter and have little food in spring. At this time, they are naturally hungry and will never mind taking humans for tooth sacrifices.

In the two worried eyes, a furry black-brown head appeared at the top of the small waterfall.

The black-brown head is about the size of a football. His eyes are dark and shiny, and the hair on his head is wet. It leaned out of the rock and looked down. Seeing Qin Shiou and Auerbach, he immediately retracted.

Seeing this, Auerbach smiled and said, “It turned out to be a little bear.”

“Little bear screams so loudly?” Qin Shiou asked.

“It can only be said that this bear is born with a loud voice, besides, it was estimated that it was screaming with great strength just now, so it was so loud.” Auerbach explained.

It’s not an adult brown bear, Auerbach doesn’t feel terrible anymore, but he took Qin Shiou and left quickly, because the little bear is usually guarded by a female brown bear.

Qin Shiou wanted to take a closer look at the bear cub, but looking at Auerbach’s appearance, this idea was obviously unrealistic.

Sighing regretfully, Qin Shiou kept looking back, and several times later saw the bear cub’s head exposed again from the waterfall, blinking small dark eyes looking at him and Auerbach.

The bear cub seemed to know that Qin Shiou and Auerbach were afraid of avoiding it. He waited for the two to walk a little farther, and stood up from the floating rock formations on the waterfall with its front paws, and directed at them. Screamed: “Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!”

The little bear cub should not be very big, the body is quite fat, the head and body are round, like a small ball stacked on a big ball.

Qin Shiou liked these little guys very much, so he couldn’t help but walk back to take a closer look.

As a result, seeing Qin Shiou running back, the little bear hurriedly closed his mouth, blinked silly, and disappeared from the top of the waterfall when he turned around. He screamed while running, and was shocked by Qin Shiou…

Qin Shiou couldn’t help but laugh, Auerbach also shook his head, and said: “I have encountered such a timid bear for the first time.”

In one day, with the efforts of everyone, the fishing grounds are almost cleaned, and the rest is the celebration dinner.

Just in front of the villa, between the two maple trees, Qin Shiou prepared a lot of wine and meat to treat these friends.

Father Hickson was invited by him to be a chef to take care of the spoon. In addition, Shaq asked someone to bring a barbecue stove, and said proudly to Qin Shiou: “Boss, I invite you to try the Saxon family’s specialty barbecue! ”

Qin Shiou likes to eat barbecue, so he is looking forward to it, but after the stove rack is brought up, he can’t help taking a breath.

The rack of this barbecue is very large, and the main drill for skewers is more than one meter long!

Shaq’s barbecue uses a grill instead of an oven. The shelf is one and a half meters above the ground, like a giant machine gun stand, with a large amount of charcoal and wood piled underneath. A blower is pulled over, and after the power is turned on, the flame “booms”. The son rises up.

At this time, half a fan of the pork that had been prepared before was carried over, and Shaq had an iron braze in one hand, like a short gun, directly through the pork, and then carried it to the grill and started tossing and grilling.

Qin Shiou scratched his head. He is really a pure man. It is so sturdy to make a barbecue, but when can such a thick half-scallop be cooked? When the inside is cooked, isn’t it all turned into coke on the outside?

As a result, Shaq did not turn the two sides of the roast. He grilled the fat on the back of the pork with fire, so that the fat melted and a scent came out.

Shaq shook half of the pork in his hand like a baby stroller, trying to make it evenly heated, and then he asked someone to hold the pork for him, and he had to take a slice of barbecue.

But this half of pork was a bit too big, and the people here couldn’t control it. A young man who was not inferior to Shaq came up and lifted it for a while. He soon became tired and couldn’t bear his arms shaking.

Qin Shiou squeezed his fist and said, “I’m coming.”

Everyone stared at him with suspicion, but Qin Shiou still had enough confidence. The Seagod’s Heart had greatly altered his physical fitness, especially his strength. Regardless of his size, his explosiveness and endurance were already very different. Don’t.

No need to explain, he directly went forward and took the two iron rods, and amidst the exclamation of everyone, he firmly put it on the flame.

Then, loud cheers rang, and the vibrating flames wafted endlessly.

In this way, Qin Shiou was holding the iron rod, and Shake began to adjust the condiments and smear it up. As the olive oil and seasoning penetrated into the pork, the aroma became more and more intense. When the outer layer of pork was roasted into golden brown, Shake used a ox-eared knife. The next piece of meat, the grilled meat is out of the oven.

After   , someone replaced Qin Shiou. He raised his glass and said, “Thank you for helping me clean up the fishing grounds today. Come on, guys, drink this glass together and let us welcome the arrival of spring in Daqin Fishery together!”

Everyone raised their wine glasses, and Shaq suddenly said, “No, Qin, this is not our rule. You can’t simply drink this glass of wine and scream! scream! scream!!!”

Under his leadership, a group of young men screamed and shouted: “Scream! Scream!”

Newfoundland is not the same as other provinces in Canada. Although the official language here is English, the grammar and tone have changed, combined with a certain amount of French, so Qin Shiou, who is known for his excellent English in college, can only communicate here. .

Qin Shiou didn’t fully understand Shaq’s words, and was a little at a loss for a while. He looked stupidly as someone suggested a fresh cod that was probably just caught today and came over.

After placing the cod, Shaq poured Qin Shiou a pale yellow wine and told him: “You kiss the fish’s mouth for five seconds, and then drink the wine, BOSS, and then the PARTY can start. ”

Although Qin Shiou likes to eat cod very much, and his fishing grounds are destined to be dominated by cod in the future, this does not mean that he wants to kiss this sharp-mouthed monster.

With a dry smile, Qin Shiou changed the subject and said, “What kind of wine is this? Shaq, you know, I only like ice wine.”

Shaq laughed and said, “This is another proud specialty of the farewell town, rum—scream!”

Qin Shiou didn’t want to give his first kiss to a dead fish and drink this high-grade wine. He wanted to run, but was surrounded by people, and Auerbach came up to him. “Qin, this is indeed the rule to bid farewell to the town. Come on!”

Everything said that, what else can Qin Shiou do?

He could only squat down with a wry smile, his eyes met the eyes of the cod, and his mouth was kissed with the cod’s mouth. At this time everyone began to count down: “5, 4, 3, 5, 4…”

“Oh, **** it!” Qin Shiou knew these people were teasing him, and immediately pulled away after five seconds.

Next, Shaq handed a glass of rum to his lips. He picked up the wine and gestured to everyone, and poured his head up!

“Wow!!” Qin Shiou couldn’t help screaming after drinking the strong wine. He finally knew why the wine was called screaming. After drinking it, people would indeed scream.

Before, his mouth was full of the smell of cod, which was already very irritating, but when the strong alcohol entered his mouth, he felt his tongue burned directly. After that, the flames burned all the way down his throat into his stomach, and he couldn’t tell. Is the fishy smell stronger or the spirits more spicy?

“Hoho! Welcome to the border island of the Western world!” The group screamed, and the dinner finally began.

&Amp;&&&It’s the end of each chapter again. First of all, I would like to thank the two brothers Kiss Trace (i.e. book friend 1409131…) and 785962156 for their rewards. Special thanks. In addition, I would also like to thank every book friend who supported this book, because in the afternoon bullet shell accidentally discovered that we actually rushed to the homepage, although it is the tail of the crane, it is also very awesome, isn’t it? Thank you book friends for your support. The bullet shell has nothing to do with it. Tomorrow, we will watch three more. Let’s celebrate! Finally, once again ask for collection and recommendation tickets, thank you!

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