Golden Fishery

Chapter 49

Chapter 45: .Not just baby (dear, ask for a recommendation ticket)

Thanks to IU Li Zhien, Dancing Shoes and Xinghe for their rewards, and thank you for the full scores of Dancing Shoes! Brothers and sisters, everyone has seen that the new book list on the front page has been fighting fiercely recently. Our fishing grounds have been exploded like sunflowers… The shell case knows that the plot has been a little bit different recently, and some friends may be upset. Count the votes, thanks! &&&&

When I came back, there were a bunch of big and small bags, and when I left, there were still a bunch of big and small bags.

Various vegetable seeds, mother’s hand-baked meatloaf, father’s fried lard rice, fruit on the road, dried meat from his hometown, various liquors, Qin Shiou had to hire a car to go on the road.

What’s more troublesome is that Qin Shiou also brought ten piglets of native pigs and a group of native chickens. It was very difficult to bring these things on the plane. Qin Shiou simply hired a car and drove all the way to Kyoto.

Take these little guys to Kyoto, Mao Weilong’s eyes straightened when he saw it, and he muttered: “Fuck, birds and beasts, are you planning to open a fishery or a breeding farm?”

Qin Shiou threw the big and small bags to Mao Weilong, and said angrily: “Can you manage it? Think of a way, these things are not good enough for the customs and quarantine bureau.”

Mao Weilong patted his chest immediately and said: “Okay, brother, this is not easy? I asked my dad to make a few phone calls and let him go unconditionally.”

In Kyoto, Qin Shiou and Auerbach stopped for two days, strolled around the Badaling Great Wall, Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Dongdan shopping, Wangfujing shopping, Wanda Plaza…

Breakfast Jing Bazhen, lunch Quanjude roast duck, dinner Donglai Shun-shun lamb, and then go to Sanlitun bar to play until midnight. This is the life in Kyoto prepared by Mao Weilong for Qin Shiou.

After playing for two days, Qin Shiou couldn’t stand it a little. He adapted to the quiet and ordinary life in the farewell town, and he was not used to this kind of feasting day.

Mao Weilong has a lot of energy, and within two days, the qualifications of the local pig and the local chicken are completed.

This kind of livestock and poultry need to provide a bill of lading and an immunization certificate when entering or leaving the borders of Canada. Canada is also a large agricultural country, so the audit standards for poultry and livestock are still lower. There is no need to conduct isolation and observation, as long as you provide a health certificate issued within 10 days.

In this health certificate, livestock focuses on rabies, blue-ear disease, pig foot-and-mouth disease, and poultry are checked for avian influenza. As long as these large-scale diseases can pass the check, there will be no problem entering Canada.

What surprised Qin Shiou was that the Canadian customs also required a chip to be added to large livestock such as pigs. The chip records the pig’s ethnicity and classification and is subject to regular inspections.

When he was about to leave Kyoto, Qin Shiou suddenly remembered that he had one more thing for Mao Weilong to help, so he took out the orange lithography that he had gotten from Bailonghe before, and took pictures and asked Mao Weilong to find a friend in the jade circle to see what it was. .

As soon as he saw the stone print, Mao Weilong made the same judgment as Qin Shiou: “Where did you come from this thing? This is a baby, it’s so beautiful!”

Qin Shiou saw that Mao Weilong loved it, so he snatched it back, smirking and said: “Don’t think I don’t know what score you Xiaogolang play, do you want to get your hands polished to make a seal for yourself?”

Mao Weilong laughed and said, “I really have this idea.”

took the photo, and it didn’t take long for Mao Weilong to call, his voice was very excited, and he asked: “I’m serious, beasts, where did you come from?”

When Qin Shiou heard Mao Weilong’s voice change, he knew that the value of this thing might be beyond his expectation. He thought about the Ming Dynasty silver nuggets with this stone seal, and said: “This is a heirloom from my grandfather’s house. It is said that it was handed down from the Ming Dynasty, what’s wrong?”

“That’s right, you come to the Kyoto Institute of Ancient Culture, come!” Mao Weilong shouted.

Qin Shiou didn’t understand Mao Weilong’s meaning, didn’t he ask him to ask the master of the jade circle, how did it connect with the Institute of Ancient Culture?

Taking a taxi to the Kyoto Institute of Ancient Culture, Mao Weilong was waiting outside, and upon meeting, he asked, “Do you have the seal?”

Qin Shiou nodded, Mao Weilong didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately took Qin Shiou to an office where two old men with gray hair were waiting anxiously.

When the two met, the two old men asked for the seal, and then took out the magnifying glass and gathered together to look at it attentively.

Qin Shiou asked quietly: “What’s wrong, what is this?”

Mao Weilong blinked mysteriously and said, “You’ll know later, damn, your kid is really fate, does God recognize you as a godson? What bronze statue of your grandfather just left you, now your grandfather I left you with another baby.”

The two old men studied for more than half an hour, and then one of the square-faced old gentlemen put down the magnifying glass and sighed: “It turns out that this festival seal actually exists! For a long time, I thought it was a folklore, but I didn’t know it. Made this big mistake!”

Mao Weilong introduced to Qin Shiou in a low voice: “The older man’s surname is Guo. Just call him Guo Lao. He is an expert on Ming and Qing history at Tsinghua University and specializes in doctoral students. He is very good. The other is Zhong Lao, who studies ancient Chinese characters. , Is also a professor, and both are experts in jade.”

After a pause, he said again: “When you showed me this seal at the time, I thought it might have the texture of Tianhuangshi, do you know Tianhuangshi?”

Qin Shiou shook his head blankly, Mao Weilong suddenly looked contemptuous, Qin Shiou had to tentatively asked: “Is it a gem?”

“It is the most precious gem!” Mao Weilong gritted his teeth, “The most precious, the most precious!”

The two old men took off their glasses and sat across from Qin Shiou. Old Guo smiled and said: “Young man, you heirloom, you are really a treasure, let me introduce it to you.”

“The fonts on this seal are all seal style, and the seal style was a special typeface for seals during the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Among them, the two columns of characters on the top of the seal have’Mingfang Qianqiu’ on the left and’Worry about the country and forget the body’ on the right. ”

“In addition, these four sentences written in seal script on the front, back, left, and right sides of the stone are actually four seven-character poems: Handkerchief mushrooms and incense sticks, the capital and civilian use are bad. The breeze and the sleeves go up to the sky, lest Lu Yan’s words are short and long, you Do you know what these four poems are?” Zhong Lao interrupted and asked.

Qin Shiou smiled awkwardly. He likes poems very much, but God is pitiful. I have never heard these four poems.

Zhong Lao sighed: “It’s normal, this poem is not well-known, I will read it to you again, and you should have an impression.”

“Thousands of hammers have digged into the mountains, and the fire is burning like a leisure. Don’t be afraid of being broken into pieces. You must leave your innocence in the world.”

“Ying Lime, this is Yu Qian’s poem!” Qin Shiou said immediately.

Old Zhong smiled and said: “Yes, this poem is written by Yu Qian Yu Shaobao. These two poems are both his masterpieces. The one on the seal is called “Entering Beijing”, and it is from Shanxi that Yu Shaobao came from Shanxi. Works when I went to Beijing as an official.”

Qin Shiou’s brain flashed, and said: “I remember, the word’two sleeves and clear breeze’ came from this poem, right?”

Elder Guo smiled and said, “Yes, that’s the case.” He opened the seal and pointed to the four large seal characters at the bottom. “These four characters are’Jie’an Gong Yin’, which is the name of Jie’an Gong. Yu Qian’s own name!”

Now Qin Shiou understood it, and his voice trembled suddenly, and said, “Is this seal used by Yu Qian during his lifetime?”

If this is the case, this seal is not just a treasure, but a national treasure!

Who is Yu Qian? That is a well-deserved pillar of the country, the backbone of China, and a national hero! If you want to praise him, you can use any words! This is a great man who has truly supported a nation and a dynasty with unyielding pride!

The two national heroes most admired by Qin Shiou in middle school are Yue Fei and Yu Qian!

Old Guo shook his head and said: “This is not the case. Yu Qian has never used this festival seal. According to the record of “Ming History-Yu Shaobao Ji”, it was specially made for Yu Qian by a master seal of Fujian during the Yingzong period. The material was the best Tianhuangshi that could be found at that time.”

“Later, after this seal was given to Yu Qian, Yu Qian liked it very much, but because it was too precious, he didn’t accept it. He just watched and played for more than a month, so he asked an official who returned to Fujian from Beijing to take it back.”

“This paragraph is recorded in “Ming Shi”, but this section of An Yin has never appeared in history, so when later historians researched this paragraph, they thought it was just made up by the writer to show Yu Qian’s integrity. Unexpectedly, this baby actually exists!”

Qin Shiou understood that the skeleton in the Bailong River should belong to the Fujian official.

The official escorted a ship of silver bullion back from Kyoto, and brought back the seal, but some accident happened. The ship fell to the bottom of the river, and the seal was sealed with silt together with the fifty boxes of silver bullion.

Mao Weilong asked: “Guo Lao, Zhong Lao, is this seal particularly valuable?”

Upon hearing this, Guo Lao and Zhong Lao immediately glared, and yelled almost in unison: “Value? This thing is no longer measurable by money! Know what it is? This is a national treasure recorded in the Ming History! Invaluable! If it is sold, it is estimated that all collectors will lose their fortunes in exchange for it!”

“I won’t sell it, no matter what the circumstances, I won’t sell it!” Qin Shiou said categorically.

Lao Guo and Lao Zhong nodded with satisfaction, and said, “Yes, young people, don’t sell this thing. This is a treasure of our nation! This is a big seal used by Yu Shaobao, which is better than those of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. Yuxi must be precious! Must, must, protect it!”

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