Golden Fishery

Chapter 5

Chapter 1: .A Will from Canada

In the island city in April, there is still a bit of cold spring.

At 7:30 in the morning, Qin Shiou lost sleep, so he put on his coat and leaned on the head of the bed, staring out the window in a daze.

He has been in this city for eight years, he went to university here, and then stayed after graduation.

Qin Shiou’s university is Central Ocean University, the best school in the island city. After graduation, his brother Mao Weilong helped him. He joined a branch of CNOOC, the best state-owned enterprise in the island city, and worked as an HR department in the human resources department.

It took four years to do this. As a result, a beautiful file manager was hired in the human resources department last month. The manager assigned Qin Shiou to take her. It was nothing at first, but the file manager was so beautiful and outstanding that he attracted a rich man in the company. The second generation coveted.

The latter thing is very simple and old-fashioned. The rich second generation was very jealous when he saw Qin Shiou and the little beauty walking so close. He approached Qin Shiou to warn several times, but the latter did not take it to heart. Instead, there was one time. Direct quarrels finally came to the start of the fight.

Originally, it was just a woman problem. After the second generation of the rich was beaten by Qin Shiou, the problem became serious. He directly contacted several friends of the finance department to design a bureau to frame him and frame him for stealing a sum of cash from the finance department.

This somersault is a bit big, Qin Shiou not only lost all his net worth, but was also fired from the company!

Speaking of it, leaving CNOOC may not be a good thing. Qin Shiou had long wanted to break through, but the problem is that he has no money now, and all his money is lost to the company.

The house leak happened to be rainy nights. This month is the day when he pays the rent for the second quarter. Now he collects all the money for the meal, and the rent is definitely not enough.

I am really afraid of what will come. Qin Shiou is worrying about the money problem, and suddenly there is a knock on the door outside!

Qin Shiou opened the door, and the landlord’s uncle’s serious face appeared in front of him. There is no doubt that the landlord came to him at this time with only one purpose, and that was to pay the rent.

Although the island city is located in the north, because it is close to the sea and is a natural high-quality port, the economy is developing very fast. It can be regarded as a second-tier city in the sky, housing prices are high, and rents are also very expensive.

Qin Shiou rented a small apartment with one bedroom and one living room. The monthly rent was 1,000 yuan, and he paid a quarterly rent, which was 3,000 yuan. What is terrible is that Qin Shiou’s body even cost 300 yuan at this juncture. No!

There is no way, Qin Shiou just asks the landlord to raise his hand with a smile on his face. The landlord is very unhappy, and finally said hardly: “Give you two days, and I will come over to get the money the next night. If you still can’t pay the rent, you just give me the fuck! ”

The words were awful, but Qin Shiou was unable to get angry.

A penny stumped the hero, and Qin Shiou was now forced to such a desperate situation.

Sending off the rent, Qin Shiou was lying on the bed with a tired face, and his heart was completely at a loss for the future and frustrated with the current situation.

He is about to run for the third place, but he is a Sanwu person with no career, no house, no car, and Qin Shiou feels aggrieved and uncomfortable when he thinks of his elderly parents with white temples at home!

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked again, and the landlord’s harsh voice also rang: “Xiao Qin, open the door, open the door!”

Hearing the landlord’s voice, Qin Shiou’s frustration and despair in his heart were replaced by anger. The landlord was really deceiving him so much that he said that he would give him two days to raise funds. Why did he come back so soon?

Qin Shiou forced his anger and opened the door, only to find that there was a policeman in a uniform with a big brimmed hat beside the landlord.

Meeting, the policeman asked: “Are you Mr. Qin Shiou?”

Qin Shiou nodded, and the policeman said: “Okay, please come with me. Someone will look for you.”

Listening to the police, Qin Shiou didn’t say anything. The landlord hurriedly said: “Officer Du, I have nothing to do with Xiao Qin. If he commits a crime, it has nothing to do with my house.”

Qin Shiou didn’t know what happened. He thought that there was something wrong with the previous case, so he followed the young policeman to the police station in despair.

As a result, he arrived at the police station, and the young policeman took him directly into the director’s office.

Entering the office, Qin Shiou glanced around the office and saw two men in straight suits sitting on the sofa. A middle-aged policeman with a big belly was making tea for the two.

What puzzled Qin Shiou was that one of the two people on the sofa was a tall, blond, white-skinned foreign devil. This foreign devil was not as young as fifty or sixty years old, and his beard became snow-white, but he had a burly body. Standing upright, extremely powerful.

There is no doubt that the middle-aged policeman is the head of the police station. Sure enough, he first stretched out his hand to Qin Shiou and said, “Are you Mr. Qin Shiou? I am Luo Yongzhi, the head of the Shuanghe Street Police Station in Luoshan District, hello.”

Qin Shiou was beaten to death by the police some time ago. Seeing Luo Yongzhi’s outstretched hand, he hurriedly shook it and nodded and introduced himself.

Afterwards, when Luo Yongzhi and Qin Shiou let go of their hands, the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa stood up, and then took his hand and said, “Hello, Mr. Qin, I am Li Xin from the Intermediate People’s Court of the Island City. This is Mr. Schkeman-Auerbach, a well-known lawyer of the Canadian law firm of Law Mingde.”

After the introduction of the two parties, the old devil who had been watching the wolf before asked in English: “Hello, Mr. Qin Shiou, do you know this person Qin Hongde?”

Li Xingang was about to translate, Qin Shiou had already subconsciously replied in proficient English: “Qin Hongde? That is my second uncle, well, my grandfather’s second brother.”

The old devil Auerbach nodded, and asked: “Then you should have a piece of the Seagod’s Heart-a small blue pendant, very beautiful, can you show it to me?”

Qin Shiou frowned his sword eyebrows and didn’t know what the old devil was doing, but he opened the top button of his shirt and pulled out a red line to pull out a blue heart-shaped pendant.

Auerbach reached out and took the Poseidon’s Heart, and then said to Luo Yongzhi: “Sir, can I borrow a paper cup from your place?”

Luo Yongzhi made a phone call and logistics quickly sent a crystal cup with the highest specifications.

Auerbach took a glass of water and put the Poseidon’s Heart into the water. Then, the entire glass turned into the same blue color as the Poseidon’s Heart. Auerbach shook his wrist and the water surface rippled, and there was a smell of surging seawater. !

Everyone was stunned, and Qin Shiou didn’t know that the small pendant he had been wearing had such a magical effect!

After doing all this, Auerbach said solemnly: “Mr. Qin Shiou, hello, I am Schman Auerbach, a first-class lawyer of Famingde Law Firm. I am entrusted by my client, Mr. Qin Hongde, and now submit his will. To you. Also, I will announce his legacy to you…”

Auerbach opened the will and said: “From now on, you, Mr. Qin Hongde’s eldest grandson, Mr. Qin Shiou, will inherit Mr. Qin Hongde’s Daqin Fishery in Farewell Town, St. Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada! According to According to Royal Bank of Canada’s assessment of the fishery, the market value of the fishery is estimated to be 42 million Canadian dollars, or 233.1 million yuan!”

Qin Shiou’s heart throbbed violently, and finally stabilized his mind, and asked with a trembling voice: “Mr Auerbach, are you kidding me? My second grandfather left me 230 million in fortune. ?”

Auerbach nodded to confirm, and then introduced some things to him later, as if he is now Qin Shiou’s personal lawyer, and he needs to go to Canada as soon as possible to complete the settlement of his estate.

Under the notarization of Luo Yongzhi and Li Xin, Qin Shiou signed the letter of inheritance, and then took Li Xin and Auerbach out of the police station and walked to his rental house.

As a result, he arrived at his small apartment. He was surprised to find a lot of things piled up outside the door. Upon closer inspection, it was all his luggage, mainly bedding, books, and computers.

It happened that the landlord also walked out the door and saw Qin Shiou, he snapped the door and said coldly: “You are back? It’s just that I will tell you the matter clearly. Did you do something bad outside? Otherwise? Why would the police come here?”

Qin Shiou was about to explain, the landlord continued with a cold face: “No need to say anything, you can get your stuff and **** off, I won’t rent the house to you like you.”

Suddenly, Qin Shiou woke up.

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