Golden Fishery

Chapter 51

Chapter 47: .War Sea Snake (Ahhhh, ask for votes)

It’s the first time that Bullet has written an urban essay. There may be many loopholes and biases. I hope you can understand. This is the first city of Bullet, but it’s definitely not the last one. Bullet hopes that with your help, it will be in the city section. Write it down, so if you have any comments or suggestions, please correct me in the book review area, thank you! In addition, please ask for more tickets. We are not far from 10,000 recommended tickets. As long as this stage of victory is reached, we will add more. Thank you for the cartridge case! &&&&

Boeing 777 whizzed and flew above nine days.

Qin Shiou was still somewhat afraid of heights, so he simply closed his eyes and lay on the chair, and the seagod consciousness returned to the ocean.

The fishing grounds are now lively. Shaq kept contacting the farms to send mollusc cubs such as squid larvae and cuttlefish larvae in. Cod swarms crisscrossed in the sea, chasing these little guys chasing around.

Squid babies crawl over from time to time in the sand on the seabed, palm-sized cod wandering in groups, filling the sea with life.

The rotten fishing nets and broken wooden shelves that were thrown in the sea before began to play a role, and a large number of seaweeds entangled on them, relying on these skeletons to grow and multiply.

There are more seaweeds, so there are more fish. Some flounder and salmon are uninvited. Although they are still relatively small, their appearance has brought hope to the fishery. Now the fishery is beginning to be attractive to fish.

A kind of large leaf algae appeared in the field near the sea. It is seven or eight meters long. The rhizome creeps on the bottom of the sea and plunges into the ground. The dark green leaves and vines rise to the sky, swaying with the waves of the sea, and a large area is connected together. , There is a moving posture.

Between this large leaf algae, two turtles the size of a pot are eating.

The head, limbs, and body of this turtle are covered with leathery skin, without **** scutellum. The bony shell of the carapace is inlaid with hundreds of irregularly large and small polygonal bone plates. The mouth is hook-shaped and the head is very large. Large, the back is black and blue, dotted with white spots, looks very beautiful.

Two sea turtles wandered lazily among the seaweeds, their mouths were constantly squirming, tearing and devouring leaf algae, occasionally encountering squid and cuttlefish, they were immediately energetic, they could be caught with a shake of their heads, and they ate them directly.

is still an omnivorous species, Qin Shiou looked at the two turtles curiously, and then went to the coral reef.

The coral reef is getting bigger and bigger. It stretches for nearly one square kilometer. The colorful and vibrant coral reefs continue to multiply. Some sponges float in the upper waters of the coral reef. A group of small shepherd fish shuttles through it, like an industrious gardener repairing flowers.

But the coral reef was not at all peaceful at this time. A group of sea snakes did not know where they came from, and wandered fiercely near the coral reef.

These sea snakes range from half a meter to two meters in length, and they are scattered about more than 20. They have almost become the overlords of the coral reefs. Even Snowball has nothing to do with them.

Different from land snakes, all sea snakes are venomous, but sea snakes are rare in the Atlantic Ocean. Some research institutions even believe that there are no sea snakes in the Atlantic Ocean. This is of course nonsense.

It is rare to see sea snakes near Farewell Island, because sea snakes are cold-blooded animals, they cannot adapt to cold waters, almost all of them live in tropical waters, especially Australia and African waters.

Obviously, nothing is absolute. There is the Gulf Stream in the Newfoundland fishing grounds. It seems that some sea snakes have survived in these places.

After Qin Shiou took over the fishing grounds, he has been supplementing marine knowledge. He recognized that this sea snake is a green-ringed sea snake that is more common in temperate waters. We must cut off our children and grandchildren.

Seeing these sea snakes, Qin Shiou felt a little horrified. The appearance of the sea snakes is absolutely unsightly. These guys have fierce horns and colorful tails. The flat tails like oars sweep the water, and their swimming postures have an evil feeling.

Qin Shiou knew that they had to be driven away, but what was the method?

For a while, Qin Shiou was worried, but his arrival inspired fish such as snowball and hardhead trout. These fishes felt the consciousness of the sea god, and they all surrounded them.

Qin Shiou tentatively expressed the idea of inspiring these fish to drive away the sea snakes. As a result, the snowballs were the head, the hard-headed trouts were the main force, and there were also sea crucian, cod, etc., like brave fighters, aggressively charging towards the blue-ring sea snakes. Go.

The green ring sea snakes were startled, and instinctively gathered together and confronted the fish school.

The snowball was swimming arrogantly, the huge body brought considerable pressure to the sea snake, while the hard-headed trouts were extremely sturdy, and when they approached, they shot out like a sharp arrow, slamming into the sea snake.

The battle is about to start, but Qin Shiou is worried that the fish will suffer. The sea snakes are too poisonous. If they bite these fish, they will definitely be poisoned to death.

Qin Shiou quickly turned his mind. He thought of a way. Sea snakes are different from fish. They breathe by their lungs. They cannot stay in the water for a long time. They have to go ashore to breathe after a while.

The reason why sea snakes can prey by diving is mainly because of the large lung capacity of sea snakes. During diving, the heartbeat slows down to reduce oxygen consumption. In addition, the skin can also take in part of the oxygen to expel carbon dioxide.

However, the air in the lungs is limited after all. The oxygen obtained by skin breathing cannot support the survival of sea snakes. Qin Shiou manipulates snowballs and other small fishes to surround the sea snakes, harass them and increase their activity, so that the sea snakes consume oxygen faster. Without oxygen, I would leave here.

Qin Shiou did not want sea snakes to appear in the fishing grounds, although he hopes that the more species in his fishing grounds, the better, but the sea snakes are too toxic, if they bite people later, it will be troublesome.

As a result, after the sea-god consciousness enveloped the sea snakes, these sea snakes commotion, as if they felt Qin Shiou’s expulsion, they even shook their heads and left.

This made Qin Shiou dumbfounded, knowing that he would not have to start a mass war so strenuously.

The sea snake leaves, and the sea fish near the coral reef exudes a strong feeling of joy. It seems that they also know that the existence of these sea snakes is a threat to their survival.

After   , until the plane landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport, Qin Shiou controlled the seagod consciousness to swim in the ocean, expanding the territory controlled by the seagod consciousness.

The plane landed, Qin Shiou stopped at the airport, Auerbach left a sentence of ‘the date went well’ and set off on his own return journey.

Not long after, Winnie, who was wearing a blue flight attendant uniform, and several flight attendants dragged a small suitcase out talking and laughing. Qin Shiou greeted Winnie with the suitcase and asked: “Shall we go to the hotel first? ?”

A big-breasted flight attendant smiled narrowly: “God, you are progressing too fast, go straight to the hotel? Handsome guy, you are a bit too impatient.”

Qin Shiou means to let Wei Ni change her clothes or take a break, so she explained quickly if she was misunderstood.

These flight attendants have beautiful looks and **** figures. They have been sought after by men since they were young. It can be said that all of them are love saints. Compared with them, Qin Shiou is too innocent, and soon he will be teased and confused.

Vini pulled Qin Shiou away quickly, and the stewardess laughed and said: “Vini, you feel so sorry for him. It seems that we are going to attend your wedding.”

Qin Shiou said in a speechless voice: “I said, these colleagues of yours are really spicy enough, if I usually get along with them, it will definitely be a headache.”

Winnie gave him a charming look and said: “It’s just that I’m with you. If it’s not for fear that you can’t stand it, I will let these little hooves see my methods! Usually they are in front of me, like a little As cute as a cat.”

The two went straight to the hotel, took a taxi for 47 yuan, and entered the city from the airport.

Qin Shiou chose the Queen’s Hotel, which is a more famous five-star hotel in Toronto. When Michael Jackson visited Toronto for a concert, he stayed in this hotel.

Getting out of the car, Wei Ni refused, saying: “Qin, the Queen’s Hotel is very expensive. We are just visiting here, not to stay in a hotel, so let’s forget it.”

Qin Shiou had a generous pocket and didn’t care about it. As a result, Wei Ni insisted on not staying in this hotel, so she had to find a three-star hotel named ‘Rose Flower’.

When booking a room, Qin Shiou really hoped that a scene from a TV or a novel would happen, and the waiter would say something about too many guests and only one room left, so that he could “reluctantly” live with Vinnie.

Unfortunately, in fact, May is not the peak tourist season in Toronto, let alone two rooms, twenty are no problem.

The cost of a room is 140 yuan, Qin Shiou paid, and the two moved in. They agreed to take a break during the day and go to see the night view of Toronto together at night.

In the evening, when the two met, Wei Ni changed into the stewardess uniform and put on a loose-fitting red long mink sweater.

This sweater is designed with a short front and a long side open hairpin. After wearing it, Winnie has a little lazy temperament. With a black pleated skirt and transparent black silk, it looks charming.

“Can you wear it out?” Wei Ni smiled sweetly.

Looking at Wei Ni’s two slender and beautiful legs with black silk, Qin Shiou felt that the crotch was uncomfortable. He nodded hurriedly and said, “It’s so beautiful. Go.”

Vini chuckled and bounced down the stairs, but even this way, there was still an inescapable elegance.

Some women have an elegant temperament deep into their bones. There is no doubt that Winnie is such a person.

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