Golden Fishery

Chapter 55

Chapter 51: .Fishing ground construction (recommendation ticket required)

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It will be the Ching Ming holiday soon. Brothers and sisters should be able to spend a vacation. I wish you a happy time. In addition, the book is about to reach 10,000 recommended votes. It is estimated that it will be there tonight. According to the agreement, the magazine will have a more chapter. I hope that book friends can help, vote for it and encourage the magazine, thank you! &&&&

The yacht travels north along the St. Lawrence River, which is the largest water system in east-central North America, connecting the source of the St. Louis River in Minnesota, the United States, and the Cabot Channel from the eastern tip of Canada to the Atlantic Ocean.

From Toronto, passing by Ottawa, arriving in Quebec, and then continuing northward is Rimsky, and finally through the Cabot Strait and formally entered the Atlantic Ocean.

The yacht enters the sea, and the waters’ customs suddenly change. The fresh sea breeze slowly blows the sea surface, waves rushing unhurriedly, and seabirds fly by from time to time. Qin Shiou feels that his soul has unprecedented peace.

After crossing the Cabot Strait, the ship turned around and headed east, and drove more than 500 nautical miles, finally reaching St. John’s.

When you arrived at St. John’s, you were home, and Farewell Island quietly appeared in Qin Shiou’s vision.

That was already the fourth day of the yacht sailing on the ocean. It was a coincidence. It was the same as the first time arriving at Farewell Island. It was an early morning when Qin Shiou stood on the deck and looked at everything he was familiar with, like a wandering home. At the moment of farewell to the island, there was a faint urge to cry.

“That is my fishing ground, my site.” Qin Shiou smiled.

Weini was standing next to her wearing a fire-red sweater. In the early morning, the sea breeze was slowly blowing her white and golden hair and dancing with the wind. The golden sunrise light shining on her, making her beautiful like a legendary sea monster.

Qin Shiou let go of the Seagod consciousness, and the snowball felt it far away, and he probed out of the sea and made a cheerful scream, rushing like a torpedo.

“Little Beluga!” Winnie said in surprise.

Qin Shiou smiled excitedly: “Do you believe it? This is my friend, my lovely child.”

The little beluga whale cruised around the yacht, rushing out of the sea from time to time to spit out waves of water. Vinnie felt it was naive, but Qin Shiou felt that this guy was spitting at him, despising him for a long time before he appeared.

Qin Shiou signaled the driver to slow down, and then stood on the escalator submerged in the water.

In this way, the little white whale rushed up and sprayed a mouthful of sea water on Qin Shiou’s hand with her mouth wide open.

Qin Shiou laughed, he stretched out his hand to scratch the little white whale. The little white whale stopped beside him, squinting his eyes and letting the people on the boat call ‘MY-GOD’.

Climbing onto the boat, Qin Shiou took out a half-meter-long mackerel that he had fished on the sea before, and shouted: “Snowball, come out!”

Hearing his cry, the little white whale jumped out of the ocean like a hunting dog. Qin Shiou threw the mackerel out with a wave of his hand. The little white whale opened its mouth and bit the fish with precision, and then shook its head and tailed into the water. .

A sailor looked at all this in shock and muttered: “God, God, God! It’s incredible, this is a miracle, I can’t believe my eyes!”

Another sailor said: “I once heard my father say that he met an Inuit in the North Pole when he was young, and that man became friends with a beluga whale. It’s a real possibility.”

The yacht continued to drive forward and ran into Shaq’s Alice.

Qin Shiou’s hiring of Shaq was really a wise move. This rough man was very loyal to his duties. He went out to spread fish and feed so early. During the period when Qin Shiou was away from the fishing ground, he was leaning here for almost twenty-four hours.

“Man, I’m back!” Qin Shiou stood on the deck and waved to Shake.

Shaq looked surprised, haha smiled: “BOSS, welcome home! Is this your new boat? I have to say, this is a coveted little guy, a pretty little guy, she will become a farewell town Of the star.”

Nelson leaned on the railing and looked at the Seagull with interest, and he said loudly: “BOSS, I have a medium-sized boat driver’s license. Will I be able to control this ship in the future?”

Qin Shiou also said loudly: “Just treat her as your ship, and you will be her driver from today.”

Nelson uttered a cheer of ‘Ula’ and punched a few times on the Alice to vent his excitement.

Millions of yachts are indeed very attractive.

The yacht docked at the pier, Qin Shiou took Winnie off the boat and introduced her to Shaq and Redick.

None of the four had breakfast. Qin Shiou invited Shaq and Nelson to board the ship. There is a kitchen on the Seagull, which is equipped with induction cookers, woks, pressure cookers, electric ovens, and microwaves for cooking.

Qin Shiou fry a dozen eggs first, he poured olive oil into a non-stick pan, and then put the eggs one by one.

Nielsen hugged his arms and reminded him: “Boss, this is a non-stick pan. You don’t need oil.”

Qin Shiou laughed while stirring the fried eggs: “I know, but it doesn’t taste good without oil.”

Fried eggs, bacon, sausages, fried chicken, hot milk, oatmeal, a large bowl of fruit salad, the other is the staple food of bread, Qin Shiou swiftly hands-on, a hearty breakfast is hot.

With Winnie, who is as beautiful as a fairy, Shaq and Nelson, the two reckless guys, both became gentle when they ate. Qin Shiou looked awkward and said, “Shaq, you don’t need to pay attention to the **** image. Get up, go hungrily. Right!”

Shake laughed loudly, then layered five or six slices of bread, fried eggs, and bacon on top of each other, biting off half of it in a big bite, and shouted, “It’s better to eat like this!”

After eating, Winnie tidied up the plates and bowls, put on a scarf and started washing.

Qin Shiou said to Shaq: “Man, do you remember what I said when I went out to sea? There will be induction cookers, microwave ovens, and TV sets! This yacht has everything!”

The ship arrived safely, and the two pilots and sailors of the Faraday Group disappeared. Qin Shiou gave a tip of 1,000 Canadian dollars and sent them to the St. Johns Airport. There is nothing for them here.

Back to the fishing ground, Qin Shiou found a room for Wei Ni to rest, and he took a boat to inspect the fishing ground.

Shake introduced: “Now two boats of squid and cuttlefish are delivered every day. It’s almost time to bring in Arctic shrimp.”

There is a saying in the fishery that big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimps. In the marine food chain, small shrimps are almost the bottommost existence, and it is they that provide the energy for fish to survive.

The most shrimp in the world is krill, and Antarctic krill is the representative existence of krill.

According to the sea survey conducted by the Antarctic Research Scientific Committee and the Marine Research Scientific Committee between 1977 and 1986, the South Ocean’s krill reserves are about 400 to 600 million tons, which can be called a marine granary.

However, there is no krill in the Newfoundland fishery. Here is another famous shrimp, the Arctic Shrimp.

Arctic shrimp generally live in the deep sea below 100 meters, and widely exist in the sea area of two hundred meters in the strait of the Greenland waters, forming the basis of the marine life chain in the Arctic.

However, this kind of shrimp can also be grown in shallow waters. Since the 1980s, many fisheries have started to harvest this kind of shrimp on a large scale and put it into the fishery to feed squid and other molluscs and some fish that can prey on shrimp. Class.

The arrival of   cod is like the beginning of the construction of a fishing ground, and Qin Shiou started to spend money like water.

While purchasing Arctic shrimp, Qin Shiou also purchased a large amount of seaweed seeds and scattered them into the fishery.

Some people may wonder, how can the construction of fishing grounds be in reverse order? Shouldn’t seaweed be cultivated first, then Arctic shrimps should be reared and cod reared?

In fact, this is not the case. The main reason is the season and climate. Although the Newfoundland fishery has a warm Gulf of Mexico and the sea is not cold, it is located at high latitudes and there is not enough sunshine. So if seaweed seeds are scattered in February and March, there is not enough sunshine. , They can’t grow at all.

In this way, if we wait until April and May to plant seaweed and then grow cod, it will be too late. Therefore, most fisheries first raise cod fry and feed them with feed, and then slowly build a food chain.

There is no doubt that this will increase the burden on the fishery.

Indeed, as a result, many fishing grounds were overwhelmed and went bankrupt. It is no wonder that nature is cruel. When the ecological structure of Newfoundland fishing grounds was not destroyed before, these fishing grounds did not need artificial planting of seaweed and the like. It was human beings who made this bitter fruit. Don’t be too bitter when you eat it yourself!

The planting of seaweed seeds will depend on airplanes. Qin Shiou bought a full 1.2 million Canadian dollars in seeds, and the seaweed seed company sent a Polish PZLM-18 “dromedary” agricultural plane to plant the seeds.

This aircraft was designed in the 1970s. The wing adopts a cantilevered all-metal lower single wing, with a wingspan of 17.70 meters, a wing area of 40 square meters, a length of 9.47 meters, a height of 4.60 meters, and an empty weight. 2750 kilograms, can carry 1050-1350 kilograms of goods.

In terms of power unit, the dromedary used a PZL-ASz-62IR nine-cylinder air-cooled piston engine with a power of 1014 horsepower.

The reason why Qin Shiou knows the parameters of dromedary camels so much is because he is very interested in airplanes. For fishing grounds, this is also a must-have item, and he will buy it sooner or later.

After the plane arrived, it stopped on the main street of farewell town. Civilian planes can take off on the flat streets. (My novel “Golden Fisheries” will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the “+” sign at the top right “add friend”, search Pay attention to the official account “qdread”, hurry up!)

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