Grand Line: Why Are You So Good!

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Whitebeard: Brat! Kahn: Old Man! (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter Seventy-Four

the next day.

early in the morning—

Kale Bali initially established port location!

The subordinates are carrying the nautical supplies and storing them on the Modern Panda.


The location of the shore—

Bentham and others are standing behind Darz Bowness, and Pika and others are behind Torrepole!

in front of them,

Kahn looked serious:

“Kalai Bali will be the base camp of our Kahn fleet in the future!”

“During the period of my absence, I ask you to manage and stay here. The training plan cannot be stopped, but you can take turns to take your manpower out to sea, and you can consider recruiting more pirates!”

“The requirements are still the same as before – no betrayal is allowed; the bottom line of our Kahn Grand Fleet can be observed!”

“in addition—-”

“If you encounter an irresistible enemy who invades Kale Bali, you just abandon this place. The base is gone, and we can continue to build! If there are no people, there will really be no more.”

heard the words.

Daz Bowness, Torrebol and the others were all taken aback for a moment, and then they were all moved in their hearts.

No base, just people!

this order

Crocodile and Doflamingo who followed before, wouldn’t say that to them!

Compare it like this——

Kahn is nothing short of a philanthropist!


Everyone responded in unison:

“Yes! BOSS!”

Nodding with satisfaction.

Glancing at the loaded Modern Panda,

Kahn waved his hand:

“Set off!”

between talking.

Kahn turned and walked towards the Modern Panda, followed by Carina, Nami, and the others, followed Kahn in the order of boarding, and boarded the main ship Modern Panda area together!


The whole ship set sail and quickly went away.

As for the base camp of Kale Bali——

Kahn said that he paid attention to it, but he didn’t pay that much attention!


Even if completely destroyed—

He doesn’t have much to lose either!

at most

It’s just a loss of money!

But money is such a thing, he has the strength, will he still lack it?

really not

Just grab the gold from the sky.

He even dared to kill those high and mighty Celestial Dragons, let alone the heavenly gold.

all the time,

Kahn didn’t have any idea about Tiantianjin, one is because he has money, and the other is because he feels that for the World government [unshangjin is even more important than a few ordinary Weilong people!

Kill a Celestial Dragons or two.


The world government will react very much, do superficial work!


If you snatch 760 gold from the sky many times,

The world government may appear silent on the surface, but secretly prepares to put him to death.

after all,

According to Kahn before crossing so far,

All of them indicate that the World government is absolutely hiding huge secrets inside, and Tiantianjin may be the thing that supports these secrets!

all in all–

until now,

Kahn still feels that the power he possesses is far from enough to face the World government!

After a few days.

New World——

The site of the Whitebeard Pirates, on the promised duel island!

Marco has returned from his mission.

“How about it?”

looking at marco,

Whitebeard had a questioning look on his face:

“What does that kid mean?”

shook his head.

Marco sat down casually,

Opened the mouth and said:

“All in all, Dad, you have conveyed your meaning clearly. The permanent pointer has also been given to him! As for whether he will come or not, this is not clear for the time being!”


Whitebeard didn’t care either,

Instead, he asked curiously:

“How does that kid feel to you? Marco!”

Speaking of how Kahn made him feel.

Marco’s face became serious,

Eyes flicker:

“Very strong!”

“When I arrived, I saw a move that could change the sky. If you exclude the special weapon, and the fact that there are other strong men on his boat, he already has the ability to change the weather at will. ”

Speaking of which.

Marco looked serious,

Looking at Whitebeard:

“I feel that he is only a little bit worse than the strength you had in your heyday, Dad! Dad…”


Marco has some worried expressions on his face!

He glanced at Marco.




Whitebeard gulped down a bowl of wine,


Laugh out loud:

“Goo la la la…Marco! Are you worried about Laozi? Goo la la la…no need! Nothing to worry about! Laozi is Whitebeard, nothing to be afraid of!”

The laughter was loud.


Whitebeard’s laughter directly caused the air to vibrate, creating a hurricane in the forest!

Raise your hand to block the raging hurricane,

Marco looked at Whitebeard’s old, but still strong and tall figure,

There is also a smile on the face:

“That’s right! Daddy is the strongest!”

the other side.

The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates who are having a banquet, although they don’t know why their father Whitebeard is happy, but they feel the power that shocks (baae) people’s hearts!

Everyone yelled excitedly.

among the crowd,

A member of the Second Division with black curly hair, a strong figure, and several missing teeth!

Feeling this terrifying force,

deep in the eyes,

Flashed the color of deep greed and longing!


No one can see the light in the depths of his eyes!


This is called Marshall · D · Teach,

And in the future, the man who will cause big waves in the sea, after Ace came over, he restrained all the ambition light in his eyes, and then ate and laughed with Ace, singing and dancing.

time flies.

A blink of an eye,

Seven days passed.

Eight days have passed since Marco’s afternoon.

at this time,

On the calm sea—


The Modern Panda is sailing towards the island that has appeared in sight and is pointed by the permanent record pointer!

Above the bow of the panda.

Kahn was wearing a strong suit, a white coat with wings of freedom on his back, and a demon knife on his waist. He looked at the island in the distance with a calm face, and the robe on his body was rattling!


Kahn, who has grown to a height of 1.8 meters——

Very tall and handsome!

at the same time,

After many battles, coupled with the awakening of Conqueror’s Haki, and the improvement of his own momentum!

Kahn young,


Still has the domineering demeanor of a strong man!


Already a strong man.

“Is it finally here?”

Looking at the outline of that island, a red light flashed in his eyes,

Kahn grinned sarcastically:

“What a powerful breath!”


In Kahn’s Observation Haki –

On that island, whether it was strong or weak, he could clearly perceive a large amount of aura.


A powerful breath far surpassing other breaths, especially conspicuous!

There is no doubt who this breath belongs to.

Except Whitebeard,

Who else can have it?



Carina came up on the bow deck,

Serious look:

“Do you want to go around the island first and see if there are any traps? That’s the Whitebeard Pirates… Take it seriously, it’s not ashamed!”

heard the words.

Kahn shook his head,

Opened the mouth and said:

“no need!”

There was no wave in his eyes.

Kahn replied without looking back Carina,

Shen Sheng said:

“This time, it’s Whitebeard who gave birth!”

“If even he himself doesn’t abide by the agreement in the gauntlet, then…he is not Whitebeard! Besides, in front of absolute strength, any conspiracy is just a sideshow!”

Hear Kahn’s words.

Carina nodded knowingly,

Opened the mouth and said:

“I see!”

Didn’t bother Kahn too much.

Carina turned away from the bow,

Make the space here——

Leave it to Kahn!

Let him prepare well for the next battle!

at the same time–

on the island.

A member of Watchwind’s Whitebeard Pirates, who also discovered the arrival of the Modern Panda!

This news,

Straight to Marco’s ears!


Marko finds Whitebeard:

eat? take

He hasn’t had time to say more.





And the sound of pestle and knife sounded.

With a turban on his head, a crescent beard, shirtless, wearing a coat, and holding the supreme sharp knife Cong Yunqie, Whitebeard stepped out from the camp where he was sleeping!

“Is it finally here?”

With a grin on his face,

Whitebeard’s eyes flashed red:

“It’s really young and powerful… like a beast!”

Hear Whitebeard’s words.

Marco froze,


smiled and said:

“Did you feel it? Dad!”


Whitebeard did not deny this,


Looking at Marco:



Marco nodded:

“I see! Father!”


Marco turned around,

Walking towards the gathered members of the Whitebeard Pirates,

Loudly said:

“Get ready to meet the captain of the Kahn Pirates – ‘The Emperor’!”

After issuing this order.

Marco went on to arrange:

“All the team members of each team go back to the ship. The team leader can choose to stay or go back to the ship together!”

After talking about all the arrangements.

Marco smiled,



“It’s a one-on-one duel between Dad and the ‘Emperor’! This duel was initiated by Dad. Before the winner is decided, no one is allowed to participate in this duel. Don’t embarrass Dad!”

Hear Marco’s words.

All of the Whitebeard Pirates,

They all answered:

“Yes! Captain Marco!”

“Daddy is the strongest, beat that ’emperor’!”

“Go to the boat to cheer on Dad!”

not long.

The Whitebeard Pirates quickly completed Marko’s arrangement. Except for the captains of the major teams, all the others returned to the Whitebeard Pirates’ ship – the Moby Dick!

so quickly,

It is clear

The Whitebeard Pirates go through this kind of thing a lot!


That’s why they are so unhurried, yet able to evacuate quickly!

action one here

Kahn uses Observation Haki, and the feeling is clear!

The corners of the mouth are raised.

smiled and said:

“That old man, he still knows the rules! Drive away most of the crew, leaving only a few team captains? In this way, it can be avoided to the greatest extent, and eventually it will turn into a big battle!”


Kahn’s figure flashed,

directly off the bow of the ship,

Coming to the deck:

“The Whitebeard Pirates have all evacuated from the island except for Whitebeard and the captains of the squads! They are ready to fight over there.”

There was a pause.

Kahn is slightly concerned:

“Although it’s a one-on-one battle between me and Whitebeard, it may not be that those captains won’t attack you…”


Kahn didn’t finish his worried words.

Carina’s hand,

on his shoulders:

“Kahn, trust us!”

heard the words.

Kahn glanced at the determined Carina in astonishment, and then at Nami, Robin and others who also had firm eyes!


Suppress all the words you want to exhort!


“Speed ​​up! Give me the boat to dock! My young master wants to see how many pounds and taels of Whitebeard are left!”




In the sound of the rolling waves.

not long,

The Modern Panda dropped its anchor and docked at this dueling island.

Wait till Kahn they land on the island,

Marko appeared with “Fire Fist”-Ace, “Diamond”-Joz, and so on.

straight forward,

Marco with a serious face,

Looking at Kahn:

“Father is already waiting!”

heard the words.

Kahn nodded, turned his head and gestured to Carina and the others, and then headed directly to where Whitebeard was!

As for Carina’s safety—

Don’t worry!

As Carina puts it—

Just trust them.


Whitebeard was sitting on a stone, with the supreme sharp knife Cong Yunqie in his hand, drinking wine while waiting for Kahn’s arrival!

Not long.




There was a sound of footsteps.


Kahn, wearing the Wings of Liberty coat, came out of the woods, and walked towards Whitebeard with a calm and natural expression!


While Kahn appeared,

Whitebeard’s tiger eyes fell directly on him.

Not a word.

but all over

They are exuding a strong momentum!


Eye contact with Whitebeard without fear.

Kahn’s footsteps never hesitated, and he stood in front of Whitebeard directly!

The silent momentum between the two was colliding, and a pressure that would suffocate ordinary masters was constantly rising and brewing!

for a long time,

Whitebeard grinned:

“Hmph…you deserve praise!”

“A mere 14-year-old kid who doesn’t drink as much water as Laozi drinks. When facing Laozi, he doesn’t show any timidity at all, and even tries to hold down Laozi in terms of momentum!”

Hear Whitebeard’s words.

Kahn also raised the corners of his mouth,


Looking directly at Whitebeard:

“You’re not bad either! A mere old man whose half of his body has been buried in the soil is still in such a state. It can be regarded as old and strong.”


looking at Kahn,

Whitebeard opening:



Never back down.

Kahn confronts Whitebeard:

“Old man!”


After the two exchanged a few mouthfuls, their eyes suddenly became sharp, and two extremely large and terrifying Conqueror’s Haki erupted directly!

for a moment,

Centering on the open space where the two of them were—

The shock wave of Conqueror’s Haki covered the entire island.


Two strands of Conqueror’s Haki, are fighting each other, trying to overpower the other!


Even if he could gain the upper hand, it would only be for a moment!

Whether it’s Whitebeard, or Kahn.

Can’t collide with Conqueror’s Haki and take advantage of each other!


After the collision of the two Conqueror’s Haki raged, it was the creatures on the duel island, the people on the island, and the people of the Whitebeard pirate group on board who suffered.


Carina and the others looked at the terrifying Conqueror’s Haki impact with serious faces, but there was no surprise!

They know Kahn’s Conqueror’s Haki is strong,

Also know that

A king of several eras like Whitebeard, Conqueror’s Haki must be extremely strong!


It’s no surprise that there is such a scene!

On the contrary, Marco et al.


They all looked shocked. .

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