Grand Line: Why Are You So Good!

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Kahn Doesn’T Get Along With The Redhead And Whitebeard! (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 76

There is Marco going.

They don’t have to move out.


There is no intersection with Red Hair Pirates, whether it is an enemy or a friend is unknown!


Carina and the others have no better aerial skills than Moonwalk!

at last–

Marko will not allow another Four Emperors to intervene in the battle between Whitebeard and Kahn!

Of course.

Carina also became vigilant in her heart.


Give Nami and the others a beckoning look!

Noticing the look in Carina’s eyes, Nami and the others also nodded secretly, becoming vigilant in their hearts.

The arrival of a “Four Emperors”,

let the present situation,

It became a little confusing.

It didn’t take long.

Red Force slowly approached the island—

Finally landed.

Under the leadership of Marco, Shanks landed in the community!

When seeing Carina and the others,

Nod to indicate:

“Sorry! The sudden arrival should cause you trouble! But I don’t mean anything malicious, I’m just interested in the duel between Whitebeard and your captain, so come and have a look!”


“I sent an invitation letter to your captain before, but I missed it with you!”

Hear Shanks.

Carina frowned,

Eyes dignified:

“That’s a pity! But after my captain is done fighting, I should meet your Excellency!”

heard the words.

Shanks laughed:

“That’s really nice! Thanks, thanks!”

between talking.

Shanks turned his head to look inside the island, and then sat down on the shore so casually, it seemed that he had no intention of entering the battlefield!

this behavior,

Let Carina secretly breathe a sigh of relief!

If Shanks insists on entering, they will stop the Red Hair Pirates even if they pay a terrible price!


Fortunately, Shanks has no such plans!

“Do not worry!”

“660” smiled,

Shanks looked at the battlefield in the duel island,

Opened the mouth and said:

“If you intervene rashly in a duel between men, then I am too ignorant. I still know the rules!”

heard the words.

Carina pondered for a moment,

Then nod:

“That’s fine!”

to avoid unexpected situations,

That would be great.


Carina is under a lot of pressure at the moment!


Any fool can see—

Between the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, the relationship appears to be friendly


Very bad for them!

above the battlefield


Demon knife and Cong Yunqie vs. chopping!


Kahn’s figure retreated with strength.




breathing heavily,

There are cuts and bruises on Kahn’s body, bloodline on the corner of his mouth, sweat dripping from his face, his image is extremely embarrassing, but his aura is still strong and domineering!

His eyes locked on Whitebeard across the way.

at this time,

State of Whitebeard,

also not very good

There were still stab wounds and bruises on his body, and the coat on his body had already been taken off.

While the sweat dripped down my face,


Gasping for breath!

This battle——

He didn’t take advantage of the slightest bit!

The longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation for Whitebeard.


He let out a long breath.

Kahn looked up at Whitebeard,

Shen Sheng said:

“You feel it? Whitebeard, an unexpected visitor has passed!”

heard the words.

Whitebeard is on the ground with a knife,

Stand still:

“What’s wrong? Are you going to admit defeat and end this battle?”


Kahn’s eyes are full of fighting spirit,

Straight to Whitebeard:

“Admit defeat? Just rely on the current you? You are still far away! And… If you continue to fight, I can guarantee that you will definitely not be my opponent when the time comes! This battle, I will never lose!”

Hear Kahn’s words.

Whitebeard was silent for a moment—

The longer the battle drags on, the hidden wounds in his body will definitely be gradually triggered, and when the time comes, his state will fall like a cliff!


Naturally fall for Kahn!

Although I don’t want to admit it.


Whitebeard understands too—

protracted war,

For him now, it’s too unfriendly.

hit again,

The young Kahn in front of me—

Dragging can also drag him to the end of defeat!

Of course.

Even in the heart of Kahn’s words, I can’t deny it.


above the mouth,

Whitebeard is not about to throw in the towel:

“Laozi can fight with you all day long!”

Look at Whitebeard’s expression.

Kahn smiled—

Once a man is old, he will only be stubborn.


stand up.


The demon knife in Kahn’s hand turned,

at last,

Sheath the knife!

“Here comes the redhead!”

Looking at Whitebeard,

Kahn’s eyes are calm,

Shen Sheng said:

“I have heard a little bit about your relationship with the red hair! For the safety of my subordinates, I can’t continue to fight with you with confidence and boldness in the presence of another ‘Four Emperors’!”

The voice fell.

On Kahn’s hands, condensed with incandescent light,

Lock Whitebeard:

“The last move – after this move, it doesn’t matter whether you want an all-out war or what to do, it’s impossible for the young master to continue fighting with you!”


The wind kept blowing.

The robe on Kahn’s body is rattling!

He pondered for a while.

Looking at Kahn,


Whitebeard raised Cong Yunqie in his hand, and the power of the earthquake condensed on the blade.

Shen Sheng said:

“Let the horse come here! Brat!”

The incandescent light was released suddenly.

Kahn holds the sun with both hands,



Taking a step forward, overlapping fists, and blasting out!


The atmosphere shattered.

The violent shaking force instantly destroyed everything in front of him, rushing violently towards Whitebeard!

Psychic Power Double Shockwave!


That is the shock wave!

two fists overlapping,

It’s a double shock!

Seemingly simple overlapping, both hands make a move!

but power

It is more than three times that of a punch shock wave!

Kahn this trick,


Smashed a small island!

Look at the power of the violent vibration.

fought all day and all night,

Of course Whitebeard knows—

This is the same as his earthquake power, but it is actually a different vibration power. The range of vibration is not as large as his earthquake power, and the performance of the destructive power may have shortcomings!


Attack power and power

Absolutely not to be underestimated!

Vaguely on top of his Shock Fruit ability!


Facing Kahn’s double shock.

Whitebeard opened his eyes angrily,


“Laozi is Whitebeard!”


The earthquake force condensed on Cong Yunqie became even bigger and more violent.



Whitebeard slashed at Kahn with the force of the shock, exploding all the power of the earthquake!


The vacuum has been blown out.

this blow,

It directly collides with the attack of the double shock wave!

Two forces collide,

for a while,

Totally stalemate!


The one who suffers is this dueling island that has been devastated.


Centered on the point where the attack collides,

A series of huge cracks spread towards the entire island in an instant. The force of the vibration caused violent changes in the earth’s crust, and the entire island slowly became torn apart.

The surrounding seas—

Rolling up the stormy sea, a huge tsunami surged outward!

island sky-

All the clouds in sight were smashed by this huge force in an instant, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only the blue sky still!




wipe out.

At this moment, the island, the sea, and the sky are constantly playing out!


Carina, Marco and others, as well as the newly arrived Red Hair Pirates, all watched this terrifying scene.

The cloak on his body fluttered.

Shanks felt the situation on the battlefield,


“It’s amazing! Both of them!”

Feeling the power to shatter the entire island,

Shanks is clear

The battle is about to end!

The reason is also very simple,

because he is here

Neither Whitebeard nor Kahn dare to give it a go!

this duel,


It’s going to end without a problem.


That’s why Shanks came here!

This battle——

It doesn’t matter if Whitebeard wins, but if Kahn wins.


Shanks has something to say.

all in all–

And now Shanks doesn’t want Whitebeard, the legendary figure for the time being, the uncrowned king who stands in the way of most pirates, and was defeated so easily.

Do you really think he is full and has nothing to do?


Those who stand at the top have their own purpose in doing things!


This is especially true for a guy like Shanks who is committed to maintaining the balance of the sea.


he came!

And knowing that the Whitebeard and Kahn fight was over,

Shanks also showed a smile on his face!

That is–

A satisfied smile with the goal achieved!

A blink of an eye.

Two hours passed.


The one-on-one duel between Whitebeard and Kahn, which lasted for more than a full day, was over.

There is no winner or loser.


This isle of duels has been torn apart.

There is a good part of the area,

All have sunk into the bottom of the sea.


There are no other traces left.


The sea will be restored, and so will the sky!

Only the islands that have been completely collapsed cannot be restored to their original appearance.


broken island,

On a reasonably flat piece—

Kahn in bandages, Whitebeard who looks almost the same, and redhead with an apologetic smile, three people gathered here!


with an apologetic face,

Shanks with a smile on his face:

“Sorry! Sorry! I interrupted your one-on-one duel… As an apology, I invite you to drink the wine from my hometown that I have treasured for a long time, sorry. 0”

while speaking.

After filling himself a glass, Shanks tossed a large flagon and a small flagon to Whitebeard and Kahn respectively!

raise the glass,

One-armed Shanks said:

“Do it first and respect it!”

while speaking,

Shanks drank all the baijiu in one gulp!

Throwing away the small wine jug in my hand,

Kahn’s expressionless face—

The arrival of Shanks is something he didn’t expect, but thinking about the various actions of Shanks under the original trajectory, Kahn is absolutely normal!

after all,

This is almost like a firefighter!

Redhead is a brick,

Move wherever you need!

It won’t make people feel strange that he appears in any place!

To meddle in the duel between him and Whitebeard,

seems irrational,

But actually,

No surprise at all!

Hang the jug on your waist.

Kahn looked calm:

“I’m still young, I don’t drink!”

Hear Kahn’s words.

Both Shanks and Whitebeard were taken aback,


It was the two who reacted——

Kahn’s age is indeed ridiculously young.

do not drink,

It’s normal!


Whitebeard came back to his senses,

With a mocking smile:

“Hehe…he doesn’t even get along with wine, after all, he’s just a stinky brat!”

And Shanks,

He smiled and apologized:

“I’m sorry! I was negligent.”

Shake your head.

One glance at Shanks,

Kahn cut to the chase:

“I’m young, so I don’t understand the twists and turns of your adults! So, I asked directly! ‘Red Hair’, you came here, and you wanted to invite me before.” What do you want to do?


Riddler behavior.

Kahn can’t do it,

Don’t bother to guess what other riddlers are trying to express!


Put down the wine bowl in your hand.

Shanks is serious,

Looking at Kahn:

“Kahn-kun! What is your dream?”

A glance at Shanks.

Kahn’s eyes twitch—

Talk to him about your dreams now?


Kahn asked Shanks back:

“What do you think? In this sea, besides that big secret treasure, is there anything else that is worth chasing for me?”

heard the words.

Shanks nodded knowingly,


Opened the mouth and said:

“Is that so?”

“Is it really a big secret treasure? Hahaha…….That’s right! Don’t worry, I’m just interested in you and want to get to know you! That’s why I came here to get to know you

Just down!”

this word,

Kahn doesn’t believe a word of it!


He didn’t say much either!

It’s just that I don’t trust Shanks in my heart, and I’m still wary of him [that’s all!

sit here.

After chatting for a while.

Kahn took a look at Shanks and Whitebeard,

5.4 Immediately,

Just stand up:

“I’ll take my leave first! Whitebeard——this time the battle is undecided, if you think it’s not enough, you can always find me! Next time, no one will be able to interfere with me

Australia fights.



The voice fell.

Kahn’s figure soared into the sky,


Get off this island shard at breakneck speed!

He and Whitebeard and Shanks, there is nothing to talk about at all!


Shout out to him!

another one,

It is obviously an old Yinbi with an unknown purpose!

He Kahn,

But ordinary people who are bright and aboveboard!

with them-

Really unfamiliar, and will not be familiar!


There is no common topic.


After Kahn left,

Shanks turned to Whitebeard:

“What a brilliant young man! Just too aggressive. Whitebeard, what was it like playing against him?”

heard the words.

Whitebeard didn’t say a word.




Just gulping down the wine!

Seeing Whitebeard like this now,

Shanks smiled—

after it seems

Whitebeard shouldn’t have any more conflicts with Kahn.

in this way–

Very good!




The Modern Panda sails on the sea.


On deck—

While Kahn was feasting, there was a serious look in his eyes, frowning and thinking, which was the first time in history!

Carina who was with Kahn,

Did not disturb his thinking!


Nami, Robin and the others didn’t ask, just doing their own thing!

There is no need to ask more questions.

After Kahn,

If you want to understand,

Don’t hide it from them either!

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