Harem Overlord: I ALWAYS Finish Quick!

Chapter 123 A Dragon Girl?

"Come get your cumquats! Cumquats for sale!"

"You idiot, it's kumquats!"

"You're the idiot, I'm not selling a fruit."

Arriving near a different Dawn Pavilion from his previous visit, Ryan heard the bustle of merchants eagerly selling their various products.

This Dawn Pavilion was located in a remote city that would likely never have had the opportunity to catch his radar if it was not for the Pavilion being located here.

Looking at the numerous stalls, Ryan could tell that the atmosphere seemed odd for a remote city. 'Is someone important in town?' Ryan thought.

Sure enough, a second later, the sound of hoofs and someone shouting, "Make way for the Baroness's daughter! Make way!"

Ryan turned to see a giant wagon pulled by four horses speeding through the streets. It had tattered curtains and a filthy canopy overtop with only a single hole to peer out.

The wagon appeared to have been salvaged from the garbage before having its body painted black in an attempt to hide what it looked like underneath the paint job. The horse harnesses were dirty, too, and held no bridles or reins. Instead, ropes dangled loosely, barely holding on as the horses galloped down the road.

Not bothering to stop, the wagon plowed through the crowd like a meat truck through a group of vegans.

"Move out of the way, peasants. Nobility is here!"

Ryan watched the wagon pass with a frown on his face. Most of the people she ran over were men, and Ryan had grown to think of himself as the guardian of men on Ravier, who would free them from the chastity cages the Grand Empress had put them in. 'I will free you and get revenge, my brothers,' Ryan swore in his heart.

If there was one thing Ryan took seriously, it was manhood.

After a few more minutes of walking, Ryan looked at a set of familiar large glass doors connected to a lavish building. Water features, marble columns, gilded sculptures, and rich gems decorated the ornate building. 'Looks exactly like the other location,' Ryan thought.

Entering the doors, Ryan wasn't stopped by security guards like last time. Instead, he only saw a sleeping receptionist behind a counter.

"Uh, hello?" Ryan asked, wondering if he had somehow gone to the wrong location.

"Huh?!" Jolting away, the receptionist looked around, her bleary eyes trying to find the noise source.

Fixating on Ryan, the receptionist gave a pout and proceeded to go back to sleep.

Feeling his eyebrow twitch, Ryan stalked toward the desk and slammed his fist next to the secretary, shouting, "Wake up!"

Leaping out of her chair, the secretary stared wide-eyed at Ryan. "What was that?!"

"What was what?" Ryan looked around questioningly.

The secretary opened and closed her mouth like a fish trying to suck in oxygen, unable to form a comeback.

"Anyway, I'm looking to register for the BCN," Ryan said, ignoring the baffled look the secretary was giving him.

"Uh... okay," the secretary mumbled, starting to type on a computer-esque device in front of her. "I'll need your pseudonym and how much you would like to charge."

Ryan thought for a second before smiling. "Name me 2Fast2ForU," Ryan said, remembering his old username back on earth.

'Aliza always said I needed to change it, but I know she loved it,' Ryan thought, remembering the good ol' days.

"And the charge will be... the highest amount possible."


Seeing Ryan disappear into the heavenly space to prepare for his client, the secretary muttered, "What a dick."

After thinking for a second, the secretary's grin turned malicious as she thought, 'He didn't specify what type of client he was looking for... maybe that man meant he wanted to book people in advance for three years?'

'No,' she shook her head. 'He would catch on after the first hour. Then I'd be out of a job.

'What about...' chuckling, she thought, 'I got it.'


Dragoness Amanda Kaigo entered one of the many Dawn Pavilions inside the Red Dragon Empire with an excited expression. 'I've been waiting for weeks for my appointment with Tom Middleton! Finally, finally, my time has come!' she thought, eager for her appointment with her first-ever enhancer.

Usually, cultivators/enhancers didn't need to go to the Dawn Pavilion for appointments, as they could pay a fee to have themselves teleported from their original location. Still, since Amanda was so eager to meet with Tom Middleton, she had used up all her money to buy an advanced opening, meaning she needed more to pay the transportation fee.

"I'm here for an enhancer appointment," the silver-haired beauty said to the receptionist.


"Amanda Kaigo."

The receptionist looked at her monitor and then shook her head. "I'm sorry, honey. Tom Middleton had to cancel. You should have been notified on your heavenly screen and received a refund yesterday."

Shocked, Amanda quickly opened her heavenly screen to check her notifications. "Oh no!"

The receptionist was right.

"Would you like to view our available listings?" the receptionist asked, looking at the disheartened Amanda.

"What's the point? It's not like any of them will be within my price range," Amanda grumbled, knowing that real-time enhancers were the most expensive.

"Actually," the receptionist said, raising a brow. "There's a D-Rank enhancer available for the minimum life price, which is just within your price range."

Shocked, Amanda whirled around. "Are you serious?!"

Seeing the secretary's nod, Amanda said, "I'll take it!"


A few minutes ago...

Ryan felt the familiar sensation of teleportation whisk his body away to a new location.

[Temporary Buff Gained: Unlimited Stamina]

[Description: No amount of play will tire you.]


[Temporary Buff Gained: Blissful Cultivation]

[Description: Receive pleasure feedback equal to output.]

Gaining two buffs as he entered the new heavenly space, Ryan felt the changes almost immediately.

It felt like he had chugged two cans of Redbull, downed three Adderall, and swallowed six Viagra.

"Woooo, what a rush!" Ryan screamed, feeling every bit of fatigue disappear from him and be replaced with a jolt of energy. "Time to fuck some bitches!"

Almost immediately after shouting, Ryan received a notification.

[Buyer Alert!]

[Name: Purple-Tail]

[Race: Dragon]

[Buyer Rank: 0]

[Cultivation Rank: D-Rank]

[Accept / Decline]

"Fuck, I'm going to have sex with a dragon chick?!" Ryan said, screaming as his energy-filled brain rapidly processed and his cock swelled.

'Please be humanoid! please be humanoid!' Ryan thought, hitting accept.

'Please be humanoid! please be humanoid!' Ryan thought, hitting accept and activating his aura in anticipation.

A crack in space opened beside him before a powerful wave of bliss shot out of it. The incoming waves slammed into Ryan's body, causing his muscles to tingle like millions of tiny needles stabbing them while his mind exploded like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

'Not good!' Ryan thought, frantically turning off his aura.

Gasping for breath, Ryan panted, looking at the beauty before him.

Silver hair, magical blue eyes, and a body so good Ryan was tempted to pounce on her right then, and there appeared before his eyes.

She had red wings, two horns on either side of her head, and a thick purple dragon tail connected to her plump buttocks.

"H-H-Hello," Amanda said, flustered from Ryan's release of his aura.

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