Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 15


The next day. Lilia woke up to Alisa. Good morning, and Lilia puts a smile on Alisa, who bows her head.

“Yeah. Morning, Alisa. Nice morning.”

“Yes. It’s a beautiful day. Do you want breakfast here?

To Alisa’s inquiry, Lilia thinks a little. My head doesn’t spin firmly because I haven’t woken up yet, but for now, I want to avoid the dining room.

“Yeah. Can you do me a favor?

“I’m in awe”

Sincerely, I leave the bedroom. Lilia dropped that back off and then sighed small.

– Morning, Lilia. First day of school! Looking forward to it!

– Morning. I hope you don’t say too much.

Honestly, I still get depressed when I think about school. But you can’t just run away with all this. All the more so because you’ve already been on the run all day. Lilia sighed small and got out of bed.

Open the closet in the corner of the bedroom. Five school designated uniforms are available. Everything fits Lilia’s size. Lilia quickly changed her clothes when she took one of them. He then showed a slight bare gesture of thinking and immediately stood in front of the mirror.

– Are you sure… you want me to stay like this? What about makeup?

– Lilia doesn’t need it. She’s so cute even as it is, isn’t she? Instead, I’ve been creepy with thick makeup.

– Yes… Really…

Fluffy back to bed, sit down and hold your head. What’s the matter, Sakura?

– Nothing…… Hey, I’m just hurt.

You didn’t know what that meant, Sakura tells you signs of wonder. Lilia sighed heavily, unable to say anything.

It was just before I got here that I got my makeup wasted on Sakura. When I came to school, I put on my usual makeup just in case and got in the carriage. And a word I was told before I went to bed still pierces my heart.

– Lilia. That makeup, it’s creepy. Disgusting. You shouldn’t start tomorrow.

No one told me anything. That’s why I thought this was fine. One day they would imitate their mother and put on their own makeup, but did they think that all the time around them?

Sakura is more like it. I should have told you while I was at the mansion. Why, more importantly, is it before bedtime? I fell asleep.

The bedroom door is knocked. Then Alisa showed her face.

“Dear Lilia, I brought you breakfast, are you ready?

“Yeah…… I’m on my way.”

And when she saw Lilia out of her bedroom, Alisa turned her eyes round. Leaning her neck toward Alisa, who was seriously staring at herself, Alisa lowered her head as she panicked.

“I’m sorry. Well, it was a little unexpected…”


“You’re not wearing makeup today.”

Lilia’s expression freezes. To Alisa leaning her neck, Lilia asks.

“Alisa. I really need you to answer that.”


“My previous makeup… how’d it go?

Now Alisa froze. I try to say something, but I immediately shut my mouth and repeat it several times. That alone makes me wonder how Alisa feels. Seriously, I guess you’re wondering if you should follow Lilia’s orders or arrange pre construction. The answer is fixed at the point of getting lost.

Lilia sighed small, smiling as she lowered her brow butt.

“Fine. Thanks.”

“Ah…… Well, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Alisa, I want to change. If you need anything, say it right.”

I was awed, and to Alisa, bowing her head, Lilia nodded contentedly and took a seat lined with breakfast.

I heard later that Lilia’s back looked terribly small then.

After breakfast, Lilia leaves her room to head to the school building and heads to the stairs. You didn’t know Lilia was coming back, and all the different students were surprised to see Lilia. He smiles at all of the students he meets.

It’s something I used to stare at every time I was seen. I tried to do that again today and was stopped from Sakura.

– Lilia. Friendly.

I have no choice but to follow Sakura’s instructions and paste a makeup laugh that I can confidently say has worked out rapidly over the past week. From Sakura’s point of view, he still seems to be smiling, but if he was pointed at him, he was blushing and looking away.

– I need to get to class fast. I’m going to see that girl.

– No, I don’t think so. If that kid’s character as I know it… Well, okay. You’ll see.

Lilia frowned suspiciously at Sakura’s words. And soon you’ll know what that word means.

“Dear Lilia, My name is Tina.”

As soon as I went down to the ground floor, Alisa, who was walking in front, told me so. Uh, and look up. Not so many people at the entrance because it’s still early in the morning. Therefore, I immediately noticed.

One of the tables arranged at the entrance was Tina. Three cups are available on the table. Were you talking to someone, or… Intuitively I have a bad feeling, and I seriously get lost thinking about turning back. But you can’t just ignore it here. Alisa is staring at what she expects.

– I have friends.

– Knock…!

I feel like Sakura’s words speak for everything. Lilia had no choice but to approach Tina and put her hand on her shoulder.

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