Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 16


“Morning, Tina”

“Oh… Oh! Good morning!

Tina gets up in momentum and lowers her head. Lilia glanced at Tina as she sighed small. That’s all Tina makes her expression strong.

“Uh, the… Good morning, Lilia.”


Tina sighed in relief as Lilia nodded satisfactorily.

“So, what are you doing here?

“Yeah. I was waiting for Lilia.”

I got a bad feeling about it. Lilia manages to keep her smile as she pulls her cheeks together.

“Heh. Why?

“I need to talk to you for a second… Besides, I think it’s a dream that we could have been friends… Hey, Lilia. We’re really friends, aren’t we?

That’s what they ask at the top of the line. Lilia wandered her gaze only for a moment, but immediately returned her gaze to Tina’s eyes. I’m honestly going to avoid it, and I have things with the prince. I opened my mouth to tell him to try not to see me as much as possible.

“What are you talking about? Master Lilia can’t possibly speak differently.”

To Alisa’s words, Lilia froze.

“Oh, right! Alisa is right! There was something wrong with me!

“Naturally. It’s Lilia. Definitely.”

What is this trust?

– Guru… Guru…

– Oh, haha… Don’t move, Lilia……

Apparently Lilia doesn’t have a choice to avoid Tina. Lilia took a heavy sigh and sat face to face with Tina. Noticed it, Alisa also sits next to it, and Tina happily pours tea into the cup.

“So? What are we talking about?

“Huh? Ah…… I’m not thinking…”

Tina shuts up there, and Lilia and Alisa get flabbergasted. What do you mean you’re not inviting me and preparing a topic? As Lilia narrowed her eyes, her sawdust broke in.

– Lilia, I’m not going to prepare you for a chat with a friend.

– Really?

– Yeah. At least I didn’t.

– Oh, so you are.

– Wait a minute. I wonder what that means!

Ignore the screaming sakura and watch Tina. Tina, with her eyes on each other, slapped her hand, yes.



“You’re not wearing makeup today. I didn’t know who it was.”

Lilia stopped moving, Alisa pulled her cheeks, and Sakura laughed with pleasure.

– You stepped through the mines relentlessly! Lilia, Tina doesn’t know, so don’t be mad at me, okay?

– Don’t worry. My anger is on you.

– There are no reassuring elements!?

Exchange words briefly with Sakura to calm the mind that is going to be rough. Reinstall the smiling mask again that is about to peel off, say.

“It doesn’t look good on me,” she said. He said you can keep it that way. I knew it was weird, right?

“That’s not true! It’s much better now. I thought Lilia was a beauty.”

“Huh? I mean, until now… Huh?

Did Lilia open her eyes and realize it was a silence? Tina glanced away momentously, and Alisa, who was turned away from her gaze, drank tea without her involvement. What is this, the voice echoed Lilia’s head.

Lilia thought, understood and smiled powerlessly at Tina’s words.

– Sakura. My aesthetics seem to be off, so please keep it up.

– It’s not good to run away from reality, is it? Let’s study together, shall we?

Sakura’s words smudge my chest. It’s good to have Sakura, at the same time I think just a little bit, but I don’t think I would have felt this sadness if this guy hadn’t said anything. However, in the long run it was still a good thing to be aware of, so I decided not to say anything.

“Tina. Alisa. If you have time, can’t you even think about makeup that suits me?

When Lilia said so, Alisa laughed bitterly and Tina solidified her movements from surprise or for a moment. And I immediately smiled and nodded.

“Yeah! I’ll take care of it!

After that, I kept chatting about whether the tension was relaxed or not. Tina’s family stories mainly hear about pets that she buys at her parents’ house, etc. In those conversations, only one topic was obviously avoided.

“Tina. You were here”

The voice of Teng himself on the topic he was avoiding came from behind Lilia. Lilia froze her expression and stopped moving, Alisa glanced at the Lord of that voice and looked worried about Lilia, Tina from a hurry or slightly distorted her expression.

“Your Highness… You’re early today.”

Tina says as she pretends to be calm. The voice was just shaking without being able to hide it. You haven’t noticed that, or you dare pretend not to, Lord of the Voice, the prince of this country keeps talking.

“Oh. I heard Liliane’s back. So Tina got worried and came out early. Isn’t Tina early today? It’ll be a little bit later than usual.”

“Yep. The…… I just wanted to talk to you…”


The prince walks a little and moves next to Tina. And I saw Lilia’s face. You can’t just distract yourself from the prince, and Lilia responds with a makeover.

Seen. I thought we’d see each other someday because it’s the same school, but I didn’t think we’d see each other so soon. My heart strikes an early bell, my chest hurts due to tension.

And the prince opened his mouth.

“That’s the first face I’ve ever seen. Is that Tina’s new friend?

Tina and Alisa are breathtaking. This prince’s words are completely unexpected. Lilia’s head had turned bright white and her expression had fallen out.

“So, Your Highness. Are you sure you don’t understand?

“Hmm? Am I seeing you too? If you say so, I recognize you somewhere…”

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