Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 18


– Lilia. Are you calm?

To Sakura’s voice, Lilia raised her face. How much time would have passed since I got in here? At least the class should have started by now. We had to hurry if we were supposed to, but Lilia just touched her eyes and sighed.

– I’m calm. But you can’t go to class.

– That’s a snag, that’s a snag. I’m sorry to hear you say all that to the prince.

– Shut up, I know.

Lilia stood up and easily paid for the dirt on her clothes. Gently look out the door and look around. I can hear people talking slightly, but at least nobody seems to be nearby. It would be easy to go back to your dorm room now, but it would make Alisa worry.

– It’s a waste of time, and you don’t even study in the library?

– Right… Let’s do that.

As she quietly leaves the classroom, Lilia begins her journey vigilantly around her. There’s nothing like someone blaming me for bringing you back, but I don’t want you to see this sobbing face. It’s not something I’ve figured out who will tell me what later.

I got there without seeing anyone to the library upstairs, either because most of the students were taking classes. Quietly open the door and let your body slide in. I immediately closed it and took a sigh of relief.

The library room at this school is quite large. Naturally, there are many bookshelves lined up, so if you’re in the back, someone will see you less. Especially if you’re in a class like now, students won’t find you first. There must always be one teacher, but at this hour they should be chasing me to organize the bookshelves. Commonly used books are still bookshelves in front of them, so those in the back are blind spots.

Lilia walks into the back of the library. I just got to the bottom of it and took a breath. If you look at the bookshelves around you, there were a number of books lined up about the history of this country. Here, people won’t come.

– Well, no paper, no pen, but I’m studying! I don’t know what to tell you.

When Sakura teaches Lilia to study, her voice is very lively. It sounds like a really fun voice, but it’s pretty harsh. Sometimes it’s hard, but I’m also tempted to hang in there a little bit more just to hear Sakura’s sounding fun. So much so that Lilia is more illuminated because she is as happy as she is about me, such as when Lilia correctly answers the difficult questions she has prepared.

I was still thinking very pleasantly this time, but Lilia blocked it.

– Sakura, I’d like to hear your opinion before I do.

– Hmm? What is it?

– From now on… how do I meet Tina?

Oh, and Sakura roars, quiet. I’m sure you’re thinking of something. Lilia will also think about it again, but I don’t know what face to look like and see her.

The prince likes Tina, I think. And Tina shouldn’t hate the prince, either. I’ve never said the word Tina likes about the prince, but I wouldn’t have a problem thinking about it that way. Otherwise, I’ll lose my standing.

Lilia completely separated herself from the prince. You pushed it away from Lilia, so it wouldn’t be possible to reconcile or anything first. Tina, who has become friends with herself, will stand between the prince and Lilia. That makes me very sorry.

– Are you worried about Tina?

Lilia laughed with her nose at Sakura’s inquiry.

– You have nothing to do with that girl. I just don’t care about the fire powder flying in on me.

– Yeah. That’s what I’m gonna do.

– What do you mean…

– Haha. For the record, I guess I don’t have to worry so much about it. Maybe Tina will be concerned about the extent so that the two of them don’t bowl together, but I think that’s all. The prince will also try not to touch on Lilia’s topic, and I don’t think he has to worry about it unless he shakes it from Lilia.

Is that what it is? Lilia can’t tell because she still doesn’t know who Tina is.

– I think Tina would be extra concerned if we took the distance. I guess I should just do as I normally do.

– That’s the hard part.

– Yeah. Hang in there!

– Think of it as other HR…

I laugh bitterly, but I don’t disagree. Because Lilia can’t come up with an answer.

– Well, now it’s time to study!

Sakura shouted this time and

“Is that…? Is anybody there?

It was at the same time that I heard that voice.

“… Huh!

Breathtaking, looking back slowly. There he was, an unrecognizable boy. He’s a short, silver-haired boy, and I can tell he’s a student from wearing a school uniform. Even if it just doesn’t look familiar here, I’m sure he does. Few people know anything about Lilia in this school.

That’s what I thought.

“Uh, seniors, is it? Do you want a class?

You don’t seem to know Lilia, but you really don’t know this, and Lilia can’t tell.

– Sakura. Do you know about this girl?

– I’m sorry, I don’t. He doesn’t seem like a bad kid…

– Yes…

How about a little more? Lilia made that decision and pasted a smile.

“I have a little research to do and I’m here. And you?”

– Awesome cat wear! It’s Lilia the Cat!

– Shut up.

I bitterly complain about the sakura screaming in my head and ask for the boy’s reaction. The boy answered me right away.

“The… I’m studying here. I’m not familiar with the class… Fortunately, the exam points aren’t so bad, so they’re missing it.”

– Yeah, is that it?

– There is. If you give me the results on the exam, I’ll allow you to be absent from class. Otherwise I won’t be able to rest for two weeks.

– Oh, I see. Sure if you ask me.

But Lilia thinks. I would certainly be able to study alone, but I wouldn’t say it’s efficient. Even if I don’t get used to the class, I think I should leave class. When I said that, the boy just laughed vaguely.

– I don’t know.

– What are you gonna do?

– I wasn’t asked for help, and let’s ignore it.

I just happened to meet the boy here. I don’t have the in-laws to bother helping you, and Lilia can’t afford that in the first place. temporally, and more mentally.

“I won’t ask in depth. Well, good luck.”

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