Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 228

Memory of S5 Alisa (Part II)

In the carriage of the Duke’s house, Alisa sat opposite a girl named Lilia. Lilia stares at the view outside slowly flowing, without saying anything in particular. The look on his face is grumpy. I’m even hesitant to talk to you.

But Lilia turned to Alisa abruptly.

“You, what’s your name?

Question from the Duke’s Lady. Alisa rushed to correct her posture and opened her mouth.

“It’s Alisa Phyllis! Thank you for your help this time!

That’s what I say, keep your head down. Waiting still with her head down, Lilia eventually snorted like a pain in the ass.

“Be well thankful. But this is the only time I can help you.”


Don’t bluff. Is it because you’re embarrassed? That makes this girl a little familiar. Actually, it wasn’t even a shade or anything, but I was really right.

By the way, this carriage is headed straight to Alisa’s parents’ place of business. He said he would soon find out where the Baron Phyllis family was from the Duke’s information network. I honestly admired the fact that senior aristocrats are truly amazing.

There are three other people in this carriage besides Alisa. Lilia and the Duke himself, and sitting on your podium, are the knights of the escort. It was not allowed to be just the three of them, and only the knight in your role was to be taken as a compromise.

The carriage eventually enters the street lined with shops. Everyone looked surprised when the Duke peered into his face.

“Alisa. Aren’t those the ones?

At the end of the Duke’s gaze, there is a pair of anxiously soggy couples at the end of the carriage. Definitely, Alisa’s parents.

“Father! Mother!

When Alisa screamed, her parents looked back and peeled a little. And somehow, I start to tremble out of fear.

The carriage eventually stopped in front of the two of them.

First, the Duke goes down. It can’t be normal, but no one can complain or anything. Next the Duke offered his hand to his own daughter. Lilia follows it down, and now she offers her hand to Alisa. Alisa took that hand with a tense face.

“Well, Alisa. Are you sure about these two?

“Yes……! Yes!”

I couldn’t stand it any longer and Alisa ran over to her parents. My mother hugs Alisa right away. I was relieved from the bottom of my heart that I had returned safely.

“Our daughter is bothering you…”

I can hear my father. Alisa looked up in surprise because she had never heard her father’s noisy voice or anything else. My father kept his head down as he turned pale to the Duke.

“Never mind. By the way, Baron Phyllis is a merchant dealing with what?

“Is…? Yes!

My father remained nervous but nevertheless began to describe the products he was handling. The Duke was faceless, but he hasn’t stopped my father from speaking, so maybe he’s interested. I guess my father knows that too, where the tension was going earlier, and the heat was starting to go into the explanation.

“Father. what are you doing in a place like this”

To Lilia’s frightened voice, the Duke roared briefly, nodding that it was soon so. To my father, who unfortunately drops his shoulder, the Duke says.

“Baron Phyllis. I want you to come to our house after the scheduled business meeting. Let’s hear more.”

“Oh, thank you!

When the Duke nodded to Eagle Deep, he boarded the carriage. Lilia also tried to follow it right away, so Alisa panicked to call it off.

“Ma, wait!

Lilia looks back grumpy. Alisa shrugged her courage without, bowing her head to Lilia.

“Thank you so much…!

Lilia says nothing. The silent time lasted for a while when no one uttered a word, and eventually I heard someone get into the carriage. When I looked up in a hurry, Lilia was already in the carriage.

The carriage runs away. Lilia looked up as Alisa dropped it off flashly. Alisa and I met eye to eye,

I smiled lightly.

Maybe that was my fault. Maybe that’s what Alisa’s aspirations just made her look like. Still, for Alisa, it was an unforgettable smile.

For the record.

My parents, who had lost track of Alisa and were on their way, received reports that the Duke of Ardis family was looking for the Baron Phyllis family. He wasn’t concerned that he might have worked disrespect for the Duke of Ardis family, that he might be held accountable for something.

But as it turned out, for some reason, I was able to connect with the Duke of Aldis’ house. My father did the odd thing of scolding Alisa with joy.

Alisa was helped by Liliane Ardis, a courtier of the Duke of Ardis family. For Lilia, maybe that was just a whim. Maybe I didn’t care about Alisa or anything. Still, the fact that I was helped doesn’t change. Because Alisa was saved by Lilia’s kindness.

It was the moment when the dream of inheriting the traces of my father turned into something of devotion to Liliane Ardis.

“I really, really appreciate Master Lilia. That’s still the same. So it’s no more joy for me that you’re still on your side.”

That’s what Alisa said and finished the conversation. In front of Alisa, two girls. It is the Sacrament of Lilia, my Lord, and the Great Spirit, who seems to possess Lilia.

Lilia was stuck at the table with her head in her arms. The slightly visible cheeks are bright red. Sakura, sitting next to him, stared at Lilia like that with a slightly mean smile. Would it be disrespectful to think of the Lord as cute who doesn’t see much?

But Alisa wasn’t the only one who thought that.

“Since the beginning of another time!

Sakura cried out,

“I’m in awe”

Alisa responded instantly,

“Stop it!

Lilia slammed the table.

Lilia immediately starts roaring with her head in her arms again. Apparently a very embarrassing memory for Lilia. For Alisa, it’s an important memory that I still remember vividly.

“Oh…… I remember… Sure, there it is, you know…”

Lilia snapped like a groan, and then she stopped saying anything.

The reason Alisa spoke of this memory is because she was asked to do so. The Lord, Lilia, also showed interest, so Alisa spoke with a recollection of those days. Even now I remember, it’s a wonderful memory. Truly I have been blessed with a good Lord. Thank the spirits for this encounter.

“Hey, Sakura, Alisa’s making it really easy.”

“I do, too. Niya.”

“Stop… Really, stop…”

I turn my face bright red and stick it against the table again. I’m not exaggerating when it comes to Alisa’s pride, Lord, but it’s still a little, pretty.

“Lilia is cute”

Crush with a small voice so that Sakura doesn’t sound like Lilia. Fully agree in your heart,

“I think so too”

I also kept it in my mouth.

“Kill me first…”




Lilia desperately hides her face, which seems to be turning bright red, with Alisa laughing with pleasure.

Alisa, it’s good to be here, with all her heart,

“Served by Master Lilia, I am a happy man”

I finally put it in my mouth.

“You’re kind of aggressive, aren’t you?

“If it wasn’t for this opportunity, I wouldn’t be able to express my gratitude to Lilia.”

“Oh, I see. Because, Lilia.”


Lilia, who is silent, and Sakura, who laughs fun. Watching those two, Alisa smiled softly, happily, without opening her mouth this time.

“By the way, Lilia, did you really laugh at the end?

“You laughed, because your father told you to”

“I thought so.”

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