Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 229

A4 Shop Together 1

The house of the Duke of Ardis, next to Lilia’s room, is the Sakura room. Sometimes when Lilia is busy while returning to the Mansion, Sakura cares or is in her own room. I’m often on Lilia’s side.

I hear Sakura is in her room today. When I finished the work and took a breather, I didn’t see Sakura already. I guess I don’t have to worry, but Lilia headed to Sakura’s room just in case.

I stood in front of Sakura’s room, tried to knock, but stopped immediately. Sakura goes in and out without knocking or anything. Why should I knock? That’s what I thought and opened the door.

“Hey, hey, hey.”

Sakura was in the center of the room. Spirit looking like a puppy, playing with Spirit. He was stroking Spill’s stomach as he fell asleep on the floor. Spill seems very pleasant, Sakura looks very entertaining and just a little envious. I want to stroke myself, too.

Sealing such desire into herself, Lilia sighed so that it could sound sarcastic. Sakura raised her face with momentum,

“Ah, Lilia. Done?”

“Yeah, it’s over.”

Oh, and when Sakura stood up, Spill rode over Sakura’s head. Sakura walks over here without saying anything to such a spiel. It’s like the constant position of the spiel, but in practice the spiel is often clinging to the back and arms of the sawdust. I guess I’m in a head mood today.

“As usual, there’s nothing there.”

Lilia says as she looks around the room. The only thing in Sakura’s room is a bed and a desk. Initially, my parents seemed to be trying to get the furniture together, but I refused everything because I didn’t need a sawdust.

Because there is only a bed and a desk, Sakura’s room even seems a bit like a killing landscape. And it felt very wide. It’s very different from Lilia’s room, which has a lot of conditioning. I just don’t know if I should be an apprentice.

Listening to Lilia’s words, Sakura smiled like trouble.

“I won’t use it. Because I don’t want you to spend your money on such a waste.”

“Furniture is cheap, you won’t have to worry about it”

“No, no, because it’s expensive, right? It’s not cheap, is it?

That’s what makes Sakura laugh. Lilia doesn’t know what that feels like. I had never seen my parents care about the price when buying furniture, so I thought it was cheap.

“Well, it might be cheaper than conditioning or something. You can ask Tina.”

“Right. I will. But Sakura, we need furniture.”

“Why? I won’t use it, will I? Let’s get Lilia’s pennies up for that. So let’s eat and walk again.”

That is a very attractive suggestion. I was only stunned for a moment at myself for thinking so naturally, but I shook my head immediately. You must not be flushed here. It’s a sarcastic pace if you keep doing this.

“For example, Sakura”


“Let’s say that, even though it’s not a dozen or nine, there’s only one possibility that someone saw the Sakura room”

Actually, I don’t think there’s any chance of that, but still go on as a hypothesis.

“Sakura’s, the Great Spirit room has little furniture or conditioning. If that happens, the Ardis will be blamed. No matter how much I said I didn’t need you.”

“Hmm…… Really?

“It is.”

Oh well, I nodded as Sakura was convinced. Apparently, they can buy the furniture safely.

“But I don’t need to be expensive. I don’t even need conditioning or anything. I’d love a stuffed animal anyway.”

“Well, I’ll leave it to you. If Sakura chooses, no one can complain.”

Sakura seems to have been interested in getting on too. I immediately tried to call the maid to prepare, but it was stopped sarcastically. Sakura says to Lilia, who looks back suspiciously.

“You mean go shopping, right? I can choose, can’t I?

“Yeah, but…”

“So why don’t we go a little further? And then we’ll all go. Let’s call Tina or Chris or something.”

While I’m just a little surprised that everyone Sakura says includes Chris, I’ll think about it. Sure, Tina might want to be there. Tina will be more familiar with what Sakura might want. You should definitely rely more on this than you do on yourself.

I don’t know the need to call Chris, but you can call Sakura if you want. If you say it’s an invitation from Sakura, you won’t be turned down.

“Fine. I’ll tell Tina and Chris. When do you want it?

“Anytime. I’ll leave you to Lilia.”

Lilia nodded, leaving Sakura’s room behind to make plans.

Tina and Chris’ answer was, of course, to go, anytime. For this reason, it was decided that the next holiday would be easier to schedule.

The next holiday morning. A simple built carriage was available in the large garden of the Ardis family. On the side of that carriage are Lilia and Sakura, as well as Tina and Chris. Chris was looking at the carriage, and at Lilia’s outfit, pulling her cheeks. Lilia’s outfit is for your patience.


When Lilia called, Chris replied with a hard look, yes.

“We also have Chris’ clothes. Get dressed.”

“It is…… Yes, I’m in awe…”

Chris nodded powerlessly as he blued his face. The maid leads me into the mansion. I dropped that off, and then Tina said with a bitter smile.

“Did you need to call Master Chris? I feel a little sorry for you…”

“Sakura’s hope. He wants us all to go.”

“It is. Then you have no choice.”

“Yeah. I don’t have a choice.”

The two of us laugh thinly at each other. Sakura stared at Lilia and the others smiling somewhere, even though she was just a little shy about the conversation.

Chris came back while he was doing so. It’s a light pink piece. You liked it unexpectedly, unlike when you walked into the mansion, you seemed a little in a good mood.

“These clothes aren’t bad, either.”

“I guess so.”

Chris says, Lilia agrees. Chris turned to me all the time.

“Sometimes, is. You shouldn’t wear much of this kind of clothing.”


A dissatisfied voice. This is not Lilia’s voice. Looking back, Sakura was looking at Chris and pointing his lips. I watched Chris closely from the tip of his head to the tip of his leg, and he still swelled his cheeks.

“Even though I think I’m cute. No?”


Sakura leaned her little neck, and Chris wolfed away from her face. Chris would be hard to answer, too. I don’t want to admit it as a senior nobleman’s courtier, but I can’t deny the Great Spirit either. As a result, Chris has turned his gaze to Lilia like he asked for help. I had no choice but to shrug my shoulders and say to Sakura.

“Sakura. You know that.”

“You’re in a position, aren’t you? I know, but… But I think I’m cute.”

Sakura looking at Chris with a still serious look. Chris dyed his cheeks slightly and bowed his head, thanking him.

“It’s time to go.”

Sakura and Chris and Tina continued as Lilia said so and headed to the carriage.

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