Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 232

A5 Relationship between the two Princes and Chris 1

In the dorm’s own room, Lilia was gracefully drinking tea. If it’s just Lilia, that looks like it’s going to be a single painting. But my best friend in front of me is ruining everything.

“I knew Tae Fu was that store, right? Oh, Lilia, it’s delicious.”

Spread the confectionery over the table and continue eating the sakura one after the other. Lilia wonders if she should even complain about how it goes, but when she sees the happy smile of Sakura, she wonders if it’s okay. I have a sense that it’s sweetening to Sakura, but it’s still okay, too.

I spend a relaxing day receiving treats from Sakura from time to time. Loose, relaxed air. But the air was to be destroyed by a single visitor.

“Dear Lilia, Sakura, Your Highness is here.”


Alisa grinned bitterly when they were about to distort her face unwillingly and saw it.

“Sakura, what are you going to do?

Lilia listened and Sakura began to clean up the treats even as she swelled her cheeks dissatisfied. Alisa helps, and soon she can clean up on the table. That’s how I took a breather, and the door to the room was knocked.

“It’s as if you were watching.”

Sakura shrugged and Lilia nodded as she thought no way. Sakura returns to Sosa and Lilia. I waited for it, and then I told Alisa.

“Alisa. Please”

“I’m in awe”

Alisa graciously heads to the door. We exchanged words briefly with each other outside, and the door was immediately opened.

Two princes and Gray come into the room. The door was closed by Alisa, and Gray took an upright stance on the side of the door. Apparently they wait there. The prince walked to Lilia’s seat alone. Lilia stood up immediately and paid a respectful tribute to the prince.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Your Highness. Please take a seat.”


A prince sits in Lilia’s opposite seat. Lilia sat right down, too.

“Lilia. Who’s Sakura?

“We’re out of seats now. Shall I call you?

“No, I don’t mind. Never mind.”

Apparently, Sakura doesn’t have an errand. Lilia tilts her neck, but waits for the next word. But it was hard to say, and the prince was silent on the face of it.

Alisa puts the new tea in front of both of us. When Lilia let him drink first, the prince also put his mouth on the cup.

“Yum. Yum.”

“Thank you”

When the prince put the cup back on the table, he stared at Lilia as he had decided to. Lilia also put a cup of tea on the table and looked to the prince.

“I have a consultation.”

– I’m in trouble!

– Here.

I embarrassed Sakura, who said it was a hassle, but Lilia thinks the same thing. When you’re only in the mood, the prince continues.

“As you know, I’m engaged to Chris”

“If you want to dissolve your engagement, I’ll do everything I can to crush you.”

“There’s no way we’re going to do this now!

The prince had his hips floating in unintentional fashion, but he immediately sat back down to sigh.

“Well, what…”

Only the mouth moves, not the words. When Lilia put her mouth on the cup again and put it back, the prince finally nodded.

“Can I be a good husband to Chris”

– I don’t know! Go home!

– Here.

I was embarrassed this time, but I still fully agree with Sakura. What are you really talking about now? When Lilia erased her expression and stared at the prince, she found herself small and breathtaking.

“Your Highness. May I ask you something?”

“Oh. I don’t mind.”

“Thank you. Is Your Highness still telling Chris about Tina?

The prince shook his head, no way. inner relief to the unmistakable denial.

“I don’t get lost anymore. Let’s pledge to love Chris for life.”

“Soon I’ll be calling you by my nickname.”

………… Ah. ”

Apparently he hadn’t noticed. The prince let his gaze wander at ease and gently diverted his attention from Lilia. As far as this goes, I don’t think I have much to worry about.

“I’m sorry. Ah, my whole life, when I love Krystal…”

“It doesn’t matter. Because there’s only two of us here.”

– I love Lilia, who treats Mr. Grey all the more as something she’s not.

– That’s what escorts are for.

Turning his gaze toward Gray, he seemed to be having a small voice conversation alongside Alisa. The look on Alisa’s face looks like she has no heart or fun.

I’m here.

– Here.

– That girl belongs to me. Let’s knock Gray out.

– Calm down and remember what you said a while ago.

– Shit.

– I got tongue punched!?

Leaving the stunned Sakura alone, he turns his gaze to the prince again. I looked at this one with surprise.

“What’s up?

“No, it’s nothing”

Misleading with a loving laugh, coughing. Tell the prince.

“What is it that your Highness is so anxious about?


While lost, the prince opened his mouth.

“I was engaged to you once and even to Tina. That’s what Chris knows, too. I wonder how Chris sees it…”

“I see…”

I guess the prince is also trying to accept Chris as a prince. And I guess that’s why you’re wondering what Chris thinks of you. Lilia grinned lightly.

– Finally, I feel like I’m returning to His Highness I know.

– Hmm…… Regret?

– Though that’s not true.

– That’s a quick answer.

He laughs at each other small and crunchy, and tells the prince his expression while making it serious.

“Your Highness.”

To that serious voice, the prince corrected his posture.

“Chris doesn’t show much weakness to people. But just don’t show it to me. I’ll hold it in. Your Highness will support that child. He will support His Highness.”

“That’s what I’m going to do… What exactly am I supposed to do?

“That’s what His Highness thinks. Do what you think you need for Chris.”

The prince had been showing a conceivable bare gesture for a while, but eventually snorted firmly.

“Okay. Thank you, Liliane.”

“No, more than anything I can do to help.”

The prince bowed his head small and went back with Gray. After dropping it off, Lilia put her mouth on the cup and sighed.

“It’s a pain in the ass…”

“Haha. Let me work for you like that Lilia.”

When did you get back, Sakura strokes Lilia’s head, next to Lilia’s. Lilia closed her eyes while accepting it.

“Good day, Lilia”

I felt that, like Sakura was smiling gently.

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