Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 253

River games

“Lillier. It’s hot.”

Sakura was stuck at the table in Lilia’s office. There’s a cup in that hand that had cold water in it, but it’s already empty. Lilia said when she saw how it was going.

“Not really, though.”

“Because you’re using magic! I bet you are! sloppy!”

“Sluggish or nothing, spirits should have nothing to do with hot and cold”

I’ve heard before that spirits also have sensations, but if they’re too hot or too cold, they can cut sensations. Otherwise the spirits in those regions will be unable to do their jobs properly.

Sakura looked away softly when I told her I should just cut off my senses.

“That’s right. The goddess woke me up on a strange whim.”


“Yeah. Sometimes you should know how humans feel, so I forbid you to cut your senses today.”

“It’s also…”

“I laughed at the fact that the goddess who said that was down in the heat and she was like a zombie!


I’m not sure about this, but it would be like Sakura right now. With the proposed goddess herself down, will this world be all right with a lot of things?

“That means other spirits today?

“Yes, this street”

Sakura stuck her hand under the table and pulled it out. There was a spiel hanging out of power all the time. Open your eyes thinly, glance at Lilia, and close your eyes again. It seems harder than I imagined.

“Spills are tough.”

“Yeah. Yeah……? I am!?

“As long as you have the energy to make all that noise, you’ll be fine”

“I’m fine! Don’t worry about it! Boo-boo!

“Was it worth worrying about?


I’ll stop around here because Sakura’s about to cry. If you say too much, you’ll be stubborn and just a little bothered. Well, I fix my mood lightly with sweets.

“Not at all. That much to say?

Saying, hang up the demon squares you’re pasting under the desk. It’s a demon cube that creates a layer of air and cools down inside. Now the outside, Sakura said, hot air inside……

“What’s with this?”

Hotter than I imagined. Lilia’s cheeks snap by accident. Sakura complains too.

Sakura complains about bumping into the goddess today, while she usually has little discontent with the goddess. Then should I have looked at it a little?

“Lillier. It’s hot.”

Same words as earlier. But only this time, I can’t keep it down. Exactly a little, I feel sorry for you.

“But there’s nothing I can do.”

The magic of this world works by getting the spirits to work together. If the goddess says so, she won’t put Sakura in that effect. There’s nothing Lilia can do about it.

No matter how much it is, I think I know about it.

“Hmm…? Did you think of anything rude right now?

Sakura’s an idiot.

“Straight curse!? Terrible!”

Bye-bye, and tried to make noise, as usual, but soon became quiet. Stick it against the table,


I see, this is serious.

Well, what’s the matter? If you tell Alisa, she might have about some ice, but I’m sure it’ll melt soon. I don’t think that makes much sense.

After a little thought, I noticed that Sakura was looking at this one.


“Yeah. Hey, Lilia. Let’s go to the river. Let’s swim. Let’s go in.”

“Are you out of your mind?

“Say That Far!?

That’s it. An authentic grand aristocrat, the Duke’s house, enters the river and plays. Not that I know what the other nobles will say.

“I want in. If you say so, you’ll be fine.”

That would certainly be the case. It would only be a problem if Lilia came in from herself, but if Sakura came in and was its escort, no one should complain.


Really. I lean my neck and ask. I see.



While we have the usual exchanges, still the caged eye of Sakura’s expectations remains unchanged. Lilia shook her head when she sighed loudly, saying she had no choice.

“I’ll get ready, just wait a minute.”

“Wow! That’s Lilia, I get the story! Empress!

“You’re selling fights…?

“Hii!? I’m sorry, I’m just kidding!

Sakura running and running all the time. Lilia sighed again, silently asking Alisa, who was holding back on her side, to prepare.


“If you’re all right with that, don’t you need to go anymore?

I see Sakura complaining, so I won’t tell her.

Naturally Alisa didn’t look good when she heard she was going to visit the river, but she sighed small when she heard it was Sakura’s self. Don’t say anything because it’s not acceptable as a maid’s attitude, but I can fully understand how you feel. Rather, I apologize for the inconvenience.

To Farah, who has no particular thought of God, begins and ends by saying is the goddess an idiot? I don’t say anything because I can understand this either. Especially since the beginning of this one is definitely a goddess. What are you thinking?

Anyway, two hours to be rocked by a carriage. We reached an invisible river a short distance from the Wang capital. That’s right, you can’t go into the river in the king’s capital.

Sakura instructs the Spirit to do something. Ask him what he did, and he’ll refract the light and make it invisible. Somewhat understandable, but troublesome, so listen.

“It’s too bad. Even though it was Lilia who asked.”

“Because I don’t care about reason”

“Eh. Life is a study.”

“Sakura says…?

“What do you mean!?

I just tried to make a scene, and Sakura lost her energy as it was. It seems true that she is well.

“Look, Sakura. River. Come in when you’re ready.”

“What about Lilia?

“Hey, Sakura. You think nobles in countries that don’t face the sea can swim?

“Ah. Right. You don’t even want to remember.”

“I don’t think so.”

Even if I remember, the next chance to swim is not. Unless that’s what the goddess comes up with.

“Well, then, come along.”

I took off my pompous clothes and got bare. Lilia accidentally pulled her cheeks on this. A little more discretion……

“It’s no use expecting anything from Sakura.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I know you made fun of me”

Saying, I’m going to jump into the river. If you look closely, Spill was also taken with his roots grabbed. Well, it’ll be good for that kid, too, so you can leave him alone.


Sakura starts swimming properly if she does. I think it’s clever stuff. I know how to swim a lot. I wonder who taught me.

Groaning about that, Farah, who was accompanying me, told me.

“In our world, all children are taught. Sakura is not special.”

“Oh. Really?

“Yes, because our country was surrounded by the sea”

I see. That might not be strange to be taught. Even if you are not involved in your work, you will surely have many opportunities to contact the sea.

“Dear Lilia, Because of that, and why don’t you just put on your feet? It feels good.”

“Farah, what are you saying to Master Lilia?”

“Alisa must, too. Because it just feels good on my feet. No one’s watching.”


Alisa shut up. This is a reaction that interests me a little. Lilia, too, somehow wants to try when Farah says that much.

“If you say so much…”

It was Lilia who broke it first. I take off my shoes and get ready before Alisa stops me. Head to the riverside, enjoying the unusually grassy feel behind your feet.

It’s a calm river. Looking a little farther, Sakura, who put his spiel over his head, was looking at this one.

“Are you going in?

“Just the legs.”

“I wish I could get in.”

“I don’t want to.”

Put your toes on the river. Soothing cold water feel. I see, this might feel a little good. It’s extraordinary this hot season.

I sit on the ground and put my feet in the river. Yeah. Might as well be surprised.

“It feels good, doesn’t it? Look, don’t you want to come in?

“Exactly. That’s not it.”


Sakura seems unhappy, but I don’t think I’m going in because I can’t swim without people’s eyes. Fear is better than fear.

I wonder why. When I said this, I could imagine what Sakura would say. They’re going to say there was fear or something. Hit him later.

“I have a chill now for some reason. Lilia, are you thinking anything weird?

“I thought I’d bump this frustration into a sawdust.”


Sushi, and Sakura walking away. You don’t have to worry. It’s a joke…. maybe.

“Oh, um… Excuse me, too.”

When I looked next door because I heard that voice, Alisa almost sat next to Lilia. Further next to that, there is also the figure of Farah. It was time for the two of them to put their feet on, and Alisa glanced a little, and Farah narrowed her eyes thinly.

“The water in the river was so cold…”

“Hey, I remember when I used to go camping.”

Farah’s words are probably from a previous life. Sakura might have expressed empathy if she had listened.

Lilia and the others were having a relaxing time watching Sakura swim.

After returning to the mansion.

“Ah Tsuh-Yi-Yi”

“This is what happens after all.”

Lilia and the others were looking at each other and shrugging their shoulders at Sakura, who stuck at the table again.

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