Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 254

Foam Dreams (Preliminary)

When I realized, I was standing in a place I’d never even seen.

“Where are you…”

It’s where big rectangular stones line the perimeter. The stone was nicely cut, and almost all of it had some kind of letter written on it. It’s just a letter Lilia can’t read and I don’t know what it says. It’s just a familiar letter. Where would I have seen it?

“Oh…… Sakura letters.”

I’ve seen what Sakura had in the dark world only once before, but it should have written a letter with an atmosphere very similar to this. I mean, I guess this is the letter of the Sakura world. It is the only letter Sakura knows in that world, and I don’t see why there is that letter in front of me right now.

Lilia closes her eyes and remembers yesterday. It should have been a day without any particular change. I went to bed in my dorm room as usual. With that said, Sakura would have called me to go to the dark world.

Remembering that much, Lilia frowned. The memory after that is badly obscure. I can’t recall it clearly, as if it were too much.


A familiar voice that sounds unexpected. Shortly after I looked up, my back got heavy.

“Lilia, what are you doing here?

Looking back, Sakura was there. A full smile, just like always. I was starting to get a little anxious, but when I looked at Sakura’s face, I was filled with relief.

“I want to hear it. Where am I?

“Hmm…… Simply put, in my dream. This is where my memories were built.”

“Heh… This is the world of Sakura.”

I see. Lilia nodded. It doesn’t look familiar and natural. Because it’s a place that doesn’t exist in Lilia’s world.

“What’s this, by the way?

I pointed to the stone in front of me and asked, and the sawdust smile clouded just a little. I regret only a little what I have heard, but I cannot afford not to have spoken now. Waiting for a response, Sakura opened her mouth heavily.

“Grave. of my house.”

I wish I hadn’t asked. You noticed Lilia’s expression was distorted, Sakura said as she panicked.

“Lilia doesn’t have to worry about it. Because you don’t know.”

“I’m sorry.”

Don’t apologize.

Sakura laughed bitterly and stood in front of the grave. Touch the stone and narrow your eyes. It’s like seeing something I miss. That’s how I stroked him for a while, but eventually Sakura turned back to Lilia.

“Lilia. Because of this, and I’ll show you around!

“What? No, but…”

“Come on!

Sakura takes Lilia’s hand and walks out. Soon I could guess that you wanted to move out of here, and Lilia shut her mouth and followed Sakura.

Exit a place lined with similar stones. When he remembered his interest in the hard ground, he told me it was asphalt. It seems to be something different from stone building again. And when I looked up and saw the road in front of me, a chunk of iron ran through me faster than a carriage.

Sakura laughed joyfully as Lilia complained and moaned at the speed.

“Car. It’s an automobile. Look, over here.”

Lilia’s hand is pulled, and Sakura walks. Meanwhile, the car runs through Lilia’s neighborhood. For Lilia, that’s nothing but fear, but isn’t Sakura afraid?

“For once, the car has decided where to run. Besides, the narrow road over here is preferred by those who walk.”

“Yes…… But who wouldn’t protect it?

There are also criminals in Lilia’s world who do not abide by the law. With that in mind, Sakura nodded.

“Yeah. Considering that, well, you’re scared. But when you start saying that, you can’t walk outside.”


After a short walk, I entered a street lined with many buildings. Trying to look up at the sky, there’s something like a roof. Sakura told me this was a shopping mall.

“That’s a lot of people…”

A large crowd of people in clothes they’ve never even seen are going out. Some are smiling and bickering, while others walk early enough with one hand of what Sakura is using in a dark world. It’s a very lively place.

“You can buy more or less stuff on this street. Meat and fish, all of it.”

“Fish, is the sea close?

“No, nothing. It’s not far, though. Oh, let’s eat that mench cutlet over there.”

Sakura heads to the store on the side. Lilia looked around intriguingly and walked with her hands drawn to the sawdust.

“Two mench cutlets!


A loud voice from a man who would be a shopkeeper. A mench cutlet in a paper bag was immediately offered. Sakura receives it and gives it to Lilia. Lilia took it honestly and tried to grab a bite, imitating the sakura she was eating just quickly.

Sounds soothing and pleasant. I guess I just fried it, it’s so hot in there, it’s overflowing with gravy. Lilia’s face blues as she naturally falls into her clothes, but Sakura laughed and said.

“It’s okay. This place is in my dreams. ‘Cause when you wake up, you’ll be fine.”

“You did…… Still, it’s a strangely realistic dream.”

“Because I have a lot of imagination! I’ve never had a mentch cutlet here before, but it’s delicious!

“Don’t make me eat things I don’t know!

When Lilia yelled, Sakura waved with a laugh. I sighed at him, but finished eating my menthikatsu without throwing it away.

“By the way, why is this food?

“Hmm? In a comic book or something, there’s a scene where friends and I eat fried food while we go to and from school. That’s why I wanted to try.”

Let’s go next, and Sakura will pull over. A very pleasant smile.

Sakura said, this is a dream. But how far is this dream? This whole thing is actually just Lilia’s dream. Maybe even if I wake up and ask you sarcasm, I’ll just tilt my neck. As Sakura says, this is Sakura’s memory, and we might laugh at each other for having fun after we woke up.

I don’t know which one this is right now, but I can even think of one when I look at Sakura’s fun smile. We decided to hang out with Sakura for a while longer, and Lilia went to the next place with Sakura.

The next visit was to a place with a large building.

First there is the gate, through which there is a large building at the end of the eyes and nose. On the side of the building, it’s a vast open lot with nothing but dirt. In that vacant lot, those in the same clothes were exercising something.

In and out of the building are a few adults and a large number of boys and girls. Are the boys and girls about the same age as Sakura or a little below? The girls wore the same clothes as Sakura, and the boys wore clothes that they had never seen but were black based.

“Maybe here…”

“Middle school. It’s the school I went to.”

More than Lilia goes to school. In the Sakura world if you ask, everyone can go to school on an equal footing with the least. Even the least, it is undoubtedly more than an advanced school attended by Lilia. It can be described as an environment that everyone in the civilian population would envy.

“And so. Lilia is also a student here today. Yes, get dressed!”

“What? What suddenly…”

Lilia’s voice blurred her ass confirming her appearance. Soon, Lilia wore the same clothes as Sakura. Soon, I suppose, there would be no point in mentioning it more than they say it’s in a dream. I just have to think that’s what it is.

“It’s about time -!

Then he runs his gaze around him, holding down the sakura that comes along with one hand. Everyone looked at this one, smiling. To a much more realistic reaction, Lilia dyed her cheeks thin when she heard it was a dream.

“Sakura, go to the next one.”

“Is that it? Could it be embarrassing? Yaya!”

“I didn’t think there was a fool to put that in your mouth. Nice work, huh?


Lilia sighed, sighing, as Sakura immediately apologized.

Enter the school building with Sakura. Inside there was a long hallway, lined with many rooms. Right on the side there is a staircase, and Sakura heads to the stairs without getting lost.

The same hallway stretched up the stairs. Sakura stopped in front of one room after a short walk.

“This is my classroom”

Saku opens the door and goes inside. Lilia soon followed suit,

“Morning, Sakura!

Greetings flew in from all over the classroom. In front of Lilia, who is circling her eyes, Sakura returns her greeting with a smile. Many students greeted me with affection.

“Sakura, who’s that kid? You’re such a beautiful girl!

One of the female students rushes to Sakura. He stared at Lilia with interest.

“Hehe. He’s my best friend! I wouldn’t be mad if I did this!

Sakura tried to hug Lilia.


Lilia holds Sakura’s head by her hand and keeps her strength on it.

“I want to be there!

“Haha! You’re mad at me!

Sakura slaps Lilia in the arm and the female student laughs out holding her belly. Lilia stared narrowly at the two.

Sakura, freed from Lilia, heads to the classroom window, to the back seat. Coincidence or sarcasm intent, it was the same place as Lilia at school.

“Lilia is here! I’m next door!

Sakura sits next to Lilia. After sitting in his seat, Sakura looked at the classroom narrowly.

Each of the students continues to bicker. But nobody talked to Sakura anymore. Ignoring Sakura, it’s more like there’s nobody here.

“I’m sorry I got involved”

The sound of Fusakura reached my ear. I’ll take a look at Sakura, but that gaze remains directed inside the classroom. Only the mouth moves small.

“Once with Lilia, I thought you wanted to come over here. The goddess who heard it was in a dream, so this dream was made based on my memory. I waited for Lilia to go to bed, and then I brought Lilia in the usual way.”


Apparently there’s more to being a goddess than Lilia could possibly imagine. I didn’t think I could even interfere with people’s dreams. Maybe it’s technically something different, but it’s the same thing for Lilia.

“Sorry. But just hang out for a day”

Lilia smiled slightly at Sakura’s fine voice. I stroke your head and say.

“I don’t mind. But if you can, say it in advance.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t do that.”

“Really? Reason?”

“Because it was decided right after Lilia went into bed, and it’s a plan assembled in an instant”

It seemed more sudden than expected. Lilia looks away softly as she pulls her cheeks. Apparently, even though Sakura wanted it, Sakura was also shaped by God’s whim. I’m just a little sympathetic, but I think it would be nice because it looks fun.

Wait a minute, a man came into the classroom. Obviously I would be a teacher because I’m not the same age as the students. From the moment the teachers enter, the students are back in their seats with us. By the time the teacher put something like a notebook on the table, he could only hear a few whispers.

Then I’ll take attendance.

Whenever a teacher reads out a student’s name, someone responds. It varies from a healthy voice to a lovely voice. Eventually,

“Winter Moon Sakura”

Sakura’s name is called,


Sakura’s, happy reply. If you look at it, the face was full of joy.

“Yeah. You’re as good as ever. It’s good to be healthy, so you can eat as many peppers as you want.”

“Leave me alone!”

Sakura pointed her lips at the words on the teacher’s ill-willed smile. The students leak a sneak laugh. Apparently, Sakura’s pepper dislike is a well-known fact here.

I’ve been calling names ever since, and,

“Well, international students from abroad are here today. Liliane Ardis”

Lilia was seriously surprised by this. Sakura’s memories are based on it, because I thought I would never be called. But think about it, everyone here would have reacted well if they recognized Lilia. It’s not simply something that played back memories, I guess.

“Lilia. They’re calling you, right?

Lilia returned to me with a pleasant sakura voice. Taking a glance from all over the classroom, Lilia said,


I smiled and replied with a ‘smile’.

“Ugh, yeah. Good. Yeah. Fine.”

For some reason the teacher turned away. Teachers as well as all of the students turned a blind eye. I don’t know what that means.

“Lilia, why did you have that smile there…”

I’m pulling my cheeks up to Sakura. As Lilia tilted her neck, Sakura sighed small.

“Is it natural? Are you doing this naturally? It sucks not to be cute but to be scared up there.”

Sakura held her head for a while, but eventually, she flushed it, okay?

Subsequent classes lasted until noon, taking classes even though occasional breaks were pinched. It was already taught by Sakura, but it’s also quite interesting to hear from someone else. I guess Sakura is also where I think it is, I was listening to the class with a serious look on my face.

It’s noon and everyone’s taking out their lunchboxes. But Sakura took a seat and stood up, pulling Lilia’s hand.

“We’re going home.”

“Really? I’ll leave it to Sakura.”

Be led by Sakura to the exit of the classroom. Just before I left the classroom,

“Sakura! Are you leaving?

The students raised their voices. Looking back, it’s a familiar girl and boy. A girl who has also spoken in the morning, exploring the memory of where she saw it. Immediately, I realized it was from when I saw Sakura’s memory. This is the girl who was dropping out of school with Sakura.

Sakura smiled at the girl.

“I’ll show you Lilia, I’m leaving early!

“What is that sloppy!

The girl screams and the boy takes over.

“Are you going to tell people how great you are?

“I’m usually a good barber. Unlike someone else.”

“What do you mean, here?”

argument, it also sounds like, but all three were smiling. However, Sakura was a lonely thing.

“Fair enough. Be careful and go home.”

“Don’t swing international students.”


“Good luck, Sakura”

to the word, Sakura slightly clogged the word,

“Mmm…… Thank you. Goodbye.”

Sakura managed to say it out, leaving the classroom to escape, and ran out. Lilia, who had left her hand at some point, hastily tried to follow it,

“Mr. Lilia. Regards, Sakura”

Peel off your eyes and look back. The two of them, not just the two of them, but everyone in the classroom, were watching Lilia.

“That kid is lonely, so please don’t hesitate”

“Yeah…… I’ll swing by for you.”

When Lilia nods, everyone nods back happily, and everyone goes back to their day. To a day without Lilia. Lilia ran out after Sakura, remembering just a little loneliness to it.

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