Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 259

Travel 3

the next morning. Lilia woke up as usual, trying to open her mouth to get out of bed and call Alisa,

“Well, you’re just not here…”

I interrupted the called name.

Cynthia is the one Lilia tried to call. Even in different places, they call Cynthia and have Alisa go instead. But the country is just different, and Cynthia won’t be there.

That’s what I thought.

“Can I help you?”

Since when, Cynthia was holding back right on the side.

“Huh…… How long have you been here?

“Not long after Master Lilia wakes up. I thought it was time to be called, and I was waiting.”


I didn’t think you were coming with me because you were a whole country. Should I say the same, I’m a really capable spy. I’m really glad Cynthia was on my side.

But I wonder how it got here. At least you weren’t in the carriage. When I asked, Cynthia laughed mischievously,

“Don’t tell me.”

Yeah, this is the one I can’t get an answer for. If you ask, you’ll tell me, but even if you ask, it’s useless for Lilia, so I decide to flush it.

“You’re going to get Alisa.”

“Yeah, please”

Cynthia nodded deeply.

And the next moment, he was disappearing.

………… I don’t know if she’s quitting the human race. ”

I realized, frightened inside. I haven’t heard back from you earlier. If you looked around wondering, there was a letter on the pillow of the bed you slept in until earlier.

Check the contents for your hand. I’m going to tour because I’m free, it just said.

I see.

“You’re so brave running out there, Sakura…”

When I came back, I just decided in my heart to punish her, and I allowed Alisa to enter the room because I heard her from across the door.

Get dressed while Alisa helps you. Prepare to meet with the king of this country. Sakura often says that the first impression is important.

After you get dressed, grab a light breakfast and wait in your room. After this, he is to be picked up by Ray. Let’s just wait and relax and have some tea.

Drinking tea in the appreciated room, Alisa, who stood by her side, seemed anxious for some reason.

“What’s the matter with you?”

“Oh, no…… Um, Master Lilia, where’s Sakura…?

“Come on?”

That said, he’s not back yet. It’s about Sakura, so I’m sure she’ll be back when I remember.

That being said, no, because I said so, Alisa clouded her face even more.

“Is something wrong?

“No…… I’ve only heard rumors, so there’s something I haven’t told you.”

Apparently it’s an important story. When I encourage ahead with just my gaze, Alisa continues to snort at me.

“The magicians of this country apparently have two factions”

“Faction? You have something like that.”

Sakura said that, but there are such things in other countries. Apparently there are places that are also on the ruling side, not just magicians. Given that, my country is very peaceful.

No, maybe I just don’t know. Will I be involved if I become Duke? That looks like a lot of trouble.


“Yes. One of the factions is the coexistence. Like many countries, the idea is to live in cooperation with the Spirit.”

“Normal. What about the other one?

“Slavery. The idea is to rule the Spirit.”

“Uh, what’s that? Aren’t you stupid?

I don’t know what that means without joking. Do you think you can do that? Perhaps there is such a faction because I think so.

“There seems to be some reason… Cynthia. Can you look into it to the extent that you can’t?

I was awed, and I heard a small voice. I’m sure Cynthia will bring some results back.

“Not at all…… I wish Ray would say the same.”

“Hehe…… Right.”

Hmm. Why did this kid laugh?

Lilia, wondering, put her mouth on a cup of tea that had cooled down a little.

It wasn’t until an hour later that Ray came. I just wanted to complain about one of them, but I’m going to keep my mouth shut thinking this one, which I didn’t set the time for, was bad. I’d say so.

And I was about to get in the carriage that Ray had prepared, and then I had the feeling that something was going to get in my body. I look around lightly and go inside with a strange face. Sit down, close your eyes, and talk.

– Welcome back, Sakura.

– Whoa. You’ve noticed. I’m home, Lilia.

– What were you doing?

– I’ve been touring the castle for a bit.

Does that mean it’s a magician thing? Some research takes place outside the castle, but the magicians’ headquarters are in the castle. This is the case for the country of Lilia, but so will probably Krabiles.

– About the faction of the Wizard?

– Yeah. You know what?

– Alisa told me there was such a rumor.

– Heh… You’re even running rumors like that.

Sakura didn’t seem to know the rumors.

That’s how the carriage starts to run while we’re in conversation with Sakura. Ray is riding with me, but I was watching this one silently if he guessed anything.

– What kind of faction?

– I hear there’s coexistence and slavery. Slavery, though a little incredible.

– Oh, yeah… Well, he said he was originally independent. I mean, the idea of trying not to rely on the magic team.

– Heh. That sounds like a good thing to hear.

– Yeah. Looks like you’re gonna leave the goddess alone, too.

That means that the goddess, arguably the top of the Spirit, has already grasped this. That means that Sakura has been instructed by the goddess…

– Oh, no, that’s not it.

– Huh?

– It’s not like there’s anything else, so you can leave it completely, if you want to do something, be my guest, and they said it!

– Yeah……

Isn’t it too much to let go of? Unexpectedly pulls cheeks.

– Is that okay? Because now I’m a slave, trying to rule the Spirit…

No, wait. In the first place, that’s the problem. They’re trying to rule the Spirit, but could they rule even once? Spirit, that is to say, a strange being like this Sakura.

– Is that it? I feel like I’ve just been fooled.

– It’s my fault. How are slaves trying to rule the Spirit?


Sakura shut up. It’s more of an atmosphere of laughter than just hard to say.

– Sakura?

– Nfu…… No, you know what? He said he created a magic formation to rule the Spirit.

– ………………. Yes?

A magic formation is what you need to draw strength from the Spirit. It is the magic formations that, if you say so, are instructions to the Spirit so that even the invisible of the Spirit can draw strength from the Spirit.

I mean, let’s have the Spirit’s reign be the Spirit, that’s why.

– Yeah. Aren’t you stupid?

– Ha-ha! It’s silly! I don’t know what that means! No, I’ll laugh again when I remember…! Can’t, can’t! Hahaha, hihi, wax……!

Shut up. Now Lilia sighed with a look at Sakura’s laugh. I see the goddess hasn’t panicked at all. From the Spirit, I guess it’s not a threat. What a story.

If you think you have a problem, it wasn’t actually even a problem for the spirits. That seems to be all we’re talking about.

– But there’s a reason you assumed you could rule, right?

– Oh, yeah… No, yeah. That’s it… All spirits tell you to like it, don’t they?

– Oh, okay. Because I kind of figured it out.

– Really?

Lilia knows that the spirits also have a personality. I guess the naughty spirits behaved as if they were dominated by a funny half. And maybe not just the whole thing.

– About thirty spirits came to report to the goddess that it was important.

– Yes…

I think I see why there is such a thing as the Great Spirit. The spirits seem to have a lot more difficulty than the Great Spirit or Goddess.

Just a little bit, I pictured a woman holding her head in her brain laughing, and Lilia felt a little sympathy for the goddess.

Lilia, who got off the carriage in front of the large castle, followed Ray’s guidance and was passed to a room in the castle. In a room with a rectangular table, the table is already lined with sumptuous meals. And in front of that table, there was an old man who seemed to mind. The man in the crown has a shadow somewhat resembling Ray. This man would be His Majesty the King of Krabiles.

“I’ll see you first, King Krabiles. My name is Liliane Ardis. We are very honored to have this opportunity.”

“Mm-hmm. Well done. Looks like Rayford’s taking care of you. I appreciate that.”

Soft smile. It’s a good vibe. Maybe Ray resembles King Krabiles. Lilia is more confused by the totally different atmosphere than Ray’s brother you once met.

“By the way, is the Great Spirit here?

– What are you gonna do?

– Tell me you’re sightseeing.

– Yes.

“We seem to be sightseeing now, we are not close”

“Mm… Right.”

I’m sorry to hear that, but would this seem more disturbing? Maybe you don’t want Sakura to know about the faction. Exactly. I guess you don’t think it’s become known today yesterday.

Or maybe I just want to think so.

– Kings seem tough.

– It’s supposed to be at the top, but it makes me feel like I’m in middle management. I might have a hole in my stomach.

– Really… Sakura, don’t bother.

– Hmm? I’ve never bothered you!

Are you serious? Sakura hastily tells you that Lilia is in a bad mood.

– No, yeah. I’ll do good!

– Totally……

Sigh inside and regain consciousness to the king. King Krabiles seems to have just changed his mind.

“You’re tired of suddenly telling tough stories, aren’t you? I let the cook prepare the finest meal he could make right now. Wouldn’t you like to join us?

Isn’t this king too light for all sorts of things? Once he turned his gaze to Ray, Ray nodded with a laugh just a little trouble. This is how this king always seems.

Lilia bowed her head with a smile to the king, realizing that Sakura was enjoying a laugh.

“Be sure. We will be with you”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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