Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 27



It was the same bedroom as in the morning. They clean and take care of the beds, but that’s all. Then what were you trying to hide?

– Sakura. Could…

– You sound like a ninja! Cool!

– Ninja? What’s that?

– Uh… A secret detective from a country all the way east, something like that, huh?

Obscure, Lilia sat deeply down to say she would return to the table, grinning bitterly. As soon as I tap the table with my fingers, Alisa bows her head and starts preparing her tea. Watching it, well, Lilia opened her mouth.

“I don’t know which instructions your father or brother gave you… Come out.”

Alisa’s movements solidified. I look back at Lilia with a pulling grin.

“Um, Master Lilia? What are you talking about…?

Lilia narrowed her eyes in a grumpy way to Alisa’s words. He turned his frozen gaze, and Alisa snapped and screamed briefly.

“Alisa, you’re my maid of honor.”


“You belong to me. You’re hiding something from me?

“That’s… that…”

Alisa, who can no longer answer anything, turns a blind eye and gets annoyed. The expression was about to cry. In fact, I’m not going to blame Alisa that much for Lilia. The contract is my father’s, and I would have to obey the orders of the Ardis family.

So there’s something else to blame.

– Sakura. Where are you?

– Mm-hmm… About here and in the middle of the bedroom. He’s lurking in the ceiling. Two. One in the bedroom.

I look to where I have been instructed, surprised from the inside. Lilia doesn’t seem to have anything, but Sakura will be there for sure.

“For now, those two, come down. One of the bedrooms… I don’t care. Later, I’ll, alone, tell the story.”

I smile firmly and spin word for word. A light noise came from the ceiling. I feel sorry for you to get upset to this extent, but I slap the table in a hurry. Slowly at first, and faster and faster because it won’t come down.

“No…… I’m here.”

When I wondered if part of the ceiling was dented, I was shifted to the side and two men came down. They’re both in black, like an old man on one side and a middle-aged man on the other? Standing in front of Lilia, he broke one knee and bowed his head to Lilia.

“Nice to meet you, right? I…”

“I don’t care what your name is.”

Pizza and Lilia say it off. The old man, blocked by words, frowned slightly and raised his face.

“Call the one in the bedroom.”

“No, no such person, though?

“Are you gonna make me say the same thing twice?

Knock the table with your fingers again. Slowly at first, and a little faster. You don’t know what that means, but you felt something thin and cold, the old man smiled hard, excused me, and bowed his head.

“I will call you right away…. Hey.”

When the old man utters a harsh voice, the man nods and goes up to the ceiling again. I’m just a little surprised that I jumped into an earlier hole, but didn’t give it any expression.

Wait a few seconds, a man comes down again. And the other, now a girl, about the same age as Lilia? I don’t know for sure because I have a mask covering my face.

“Good for you.”

Lilia said kindly, and the three kneeling in front of her raised their faces.

“Now if a man were in his bedroom, he’d be killing all three of them.”

To that word of a smile, all three bowed their heads deeply. I guess these three know that Lilia’s is telling the facts, not the analogy or anything. There is no way that a spy who touched the Lord’s scales could be alive.

– I’m scared! I’m scared of Lilia! That’s not my Lilia!

– Who belongs to whom? That’s all there is, isn’t it?

– Hmm…… Yeah. Definitely all of them now.

– Yeah, I got it.

“Face up.”

Says Lilia as she taps the table with her fingers. The three said nothing and looked up quietly.

“At whose direction are you here?

To Lilia’s question, the old man answers. It’s Mr. Cross.

“Yes. You’re my brother. Hmm……”

Lilia nods and gives Alisa her gaze. As Alisa remembered, she hastily began to prepare her tea.

“So? Who’s in charge of you? Well, guess what.”

When Lilia looked at the old man, the old man also stared straight at Lilia and nodded only once.

Then I’d like to ask you something.


“With whose forgiveness did you order her? You said not to say anything about ourselves, but you were giving orders, right?

Lilia’s voice went low at once. Old men and men don’t shudder to say just that, but the girl is shuddering smaller. Is it still half a serving, it’s a pretty thing.

“Are you listening?

In Lilia’s renewed inquiry, the old man bowed his head again.

“Master Cross told me that those who serve Ardis don’t mind using it.”

“I see. I’m telling you a lot of honesty, but that’s from your brother, too?

“As you can guess, sir.”

“Well, thank you from me, too.”

Alisa puts the cup of tea on the table. Lilia took a sip of it and,

“… eh”

I threw it as it was. Still hot tea takes the old man, and the old man smiles slightly. But it still didn’t bother me, and Lilia slapped the table vigorously with her fist. To the loud noise, the girl trembles.

“Whose, with forgiveness, have you commanded Alisa?”

Lilia stands up slowly. He had a gentle smile, but only his eyes were completely seated.

“I’ll tell you what.”


“Alisa is my maid of honor. It’s not Ardis’ maid, it’s mine. Whose forgiveness do you give to my maid?

“I’m sorry”

The old man lowered his head even deeper, and the man and the girl followed it. Lilia stared at it for a while with her emotionless eyes, but eventually turned away and sat in the chair again.

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