Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 32


– Sakura……

– Wait, wait, wait! Because I have a good idea! Because I just figured it out!

– You just hit it off… Like what?

– What you need to have is a friend, right? Let’s go see Tina!

I see, Lilia was a little convinced. In this country, the position of baron is unlimited and close to the common people. Tina would have some clothes that could blend into the common people. However, there are still problems.

– I have to go, don’t I?

– Sort of. I’m going to disguise myself, and I don’t think you should go to Alisa or anything. No, Alisa might be able to help, but she’ll definitely be worried.

Lilia would obey if she clearly ordered, but she doesn’t want to do that against Alisa. He’s Lilia’s maid, and at the same time, he’s one of the few collaborators. I want to take care of it. I noticed myself thinking so and was just a little surprised.

– You have no choice… They’re going to say something from around here, but let’s just say we’re going.

– Hang in there.

– You can take it easy…

Lilia checked the time stated in the invitation and smashed her tongue into small pieces. It is this evening that the night club is held. I know you’d like to hear from me sooner, but it would be that stupid prince who planned this anyway. That guy wouldn’t be surprised if he held a night club abruptly as an excuse to invite Tina.

However, I don’t think I might have had a plan in advance because I didn’t have any other plans for the night club. Did I make it last minute to let Tina know so she wouldn’t turn me down?

Anyway, the circumstances around here have nothing to do with Lilia. We don’t have much time, so we need to get ready.

“Alisa, I’m going out for a little while.”

When she told Alisa that she was starting to work in a hurry, Lilia left the room behind.

The noisy room became quiet as Lilia went downstairs and out into the entrance. Looking around, the students, who I think were bickering, are looking at Lilia and solidifying. Given that senior aristocrats never set foot in this hierarchy, it would be natural.

– It’s extra because it’s a Duke’s house, even if it is. Let’s just ask Tina’s room.

– Right… Who knows, right?

– I guess everyone knows. I’m a celebrity. Because of some stupid prince.

– You’re not even Roku, you stupid prince.

While scolding former thinkers with Sakura, we head to the table on the side for now. There were three male students there, and three of them blued their faces when they found out Lilia was heading their way. Ask the boys, even though they haven’t done anything yet, even though they’re just a little uncomfortable.

“I’m looking for Tina Breiha’s room, you know?

The three of them looked at each other and nodded reluctantly. Good, Lilia nods and continues.

“Then guide me. Right now.”

“I don’t mind that… What are you going to do?

“What does it matter to you?

When Lilia narrows her eyes slightly, the three of them tremble. I don’t think we’re going to talk about these three.

“Can I have a word?

I was called from behind. Looking back, deliver the Lord of his voice to sight. She was a girl who seemed to be her age as Lilia, with striking red eyes that seemed carefree in her shortcut chestnut hair. Rarely do I stare at Lilia. That was a little fresh and Lilia smiled unexpectedly.


The girl opens her mouth and Lilia shakes her head with a smile.

“No. It’s nothing. So, what can I do for you?

“That’s right. To that girl…… what can I do for Tina? Knock it out, depending on the answer”

“Heh… Do you want to slap him out? Me? Heh…”

Slowly, deepen your grin. The girl pulled her cheeks and retreated one step later, but her temperament also gave Lilia even more strength in her eyes. A little surprised, but peeking at the girl’s reaction.

“I don’t give in to nobility! We protect Tina! Go home!”

I see, and Lilia nodded inside. Apparently, it’s completely misunderstood. I can’t remember my anger because that’s also something I can’t help thinking about what I’ve been doing.

– What a healthy kid to stare at Lilia for a friend! Lilia, let’s get that kid’s nails. Let’s fry and drink.

– Would you be a little more if I drank that?

– Huh? I didn’t anticipate how to return that… Oh, that? Lilia’s image of me…

Ignore the sakura that began to bother you and turn your gaze to the girl. I was just wondering how to delude you.

– What, are you deluding me? You can just keep saying that. I didn’t do anything wrong.

I see, Lilia nodded. Sure, I’m just going to ask Tina for help this time. Nothing is dark back there.

“You seem to be misunderstanding something, but I just want to ask Tina a few favors and visit. Is there a problem?

“Ha? You can’t believe that! Just get the hell out of here!

That’s what I say absurdly, but it’s not like I’m gonna get my hands on it. Assuming you know better than to attend this school what it means to get your hands on a nobleman’s, but also a Duke’s. The look on the girl’s face grew more and more harsh as Lilia stared at the girl uncluttered.

“If that’s the case… I have an idea too…”

“Also, let’s not do this anymore, Ira”

“Katin, shut up!

Another girl with long blue hair was grabbing Ira’s sleeve behind the girl. It is also a rare color of hair in this country, so I remember it. Most of all, I don’t know his name or family name to the extent that he looks familiar.

A chestnut-haired girl called Ira glances at Lilia again. I’m just starting to think it’s a waste of time.

“Ira, what’s wrong?

More third party voices. However, this voice was familiar.

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