Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 36


Yes, Lilia snorted, but I don’t think she’d be too happy. It seems so plain to Lilia. I also feel a little depressed when I think about whether I’m going outside with this.

“Do I look like a proper commoner?

When Lilia heard that, both Alisa and the secret detective girl turned away. Uh, to Lilia, who solidifies, Alisa says as she panicked.

“Yes, I’m fine! Not like the common people, but the lady who is coming with patience, looks about right!

“Yes, at least you don’t look like a Duke’s Lady!

Can I be relieved or happy with that? Lilia couldn’t figure out the answer and had no choice but to have an ambiguous grin.

“Dear Lilia, Here you go too.”

That’s how they gave me the straw hat. They were in there with this, too. Wearing it, the two girls nodded satisfactorily.

“Looking okay?

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you if anything happens”

Staring slightly surprised to see if this girl would protect her, the girl immediately shook her head to see if she had guessed Lilia’s thoughts.

“When something happens, I can’t handle it. After you leave school, your father will accompany you in the shadows.”

“Yes. You can walk with me, though.”

– Huh? You okay? Lilia, imagine. A little bit of a good point of patience lady and a black-crushed old man walking alongside it.

– Old man, you…

Even as I complain, I’ll imagine. Immediately, I shook my head that there was no such thing.

“Sorry. I’ll correct it. I want to walk alone.”

“I’m in awe”

While I laughed bitterly, then I’d go back, and the girl graciously left the classroom behind. I remembered fu as I dropped him off behind that.

“If you say so, so am I. That kid, and you haven’t heard the other two names after all.”

“You did. Shall I answer that?

“No, fine. ‘Cause I’ll ask myself if I get the chance.”

If I don’t get there sooner than that, I’ll be home late. As Lilia walked out to the door, Alisa lowered her head in silence.

There is always a national soldier stationed at the gates of the school. It’s normal to go through all sorts of procedures here to get through the gate. First I was thinking about how to mislead you here, or how to get you to keep it a secret.


They let me through without saying anything.

– What do you mean?

– Yeah. You can thank the secret detectives later. Because it looks like he talked to me first.

To the words, Lilia turned her eyes round. I never heard of it.

– Something’s going on in the meantime, so I guess I’m desperate not to buy Lilia’s unhappiness.

– I don’t mean to be that angry.

– No, it was scary enough, wasn’t it?

I thought it was something like that, while Lilia left the premises.

Just south of the school was a wide street stretching from left to right and an even wider street just south. There’s some kind of store lined up in both of them. Lilia spreads the paper she receives from Isla and follows the map and walks out. But it stopped right away.

– Sakura. This map, you know?

– Yeah. I know… Oh, well. This is a map with only the essentials. I’ll show you around.

At the behest of Sakura, Lilia rolled out into the city on the south side.

– There was a wise man in this country a hundred years ago. The wise man told this country a lot, especially if he invested in it or if it was food. Anything, it means you don’t have one thing you like. They worked very hard. What a wonderful man! By the way, Lilia, you didn’t hear. Ah, right there.

– I’m listening. I’m just not as obsessed with food as you are.

Following Sakura’s guide, Lilia walks alone down a busy street. I don’t even care because the people I go to look back at Lilia, but it’s also normal in school. So I’m not even thinking about why I’m getting attention.

As soon as Sakura began to guide him, he began to lecture on the history of this country. When it comes to history, it’s all about food. I do have a desire to eat something delicious, but I’m not as obsessed with it as I am with it. I’m also not interested in sages or anything else that has brought reform to food.

Sakura knows that, but she keeps talking about it. I went out of my way to make sure I heard it from time to time.

– Hey, doesn’t Lilia wonder?

– What is it?

– I don’t even know how to make salt properly, but it’s everywhere, naturally.

Fit, Lilia stopped.

This country has a variety of seasonings. Naturally there is also salt and sugar. And they are made from raw materials by omitting the creation process by asking the spirits in the magic formation.

You can’t even wish on the spirits if you’re not supposed to know the process of creation. Therefore, someone should know the creation process, but all they know as how to make it is that it is made by the magic team. I took that for granted, but when they pointed it out, I could tell it was a strange story.

– Right. That’s weird.

Fun and laughing. Sakura, Lilia remembers something thin and cold. The Lord of this voice knew how to create them. How to make it without relying on the magic team.

– Sakura. Could you be that sage?

I asked with a little certainty, but Sakura replied instantly that it was not.

– I just don’t know if that sage must be someone who looked like me. I don’t know if you were possessed by someone like me, though. Oh, Lilia, the store there! It’s amazing. It’s Dafu. Buy it.

– If you think we were serious… Make an effort to keep going…

While complaining, Lilia heads to Sakura’s shop. There was a line of confectionery called Dafu in the store, and the thing called Dafu was arranged in the middle of them in such a way that it stood out. I only buy one of them and put them in my mouth on the spot.

– Heh… You have the violin itself in there…

– Strawberries. It tastes like strawberries, too.

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