Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 5


Returning to the flowerbed, Alisa seemed to have waited on the spot as ordered. Confirm what Lilia looks like and sigh of relief for some reason.

“I’ve been talking to your father. I’ll plant these flowers here.”

Alisa bowed her head when Lilia cut it out quickly.

“This flowerbed belongs to the lady. So…”

“In the meantime, Alisa, get your tools. Right now.”

“Oh… Yes, I did.”

Running out to go get the tools, even as Alisa gives an uninterrupted look. Lilia decided to wait as she did after dropping it off. Sakura said something. I’m roaring like that, but I ignore that.

Alisa, who came back a little, had a basket with small scoops and other tools in both hands.

“Thank you for waiting”

“Yeah. Bye, Alisa.”

Lilia stares straight at Alisa and Alisa faces nervously wondering if she has done something. There’s no way you can tell what’s inside of Alisa like that, Lilia told her.

“This flowerbed is mine from today on.”

“Yes…… Yes, sir.”

“But I have no idea how to grow flowers.”

To Alisa leaning her neck, Lilia offered a paper bag containing flower seeds. Alisa gets even more confused as she receives it.

“You raise them.”


“Of course this flowerbed is mine, and I’ll help. So I’ll come this far with you. I’ll help you, you bloom this flower beautifully.”

I guess I finally figured out what it meant, Alisa opening her eyes. It also makes me a little uncomfortable to hear Sakura sneer, but Lilia decides to finish saying it first.

“You are my exclusive maid of honor. I want to see these flowers bloom beautifully. You can do that, can’t you?

Alisa nodded many times and bowed her head in momentum.

“Yes! Thank you, lady!

Lilia feels a little superior, then, and gives quick instructions. Take the scoop out of the tools Alisa brought,

“Then let’s plant it. Can you tell me? Alisa.”

“Yes! Of course!

Seeing Alisa smile, who seemed happy, Lilia glared and narrowed her eyes.

Lilia, who finished her dirt mess with Alisa, headed for the bath again. Ordered Alisa to bring a new change of clothes, Lilia heads to the bathroom.

– Lilia’s quite the lighter?

Along the way, I heard Sakura’s pleasant voice. Ignoring that, Sakura continues.

– You wanted to take it in the direction of growing up with me while protecting your pride or something, but maybe Alisa was guessing, right?

– Shut up. You won’t complain because you followed the instructions.

– Of course. Good luck.

– That’s the way you say it to your head…

It got silly to deal with them any more, and Lilia went into the bathroom without saying anything.

Get out of the bath, change into the dress Alisa prepared, and head to the dining room. The dirt has taken my time, but it’s time for breakfast.

– I wonder what breakfast it is today. Looking forward to it.

– You won’t be the one to eat.

– Hehe. It’s angel’s supei abilities! I’m sharing my senses with you!

Eh, I say it well. If I had a body, I would be proudly rebelling against my chest. I could easily imagine that appearance, and Lilia was unintentionally zeroing her grin.

– Are you really an angel?

– Motilondes, Towzenjaneidesca.

– Why are you saying one word…

Lilia opened the dining room door wondering who she really was.

Large table in the center of a large dining room. The whole family was already there. Four fathers, Kelvin, mother Asha, brother Cross, and brother Theo. Five people, including Lilia, are all of the Dukes of Ardis who live in this mansion.

When Lilia got to the table, the servants brought breakfast. At the centre of the table is placed a basket lined with freshly baked bread and in front of Lilia’s eyes a plate filled with soup. They even serve something like jam with boiled fruit.

A qualitative breakfast for the Duke’s family, which is second only to the royal family, but this was the norm in this mansion. My mother prefers a qualitative meal, so there’s nothing like an inedible line of treats. It’s one of the things Lilia is unhappy about.

– I’m only ashamed that it’s a meal inferior to the Baron’s.

– Fair enough. It’s delicious and it’s good. A treat is delicious because I eat it every once in a while.

To Sakura’s words, Lilia shook her head saying she didn’t know what it meant.

Everyone hands together and prays. to God in this world.

No one talks at breakfast. Go ahead and eat quietly. My mother said, “Eat with gratitude for the food and those who have made it.” Lilia still doesn’t know what it means.

– It’s not like the Duke’s house because of Mr. Asha, is it? That’s a good thing.

– I don’t know what that means. I can’t believe I’m waiving my natural rights.

– Haha. Lilia’s a rooted Duke.

What do you mean, I guess, but when you deal with them, you’ll just waste your health, not your mental strength. Suppose you finish your meal without worrying.

– Yeah. I knew it was delicious. Especially this jam, isn’t it?

– Are you really sharing your senses with me? What do you hate, by the way?

I thought it was a joke, but apparently they really share it from a happy tone. A little surprised, Lilia laughs mischievously.

– Pepper. I can’t do it if it’s bitter!

– That’s good. I’ll remember that.

– Wait a minute, what are you going to do? It’s a lie. What I hate is this jam!

Anything I hated about Sakura for a while after that, I was screaming for the truth, but I dare ignore it. By the end of the meal, it is quiet and leans its neck small. I was wondering what happened.

– I’m sorry…… Avoid just raw peppers…… And then I’ll put up with it…

It was a complete tear. I accidentally squirt out the water I was drinking. Surprised around, servants rush over, but Lilia is not the other way around.

– Just kidding, because I don’t do such weird things!

– Really?

– It’s true, I promise.

– Lilia…… Thanks!

Now he sounds so happy that he seems to be making a small leap. Things are going crazy, but I didn’t feel that bad.

Where the servants quickly cleaned the dirty table and so on, my father opened his mouth in a large way.

“Lilia. It was this morning…”

I don’t know, Lilia turned to her father. When I looked firmly at my father’s face that he shouldn’t have done anything wrong, he looked back into Lilia’s eyes, even though he did so at first.

“Alisa told me.”

“Really? Is there a problem?

I hear from Sakura that there is no problem, but maybe not at my father’s discretion. Anxiously, I wait for my father’s word.

“No, there’s no problem. I hear you’re gonna grow up with Alisa from now on.”

“Yes. Oh, yes, Father. I’ll take Alisa, okay?

The colour of confusion comes to my father’s eyes. But by the time my father shook his head vertically, it was already gone. It was a bitter laugh to be floating in its place.

“Alisa was originally your exclusive maid…”

“Yes? Excuse me, Father. I didn’t hear it very well…”

Only then was my father’s voice a very small one. I say again because I couldn’t hear him very well, but now my father shook his neck to the side.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s about Alisa, but I don’t mind. Let’s give it to Lilia’s exclusive maid.”

“Is that true? Thank you, father.”

– Lilia! Smile there!

Sakura suddenly said so, and Lilia unexpectedly frowned. Smiles would be too unnatural even though nothing good happened. Still, I decided to obey Sakura first, which reminds me.

“Thank you, Father”

Thank you again and make me smile. I don’t have a problem with how to make a smile because it is taught more than I did at a young age. But my father only darkened his bitter smile.

“You don’t have to force me to make a smile. Don’t worry about it.”

– Hey…… Isn’t that a failure?

– Is that it?

Apparently, Sakura isn’t omnipresent either. Just a slight downward revision of the rating to see if it is necessary to make your own decisions. My father coughed up, so I looked right back at him.

“I’ll get back to it, but I heard you and Alisa grow flowers. To be honest, I’m surprised you only thought about yourself.”

“Well, that’s terrible, Father. I always care about what’s around me, don’t I?

My father’s cheek pulls slightly, and my mother and brother sigh small. My brother was the only one who was spooked by everyone’s reaction.

“Well, yeah. All right, Lilia. Just like the people around you take care of it.”

When my father finished saying that, he went back and left the dining room behind. My mother follows it and my brother and brother leave the room like that. The last Lilia left was just leaning her neck.

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