Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 53


“It’s almost time. Let’s get rid of the material.”

The students are cleaning up the material. Anticipating that they had all been cleaned up, teachers began to hand out two large sheets of paper of their own to each seat.

There are three exams per semester for this school, but the first two of them have few subjects. Instead, they are supposed to do it all through the morning to noon at once. The trend is that teachers will finish grading that afternoon and be announced the next morning.

In other words. All the problems are written on these two sheets of paper that have now been distributed to Lilia, which will mean.

– Hang in there, Lilia. It’s a fight, Lilia. Heh heh heh!

– Sakura, shut up.

– Yeah. Because I’m trying to get in the way.

– I see. Very well.

– Oh, I’m sorry, I’m lying. So don’t think of peppers for a second with such a headache!

You have a sense of crisis, and Sakura comes to apologize with sobbing momentum. Lilia smiled bitterly and nodded that she understood.

– Keep quiet.

– Ai Ai.

What is that reply? Lilia tilted her neck, but flipped the form with the teacher’s cue and tackled the problem.

How much time would have passed. I can still hear the sound of writing things from around me. Apparently Lilia finished it the earliest. Lilia just finished her third review and sighed boringly.

– Oh, Lilia. It’s over?

– Yeah. I’ve had enough.

– Then let’s get out. As soon as possible.

Tingling, and Lilia’s eyebrows move. I frown and inquire just a little surprised.

– Is that what you need?

– Yeah.

It was an instant answer without getting lost. Lilia nodded and raised her hand. Set aside for a little while, the teacher’s voice reaches.

“Hmm? What’s up, Ardis? Did you drop something?

That’s what I’m saying. I’m walking over here. Where the teacher came in front of him, Lilia said.

“Do you mind if I leave the room because it’s over? I’m just bored to be here.”

There was no sound from the surroundings. Everyone stared at Lilia with a full look of surprise and even the teacher was pompous and open his mouth. As soon as Lilia coughs, she returns to me and shows a little confusion.

“Are you sure that’s enough? I still have more than half the time left…”

Lilia smiled and nodded, surprised inside that she had stayed that long.

“Yes. I don’t mind. We’ve done a good job of reviewing it.”

Having said that, the teacher narrowed his eyes in suspicion and took Lilia’s answer. And when I saw it, I opened my eyes slightly.

“What have you done?

“No…… Nothing. All right, I’ll allow you to leave. I won’t be able to come back… well, there’s no problem with this.”

“Yes, of course.”

Teachers laughed slightly at Lilia, who spoke out with confidence, and returned to the teaching table with Lilia’s answers. Lilia heads to the entrance and exit of the classroom with less luggage. I hear whispering at each other, but not enough to care.

“Good luck, gentlemen.”

I smiled and said so, closing the door to the room.

Returning to her room, Lilia was greeted with surprise by Alisa. There are two cups on the table. Apparently he was having tea with someone. The fact that no one even looked around the room made it easy for them to imagine.

“Could it be a spy girl?

“Yes, it is.”

Lilia nodded in a good mood to Alisa, who honestly nodded. When I head to the table, Alisa will be ready for tea soon.

– Let’s call the detective kid, too.

– Right. Where are you?

– Ceiling.

Lilia slapped the table about twice, smiling bitterly. Look to the ceiling and say.

“I’ll raise my permission to be at the same table as I am. Come down.”

Say that and slap the table again. Part of the ceiling shifted and the girl turned up.

“Oh, um… The same table is scary…”

Lilia slaps the table again, without saying anything. As soon as that happened, the girl shook her body frighteningly and came down with a crying expression. You feel even silent pressure, sitting opposite Lilia with trembling. Alisa laughed and prepared her tea as well.

“What are you so frightened of?

“Uh, uh, no, that, uh…”

It’s gotten sloppy, and I’m not spinning solid words. Lilia waited awhile, but the girl gave up and sighed because she was just in an extra hurry.

“You’ve been able to talk a lot in the meantime.”

“The… At that time, I wasn’t being instructed directly…”

“How is it different…”

Lilia sighed and drank tea. Nodding satisfactorily, he slams the table to Alisa next. Excuse me, and Alisa’s on the table, too.

“So? What’s your name?


“Cynthia. I remember.”

With that said, Cynthia has turned a frightened eye. When I was wondering why I was so frightened, there was a voice from Sakura who seemed to be laughing.

– I can’t help thinking that if they bothered to tell me you remembered my name, they’d have something to punish me for.

– Really? I didn’t mean it that way.

Eyes on Cynthia. Cynthia was looking at this one as she peered into Lilia’s complexion.

“Cynthia. Are you afraid of me?

“No, that’s not…”

“Then look me in the eye.”

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