Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 54


Cynthia has looked Lilia in the eye like a snack. Lilia nods satisfactorily, followed by instructions.

“Take the mask.”

“… Huh!

Cynthia breathed and let her eyes swim. Lilia turns to the ceiling, realizing that her gaze has been on the ceiling several times. Perhaps there is one of the man’s secret detectives.

“You don’t mind, do you?

Lilia asks to the ceiling, but there is no response. I don’t mind if I do. Lilia concluded so and slapped the table with her fingers to prompt Cynthia.

“Ugh…… Ok……”

Cynthia took the mask and Alisa as well as Lilia had slightly opened her eyes.

It’s a girl who’s still miserable. Probably younger than Lilia, maybe more than Alisa. Her hair was brown and cut short.


Lilia snapped intriguingly, and Cynthia dyed her cheeks out of shame. I thought it was a mask to cover my face, but apparently I feel ashamed to expose my face to public.

“Are you serving your brother?

Lilia listened, and Cynthia shook her head.

“I do not yet have a particular Lord. As an apprentice, I accompany my father.”

I see, Lilia nods and turns her attention to Alisa. Alisa nodded,

“I hear one genius every ten years.”

“Heh. That’s great.”

Return your gaze to Cynthia. Her face turned bright red and she was depressed.

– Lilia.

– Yeah. I want it, this kid.

Given his age, he will have no experience. But if you’re talented, I’d love to keep it in my hand.

“Cynthia. Is there a Lord or something you want to serve?

If you ask your brother, he might listen to Lilia’s request. But I don’t think I can force myself to get it now. Hold on, I want people who will follow Lilia at their will.

“No, especially now…”

“Yes. Then serve me”

– Funny, that’s an order!

– Oh, excuse me.

“I made a mistake. Why don’t you serve me?

To Lilia’s words, Cynthia had her eyes round. I let my eyes swim again and still look at the ceiling over and over again. But no one responds to that. Cynthia relaxed and said in a fine voice.

“Let me think…”

“Yes. Okay. Don’t rush. Think carefully.”

I’m just a little sorry, but I can’t help it all. When Lilia drank her tea, she took her time and headed to her bedroom.

I tried going to the library after noon, but Ray didn’t seem to be there. I just wanted to ask how it was as I taught myself to study, so I went back to my room with a little regret.

And at night, there were visitors. Lilia, who was studying with Sakura in her bedroom, is called by Alisa to pick her up. When I opened the door, there was Tina with a full smile.



As soon as I recognized Lilia, Tina hugged me. Lilia takes it a little hastily but firmly and stares at Tina.

“It’s not dangerous. What are you doing?”

“Eh heh. I’m so happy!

As the word goes, Tina stares at Lilia with a full smile. Your face is very close for the position you keep holding. Lilia pressed Tina away as she dyed her cheeks slightly.

“Just sit down. Totally…”

That’s what I’m gonna tell you. Let him put it on the table. Soon Alisa served me tea.

“So? How was the exam?

Tina asked darkens her smile. That’s all I knew how to respond.

“Just like that! Thanks to Lilia. Thank you so much!”

That said, now I just don’t hug it because the table is between them, but I took Lilia’s hand, which was placed on the table. Watching Tina laughing happily, Lilia could also feel a little accomplished.

“Yes. That would have been nice. Let me go, by the way.”

Tina has been holding Lilia’s hand. I feel like the gripping power is even stronger where I let it go.

“A little more”

“What the…”

Lilia sighs, but didn’t do anything strong because she doesn’t feel so bad.

– It’s lit. Lilia is cute.

– It’s not lit.

– Eh. You’re blushing, aren’t you? Lilia, she’s cute!


Apparently, whatever you say is useless. Lilia just sighs.

– But I’m the best friend number one! I’m not giving it up to anyone!

– Oh, I don’t think you’re my best friend.

– Yep… And, friends, or…

– Friends? No.

Sakura was completely silent when I dared to say that without putting her emotions on. Lilia slightly frowned and Tina tilted her neck opposite.

– I… think of Lilia as a friend…

– Hey, are you crying!? Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just kidding! Because you think I’m a friend too!

Lilia apologizes hastily to Sakura’s tears. I didn’t think it would work this far.

– Gusu… I like Lilia…

– Yeah, I like Sakura, too. He thinks he’s a dear friend.

– Hehe.

Apparently, you fixed my mood. laughing in a good mood, and

– Lilia by the way.

– What is it?

– Lilia is simple, isn’t it?

And I noticed. Sakura’s monkey play.

– Sakura!

– Hahaha!

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