Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 56


Lilia heads straight to her room. Alisa was greatly surprised that the Lord had returned early after two days, but ignored even that and Lilia went into her bedroom. Close the keys, plus Sakura assures you that there are no secret detectives or anything lurking, and so,

“… Huh!

Lilia desperately pushed her voice to death and raised a voiceless cry. A shout of joy.

– Sakura!

– Yeah! It’s amazing, Lilia! Congratulations!

– Thanks. I don’t know what to do, I’m really happy… I’ve never been so happy.

– Haha. You’re exaggerating. But Lilia seems happy, and so am I!

I’m not exaggerating, I’m really that happy from the bottom of my heart, but Sakura seems to have received it as one of his expressions. But I don’t mind that. If Lilia’s joy is conveyed at all, that’s fine.

– Thank you, Sakura. Thanks to you, too. Thank you so much.

– Haha. That’s an exaggeration. Because Lilia did her best!

– I’m the only one who can’t do it. I haven’t been able to do it before.

Lilia sat down at the chair and placed a transcript at her desk. Watching that makes my mouth angle rise naturally. I never thought I’d be happier.

– Lilia. You look really happy.

– Yeah. I’m really glad.

– Hmm…… Well, to Lilia like that, please, broom!

Lilia tilts her neck. Reward, but what can you do for Sakura? Before that, Sakura gave Lilia the knowledge to do this. If I were to get a reward, it would be crude.

– Then you mean reward for me. Lilia. I need a favor.

– I wonder what? If you want something to eat, I’ll have it ready soon.

– Wow, my mind will shake! But no, another one! But I want to eat Dafu later!

– Honest and good. Let’s go buy it later. So?

– Yeah. Lilia. Let’s take a nap.

What? and Lilia makes an unexpected dumb voice. But the atmosphere I feel from Sakura is serious in itself. Really, that’s what he wants me to do. I wonder why, but if Sakura wants you to do so, just obey.

– You don’t have to get dressed because I’ll have you up soon.

– All right.

Lie down in bed as they say. I was just trying to close my eyes,

“Um, Master Lilia…… I was asked to report my grades… If you don’t mind telling me…”

To Alisa’s voice over the door, Lilia turned her gaze only. Close your eyes and tell.


“Huh…? Yep!? Is it true!

“It’s true. I’m tired so I’ll just sleep a little. Keep quiet.”

“Yes! Good night!”

I can hear Alisa rushing in a big hurry. To be so surprised, Lilia exhaled slowly, wondering.

Were you more tired than I expected? Lilia quickly let go of consciousness.

Lilia’s transcript on her bedroom desk. The ranking is one, the score is just one less point.

The subtracted ones are magical ones that Sakura could not teach.

If you noticed, Lilia was in the dark room. I don’t even know if it’s a room exactly. It’s just a world of darkness. Lilia has firm feet on the earth, but even the earth is black, even the grass that grows short is black. It’s just a black world, and the difference is it’s just dark and light.

There was only one thing out of place in that black world. That’s what’s in front of Lilia right now. Giant trees with pale pink flowers in full bloom. Lilia had never seen the real thing, but it must have been a cherry blossom, a tree.

Lilia stared softly at the blooming cherry blossoms. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful before? Looking out loud,

“Isn’t it beautiful?

To the voice from behind, Lilia looked back in momentum.

It was one girl there. Will the year be the same as Lilia’s or a little under? In contrast to Lilia’s clothes, it’s a black sailor’s garment. He has long dark hair wrapped around his neck. The eyes were also black, and Lilia stared at the eyes as if they were sucked in wonder.

“Oh, when I can stare too much, it lights up…”

ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe There was something in mind about that voice and the way she laughed, and Lilia had her eyes open with nature.

“Maybe…… Sakura?”

“Oh! It’s because of you! I’ve never seen you in person like this, have I? Nice to meet you, Lilia. I’m Sakura.”

An innocent smile like a flower blossomed. Lilia also loosened her cheeks naturally, but immediately tilted her neck.

“Where am I?

“Uh…… It’s a little hard to explain…… Simply put, the spiritual world of Lilia. In my heart. What’s more, a corner in my heart, I guess. Let me borrow this place for a while.”

“Yes, I have to get a royalty.”

“Yes! Yes, some, too expensive would be troublesome…”

Lilia laughed bitterly when she saw Sakura, who began to wolf. Just kidding, Sakura exhaled relieved.

“Thank you for your help. You can spend as much as you want.”

“Really? Then double the size, no triple…”

“I’m not on track”

Poking his forehead small, Sakura circled her eyes as if surprised. I stare at Lilia’s face in a flash. I didn’t expect him to react that way, and Lilia tilted her neck.

“What’s the matter with you?”

“Mmm…… Nothing. hahaha……”

Sakura laughing without power. But it sounded very happy. Lilia watched the situation for a while, but eventually returned her gaze to the cherry blossoms.

“This tree is really beautiful. Sakura, was that a tree?

“Yeah. Same name as me, my favorite flower. I hope you liked it.”

“Yeah. Maybe you wanted to show me this?

Asking the cherry blossoms as they did their gaze, they conveyed signs of nodding behind them.

“Yeah. I really wanted you to see it. And then, well… Introduce yourself, I guess.”

“Yes, I’ve never met you in person before. I don’t feel that way.”

‘Cause we’re always together.’

In retrospect now, this is the first time Lilia has seen Sakura. I guess I only heard voices the whole time, so naturally. Instead, I never thought I could see him in person like this.

Heavy stuff came from my back. Looking back, sighing, I say to Sakura, who has hugged me.

“It’s heavy.”

“Mmm! I don’t want to be heavy! That, if possible, stays this way. Do you want to miss human skin…… No, I don’t think so.

Ask the boss. Still, Lilia tried to refuse, and I thought to myself,

Sakura’s voice is always heard. Even if you keep quiet, if you call me, you’ll respond. That would mean being in this place all the time.

Except for this cherry blossom, it’s in a black world. Just by myself.

“You have no choice…”

When I thought of it that way, I couldn’t think of keeping it down. Sakura, who always helps me, is alone in a place like this. At least when I’m here, I can spoil it.

“Thank you, Lilia”

Lilia also smiled lightly at the delightful sakura voice. If I had a sister, would this be the feeling?

I’m sorry to hear such a loud sister.

“Hmm? Lilia, didn’t you think of anything more rude now?

“Well, I wonder what it is.”

“Hmm…… Ma, look. Now I’m gonna indulge Lilia!

Sakura doesn’t hesitate to come because he has permission. Lilia accepted it, thinking it was more of a dog or a cat than a sister.

Looking at cherry blossoms. Put on a gentle smile so she doesn’t see it.

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