Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 58


Tina, who was listening on the side, tilted her neck because she didn’t know what it meant. Lilia also wondered at first what it was about, but I could immediately think of it. It’s right after the exam answers, so I guess it’s about that. In Chris’s shoes, I can also imagine what he wants to hear.

What ‘means’ did Lilia get this score?

It didn’t seem like it was strength. I know that well, too. You can’t even believe your grades suddenly go up.

I don’t need Chris to believe me, but still, Lilia didn’t do anything to delude herself and looked firmly into Chris’ eyes.

“Seriously, it’s my strength.”

Chris’s eyes are narrowed and he comes to observe Lilia still. I thought it was like being identified, but I didn’t find it particularly offensive. Tina is wolfy in the corner of her sight, so I’ll send her a hand signal that she’s okay.

“I see, I see.”

Chris smiled as he finally took his gaze off Lilia’s eyes.

“It’s wonderful, Master Liliane. To be honest, I suspected it. I apologize.”

That’s what I’m going to say and keep my head down. Lilia squeaked her nose as she waved.

‘Cause if I were in your shoes, I’d have doubted it.

Lilia sits in an empty seat and puts her mouth on Alisa’s brewed tea. Tasted slowly and took a breath.

“Still, how do you know your grades? Well, you don’t have to ask.”

“Yeah, well… As you can guess. I tell you, in Your Highness’s honor, I’m the only one who’s heard it.”

“Yes. Well, then, you don’t have a problem. You’ll find out soon enough.”

The Prince, as well as Chris’ parents, are in a position to view the student’s grades. You’ll see Lilia’s grades from there. If there is only a difference between late or early, there is no big problem as early as possible.

“Does that mean His Highness took the liberty of examining Lilia’s grades?

“Mr. Tina. Dear Liliane,. I missed it last time, but there’s an outsider named me, so let’s keep it moderate.”

“Ah…… Sorry, Dear Kristel, Dear Liliane.”

Tina carefully bows her head. I also feel like it’s a problem to be up in the room without the Lord’s refusal first when I start to say moderation, but Lilia decided not to notice.

“Tina, you don’t have to worry. I don’t think your Highness did anything wrong this time. Nor did it look up my grades, you wanted to look into those who had better grades than His Highness. If you’re promising, you’ll want to take it in now.”

“Exactly. The result was a very complicated look on Liliane’s face. Yeah, I had a hard time laughing, too.”

Chris laughed bitterly, looking funny somewhere, and feeling a little sorry for all this.

“So? What was His Highness saying?

“Nothing in particular. You just ordered me to go check if you really didn’t do anything.”

“Well, I guess so. Good luck, Chris.”

Smiling and telling Chris, Chris opened his eyes slightly and sighed small. Chris tells Lilia with her neck tilted as to what’s going on, shaking her head as she does it.

“Master Lilia, too, has Tina here. Isn’t it a little too crushed?

“Oh, nobody cares. Nothing else, I forgive.”

“Are you… the same… I know it’s about to change, but you should be a little more careful with what you say and do.”

“I guess so. I’ll be careful.”

Honestly accept Chris’ words. Chris seemed slightly surprised by it too, but this time he just narrowed his eyes a little and showed no further reaction. I guess I’ve done my job, then, and I took a seat.

“It’s time for me to go back.”

That’s what I say. I head to the door of the room. Lilia also thought I’d keep her voice down a little bit, but ended up dropping off that hindsight without saying anything.

“So? How was Tina?

Tina, who was frustrated, was called out to Lilia and returned to me. I tried to answer well, but for some reason I was suddenly depressed. Tina said in a small voice that Lilia was hissing her eyebrows in surprise.

“Listening to Lilia’s grades… I feel sorry for myself for being floating… Can I go home?”

“Answer properly before you leave. Let me teach you how to study. I won’t allow you to keep your mouth shut.”

Ugh, Tina got stuck in words and eventually sighed, as she had noticed. Gently place transcripts and answers on the table. Seeing that, Lilia tilted her neck.

“Eight. I think it’s enough.”

“Lilia taught you how to study, didn’t she? I’m sorry about Lilia if it’s not higher…”

– How high of a goal is this kid that I’m still not satisfied with this…

– I think this would be enough for a junior aristocrat.

But being upbeat is a good thing. If I’m satisfied with the results, I’ll stop trying there. I’m sorry for Tina, but let’s just say you keep it coming.

“And Lilia, by the way? I kind of figured it out in the story…”

“First place.”

“Wow…… That’s Lilia. Her nose is high as a friend. Compared to that, I…”

“If you’re not happy with the results, you should study again next time. ‘Cause I’ll tell you anytime.”

That’s what I told you, Tina gave me momentum and looked up. I’m seriously going to stare at Lilia.

“Are you sure?

“Absolutely. The…. Friend, what is it?”

At the end of the day, I got a very small voice. Still, Tina seemed to be listening closely, and Tina’s expression became brighter. Tina laughs at Lilia, who turns away from her embarrassment.

“Yeah! Nice to meet you, Lilia!

“Yeah…… Greetings.”

Tina was still laughing when Lilia managed to respond that much, was that all she was happy about?

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