Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 59


After Tina left the room, Lilia headed to the library. Naturally, it’s Ray. I still haven’t heard the results of the test from him. Explanations of the exams differed greatly from those of some students while heading to the library for free participation, but everyone saw Lilia as clearing the way.

– Not yet, is it? Look, guys, I’m not scared of Lilia. You’re not gonna find me?

– Excuse me… I don’t have a choice, one person at a time. Talk to me carefully…

– Stop. It’s a complete bully talking to the Duke’s house alone or something.

– Too bad.

I was serious, but apparently Sakura disagrees. But I didn’t think about what I was going to tell you, so I couldn’t do anything when you asked me to.

Opening the library door, several students noticed Lilia and were freezing. I guess it’s a surprise Lilia’s coming here. Lilia goes to the door that leads to the small room without telling those students anything.

– With that said, Lilia. You’ve never seen a library before.

– What? You’re not always here.

– No, it’s what you see.

They say it, and Lilia reminds me to say so. When I come here, and naturally when I go home, I travel to less visible times. We get lunch in the afternoon, we move while everyone’s having lunch, we move back before class is over, and so on. Today may indeed be the first time someone has seen me coming to the library.

– Is there something wrong?

– I’m fine. I’d rather appeal to you more! Show your book reading on the bookshelf for an intelligent image……

– Sit down and read the book.

– That’s a word I didn’t think Lilia would say. Damn it.

I walked into the room Ray used all the time, with a light mouth.

There was no one in the room the same as yesterday. However, with the results of the exam and the answers on the table, I’m pretty sure I was in this room not long ago. Lilia glanced at the answer as she sat at the chair.


Ray looks like he’s under Lilia’s first grade. # 1. Apparently, he continued to study continuously and firmly. I’m just a little proud, but I tilt my neck.

I wondered why you weren’t here.

– Sakura. Do you know where Ray is?

– I’m sorry, I just can’t do it. At least I don’t seem to be around here.

Lilia sighed small and stood up. If you can’t tell by Sakura, you can’t do anything about it. I’m just a little worried, but I can’t help it without the means.

– Are you sure?


To Sakura’s inquiry, Lilia got a difficult look. Sakura tells Lilia, who is troubled.

– Let’s use what we can use.

– Yeah, well… Use what I can use.

Lilia nodded, leaving the spot early enough.

Upon returning to her room, Lilia turned to the ceiling, following the instructions of Sakura.

“I need to ask you something.”

When Lilia said so, part of the ceiling moved and two men and a girl turned up. Coming down in front of Lilia, kneeling down and bowing his head. Lilia nodded satisfactorily, opening her mouth as she looked at the two in turn.

“Somewhere in the school building, Ray, there’s got to be a kid. Find it.”

Both of them twinkle their frowns in surprise. A man asked me why.

‘Cause I’m not in the library where I’m supposed to be all the time.’

Answer succinctly, but the man shakes his head again. To Lilia, whose eyes narrow surprisingly, a man said.

“What is that person like to Lilia?


“I’m sorry, but the first thing we need to do is protect Master Lilia. It’s not about helping others in the red.”

I see, only Sakura seemed convinced. When asked what it means, Sakura explains.

– These people are told to follow Lilia’s instructions while they’re here, but there are things that have been ordered before that.

– You mean that protects me?

– Yes. I can’t move these people here any more than I have that order. Now that we’re still doing background checks on people around Lilia, we’re running out of manpower when we get more manpower.

Does that mean you could have cooperated with me this time, had it not been for the earlier orders? I regret that I should have let it cut up so much, but it’s too late now. If you can’t move these two, Lilia really doesn’t have the means.

Lilia closed her eyes and sighed small.

– What are you gonna do?

– I’ll find it.

This place is in school. I might be back tomorrow. But I could never leave you alone. The grounds of the school are huge, but if we keep looking until nightfall, we might be able to find them somewhere.

That’s what I thought. I was just trying to get to the door.


I heard a voice. Looking back, Cynthia was removing the mask and staring at Lilia.

“Cynthia. What are you doing”

The harsh voice of the man next door. But Cynthia had been staring at Lilia without answering any of that.

“Dear Liliane, may I have just one thing?”

Lilia tilted her neck, but turned to Cynthia. Cynthia continues.

“Well, Ray, what does that mean for Liliane?”

Even though I wonder if it has something to do with it now, I’ll be honest with you.

“Right…… Friends, I guess. I don’t know what they think.”

“Friend, is that it? Do you move yourself just for that?

“Of course.”

What are you asking me that I don’t understand? Staring at Cynthia, Cynthia smiled just a little happily. The look on her face was unexpected and Lilia flashed like she had been drained of poison.

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