Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 6


After breakfast, as Lilia headed to her room, Alisa stood in front of the room. As soon as Lilia finds out, I greet her with humility. Lilia ignored it and barely walked Alisa into the room.

“Ma’am. What will the school do?

Fit, and Lilia stopped moving.

There are two higher and lower schools in this country, which are attended by aristocrats and well-known merchants. What you learn naturally reads and writes letters, and the history and mathematical end of the country includes simple magic, etc. It’s a school that nurtures talent that stands above people. By contrast, junior schools are the end of the line if you learn to read and write the minimum letters, and anyone can enroll with a little money.

Lilia naturally attends an advanced school. He enrolls with the prince and always completes his top grades. But honestly, I don’t really feel like going right now.

“I’m not going.”

When Lilia said that, Alisa took a short breath.

“No, ma’am. I’ve been off for another week. My husband hasn’t said anything yet, but as it is…”

“Keep it up, what?

Close your eyes and turn back to Alisa. Alisa looked like she was going to cry, and she got upset. Lilia sighs small and proceeds to the back of the room. When I sat on a chair that looked high to see, I gently slapped the table in front of me with my fingertips.

“Yes…… I’m awed.”

That’s all I perceived my intentions. Alisa leaves the room when I give her a small thank you. Lilia sat deeply on the chair as she sighed in relief.

– Lilia, I have to go to school.

– I know…

I know I can’t stay like this. But if you go to school, you’ll have to see a face you don’t even want to see, and I’m sure you’ll get a contempt look from the prince. That’s all I can’t stand.

– Sakura, if I obey you, can I get my prince back?

– I’m sorry. I’m not sure, but maybe I can’t.

It was the answer I expected, but I’m really depressed to hear it again. Until now the prince has turned his smile on me, but I’m sure he won’t show me anything like that in the future. Just thinking so, nature and tears flooded me.

– Lilia, I don’t even know how you feel.

– What…

– Rust coming out of you. You deserve it. It’s nothing more or less.

Lilia opened her eyes wide, and the flames of anger shook in her eyes. Lilia opened her mouth and tried to scream,

– Bad means.

The words were stopped.

– You had the fact that you were engaged. No matter how many princes you are, you can’t let that fact go, and you can’t easily destroy it. I know there was something I couldn’t stand on my stomach, but I should have watched it was a temporary distraction from the prince.

– I don’t… I can’t believe you didn’t…

– Right. Besides, those things are past events.

Lilia frowned unexpectedly at the words of Sakura. Indeed, the facts that have happened now remain unchanged. But there’s no way to put it that way.

– Now we just have to do the best we can.

I know that. I am also aware that I therefore have to go to school. But I really don’t want to see that woman and the prince.

– That’s why, Lilia. Let’s make that prince regret not choosing Lilia.

– That’s not true… What can I do…

I certainly don’t think it’s a bad idea to look back on the prince. If you’re out of reach anymore, you might as well at least make him regret not reaching over there. But to Lilia, I can’t think of any such means.

But Sakura laughed that it was easy.

– You just need to deepen your knowledge. You just need to be familiar with everything, as much as you can admit from anyone. You just have to be someone to be respected by everyone. Be nice to all kinds of people, but be tough at times. I’m not saying to 10,000 people, but let’s have a lot of people on our side.

– It’s a dream story…

– Maybe so. But it’s not too bad to try, is it?

Everything Sakura says is ideal. No matter how much you encourage your studies, you can’t beat those who have studied professionally. But still, I think it’s better than rotting here. Lilia, I don’t think I can do this on my own, but whether I’m happy or unhappy, I have this care for myself.

– Well, naturally, you’ll cooperate, won’t you?

When Lilia asked, Sakura had a fun laugh.

– Of course. I’m an angel! I’ll make Lilia a wise man for you!

– An angel? An evil spirit mistake, isn’t it?

– Terrible!

He complains as if he was outraged, but Lilia ignores it. Then Sakura suddenly shut up and heard a small voice.

– Fine, fine. Evil spirits are fine. Hmm……

Lilia laughs unexpectedly at that voice like a bully. I’m sorry, and when I apologized, I immediately fixed my mood and laughed again. It’s simple, I think, but I just don’t talk about it. I was able to cheer myself up a little when I was talking to you.


– Well, I’m not far from it without hitting it.

Lilia decided not to listen to that crush of Sakura.

“Alisa. I’m sorry, can you bring something to my room for lunch that’s easy to eat? And bring me something to write about right now. Oh, school? ‘Cause I’m going next week.”

Alisa seemed surprised by Lilia’s instructions, but she immediately moved as instructed. Tell Lilia’s request to the cock of the mansion and report to Kelvin, the owner of the mansion, just in case. I borrowed paper and a pen from Kelvin as it was and came back to Lilia’s room.

“Did you report it to your father?

“Shouldn’t I?

“That’s not true. I should have told you.”

Even without Lilia’s instructions, I appreciate you acting like you think you need it yourself. There may be some unexpected movements of Lilia, but you won’t have to worry about them now. Lilia received a pen and paper from Alisa and dropped off Alisa leaving the room before sitting at the chair.

Spread the paper over the table. It’s a little bigger blank paper.

– Nice paper, isn’t it? It’s amazing that this is being distributed for free.

“It would be. This is the crystal of your mother’s efforts. It was your mother who created the magic of making paper.”

As long as we have the ingredients, we can produce a large quantity of paper just by chanting and magic formation. This was a magic created by Lilia’s mother, Asha, and until a few years ago the paper was very valuable. Thanks to my mother’s magic, even ordinary people have easy access to paper.

Most of this isn’t all good, and they’ve had a lot of problems getting lost in the streets with what they’ve been working on paper, but they’re generally calm now.

“So? What am I supposed to do?

– Yeah. I’ll teach Lilia how to study. I don’t know how to do it or magic or anything around it, but if you’re just studying, I’m confident no one can beat you in this world.

It’s a lot bigger. To be clear, I can’t believe all of those words, but I’m still sure I can do better than Lilia.

“Well, I hope so.”

Suitably, Sakura said that she was happy to leave it to me.

Most of all, you will soon find out that what you are saying is not a mistake.

For a week, Lilia was pulling again. However, this time, it does not mean that I will be pulling all the way into my room, but I always go to the dining room at mealtime. Every meal worried me from my parents, or my brother gave me a contempt gaze, but ignored all of them and Lilia even went on to study.

Meals. Bedtime. And studying. Almost everything in the day is used for one of these. The only exception is an early morning routine.

“Still no buds?

“Because I just planted it”

Behind the mansion, two flower beds, Lilia and Alisa. Lilia stares at the flower beds she has just watered, without ever getting tired of. Alisa was always laughing at how strange that was.

“Dear Lilia, You don’t grow up early staring all the time.”

One day, Alisa was starting to call me by name about Lilia. I don’t feel particularly bad, so I leave it there.

“I know. Never mind.”


Alisa smiles like she smiled, but the actual Lilia’s thoughts are slightly different.

I just want to take this breath a little longer. At least until Sakura tells me…

– Lilia. It’s time to study. We still have a long way to go.

Suggestions, Sakura urges me to study. Lilia sighed small, lifting her heavy hips.

“Dear Lilia, Are you still studying today?

“Yeah, ’cause there’s still a lot to be taught”


Alisa frowned in surprise and Lilia hurried to cough. This way, he shook his head and headed to his room to escape.

“Bring me something to pinch easily later”

When she told Alisa before entering the mansion, Alisa thanked her.

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