Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 8


“Apparently, it was our mistake.”

Kelvin sat back down sighing. Cross stares at the documents with a difficult look on his face.

“What’s up, you still got something?

Kelvin listened, and Cross offered the paperwork.

“Father. Can you calculate these instantly?

Kelvin, who received the paperwork, just glanced at it and shook his head.

“I can’t. It takes a little while, and it’s hard to calculate.”

“What do you think of Lilia”


Kelvin drops his gaze on the paperwork again. I’ve been trying to calculate it, but I still can’t do it by calculating it to the end.

“I heard in a report from Alisa that she was caged in a room for study… Is that what you get so far?

Besides, I’m self-taught. Alisa’s story seems to be writing something on a ton of paper and beating it up, but no one but Alisa has ever entered Lilia’s room.

“That’s our daughter. Isn’t that a good thing?”

Asha laughs with pleasure. Sure, if you were heading in the wrong direction, you have to get it right, but if it’s a good change, you should welcome it.

“I just feel like I’m stuffing too many roots.”

Asha’s anxiety is what Kelvin thinks too. For whatever reason, I’ve been stuck in my room for two weeks. Improvements had been made in growing flowers and coming out to dinner in the second half, but still the anxiety remains.

“Cross. Is there anyone who can move it?

“Yeah, sure. Arranged.”

To Kelvin’s inquiry, Cross grinned uncomfortably. Right, and Kelvin grins, too. It’s pretty creepy for both of us to have a sneak laugh. I don’t think we were arguing until earlier.

“You’re a lovely little girl. I got it, Cross.”

“You’re a pretty little sister. Leave it to me, Father.”

Whatever you say, these two care about Lilia.

Asha asked a maid to refrain on the side to replace her tea, thinking she was two clumsy people.

Lilia asked Alisa to load her room’s luggage in the carriage and herself was walking in the garden with Theo. I don’t remember having a very decent conversation with this brother. Because Lilia herself kept her brother away.

Anyway, this brother can do anything. Exactly genius. The reason for keeping such a brother away is ultimately simple, jealous. Still, for some reason, this brother always smiles and talks about what’s fun when he finds Lilia. It’s not annoying.

Even today Theo was walking next to Lilia with a very happy smile.

“Sister. Which is your sister’s flowerbed? I’d like to see it.”

“What do you do when you see something like that? Well, fine.”

Wondering, Lilia leads Theo to the back of the mansion.

Of the many flower beds lined up, only small buds appear. That’s Lilia and Alisa’s flower bed. I was just wondering if he was going to make a fool of himself, but Theo threw up an unexpected word.

“What do you do while your sister is at school?

“Come on…… I haven’t thought about it yet though. Alisa’s coming with me.”

“Then I’ll take care of you!

To Theo’s offer, Lilia turned her eyes round. I wonder why. Surely Theo would soon remember horticulture and such, and I guess I can leave it to him. But I don’t know purely what the purpose is.

“Even if it doesn’t belong to me, I think Theo could tell your father to have it ready.”

“I like your sister’s flowerbed!

I don’t know what extra means. I don’t get it too much, my eyes that see Theo turn into those that see rare beasts. With such Lilia’s eyes, Theo dropped his gaze. And he asks the boss.


That crying look would be cowardly. Though I think in my heart, I don’t think in my mouth.

– I’ll take care of it anyway.

– That’s good… Do you understand Theo’s purpose?

– I know why. Don’t Lilia get it?

I wonder why. Even though I’ve never seen Sakura, the look on the face of a girl who made a fool of herself comes to my attention. Though I was just a little angry, I also feel like losing hearing the answer like this, so I didn’t have any more conversations.

“Okay. Let Theo handle it.”

“… Huh! Yes! Thank you!

I guess a smile like a flower says this. Very attractive smile from the inside out. How many women are you captivating with this smile? It doesn’t matter.

– Lilia. Teach Theo how to do horticulture.

– Even if I don’t teach, someone in the maid will teach.

– Fine.

Does saying that much mean that this is also an action for people to like?

“Theo. Then I’ll show you how to do it, so listen to me properly”

“Yes! Please!

Theo corrects his posture. Lilia nodded, “Keep going.

“It’s a way to plant seeds first, but dig in the soil, add seeds and bury them again. That’s all.”

– Something amazing. I think it’s too appropriate!

Sakura screams to mourn;

“Dear Lilia…”

It was at the same time that Alisa sadly lowered her brow and said when she was there, a little further away.

………… Just kidding. ”

From Theo’s bewildered eyes and Alisa’s sad gaze, Lilia turned away to escape.

Lilia then taught Theo how to do horticulture with Alisa. I taught, but there are only a few things Lilia can tell. It’s almost like I was helping Alisa. Still, Theo was obsessed with getting Lilia to tell him somehow, and Alisa was thorough in supplementing Lilia’s explanation.

I still don’t know what the situation was.

Lilia recalls that time again and again as she is rocked by a carriage bound for school. I tried to ask Sakura for an answer that I was already doing well, but she refused without saying anything.

– Lilia should make an effort to think about people’s feelings. Why don’t you think about it until you get to school?

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