Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 69: A Little Calm

Chapter 69

Yuan Qingling was still at the old matriarch's place when Imperial Uncle Su came to visit.

Imperial Uncle Su was the younger brother of the Empress Dowager. Although the Su family hadn't produced many talented people in recent years, even a rotten boat has three catties of nails. After all, an Empress Dowager and a Consort Xian were like moving clouds and flowing water.

Imperial Uncle Su went straight to the point when he arrived at the marquis's manor, speaking of King Chu taking a concubine. Throughout his words, he kept mentioning the Empress Dowager, ensuring Marquis Jing that when King Chu takes a concubine, both his queen and Marquis Jing's manor would be sincerely happy.

When Marquis Jing heard that King Chu was taking Chu Mingyang from the Chu family as a concubine, his heart had already sunk. If he had known this earlier, how could he have planned the incident at the princess's manor?

Now that he had not curried favor with King Chu and offended the Chu family instead, he had truly lost both his daughter and his troops.

Facing Imperial Uncle Su's threats, he could only sincerely say, "Don't worry, Uncle. This little marquis dares to guarantee the queen will also be delighted. After all, when the second young lady of the Chu family enters the door, she and the queen will address each other as sisters. Serving His Highness together in the future, they can be considered one family."

Imperial Uncle Su lightly said, "The marquis is a sensible man. With your words, the Empress Dowager and Consort Xian can rest assured. Don't worry, Consort Xian remembers your matters and will not make you suffer for nothing."

Marquis Jing smiled bitterly. How could Consort Xian help with his matters? Even the Empress Dowager had no power to intervene in politics. The Su family was no match for the Chu family. Now, half of the Northern Tang was under the Chu family’s control.

Of course, he did not dare to say this aloud, only able to repeatedly bow and scrape, “Then I thank the Empress Dowager, and thank Consort Xian.”

Imperial Uncle Su left satisfied.

As soon as Yuan Qingling came out from the old matriarch's room, she was stopped by two guards who directly "escorted" her to the study. Lv Ya was first led away by the servants to eat snacks and not allowed to follow Yuan Qingling.

This time, Marquis Jing was furious. "I ask you, answer me truthfully. Were you driven out of the palace for opposing King Chu taking a concubine? Did you offend Consort Xian?"

Yuan Qingling was brought in and her heart was already upset. Hearing his fierce questioning made her sink her face. "Whether it is or not, what does it matter?"

"What does it matter?" Seeing that she showed no sign of repentance and even dared to argue with him, Marquis Jing instantly erupted with anger and raised his hand to slap her.

The moment he raised his hand, Yuan Qingling coldly said, "I still have to see King Chu later. If father hits me, he hits."

His raised hand awkwardly dropped, but could not conceal his anger. "How did I have such a muddled daughter as you? When King Chu is taking a Chu family girl as concubine, you should have readily agreed and even provided assistance. Only then could the Chu family's resentment be appeased. Even if you have to relinquish the position of queen, you must also let go."

Yuan Qingling coldly said, "As for King Chu taking a concubine, it is my utmost wish. Let alone giving up the position of queen, even if I am divorced, I have no objection. Father, pass these words to the Chu family. I, Yuan Qingling, keep my word."

Having said this, she took a step back and curtsied, completing the etiquette of a daughter. "I will take my leave first. His Highness has been unwell recently, so I should return to attend to him."

Marquis Jing was still in shock when Yuan Qingling had already opened the door and left.

He could hardly believe those were Yuan Qingling's words. She had once begged for death just to marry King Chu.

How could she change her mind now?

No matter what, Marquis Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back now, forcing the marriage then was truly dangerous.

The retired emperor at the time greatly valued King Chu, and with King Chu's military achievements, the chance of him being named crown prince was high. That was why Marquis Jing did not hesitate to offend the Chu family to push for the marriage.

Little did he expect King Chu to be demoted by the emperor for this matter, and the retired emperor's illness to worsen, making it almost impossible for King Chu to be named crown prince.

If Yuan Qingling was willing to leave on her own initiative, perhaps the Chu family's resentment could be appeased. More contact and flattery in the future, if not to gain their support, at least not to be seen as a thorn in their side. He would just pray to Buddha then.

As for Yuan Qingling leaving and coming back, he could find a minor household for her to marry into. It could be seen as the machinations of fate.

Thinking this, Marquis Jing's mood lightened considerably.

However, he still had to take the initiative in this matter, preserving both sides’ face without offending King Chu. With what excuse could he request an annulment without losing face for King Chu or his own manor?

To not damage King Chu’s face or his own manor’s face, he could only sacrifice Yuan Qingling.

A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. "Come, summon the Second Madam."

Within three days of Yuan Qingling returning to the manor, rumors had spread all over the capital saying that Yuan Qingling returned to the marquis’s manor to ask the Second Madam to find a skilled physician, but was diagnosed with a congenital condition that made her unable to conceive.

It was said on the streets that this news was very real, spoken by someone from the Second Madam’s side.

When Yuan Qingling heard the rumors three days later, she could only give a faint smile. Her clear mind had long seen through Marquis Jing’s intentions.

She was now a piece to be discarded by the marquis manor. Unable to help the manor, yet as a consort in the king’s manor, she was an eyesore to the Chu family. To curry favor from the Chu family, Marquis Jing naturally had to abandon her.

Find an excuse to voluntarily annul herself, which could be considered sending the Chu family a great gift.

The Chu family had not finalized the marriage, probably because they did not want Second Miss Chu Mingyang to enter as a concubine. If she entered as queen, that would be a different story.

Flattering and currying favor, Marquis Jing was skilled at it.

If such calculations were used for the country and people instead, how could his achievements stop at today?

“My queen, why aren’t you angry? People outside are making things up.” Lv Ya said indignantly. Although she did not like the queen before, the queen had changed a lot now and was not the same as before. Lv Ya sincerely saw the queen as her mistress now and would not tolerate others slandering her.

Yuan Qingling smiled. “You know they are making things up. Why be angry? Their mouths are on their bodies, let them say as they wish.”

Lv Ya sighed. “Such slander hurts your reputation!”

Yuan Qingling knew that for women, the greatest insult was only losing their chastity and being unable to bear children.

Marquis Jing’s move this time was vicious.

Although Yuan Qingling did not see Marquis Jing as her father, she was still saddened. If the original host was still alive, how heartbroken would she be?

That was her own daughter!

For the sake of his future career, even his closest kin were denied. Granny Hui, who was listening to their conversation, glanced at Yuan Qingling with deep, thoughtful eyes but did not say anything.

Yuwen Hao had been recuperating from his injuries for several days and was much improved. Emperor Ming Yuan directly ordered an imperial physician to attend to him at his manor, so Yuan Qingling did not need to do anything. They had not seen each other during the days she was out of the palace.

Life was rather peaceful.

However, this peaceful life soon ended.

On the fifth day after leaving the palace, Emperor Ming Yuan summoned Yuan Qingling to return to the palace immediately for an audience.

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