Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 99: Learning more

Alex got up and dragged himself to the bedroom. He instantly fell asleep as soon as his body fell on the bed. 

After having proper sleep, Alex woke up. He looked around his system to notice that the training hadn't begun. Alex slowly got up from the bed and checked the time, "12 am… This is seriously going to ruin my sleep schedule…" Alex sighed. He wanted to go back to bed but he didn't feel tired at all. Alex walked to the living room and turned on the T.V. He switched to different channels, sometimes movie channels, sometimes, shows and even sometimes documentaries but Alex didn't watch any. He just seemed to be browsing them.

"I should have done this yesterday or the day before but since everything was so packed and I was just tired, I didn't really get the proper chance. But I am surprised that these channels are up even after what happened yesterday… I would have expected them to stop the broadcasting but it seems like only a few channels were taken down. I guess it makes sense that a country can't just stop everything from being broadcasted for more than a day, there would be some outrage from the people." Alex said as he browsed more channels.

Alex noticed a pattern as he browsed the channels, Most of the news sources and reality tv channels were down. "It seems like things taken live and uploaded live are the only ones that are down… Makes sense as it can prevent that from happening again…" Alex said to himself. 

Alex browsed even more before noticing a channel that was showing a documentary about the history of Hoji, The country he was currently in. He watched the documentary completely. The documentary talked about the various things that the country had gone through and even had brushed up about the history of the world but only a tiny bit. 

It was a 2-hour documentary filled with a lot of information for Alex. "The country had many prominent figures that the country takes pride in. It's a pretty small country and looks similar to where I came from but it's a lot more powerful in terms of the military. The 5th most powerful country on this earth it seems." 

The documentary also talked about the cultures and the people of the country. It went over how much the country had gone through and the things that helped develop it. 

The documentary then went over a topic that went over something that Alex was the most curious and interested about, The awakened. It was similar to what Hana and midnight had told him before but this, time there were lots of footages. Alex saw the video of reapers destroying buildings, killing people, and just wreaking havoc. After some time, they just seemed to return back into the gates like they didn't care.

It then went over the beginning of the current period of the world, The rise of the awakened. It was only 25 years ago but the Country started to have experiences of people with powers. There were only 2 in Hoji who has their powers awakened from the first ever Gate. One of them Was Master Zhun. And the other one is someone who didn't want to be known so their privacy was kept a secret. There were a lot of awakened from the first gate but most of them appeared in different countries.

"It seems like the first ever gate to have appeared in this world was actually an S rank gate. It's said that some theorize that it could have been even higher as the sheer number of people being awakened was so high… that and it seems like most of them are S rank so it makes sense… This documentary also touches a subject for there being a Rank higher than S but they don't talk about it… I wonder who they are…" Alex said in a curious voice. He wanted to know people who were more powerful than Hana. 

"Until Now, I've only seen a tiny bit of Hana's powers but my guts tell me that other than Master Zhun who seems like another monster, no one else could get close to her powers… Maybe not even Gold… So The entire fact that there are a few people who have reached higher peaks than Hana just baffles me." Alex looked up at the ceiling. He felt like a frog in a well at that moment. He thought Hana was the peak but realized that he was sorely wrong.

After the documentary ended, Alex switched channels again. He gained new information about this world and his previously gained information was even more expanded upon. "The city that I was in the simulation was actually an important historical monument… Which is now in ashes… It's the same city where the first huge gate appeared and destroyed everything. Well, If I remember, Imani took me back to the past, a few hundred years ago when the city looked a lot simpler. But seeing that beautiful looking city turn into nothing but rubble is a bit painful…" Alex sympathized with the people of the past. 

He watched movies and shows. After four of doing nothing but sitting in front of the TV and watching different things Alex got up and went to the kitchen. "I have an hour left before the training begins so I can just have some light breakfast then go downstairs and do the training… I feel confident today but I don't think that I will be able to complete it today…" Alex turned his attention to the System. 

A sudden shock filled Alex, "When did this happen now?"

[Alex- Lesser-Known Vigilante]

[Level- 12]

[health- 70]

[Mana- 63]

[1 Skill Points remaining]

[Player Stats:]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 5]

[Intelligence: 4]

[Dexterity: 3]

[Courage: 3]

Alex's level had gone up by one. He thought back to what might have increased his levels and pointed it to one cause, "It must have been the training… The system did go into a 'Training Mode' Which might have given me some experience points as I learned new things… I guess that also motivates me to train more as it levels me up!" Alex felt a surge of energy. He walked into the kitchen and looked around. After deciding on breakfast, Alex quickly ate and got ready. 

"I better not wear anything new before this training, I'll be covered in sweat so the Last thing I want is to get a new pair of clothes all sweaty," Alex said to himself. 

"There are still thirty minutes remaining so I guess I'll change my stats a bit and then go downstairs. I'm sure that Rachel is already there for work so I can talk to her for around 15 or so minutes." Alex spoke as he brought up his system. 

He thought for a bit before using the skill point.

[Alex- Lesser-Known Vigilante]

[Level- 12]

[health- 75]

[Mana- 63]

[1 Skill Points remaining]

[Player Stats:]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 6]

[Intelligence: 4]

[Dexterity: 3]

[Courage: 3]

"Wait a minute… The thing beside my name is also changed to Lesser-known Vigilant, which I guess is good?" Alex looked a bit shocked by this. He shook his head and looked at his health, "Nevermind that, At least My health has increased and hopefully I have gotten a tiny bit faster to maybe brush off a few seconds from the training timer." Alex Said as he entered the elevator. 

Alex went over to the reception to see Rachel working there. Rachel looked at Alex in surprise and exclaimed, "Why are you up so early in the morning?" She was surprised. He did see Alex up at 5 but never before 5. 

Alex shook his head and spoke, "you already know what I do this early in the morning. It's just that my sleep was royally ruined by the training itself." Alex said as he sat down. Rachel smiled and nodded. She then asked, "How was your training?" Alex looked at Rachel with dread in his eyes and slowly explained everything that happened the day before. Rachel listened attentively and even laughed as she listened along. 

"It seems like the training was going amazing before the simulation but after that, it just went downhill for you. It must have hurt though, being attacked by that many reapers… Even if it was a simulation, be sure to take care of yourself the next time you do it, Okay?" She said in a concerned voice. Alex nodded and promised to be more careful. 

He then went over to begin his training just as the timer began. Alex quickly did everything he could but he was slow this time as well. After finishing up everything Alex went into the Hotel and took a deep breath. 'I expected this so I guess no harm. I still need a lot more training before I can enter the challenge for Hades.' Alex said as he went back to his room.

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