Hokage no Uchiha family’s son of calamity

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Bo Xun had not learned the art of sealing, so he could only violently dismantle it.

“Thirty-three Broken Dao, Sky Fire Pendant!”

Bo Xun’s palm was aimed at the enchantment, followed by a white-looking flame rising into the sky, and a huge explosion exploded a column of water on the surface of the lake, startling the star who was drawing circles.

“Abominable Boshun, actually scare me!”

“I’m going to curse you again! Draw a circle and curse you!

Huixing complained as he continued to plunge into the curse.

At this time, Bo Xun saw underwater that the enchantment was cracking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sound of “clicking and scraping” continued, and after a while, the crack covered all the enchantment.

Bo Shun touched it lightly with his hand, and the next moment, the enchantment shattered like a mirror.

Bo Xun grinned, “I finally got it, but I don’t know who it is.”

“But let’s put it away first, and talk about it when we get back to the village.”

Saying that, Bo Xun waved his big hand and put the crystal coffin into the system space. (Why use a crystal coffin?) Because the crystal coffin is embalmed, don’t lift the bar, I decided so. After

putting away the crystal coffin, Bo Shun soon returned to the shore, and began to undress without anyone around.

This caused Huixing, who had just come over to curse Bo Xun in person, to instantly slam his face.

“Boshun, can you pay attention to a little? Is there anyone next to you?

“Hey? Aren’t you a rabbit? Bo Shun said pretending to be innocent.

He just wanted to tease Huixing, so he took off his clothes in person, of course, it was impossible to really take it off, then he was seen and suffered a lot.

But who knows, Huixing actually stared at Bo Xun regardless of it, although his face was as red as a monkey’s butt, but he just looked!

“Then you take it off, then I’ll be a rabbit!”

This time it’s Boshun’s turn to be embarrassed, no matter how perverted I am, I can’t undress in front of a loli in the wild!

“You take it off, why don’t you take it off?”

Huixing saw that Bo Xun’s movements froze, and he knew that Bo Xun had just deliberately wanted to see his own joke, but in fact, he didn’t dare to take it off, so Hui Xing’s little devil’s attribute was activated.

She slowly walked to Boshun’s side, looked Boshen back and forth, and then her soft little hand ran across Boshun’s cheek.


Huixing’s appearance is already beautiful, but now it is still a loli body, the voice is pure and lustful, where did Bo Xun suffer such a stimulus, and involuntarily swallowed his saliva.

Now he desperately wants to grow up!

“Do you want me to help you, Lord Silver~”

The heat with the fragrant wind swallowed in Bo Xun’s ears, especially the last two words, Bo Xun gasped, his eyes were red, the idea was not because the writing wheel eyes were red, but the qi and blood were surging and congested!

“Oh mom, I can’t stand it!”

“I’m wrong, I’m wrong, little aunt, am I wrong?”

Bo Xun can’t stand it, and he will marry his wife again!


“But you’ll have to pay me ten days of carrots, and roasting… Roast…” Seeing

Bo Xun admit his mistake, Huixing grinned, a little unexpectedly coaxed by Bo Xun.

Bo Xun saw that she was hungry and embarrassed to say roasted rabbit, and wanted to ridicule, “Oh~ so you want to eat roast rabbit!”

“Hmph, that’s it?”

Discovered careful thoughts, Huixing clasped his hands to his chest, with an attitude of what you do with me.

“Eh…” Bo

Xun saw Huixing like this, he didn’t know what to say, this rabbit was thick-skinned and invincible.

“Okay, I promise you.”


Huixing also laughed when he heard this, but he looked a little silly.

In this way, the two returned to the village of the Blood Pool clan in a row, and at this time everyone packed up their things and stood at the entrance of the village waiting for Bo Xun.

Bo Xun took a general look, plus the child’s words, the population of the Blood Pool clan is only about one hundred and ten people, it can be said that it is not far from the extinction of the clan.



“Brother, are you finally back?” Moro and Honda Kotaro greet the returning Boshen at the entrance of the village.

“It’s only been a few days, and it hasn’t even been five days, right?” Boshen replied with a smile.

“I don’t care, brother, you can’t eat well if I don’t eat.” Moro’s coquettish tone made Boshen amuse.

Squeak –

Huixing watched this scene from the sidelines, and for no reason became hostile to Moro, and his teeth crunched.

She herself didn’t understand why.

“How adult, still coquettish?” Bo Shun patted Moro’s head fondly, and then said to Honda

Gangtaro: “Gangtaro, these people will be arranged by you.”

“Okay, don’t worry, my lord.”

This thigh is not hugged in vain, there are benefits really brought back! When they left, they became more than a hundred people when they returned, which made Honda Gangtaro happy.

The stronger Kusanagi Village, the happier he is, and secretly said: It feels good to hold your thighs!

“Sir, are these people ninjas or ordinary villagers?” Kotaro Honda asked respectfully.

“The people of the Blood Pool clan, the family of the Special Pupil Technique Blood Succession Boundary, you arrange their residence!”

Hearing the special pupil technique blood succession limit, Honda Gangtaro almost fainted without excitement, this is the first bloodstain family in Kusanagi Village, and it is especially pupil technique. Of course, the Boshen brothers do not count.

“Okay, okay, the little one will do it, please follow me.”

Honda Gangtaro happily led the people of the Blood Pool clan to arrange accommodation.

Boshen returned to his quarters, “White Fang.”

Bo Shun called softly, and then the figure of White Fang appeared out of thin air.

“My king, please.”

“Go and catch a living person for me, don’t look for it in the village.”


Ten minutes after Boshun’s command, White Fang reappeared in the room, still carrying an unconscious man in his hand.

Next, Bo Xun took out the crystal coffin in the system space, opened it, took some more skin tissue, and then began to cast the spell.

“The Art of Dirt Rebirth!”


The unconscious man woke up alive and painfully, but in a moment, the man’s appearance changed completely, becoming exactly the same as the corpse that Bo Xun brought back.

Then he opened his eyes, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, “Am I not dead?”

“What’s your name?”

Hearing Boshun’s words, he saw that there were still people around.

“How are there still children?”

“My name is Uchiha Shun, what’s your name?”

“Children of the Uchiha clan? My name is Senna Uchiha, do you know how my eldest brother is?

“By the way, his name is Uchiha Madara!”

Bo Xun was embarrassed, and secretly said: Sure enough, he is worthy of being a brother control, and he just woke up and asked his eldest brother!

However, it is also very good to be able to get the soul of Uchiha Senna, but I don’t know if I can become Vastod…

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