Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 564 Chosen Candidates

Chapter 564  Chosen Candidates

"What a show off~" Kletus mumbled with a broad smile on his lips, a little proud that so many Vardos superiors were out here doing a full 90 degree been to Old Gia's group. Bahahahahaha~

It felt good to hold one's head high. You best believe he was going to use this as an excuse to tease these Vardos people and anyone else across the world. Kletus who was in a good mood, laughing till his belly hurt, suddenly choked and coughed maniacally when his eyes fell on one of the gallant figures that emerged from the aircrafts. "Impossible!!!" Kletus felt he had seen a ghost. "Dad, what's wrong with you?" Khalea on the other hand, became worried for her father while searching the gallant group in hopes of spotting her uncle Gia. Eh? Where was he? She did see someone who resembled him, but because the person looked so young, she completely brushed it off… not to talk of good-looking, with the perfect physique. That person could definitely be a model! It's true that her uncle Gia was a dashingly handsome man for his age, but he was far older and less good-looking than the figure she spotted. 'Where is Uncle Gia?' (?~?)



Kletus coughed so hard his lungs were about to fly out through his heart. What sort of advanced plastic surgery was this? No, no! Even plastic surgery couldn't get someone looking this young with plump skin. It wasn't just Kletus coughing, but several people who recognized Old Gia. Understand that they had worked and trained with Old Gia, knowing how he looked in his youth. So seeing him look as he did when he was 35 was enough to make their legs limp. F**k that! He even looked way better than he did, but his back was so straight and talk and his face and even hair darker than what it was in the past. Has he succeeded in doing gene mutation without them knowing?


More importantly, why are his children all looking like teenagers? Why did they suddenly look like they were in their late teens? Incredible! Incredible! People felt the version of the world they were used to, had suddenly gotten an upgrade overnight without them knowing. Several others, who sort-of-recognized Old Gia, quickly wiped away such insane thoughts. How could it be him? How could someone in his late 50s suddenly turn to a 35-year-old person? No way, it must be his illegitimate child. .

Again, some also recognized the other figures beside Old Gia… and Kletus was one of them two. Hold on, hold on, isn't that Old Ghu and his devilish wife, Old Madam Ghu? You have to know that growing up, Old Madam Ghu was also a terrifying existence who could beat them all up in a second. She was a real gangster lady and he, Kletus, had been beaten blue, black and orange by this terrible lady. But hold on, why was she suddenly so young and tempting? (0_0)

Old Ghu, Old Hou… all of them were looking extremely young.

While Kletus and many others were dumbfounded by the group that appeared, several people still wore disappointed looks when seeing the very young and good-looking stepping out. What is this? A beauty contest? Men who take care of their skin this much that it looks softer than a baby's buttocks, must be weaklings!

So was this it? Were these the people these Vardos superiors greatly respected? Several people were answering in disdain, not knowing that in a few more minutes, they would be the ones on their knees, begging to kiss these people's feet. For now, they thought the show was finally over.

However, everyone once again raised their eyebrows when seeing Old Gia's group suddenly bow so respectfully to the Final figure leaving the massive aircraft. "Grandmaster!!!" Such words echoed from their lips, which caused these Vardos superiors to even quiver and bend so low they swore these people almost kissed their own knees. "_"

… The atmosphere was subtle. Dorian swept his eyes across the masses, with his hands lazily in his pockets and a lollipop in his mouth. Sweet. Strawberry lollipops were his favorite.

Dorian had a look that said nothing here concerned him, however, he was indeed the star of the show, at least in everyone's mind. His presence was one that no one could overlook. But after taking several steps forward , everyone watched him suddenly pause. The Vardos superiors were still standing behind the Grandmaster, with Wiggins, Berry, Harry, Dalahali, and Julius standing at the forefront. Din, din, din, din, din~

What's going on? They then watched several Vardos Soldiers step forward from within the crowd, pair up with the academy disciples before turning to face them all. A soldier then ran up to Wiggins, gracefully and respectfully giving the microphone to him. Wiggins' eyes were also helpless, wondering how he was truly going to start this revelation. 'Hopefully, no one stones me to death.'

If he says there are monsters amidst them, several people will definitely shoot bazookas at him for [wasting] their time. However, despite the helplessness deep in his heart, Wiggins' face remained stoic and devoid of emotion. .

"Quiet!!" So his thunderous voice echoed across the space. "Now, before we begin, here are the ground rules… Firstly, for the Grandmaster here, our esteemed guest, you will all behave and listen attentively to what we are about to say." "Number 2!" Wiggins raised 2 fingers up, and continued. "No one can leave this premise, whatsoever, at least not until we are done." Old Gia gave Wiggins a side eye, because in truth, from the money he and the disciples landed, they had already activated the formation around the premises. What do you think they've been doing during these past 5 days? Admiring the green pastures? Old Gia opened his 3rd eye, staring at the grand formation they worked so hard to do.

Wiggins continued– "Everyone, we will now walk around and do preselection for those qualified to enter the first round of the competition." What? They were doing blind selection so soon? Several people were already ready to argue their lungs out at the unfairness of the whole thing. But before they could say a single word, Wiggins' warning followed. "Be advised that anyone who dares to argue will get disqualified!!.. As soldiers and people in the armed forces, your task is to be as obedient as a Dog!!!"

Wiggins paused, sweeping an even colder look across the crowd. Silence was the response he got back from them.


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